Preparation and Characterization of Iron-Oxide Catalysts for Orthohydrogen-Parahydrogen Conversion Erik Hemstad and Jacob Leachman School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Counts 1600 Erik Hemstad Jacob Leachman (952) 994-4435 (509) 335-7711 ABSTRACT EXJOT200-Petit EXECH009-Petit EXECH001-Petit EXECH005-Petit EXECH008-Petit 900 400 100 0 2 4 6 The objectives of this project are the synthesis and characterization of paramagnetic orthohydrogen / parahydrogen conversion catalysts of mesoporous microstructure (2 – 50nm diameter). Soft templated γ-Fe2O3 catalysts were prepared according to Mitra et al.. The influences of certain parameters on the materials were studied: the affect of aging and the method of recovering the solids after precipitation. Template removal was carried out by solvent extraction. The solids were characterized by: X-ray diffraction (XRD); Tunneling Electron Microscopy (TEM); Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); and N2 adsorption. Some preliminary results coincide with Mitra et al., however further characterization is needed. Work has begun on a liquid hydrogen reaction chamber for verification of catalyst activity. This research is the first step towards publishable results of orthohydrogen / parahydrogen conversion rates in the HYdrogen Properties for Energy Research (HYPER) laboratory at WSU. Position [°2Theta] MOTIVATION: UAV FIGURE 1. Small Angle XRD results (shown clockwise); Mitra et al. [as-synthesized (c) and template extracted (d)], template extracted analyzed by Dr. Daou’s lab, and as-synthesized analyzed by Dr. Daou’s lab. Counts 1600 JOT200-Petit ECH009-Petit ECH001-Petit ECH005-Petit ECH008-Petit 900 400 100 0 2 4 6 Position [°2Theta] ORTHO / PARA CONVERSION Liquid hydrogen fuel leads the aerospace industry, having 2.8 times more energy per mass than conventional hydrocarbon alternatives. Current liquid hydrogen fueling systems must be pressurized via an external source and are thus burdened by heavy helium tanks or by power mongering heaters. However, a new class of paramagnetic catalysts presents the opportunity to use the hydrogen molecule itself as the heat source, superseding conventional pressurization systems. This new class of catalytic pressurization system holds the potential for a much lighter system chassis, reduced power consumption, and consequently a larger payload in applications such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). At room temperature hydrogen consists of 75% orthohyrogen and 25% parahydrogen (Schmauch and Singleton 1964). These terms refer to the nuclear spin orientation of the molecules, ortho referring to parallel spins, and para referring to antiparallel spins. At cold enough temperatures, ortho / para conversion is naturally prohibited because of rotational quantum numbers, para: even, ortho: odd. Therefore, to cause this conversion at low temperatures an external magnetic field must be applied, reversing the nuclear magnetic field and thus the nuclei spin. This effect can occur when placed in contact with a X66000 material with high paramagnetic susceptibility (Schmauch and Singleton 1964). FIGURE 4. Microscopy images (shown clockwise); TEM Mitra et al. template extracted, TEM (X115000) template extracted analyzed by A template solution (1.44g sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in 20 ml distilled water) was prepared and .54g benzyl alcohol (BA) Dr. Daou’s lab, TEM (X66000) template extracted, and SEM was added drop wise to it. An ice-cold ferric solution (3.24g anhydrous ferric chloride in 5 ml distilled water) was then added (X80000) template extracted. PREPARATION PROCEDURE to the template solution while stirring. The pH was changed to a set level (5.5 by default) by adding tetraethylammonium hydroxide (40% aqueous Aldrich) drop wise. The solution was then put in an ice bath and stirred vigorously for 2 hours. Aging occurred at 277˚ K for a set duration (72 hours by default). The precipitate was filtered out using a Buchner after several rinses with distilled water. The sample was then dried either by sublimation (cooled to 77˚ K and put under vacuum for 3 hours) or evaporation (heated to 333˚ K for 24 hours). The sample was then suspended and vigorously stirred (3 hours) in a solution of 1g ammonium acetate (50%) and 49g ethanol. The precipitate was filtered out using a Buchner after several rinses with ethanol. The template extraction process was repeated three times to ensure complete removal. Sample Name JOT200 ECH001 ECH003 ECH004 ECH005 ECH006 ECH007 ECH008 ECH009 ECH010 Counts JOT200 ECH009 ECH001 ECH005 ECH008 400 225 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Position [°2Theta] FIGURE 2. Wide Angle XRD results (shown clockwise); Mitra et al. [as-synthesized (c) and template extracted (d)], template extracted analyzed by Dr. Daou’s lab, as-synthesized analyzed by Dr. Daou’s lab, and as-synthesized. Start Date 06.06.11 06.07.11 06.21.11 06.28.11 06.28.11 06.28.11 06.28.11 06.29.11 06.29.11 06.29.11 Mass (g) 2.12 2.62 2.81 2.99 2.96 2.1 1.59 3.23 3.11 3.11 Extracted Mass (g) 0.51 0.38 0.28 0.27 0.35 0.44 0.42 0.46 0.52 0.5 pH 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.6 5.8 6.5 10.2 5.5 5.5 5.5 277˚ K Age Time (hours) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 24 48 72 Drying Temp (˚K) 333 333 333 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 Drying Time (hours) 24 24 72 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 FIGURE 3. N2 Adsorption results (shown clockwise); Mitra et al. TABLE 2. Sample preparation information. template extracted, template extracted analyzed by Dr. Daou’s RESULTS OF CHARACTERIZATION The small angle XRD data (FIGURE 1) shows a local maximum intensity (potentially indicating mesostructure formation) in the lab, and microporous / following as-synthesized samples: Mitra et al., JOT200, and ECH005, around 2˚, 1.5˚, and 1.25˚ (2θ) respectively. These local mesoporous reference chart. maxima are not observed in ECH008 or ECH009, suggesting a dependence on the aging period. They also reduce in intensity (Mitra et al.) or disappear entirely (JOT200 and ECH005) as the template is removed. The wide-angle XRD data (FIGURE 2) show common peaks at 35˚ and 60˚ (2θ) indicating the phase presence of α-Fe2O3, ɣ -Fe2O3, and ɣ -FeOOH. An as-synthesized peak around 20˚ (2θ) is characteristic of the SDS templating and disappears completely after template extraction. Lower intensity displayed by ECH008 while not found in ECH009, also suggest the importance of age duration. The N2 adsorption data (FIGURE 3) show similar (and characteristically mesoporous) trends between Mitra et al., ECH008, and ECH009, suggesting that age duration may also affect N2 adsorption. Increases in BET surface area (TABLE 2) from ECH008 to ECH009 to Mitra et al. support the argument for age duration dependence. Samples ECH001 and ECH004 appear to have undergone sintering as a result of excessive temperature while degassing. The TEM images (FIGURE 4) appear to agree, allowing for quantitative measurement of pore size and d-spacing. Mitra et al. suggests a visible pore size of 2.5-2.8 nm with a d-spacing of 4.4 nm, which agrees with the pore size of 2.1 -2.5 nm calculated through N2 adsorption. The SEM image allows for qualitative observations of the high surface area of these catalysts. FUTURE WORK The HYPER lab will finish the material characterization, by securing magnetic analysis using a Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID). Catalyst experimentation and optimization will continue with aims towards a patent. Once a suitable catalyst is synthesized, work will begin on designing and building a test chamber, to test catalytic activity by measuring hydrogen vapor production. Lastly, work will begin on designing a catalyst delivery system based on controlling the amount of catalytic surface area contact with the hydrogen or by varying the magnetization via an applied magnetic field. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FIGURE 3. ECH010 spill during template extraction, exhibiting strong magnetic characteristics. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation’s REU program under grant number DMR 1062898 and the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Washington State University. We thank Joumana Toufaily for her comments and suggestions, Mike Rowe; Su Ha; Oscar Marin Flores; and Professor J. Daou from the Institute of Materials of Mulhous, University of Haute Alsace, France; for providing technical assistance during the preparation of this paper. References: 1. 2. 3. A. Mitra, C. Vazquez-Vazquez, M. A. Lopez-Quintela, B. K. Paul, A. Bhaumik, Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 131 (2010) 373. M. G. Millis, R. T. Tornabene, J. M. Jurns, M. D. Guynn, T. M. Tomsik , T. J. Van Overbeke, NASA/TM-2009-215521. G. E. Schmauch, A. H. Singleton, Indust. And Engin. Chem. 56.5 (1964) 20. School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Samples Degas Degas Surface (Extracted) Temperature Duration BET (˚C) (Hours) (M2.g-1) ECH 001 350 10 40 ECH 005 350 10 44.72 ECH 008 150 3 208.52 ECH 009 150 3 261.75 ECH 010 150 1 174.8 Mitra et al. 150 3 306 Pore size (nm) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.1 2.5 TABLE 2. N2 Adsorption sample preparation information, BET surface area, pore size