CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting October 21, 2009 Agenda

CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
October 21, 2009
Southampton update and discussion of opportunities available (Sizemore)
Policy and Procedure update---Policies Now database program (Child)
Status of the graduate program (Willey)
Budget discussion (Sizemore, Beach)
Progress report on facilities (Reinmann)
Future space allocation planning process (Sizemore)
Discussion of IAC role in communicating with the faculty (Sizemore)
November IAC meeting will include major program reviews and summaries: NURC,
CORMP, etc. (Sizemore)
Meeting Minutes
Members Present:
Dr. Chris Finelli (Bio/Non-Resident 2009-2011)
Dr. Wilson Freshwater (Non-tenure Research Faculty 2009-2011)
Dr. Jack Hall (EVS/Chair)
Dr. Russell Herman (PHY/Chair)
Dr. Lynn Leonard (GLY/Chair)
Dr. Dylan McNamara (PHY/Resident Faculty 2009-2010)
Dr. Joe Pawlik (BIO/Resident Faculty 2009-2011)
Dr. Martin Posey (BIO/Chair)
Dr. James Reeves (CHM/Chair)
Dr. Ronald Sizemore (CMS/Associate Director)
Dr. John Taggart (EVS/Non-Resident, 2008-2010)
Dr. Joan Willey (CMS/Associate Director)
Ex-Officio Members Present:
Steve McFarland (Vice Provost for Academic Affairs) for Cathy Barlow (Provost)
Guest Presenters: Anne Beach, Paul Reinmann, and Kelly Child
Members Absent: Dr. Dan Baden (CMS/Director)
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
October 21, 2009
Southampton Exchange Program Update
Dr. Sizemore briefed on the Southampton program. Three UNCW students are signed up to go to
Southampton Spring 2010. Stipends in the amount of $5,000 are available to each student.
The November Planet Ocean speaker will be a professor from Southampton University, Dr. Jonathan
Copley, a researcher of deep-sea environments. Faculty were encouraged to meet with him, while
he was here in Wilmington. It was noted that Nancy Grindlay will be participating in a faculty
exchange with Southampton.
Policy and Procedure update
Kelly Child reported on the status of the Policies and Procedures document. This document is
available on the CMS website, however a working document was not obtainable at this time. The
document will be re-worked, or retrieved and made available for IAC member to review, for the
next meeting in November. The need for a review of this document was noted, particularly if the
last time it was modified was in 2002. Additionally, further discussion of the function and
responsibilities of the IAC and as well as review of faculty that are part of CMS, was also requested.
Status of the graduate program
Dr. Willey reported on the status of the marine science grad program. Currently a total of 36
students are enrolled; with 11 new students in 2009 and 8 or 9 will graduate in December. The
majority of the grad students are supported as TAs or RAs. Six are not getting support because
they’re fully employed. There are two Merritt Scholars, Andrea Salas and Nathan Cline. Dr. Willey
spoke briefly about how the program is marketed, and the webpage utilized as the primary recruiting
tool. With some informal research it was found that when searching on-line for marine science
graduate programs, UNCW was well- placed in the search results.
Budget discussion
Anne Beach gave a budget update. About 20% of general funds have been expended. Efforts are in
place to minimize spending in case of a spending freeze in January. Auxiliary funds are currently at
break even. There is a two months hiring delay in general funds. Biotech post-docs hiring have
been postponed until 2010. Internships with community colleges have been cut, as well as an SPA
coordinator position. Currently we are absorbing expenses such as research equipment, and
equipment repairs from the trust accounts.
In response to questions regarding biotech funds and where they came from, Anne stated that
biotech funds came strictly from the state into General Funds. Biotech funds were a line item from
the state for economic development. Those funds will be used to build the Marbionc building.
Anne stated that she will provide more details on what active grants are biotech related.
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
October 21, 2009
Brief discussion was held on the Mass Spec Lab, and the status on getting it fixed. According to Dr.
Leonard, they now have permission to rehire, and an active search has started to fill the position.
Dr. Leonard will discuss with Dr. Sizemore the possibility of having a Post-docs in this role.
Progress report on facilities
Paul provided a facilities update
Oyster Hatchery: construction progresses with site clearing complete. The project on schedule and
budget, with an expected completion date of May 2010.
Marbionc building: the designer has been selected, and presented to BOT on 10/22. BOT will
approve designer on 10/23.
Aquaculture Expansion (Richard Satterlie grant): this project extends running seawater capabilities
to rooms adjacent to Marine Culture. Seawater expansion, environmental chambers, habitable
space; replaces storage space.
Wrightsville Beach Aquaculture facility: there is a NPDES permit in progress to address storm
water and seawater system common discharge (resulting from new Town of Wrightsville Beach
Public Safety Complex). This will likely require a new filtration system. Additional public safety
impacts include: fire truck egress through middle of Aquaculture property to require fencing and
accessibility changes; oxygen storage tank relocation also likely; utility power pole relocations and
possible electrical service relocations; grade level piping and conduit relocations. Paul stated that we
should not have to pay for these changes driven by TOWB project. However additional costs of
State Fire Marshal discrepancies, may be between 9K and 17K, and will likely be incurred by CMS
(Physical Plant does not cover this property like it does for other university properties).
MOU in progress with TOWB for longer lease arrangements with Aquaculture facility. The
Wrightsville beach facility is slated to be there for 15 years, according to latest agreement.
Future space allocation planning process
Discussion followed regarding space allocation. Dr. Sizemore stated that CMS will be doubling its
space, once the Marbionc building is completed. He encouraged IAC members to start considering
space allocation issues, and recommendations for space allocations to make to Dr. Baden, for space,
including placement of new hires into space at CMS.
Discussion of IAC role in communicating with the faculty
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
October 21, 2009
Dr. Sizemore discussed the importance for greater transparency with faculty. He stated that IAC
meetings should be a means to get information to faculty, and asked that IAC members assist in this
process, by disseminating meeting discussions and updates back to their department faculty.
November IAC meeting will include major program reviews and summaries: NURC,
CORMP, etc.
Dr. Sizemore informed that they would be giving updates on cooperative programs such as NURC
and CORMP at the November meeting.
Other Announcements
Dr. Reeves discussed a potential project of advertising and highlighting marine research projects and
programs, via the Research Administration website, by creating a page linked to their site. The
group discussed the possibility of the IAC spearheading this effort. Dr. Posey suggested
highlighting research programs that are less recognized, as well as the repackaging of older
programs, such as water quality and fisheries.