UNITED NATIONS @ NATIONS UNIES Er\i,{rl: aLoBALcoMpAcr'@lD!!! TEr,:+ I 212963 1490 5 August2010 DearDr. Ouddus. to exprcssyour organization's coDDitment Thankyou for writjng tle Secretary-General to advancethe GlobalCompact'sprinciplesin the areasof human ghts,labourstaldards,the envircnmentand anti-corruption. We applaudyour leadershipin making this decisionand welcomeyour organization's engagement in the ClobalCompact- the world'slargestcorporate citizenshipinitiative,with tltousands and otherstakeholders from civil of businessparticipants society,labourandgovenxnertbasedin ovet 120countries. At th(j heartof the Global Compactis a convictionthat businesspnctices which are rooledin universalprincipleshelpthe globalmarkelplace to be moresociallyand economicaljy cooperation, peaceaDddevelopment. inclusive,thus advancingcollectivegoalsof intenrational participaliDg Indeed,companiesand other organizations in the Global Cornpactare working changeapproach. diligentlyto give concretemeaningto this principle-based the activeengagemenl of noDFrom the beginning,the GiobalCompaclhasconsidered business stakeholders Your participation helpsto foster a criticalfacbr for makingrealprogress. this collabo.ative spiritwhich is socriticalfor tacklingtoday'schallenges. the GlobalCompact.For AcadeDicinstitutiolshavea uniquerole to play in advanciDg cxample,by undertakingresearchon the evolving issueof corporatecilizenship,academic findingscan serveto underpinmore effectivepoliciesandpractices.And, by developingcase can further studiesrelatedto corporaleeffortsto implementuniversalprinciples,acadeDlics practices. strengthen the business Perhaps most importantly, academics can casefor responsible betterequipouf leadersof tomorrowwith the klowledgeandtoolsthey wiil needto adequately meetpressingglobalchallenges. Therefore, we encourage youto showyourcommitn]ent to the GlobalCompactby taking leaders,advancing strategicactionsin oneor moreofthe foilowiDgareas:educatingresponsible relevantresearch,dissemjnating intemationalvaiuesof corpomtecitizenship,giving lechnical supportto responsible business, or lendingcapacityto GlobalCompactLocalNetworks. Dr. Munir Quddus Dean,Collegeof Business CollegeofBusinessPrairieView A&M University PmirieView to academicinstitutionsare alsoencouraged Businessschoolsand management-related join the Principlesfor Responsible Education(PRME)initiative.The responsible Management educationprinciples provide an engagementfrafiewotk specificalll for academicinstitutions to ofuniversalvaluesinto curriculaand advancecolporateresponsibility throughthe illcorporation research. Over 100academic institutionsaroundtheworld haveioined.More infomationcanbe foundin theenclosed PRMEbrochure. As a voluntaryinitiative,the Global Compactdtaws strongthfrom our participants' andprogress, we providevariousleamingand conmitmentandactions-To spurimplementation engagement opportunities for signatories. Theseinclude:60-pluscounhyandregionalnetworks whereissuesandactivitiesaredrivenat a locallevel;praclicaltoolsandguidancedocuments on the principlesand other priority issues;and intenutional atrd local eventswhere nTultjpartakein leamingand problem-solving stakeholderparticipantscatr exchangeexperiences, projects. exercises, engagein dialogueandidentifylike-mindedorganizatiolN for partnering Furtherdetailson such activjtiescan be found iD the atlachedguidancedocumcnt, i[ the UnitedNationsGlobalConrpact"andon the A Guideto Engagement "After the Signature: GlobalCompactwebsitc(www.unglobalcompact.org). Credibilityand accountability arc critical lactorsfor advancingthe Clobal Cornpact. encourage with their stateholders We all organizations engaged in the initialiveto connnunicate abouteffofls to promotethe initjalive's1enp nciplesand 1o engagein collaborativeprojects goalsofthe UniledNations,parlicularJy llre Millemrir]m whichadvaDce thebroaderdevelopment - such as DevelopmenlGoals.To start,your organizalionnlay wish 10 inibrn stakeholders studenls,employees and paflDers- and the generalpublic aboutyour decision10 support1he GlobalCompact. Again,we thankyou forjoining theGlobalCornpaclWe arceagerto hearyour ideasand experiences, you to shareyour viewswith us. We standreadyto supportyour and encourage andinclusive effoflsto embracetheten uiversal principlesard conlributeto a moresustaiDable slobalecoDomv. Yourssilcere)y, //k GeorgKeil ExecutiveDirector L1).tr Global CompactOffice PRililffi il:HS:';J:i ffi8:i:'f'' PRME A OlobatInitiativ. - A Glob.l Agenda The Six Principles for "Todate,thePRMEinitiative hasbeenvery weL[received bythe gtobalbusiness school community, I believe thatthe initiative can guiding serveas aneffective framework for a systemic curricutum changein thespiritof the principles." G[obalCompact UNSecretary-General BanKl-Moon As institutions of highei' leaming involved in the education of current and future [lanagers we are voluntarily comnitted to engagingin a continuousprocessof improvementof the folIowing Principlesand their application,reportingon progless to all our stakeholdersand exchanging effective practiceswith othel academicinstitutions: Principle 1 Purpose: We will developthe capabilitiesofstudents to be future generatorsof sustainablevalue for businessand societyat large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy. Principle 2 Values: We will incorporate into our acadernicactivities and curricula the values ofglobal social responsibility as portrayed in intemational initiatives such as the United Nat i o n sG l o b a lC o m p a c t . Principle 3 Method: We will createeducationalfrarneworks.materials. processes and environmentsthat enableeffectivelearning experiences for responsibleleadership. PPME A clobat ltritiative- A Glob.t Agend. ResponsibleManagementEducation Principle 4 Research:We will engagein conceptual and empirical researchthat advancesour understanding about the role, dynamics, and impact of corporationsin the creation of sustainable social,environmental and economicvalue. Principle 5 Partnership: We will interact with managelsof business corporationsto extend our knowledge of their challengesin meeting social and environrnental responsibilitiesand to explole jointly effectiveapproachesto rreeting thesechallenges. Principle 6 Dialogue:We will facilitateand supportdialogueand debate amongeducatom,business,govenrnent,consumers,media,civil societyorganizationsand other interestedgroupsand stakeholderson critical issuesrelatedto global socialresponsibilityand sustainabiliW. We understandthat our own organizationalpracticesshould serveas exarnpleofthe valuesand attitudeswe conveyto our students.