UniFi Plus - Purchase Requisition Approval

UniFi Plus - Purchase Requisition Approval
1. Log in through PAWS: PAWS> Admin Services> UniFi Plus> UniFi Plus (standalone)
If Step 2 is not relevant, please go directly to Step 3.
2. UniFi Plus Notification:
a. If you have any documents pending your approval, once you log into UniFi Plus and
navigate to a form (any form), you will receive a pop up Notification box (FOIAINP). This
notification will only appear once (one time) each time you log into UniFi Plus.
b. From the Notification box, select Options> User Approval to go to the Approval screen
3. Direct Access to Approval screen: In the “Go To” menu, type in
4. Your user name will appear by default. Hit Next Block (Ctrl-Page Down) to populate
NOTE: This screen will only show you requisitions for which you are the next approver. To see
requisitions for which you are not the next approver, or for which you are a backup approver,
uncheck the Next Approver box (see figure below)
5. To preview the requisition details, select the Detail button:
Last Updated: October 2014
Q? unifisupport@usask.ca | 306- 966 8783
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6. To view the complete requisition, click Select (
) or choose Options> Document Query
7. On FPIREQN, Next Block (Ctrl+Page Down) to query the requisition for review
8. Reviewing the requisition:
a. Document Text is available if the indicator is checked off. To see entered text:
Options> Document Text
b. Use Next Block (Ctrl+Page Down) to cycle through the Requisition pages
c. On the Commodity/ Accounting page, you will see:
i. Total number of items on this requisition
ii. Description of each items – use Next Record (down arrow on keyboard) or
Previous Record (up arrow on keyboard) to move between items
iii. Unit of Measure (U/M) for the selected item
iv. Tax group and unit price for the selected item
v. Total item price (Commodity Line Total) for the selected item
vi. Total requisition amount (Document Commodity Total) – all items
vii. Item Text indicator will be checked off if item text is entered for the selected
item. To review text: Options> Item Text
9. Once you have reviewed the requisition details, exit this form (X) to return to the Requisition
Approval Form (FOQRACT)
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a. You can use any X on the page to exit. When you have multiple UniFi forms open, exiting
out of the current one will return you to the one prior
10. Exit (X) the Requisition Approval Form (FOQRACT) to return to the User Approval Form
11. To view a requisition’s approval history:
a. On FOAUAPP, click the Queue button under the appropriate requisition. This will take
you to the Document Approval Form (FOAAINP) which shows the current approval
queue with all of the individuals in the queue that have access to approve the selected
requisition (form not shown)
b. To view the approval history, select Approval History in the Options menu. This will take
you to the Document Approval History Form (FOIAPPH).
c. When you are finished, Exit (X) both the Document Approval and Approval History
Forms to return to the User Approval Form (FOAUAPP)
Prior to approving, do you need to add Document Text to this Requisition?
Yes – requisition missing code 077 and 023 in Document Text
No – see next step
12. To approve a document, click on the Approve button. To disapprove/deny a document, click
the Disapprove button
13. A Document Approval message window with the default message ‘DOCUMENT IS APPROVED’ or
‘DOCUMENT IS DISAPPROVED’ will be displayed. You can edit the message if you would like to.
Click on OK to finalize the approval/ disapproval
14. You will receive a confirmation pop up. Click OK to clear the confirmation
Next Steps
If disapproved, the requisition will be marked incomplete for the user to make changes to. An automatic
e-mail disapproval notification will be sent to the user using the text/ comment entered by the IA in the
“Disapproved” box.
Once approved, the requisition is forwarded to Purchasing Services, FSD for processing.
Last Updated: October 2014
Q? unifisupport@usask.ca | 306- 966 8783
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Add Document Text to a Requisition Prior to Approval
 Can be done in UniFi Plus only
 Cannot be done while reviewing the Requisition. Must access a separate UniFi Plus form to add
Doc Text to a requisition
1. In UniFi Plus (standalone application), type in FOAPOXT in the “Go To…”box and hit “Enter".
2. On FOAPOXT; see screenshot below
A. Text Type = Req
B. Code = Requisition number that you want to add Document Text to. Hit “Next Block” to
retrieve the requisition
C. Text/ Clause Number = Enter any required text or code. Example: Code 077, 023. Hit
“F10” = Save
D. Exit page
3. Once Document Text is added, the approver can return to the approval queue form (FOAUAPP) to
approve the requisition
4. Outside of UniFi, communicate to users, for their future reference, the use of code 077 and 023 in
Document Text when the requisition uses a Tri-Agency fund
Last Updated: October 2014
Q? unifisupport@usask.ca | 306- 966 8783
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