Document 12009942

The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Agenda – January 7, 2004
Items for Discussion:
 Final building plans
 Update on internal moves/vacancies
 Solicitation of names for 2004-2005 planet ocean speakers
 Update on instrumentation
 Reminder---pilot projects---research and equipment
 CMS retreat---May 7, 2004
 Other items
Center for Marine Science
Office of the Director
5600 MARVIN K. MOSS LANE, WILMINGTON, NC 28409 (910) 962-2300/962-2405
The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – January 7, 2004 – Page 1
Members Present:
Dan Baden (CMS/Director)
Nancy Grindlay (CMS/Resident)
Jack Hall (Environmental Studies/Chair)
Robert Kieber (CMS/Non-Resident)
Thomas Lankford (CMS/Resident)
Richard Laws (Earth Sciences/Chair)
Jim Merritt (CMS/Associate Director)
Curt Moyer (Physics/Chair)
Ron Sizemore (CMS/Associate Director)
Members not Present:
Steve Kinsey (CMS/Non-Resident)
Scott Quackenbush (Biology/Chair)
Charles Ward (Chemistry/Chair)
Joan Willey (CMS/Associate Director)
Ex-Officio Members Present:
Dennis Ihnat (Recorder)
Hilda Maness (Development)
Ex-Officio Members Not Present:
Discussion Item: Ops Building Update
 Boney has delivered Detail Design Submittal
Cursory Review indicates desired changes have been incorporated
Concerns voiced about initial soil analysis
 ACTION: Dennis Ihnat will schedule meeting of CMS Design Review Team and
Greg Walker to review Detail Design
The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – January 7, 2004 – Page 2
Discussion Item: Ops Building Update
 Boney has delivered Detail Design Submittal
Cursory Review indicates desired changes have been incorporated
Concerns voiced about initial soil analysis
 ACTION: Dennis Ihnat will schedule meeting of CMS Design Review Team and Greg
Walker to review Detail Design
Discussion Item: Internal Moves/Vacancies
 NERR group may be relocated to Beaufort
Current Building (NERR Annex) will be moved to make room for new Ops Building
If NERR personnel relocate, the NERR Annex would be available for other users
(possibly CORMP, for example)
 Residential structure on CMS South Annex (formerly the Ross house)
Short term – Office for Ross Program
Intermediate – Storage
Long term – Investigate other uses
 Marine Culture Room (Aquaria Room @ CMS)
Plan to expand into current storage room and shipping/receiving area when those
spaces are relocated to new Ops Building complex
Discussion Item: Planet Ocean Seminars
 Goal: 4 programs/year (quarterly), each emphasizing one of the four marine science
 Will ask Marine Science Faculty to attend these seminars to mingle with guests (10 per
 Looking for nominations for guest speakers (for both the Planet Ocean Seminars and the
CMS Seminars
The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – January 7, 2004 – Page 3
 Ron Sizemore pointed out difference between these seminar series:
Planet Ocean target audience is general public/fund raising potential
CMS Seminars target audience is faculty
Discussion Item: Update on Instrumentation (See Handout provided at January IAC Meeting.
Copy available from Dennis Ihnat on request.)
 NC Biotech has agreed to fund move of High Resolution Mass Spec to UNCW ($48K)
 Stable Isotope Mass Spec is in Bob Wicklund’s Federal Budget wish list.
Discussion Item: Pilot Projects (See Handout provided at January IAC Meeting. Copy
available from Dennis Ihnat on request.)
 Jim Merrit provided overview of this year’s program
 Need to update Marine Science Faculty list
Discussion Item: CMS Retreat
 Plan to hold on May 7, 2004
 Will conduct review and update of CMS Strategic
Discussion Item: Other Items
 Open Ad (for CMS Post-doc positions) is on CMS Web Page. 4 position numbers have been
created. Goal is to expedite hiring process.
 R/V SEAHAWK disposition – Pends decision from Provost and Business Affairs
 Environmental minutes
56 “in the can”
Need ideas for additional spots
Focus on “environmental” topics
 Ocean Bowl (Sizemore)
UNCW hosting Blue Heron Bowl, the NC state-wide qualifying competition on
February 28, 2004
The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – January 7, 2004 – Page 4
25 teams registered
10 rooms and written question room
5 people each room
Volunteers needed
Food/Seahawks/Campus Tours/Elimination Contests
Next year: UNCW possibly coach local teams
Next IAC Meeting: Wednesday, February 4, 2004