The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington CENTER FOR MARINE SCIENCE CMS Internal Advisory Committee Agenda – October 1, 2003 Items for Discussion: Planet Ocean Seminar Series (Baden) Bluefish Society (Baden) CMS Faculty Meeting (Sizemore) CMS Seminars (Sizemore) Instrumentation and Space (Baden) Operations Facility Update (Merritt) IAC Membership Procedure Changes (Baden) Set Date for Next IAC Meeting Center for Marine Science Office of the Director ________________________________________________________________________ 5600 MARVIN K. MOSS LANE, WILMINGTON, NC 28409 (910) 962-2300/962-2405 INTERNET; BADEND@UNCWIL.EDU The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington CENTER FOR MARINE SCIENCE CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – October 1, 2003 – Page 1 Members Present: Dan Baden (CMS/Director) Jack Hall (Environmental Studies/Dir.) Richard Laws (CMS/Resident) Jim Merritt (CMS/Associate Director) Curt Moyer (Physics/Chair) Martin Posey (CMS/Resident) Scott Quackenbush (Biology/Chair) Ron Sizemore (CMS/Associate Director) Steve Skrabal (CMS/Non-Resident) Charles Ward (Chemistry/Chair) Joan Willey (CMS/Associate Director) Members not Present: Patricia Kelley (Earth Sciences/Chair) Steve Kinsey (CMS/Non-Resident) Ex-Officio Members Present: Ex-Officio Members Not Present: Dennis Ihnat (Recorder) Hilda Maness (Development) Visitors: Christy Murray (Alternate Recorder) Discussion Item: Planet Ocean Seminar Series (Baden) Dates, speakers and topics for 2003-2004 seminars announced; handout provided Primary purpose of the series: part of mandated CMS outreach mission Target audience for programs: general public Faulty and staff are welcome to attend if sufficient seating is available D R A F T Opportunities to be arranged for faculty to meet with major federal speakers apart from the seminars The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington CENTER FOR MARINE SCIENCE CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – October 1, 2003 – Page 2 Discussion Item: Bluefish Society (Baden) Description of newly established CMS giving organization; handout provided Membership is open to faculty and staff as well as members of the community Bluefish members get preferred seating for Planet Ocean events Discussion Item: CMS Faculty Meeting (Sizemore) Joint Faculty/Staff meeting to encourage exchange of information Date: Wednesday, October 29, 11:00 AM Format: Introduce new hires Director’s Report – Update on 5-Year Plan, Ops Expansion, etc. Question and answer period Buffet lunch to encourage attendance Discussion Item: CMS Seminars (Sizemore) D R A F T Request of science departments: Departmental seminar directors should avoid scheduling Programs that conflict with CMS seminar schedule Discussion Item: Instrumentation and Space (Baden) NIH has donated a JEOL high resolution mass spectrometer to CMS – handout provided CMS absorbs transportation and setup expenses NC Biotech will entertain a proposal seeking funds to break down, move and set up mass spec Instrument will be located in Chemistry Department on main campus; available space must be remodeled to accommodate the unit This will be the only analytical spectroscopy facility in Southeastern NC Possibly Operational April or May 2004 Ongoing expenses: The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington CENTER FOR MARINE SCIENCE CMS Internal Advisory Committee Summary – October 1, 2003 – Page 3 Composite service contract coverage Qualified support personnel – Research faculty position preferred Discussion Item: Operations Facility Update (Merritt) Boney Architects selected – rough schematic design in process Reductions of original footprint necessary to meet budget Special Use Permit acquired Parking – additional gravel lot for boats and service vehicles Budget – approximately 3.1 million Discussion Item: IAC Membership Procedure Changes (Baden) CMS Handbook, Section 990 – handout provided Motion: Dan Baden proposed the following revisions: D R A F T Add Associate Director, Academic Planning Offsite versus onsite members decided at “first Faculty Meeting;” change to “Fall Faculty Meeting Electronic vote prior to the meeting; electronic nominations closed at least 5 days before the vote Environmental Studies no longer a program; change to “Chair of Environmental Studies.” The IAC passed the motion unanimously by voice vote. Next IAC Meeting: Wednesday, November 5, 2003