U of S Course Tools List of Tools Available (Definitions) – For Instructors August, 2012 University of Saskatchewan – Tools List Definitions ICT Training Services 2012 Background: Tool availability allows the instructor to control what tools can be used and by which users. Tools are listed alphabetically in a table separated by columns. Various availability settings can be enabled in these columns: Available - The tool is available throughout the Course and open to all users that have a role permitting the use of the tool. Visible to Guests - The tool is visible (read-only), but not usable to Guests when Guests are permitted in the Course. Visible to Observers - The tool is visible (read-only), but not usable to Observers when Observers are permitted in the Course. Available in Content Areas - The Instructor can place a link to a tool in one or more Content Areas of the Course. By checking the various checkboxes the instructor can enable and disable specific tools. Grayed out checkboxes indicate that the tool has been disabled by the system administrator while dashes (-) indicate the tool does not have availability settings that can be changed. **Enabling and disabling tools in no way affects the content they contain. If a tool is disabled and re-enabled, all of the existing content remains and becomes accessible once again. E-mail settings can also be controlled by selecting the chevron next to ‘E-mail.’ Here the instructor can limit the ability of students to send mail to various groups of users in the course. This document is subdivided into: 1. 2. 3. Tools that are enabled by default and are available to all users Tools that you may find useful in addition to the default set. Tools that you most likely will never use. U of S Course Tools Need More Help? Call 306.966.4817 OR help.desk@usask.ca 2 University of Saskatchewan – Tools List Definitions ICT Training Services 2012 Tools that are in use and enabled by default: Adaptive Release: Enables the BB adaptive release capabilities in courses to release content at certain times or under certain conditions. Add Clicker ID to Gradebook: Retrieves clicker IDs stored in UWho and adds them to the Gradebook in a way that is compatible with the TurningPoint software. This allows instructors to upload TurningPoint clicker data into their courses. Add Test Student: Allows the instructor to create and use a test student account to see the course exactly as the student would. Add Users by Role: Enables instructors to add teaching assistants etc. to a course. Announcements: Enables the Announcement tool in a course. Announcement Tools: University of Saskatchewan building block that integrates announcements between PAWS and Blackboard. Also enables SMS messaging for announcements. Assignment: Enables the Assignment menu item. Backboard Collaborate / Blackboard Collaborate Scheduling Manager: Web conferencing software for use in instruction, research, and administration at the U of S. Bookstore: Enables the “buy Books” link to the bookstore for the specific course. Calendar: Enables the BB calendar tool. Chat: Enables the BB Chat menu item. Content Area: Enables the Content Area menu item. Discussion Board (tools): Enable the BB discussion board course tool in the instructor menu. Discussion Board (build menu): Enables the BB discussion board option in the Build menus. Email: Turns on the email tool. By selecting the chevron the instructor can specify who students are able to send email to in the course. External (URL) Link: Enables BB build menu item to add links to external web sites. Flickr (in text editor): Enables the BB flickr mashup inside the text editor. Flickr Photo: Enables the BB Flickr mashup in the mashups section of the build menus. Grade Center: Enables the BB grade centre in the course. Groups: Enables the “Groups” tool in the course for the instructor to set up groups. Groups (build menu): Enables the groups option in the build menu, so instructors can add icons to the course to let U of S Course Tools Need More Help? Call 306.966.4817 OR help.desk@usask.ca 3 University of Saskatchewan – Tools List Definitions ICT Training Services 2012 students self-signup to groups, etc. Image: Enables the BB image option in the build menus. Internal (Course) Link: Enables the BB ability to create a link in one part of the course to something that exists in a different part of the course in the build menus. Item (Content): Enables the BB item tool in the build menus to add generic items to a course. Math Editor: Enables the math editor within the VTBE (virtual text box editor.) My Grades: Enables the BB “My Grades” tool in a course so students can see their report card. Sharestream (all the ones starting with Sharestream): Media management and secure video streaming service. Slideshare (in text editor): Enables the Slideshare mash-up tool in the text editor so you can embed PowerPoint slides stored on Slideshare. Slideshare Presentation: Enables the Slideshare mash-up option in the course build menu so it can be embedded in the course. Spell check: Enables the use of spellcheck in the VTBE (virtual text box editor.) Syllabus: Enables the Blackboard syllabus content item in the build menus. Test: Enables tests in a course. Tools Area: Enables the tools area. If this is not enabled, then students cannot access anything that has items selected in the first column (items that show up in the tools area). Tools Area (build menu): Adds the “tools area” option to the build menu so the instructor can add a link to the tools area, or to a specific tool, in the content area of a course or the course menu. U of S Copyright Assistance: Creates a link to the U of S copyright page in the course management control panel under the Course Tools tab. U of S Course Entry Point Tools: Allows one to change the entry point of the course to a specific page within to the course or an external website. U of S Import OMR to Grade Center: Allows for the import of OMR results into the Grade Center. U of S Link to This Course Tool: Outputs a direct link to the course that may then be used by guests or other users to directly access the course. U of S Template Links: Allows one to easily change e-mail settings within the course. Located within the course management control panel under the Course Tools tab (E-mail settings.) Virtual Classroom: Enables the “advanced chat” in Blackboard that includes the chat, and the whiteboard. See “chat” above for enabling just the simple chat. Word: Enables the “Paste from Word” mash-up in the text editor. U of S Course Tools Need More Help? Call 306.966.4817 OR help.desk@usask.ca 4 University of Saskatchewan – Tools List Definitions ICT Training Services 2012 YouTube (In Text Editor): Enables the ability to use the YouTube mash-up from inside the text editor. Search for and embed YouTube videos into your BB course. YouTube Video: The main YouTube mash-up to add YouTube videos into your course. U of S Course Tools Need More Help? Call 306.966.4817 OR help.desk@usask.ca 5 University of Saskatchewan – Tools List Definitions ICT Training Services 2012 Tools that you may use: Audio: Enables the Audio menu item. Basic LTI Tool & Basic LTI Tools: These tools allow for the use of external applications within Blackboard. The Basic LTI Tools tool allows Blackboard to integrate with the Podcasting software created by Arts & Science. Blackboard Help: Enables help in various places within Blackboard. Blackboard Scholar: Enables Scholar tools in a course. This is similar to Delicious but run by Blackboard for social bookmarking. For example, all students in a class can do research projects and add their own bookmarks to the class’ list. Turning this on enables the ability for the instructor to register the course with Blackboard Scholar and set up single sign on between them. Blank Page: Enables the Blank Page menu item. Blog: Enables the Blog menu item. Blogs: Enables the instructor to administer blogs through their course tools menu. Check Course Links: A tool for instructors to verify all of the links in the course work. It is located in the instructor course tools menu. Collaboration: Enables instructor level administration of the BB chat and virtual classrooms. Confluence Connector: Enables integration between Blackboard courses and the Confluence Wiki system. Connect (all the ones starting with connect): Installed as part of the McGraw Hill integration. Lets instructors turn on various McGraw Hill Connect integration items in the build menus. Contacts: Enables the instructor “contacts” option where they can enter instructor contact information, etc. Content Lookup by XID: A building block that allows the instructor to enter the XID number Blackboard uses to identify files and find the actual real file name and directory. Content Package (IMS, NLN, SCORM): Support for various standards to import course content into a course. Course Member List Tools: Allows the instructor to export the course list in a format compatible with how it was done in PAWS so it can be imported into SiRIUS. Create and Create Project: Adds McGraw Hill tools to the build menus. Early-Warning System: Enables the Instructor tool that sets up “triggers” which notify instructors of at-risk students. For example, students who score below a certain grade on an exam, or students who have not logged in for a specified amount of time. It allows for the early detection of students with issues so that they can be assisted. Generic and Generic Assignment: Allows for the use of McGraw Hill assignments. Glossary: Enables the BB Glossary tool in the course. U of S Course Tools Need More Help? Call 306.966.4817 OR help.desk@usask.ca 6 University of Saskatchewan – Tools List Definitions ICT Training Services 2012 Goals (Instructor View): Allows for the use of goals within Blackboard. Grammarly: Allows for use of the Grammarly tool within Blackboard. The tool allows for a grammar check, instant proofreading, and plagiarism detection. Journal: Enables the BB Journal menu item so that students can keep their own journal (log) of activity. Viewable only by students and the instructor. Journals: Enables the journal tool in the instructor menu so they can see all journals. Learning Module: Enables the BB learning module tool in the build menus. Similar to a “folder” except that it contains a table of contents to organize the information within the folder. Lesson Plan: Enables the BB lesson plan tool in the build menus. Similar to the learning module but also allows the instructor add extra information like instructor notes, lesson objectives, etc. Library Resources: Queries the U of S library for course-specific information. McGraw-Hill …Numerous different items that can be added to the build menu. Specific to the McGraw Hill integration. McGraw-Hill Higher Education: The instructor tool that allows for integration between their course and McGraw Hill. Once enabled it allows single sign-on between the course and McGraw Hill’s content for students. Messages: Enables the BB messages tool. Like email but everything stays within Blackboard. Mobile Assessments: Enables the creation of mobile optimized assessments from the “build” menu. Mobile Compatible Test: Enables the use of mobile assessments. Module (Channel) Page: Enables the ability in the “build” menu to create BB pages consisting of different modules. Similar to the “Course Homepage.” Can be used to add RSS feeds, course-specific notifications for students, etc. My Scholar Home: Adds a tool that allows students to link straight from the course to their home in the BB Scholar web site. Observer: Turns on the observer functionality in a course, where a given individual (such as a student advisor) can be attached to an individual (like a student) and access the same information the student can. Performance Dashboard: A tool for instructors to review general performance statistics about the class. Portfolios: Enables the ability to add e-portfolios to the course Portfolios Homepage: Adds a tool in the tools area for students to click on to get to their main portfolios homepage. Review Status: Enables the ability for instructors to specify items added to the course have a “Review” option. Students are then expected to click it when they have reviewed the information. Instructors can then identify which students have and have not reviewed the information, and do adaptive release based on whether the material was reviewed. Roster: Enables the BB class roster tool, where students can enter info about themselves, upload pictures of themselves, etc. U of S Course Tools Need More Help? Call 306.966.4817 OR help.desk@usask.ca 7 University of Saskatchewan – Tools List Definitions ICT Training Services 2012 RSS Feed: A third-party building block where instructors can specify a link to an RSS feed and have it displayed within their course as a content item. Rubrics: Enables the ability to use Rubrics to describe grading criteria. In SP 6 this has been expanded to also let instructors easily grade things using these rubrics. Scholar Bookmark: Enables a build menu item that lets the instructor link to a specific URL in the Scholar bookmarks for this course. Similar to the “external URL link” but with all the Scholar additional metadata. Scholar Course Home: A tools area option from BB that provides a direct link to the Scholar site for this course. Scholar Stream: A content item that displays a list of bookmarks that match certain search criteria. For example, all bookmarks that match “University of Saskatchewan”. Similar to an RSS feed in that this list will keep updating as new items are added. Searches can be narrowed down to simply the course scholar area or the entire scholar web site. Self and Peer Assessment (tool): Tools for the instructor to set up peer and self assessment. This is where students can rank other students work in the class. Most often involves the rating of discussion posts. Self and Peer Assessment (build menu): Enables the build menu option to add peer and self assessment into a course. Simnet: Part of the McGraw Hill tools. Integrates Simnet with Blackboard. Survey: Enables the BB Anonymous surveys in a course. Similar to a quiz, but no grade is recorded and it is anonymous. Tasks: Enables the ability for instructors to assign tasks to the class and for students to indicate when the tasks are completed. The instructor can then get reports about who has and has not completed a task. Video: Enables the BB video tool in the build menu to add videos to the course. Wiki: Adds the BB Wiki option to the Build menus so instructors can add wikis to the course. The built in BB wikis are tied to specific courses, while the Confluence wiki can be shared between courses or carried forward year after year. Wikis: Enables the wikis tool and the instructor-specific options for managing the wikis in the instructor control panel. WileyPLUS: Installed as part of the Wiley integration. Lets instructors turn on various Wiley integration items in the build menus. U of S Course Tools Need More Help? Call 306.966.4817 OR help.desk@usask.ca 8 University of Saskatchewan – Tools List Definitions ICT Training Services 2012 Tools that you’ll most likely never use: ALEKS: Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) is a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn't know in a course. ALEKS then instructs the student on the topics she is most ready to learn. As a student works through a course, ALEKS periodically reassesses the student to ensure that topics learned are also retained. BBStats – Activity Dashboard: A tool for central administrators to see course stats. Not available in a course. Blackboard Help: Turns on the internal Blackboard help link in courses. Turning this on is not recommended as it breaks many of the University’s customization features. Bookstore (content area): Enables the “bookstore” option as a link in the build menus. Course Redirect: Allows for the linking of courses in Blackboard using CAS and the CRN.term. Not for instructor use. Course Tools Integration: Enables a variety of things to integrate with PAWS course tools, such as the import of PAWS course content. This should be left on. LDIS Listener Tool: Allows LDIS integration with Blackboard. As an instructor you may ignore it. Registration Block: Enables the registration of TurningPoint clickers. It should remain disabled as “Add Clicker ID to Gradebook” replicates this functionality. SSAMDaemon Tool: Integrates Blackboard with SSAM. As an instructor you may ignore it. U of S Analytics: Allows administrators to pull various information from BB. As an instructor you may ignore it. Help with Tools? Contact help.desk@usask.ca or call 966-4817 U of S Course Tools Need More Help? Call 306.966.4817 OR help.desk@usask.ca 9