Post-Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing Prerequisite Equivalents The following table summarizes the course subject, number of credit units and available course options at a variety of institutions in Saskatchewan that can be used as prerequisites for the Post-Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing (PDBSN) option. If you are attending a post-secondary institution outside of Saskatchewan, please visit the University of Saskatchewan Transfer Equivalents website ( for course equivalency information. The College of Nursing does not pre-evaluate courses prior to receiving an application and respective fee. Credit Units (cu) University of Saskatchewan Required Saskatoon Course Subject Name of Institution Saskatchewan Polytechnic Athabasca University of Regina BIO 235 PAS 268 & 269 (prior to 2001) or KHS 267 & 268 (2001-2010) or KHS 168 & 267 (2001-2010) & 269 or KIN 267 & 268 (effective 2010) or BIOL 110 & 111 Anatomy and Physiology* 6 cu HSC 208.6 or PHSI 208.6 or PHPY 302.3 & 303.3 or ACB 221.3**, KIN 225.3 & 226.3 or BIOL 317.3 & 318.3 or BMSC 224.3 & PHPY 302.3 & (ACB 310.3 or ACB 221.3**) or BMSC 224.3 & PHPY 303.3 & (ACB 310.3 or ACB 221.3**) or BMSC 224.3 & PHPY 303.3 & (ACB 310.3 or ACB 221.3**) Humanities 3 cu Classics, Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Chinese, Cree, Philosophy, Greek, Religious Studies, English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Hebrew, Latin Literature, Sanskrit, Ukrainian, History, Women’s and Gender Studies Microbiology* 3 cu Indigenous Studies 3 cu MCIM 224.3 (replaces MICRO 214.3), MCIM 223.3 or BMSC 210.3 or FABS 212 or FAMS 212 INDG 107.3 Nutrition* 3 cu NUTR 120.3 Social Science 6 cu Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography (Human), Linguistics, Indigenous Studies, Political Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Women's and Gender Studies Statistics 3 cu STAT 244.3 or 245.3 or 246.3 or PLSC 214.3 (formerly PLSC 314.3) * Must have been completed within the past 10 years. ** ACB 221.3 is only open to Kinesiology students. APHY 162 & 262 BIOL 325 BIOL 220 – INST 203 or 205 INDG 100 or 101 – NUTR 331 KIN 275 or 475 – MATH 215 or 216 STAT 160 STATS 120 or 260 College of Nursing College of Nursing