Office of the Vice-President Research February 2014 Update Processes Update on Cyclotron Facility Easing IRC Applications The Cyclotron Facility capital project, a multipurpose facility on campus for advanced research, training and production of medical imaging agents for PET-CT scanner use, is about 50 per cent complete and on budget. Research Services finalized and distributed a formal NSERC Industrial Research Chair (IRC) process for the U of S. This formalized process will provide researchers with easy access to information on IRC grants, minimizing work for applicants and their research teams. On January 13th, the facility received its License to Construct from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission without any comments or questions – demonstrating the high quality of work that has gone into the project. Construction, delayed four weeks due to cold weather, is slated to be completed in late September. Upon completion, operational responsibility will be turned over to the Fedoruk Centre which will undertake regulatory commissioning and manage the facility under a recently approved agreement between the U of S and the Fedoruk Centre. The first isotopes for clinical use are anticipated in 2015. International Agreements Signed The U of S finalized Memoranda of Understanding with three international partners in January: the University of Birmingham in England, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and the Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in Iran. AVPR-Health Office Moves to U of S Campus The Office of the Associate Vice-President ResearchHealth has moved back to the U of S main campus. They are now located in the A-Wing of the Health Sciences Building, room A102. Funding Successes OVPR Internal Funds Awarded Funding for Dairy Research A total of $20,523 was provided from the OVPR’s Publications Fund to 17 applicants during January’s intake. Each application was successful, resulting in support for the publication of two books and 15 journal articles. Two projects at the U of S have been awarded funds administered by the Dairy Farmers of Canada as their part of the federal/provincial Growing Forward 2 Program. The OVPR also provided funding to all five applicants to the January intake of the internal Visiting Lecturers fund. Each applicant received $1,023 to assist with the travel expenses and honorarium costs of bringing a visiting lecturer to the university. Susan Whiting (College of Pharmacy & Nutrition) was awarded $100,000 for the project “Association Between Dietary Intakes and Cardiovascular Risk of Canadians Using the Canadian Health Measures Survey Cycles 1+2”. Joseph Stookey of the Large Animal Clinic in WCVM will receive $10,925 for his collaboration on the project “Automatic Milking Systems: Factors Affecting Health, Productivity and Welfare” led by the University of Calgary. OVPR February 2014 Update 1 Office of the Vice-President Research February 2014 Update Strategic Projects Funded $3 Million for Research Infrastructure Two U of S projects were awarded an NSERC Strategic Project Grant. These grants support research in areas targeted for their potential to strongly enhance Canada’s economy, society and/ or environment within the next 10 years. Ten U of S researchers were awarded a total of more than $3 million from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) John R. Evans Leaders Fund: Helen Baulch (School of Environment and Sustainability) was awarded $618,614 for the project “Understanding Lake Metabolism and algal blooms: New tools for the management of potable water sources” with co-investigators John Giesy (Toxicology), Paul Jones (Toxicology), Karsten Liber (Toxicology), Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt (School of Environment and Sustainability). Additional support will come from industry partners Saskatchewan Water Security Agency and the Buffalo Pound Water Administration Board. Chijin Xiao (Physics and Engineering Physics) was awarded $346,581 for the project “Control of plasma instabilities and flow velocity in the STOR-M tokamak by RMP and CT injection” with co-investigator Akira Hirose (Physics and Engineering Physics). Plasmionique Inc. will be contributing in-kind support. Steven Siciliano (Soil Science) is a co-investigator on the 17-member project “Metal Mixtures: Is Concentration Addition the Correct Model for Terrestrial Ecological Risk Assessment?” led by Beverly Hale from the University of Guelph. The project was awarded $650,000 with additional funding from industry partners. International Project Digs into Data Mark Eramian (Computer Science) was awarded $124,965 for the international team project “Digging Archaeological Data: Image Search and Markup (DADAISM)”, which involves researchers from the University of York in the United Kingdom and the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Funding comes from the Digging Into Data Challenge Grant, co-funded by SSHRC and funding agencies from the UK and the Netherlands. Geoff Cunfer (History) was awarded $29,348 for the project “Historical GIS Laboratory expansion for long-term socio-ecological research”. Natacha Hogan (Toxicology) was awarded $100,692 for the project “Infrastructure for understanding mechanisms of environment-immune interactions in aquatic toxicology”. Adelaine Leung (Veterinary Biomedical Sciences) was awarded $219,147 for the project “Infrastructure for a neurobiology laboratory with structural biology and Drosophila genetics capability”. Ronald Steer (Chemistry) was awarded $179,269 for the project “Ultrafast laser technology for solar photovoltaic and materials research” with coinvestigators Matthew Paige and Li Chen. Ajay Dalai (Chemical & Biological Engineering) was awarded $684,887 for the project “Innovative bioprocessing catalysis research laboratory” with coinvestigators Hui Wang and Robert Scott. Glenn Hussey (Physics & Engineering Physics) was awarded $119,356 for the project “Advanced e-region imaging radar” with co-investigators Kathryn McWilliams and Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice (Physics & Engineering Physics). Christy Morrissey (Biology) was awarded $799,826 for the project “Facility for applied avian research (FAAR)” with co-investigators John Giesy (Toxicology) and Karen Machin (Veterinary Biomedical Sciences). Steven Siciliano (Soil Science) was awarded $355,330 for the project “Interactions of carbon and nitrogen during co-consumption of methane and nitrous oxide”. Ian Stavness (Computer Science) was awarded $176,715 for the project “Laboratory for computational synthesis”. Qiaoqin Yang (Mechanical Engineering) was awarded $396,564 for the project “A multifunctional vapor deposition system for the development and application of novel nanocomposite coatings” with co-investigators Akira Hirose and Wenjun Zhang. OVPR February 2014 Update 2