Document 12007902

Agenda Item 9-L
Action Item
Chairman Smedberg and the VRE Operations Board
Doug Allen
September 20, 2013
Authorization to Execute a GEC VI Task Order for
National Transit Database (NTD) Data Collection
The VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to
award a GEC VI Task Order to AECOM to conduct National Transit Database (NTD)
ridership data collection in an amount of $125,178, plus a 10% contingency of
$12,518, for a total amount of $137,696.
As a recipient of Federal Urbanized Area Formula (§5307) grant funds, VRE is
required to report ridership, passenger miles and other performance data to the
NTD on an annual basis. VRE conducts annual, random on-board ridership samples
as well as triennial boarding/alighting surveys. The survey data is used to determine
average trip lengths and passenger miles for NTD reporting purposes. VRE’s GEC
consultant currently provides data collection and analysis services to support NTD
reporting requirements.
NVTC provides similar data collection services to six northern Virginia transit
systems (ART, DASH, Alexandria Trolley, Fairfax Connector, CUE and Loudoun
County Transit) via a consultant contract. Consultant proposals for the collection
and analysis of NTD ridership data, including VRE data, were requested as part of
the procurement for the recently awarded NVTC contract for NTD Data Collection
consultant services.
VRE staff requested NVTC include VRE-related services in their procurement with
the expectation of realizing cost savings over the existing GEC consultant contract.
However, the cost proposals received by NVTC for the VRE data collection effort
exceeded the estimated budget developed by VRE staff. VRE staff then requested a
proposal from AECOM, the VRE GEC consultant who has been performing this work.
AECOM’s proposal was within the budget estimate.
Fiscal Impact:
Funding for this task order is included in the FY 2014 operating budget.
Virginia Railway Express
Operations Board
Authorization to Execute a GEC VI Task Order for National
Transit Database (NTD) Data Collection Services
WHEREAS, as a recipient of Federal Urbanized Area Formula (§5307) grant funds,
VRE is required to report ridership, passenger miles and other performance data to
the National Transit Database (NTD) on an annual basis; and,
WHEREAS, AECOM, one of VRE’s GEC consultants, currently collects the required
data for VRE; and,
WHEREAS, VRE staff has determined the most cost-effective way to obtain the
required NTD data is for AECOM to continue to perform the data collection services.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board authorizes
the Chief Executive Officer to award a GEC VI Task Order to AECOM to conduct NTD
ridership data collection in an amount of $125,178, plus a 10% contingency of
$12,518, for a total amount of $137,696.
Approved this 20th day of September 2013
Paul Smedberg
John Cook