Matt Rogers What is sustainability (in your own words) and its importance to UNCW? - Sustainability to me is the lens in which I approach the balance of my life, sense of place, and ecology. Furthermore it is how I connect the decisions that I make to how it will affect my children today and more importantly tomorrow. It is through this lens that allows me to see the impact of local foodsheds, community engagement and economic resiliency we are creating each and every day. As leaders in Higher Education we have the unique responsibility to be forward thinking on issues around sustainability. This great institution has the ability to impact our future leaders by grounding them in the critical issues faced today around economic, environmental and social aspects. Armed with this knowledge these students are able to develop their own lens to apply to decisions that will effect generations to come. What endeavors have you been involved with that promoted sustainable initiatives? - Here at UNCW specifically we have been focused on being a part of creating a local foodshed and increased access within the community. Through endeavors such as Feast Down East, The Foodbank of Eastern NC, Demonstrations of hydro and aquaponics, and organic waste diversion we have created an experiential learning environment for our students. How do you feel that your endeavors will make an impact on future generations? - Specifically speaking around foodsheds, my goal is to simply plant the seed in our students that allows them to understand the connection that their food choices has on our local agricultural system. Perhaps they have never been exposed to what it is to eat seasonally or considered the environmental benefits of a plant based diet and if we help foster these ideas then what could be a better outcome. As a role model in sustainability, how will you positively impact the habits of your peers? - While I cannot say with certainty that my actions will encourage my peers to be urban farmers who not only raise their own food, brew beer, shear their own wool, harvest their own honey, slaughter their own chickens and happen to be vegan, BUT I would like to think that collectively my interest can spark a conversation amongst us all that brings us to a better place.