AGENDA ITEM 9-B CONSENT AGENDA ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN MILDE AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DALE ZEHNER DATE: OCTOBER 15, 2010 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD A TASK ORDER FOR RIDERSHIP BOARDING COUNTS _____________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: The VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to issue a Task Order to AECOM to conduct boarding/alighting counts at VRE stations. This task order is being requested in an amount not to exceed $91,688, plus a contingency of 10% of $9,169, for a total amount not to exceed $100,857. BACKGROUND: VRE is required to report passenger miles traveled by VRE riders to the National Transit Database (NTD) on an annual basis. Passenger miles traveled is the cumulative sum of the distances ridden by each passenger on each trip taken on VRE, calculated from the boarding station to the alighting station. While morning boarding data for suburban stations is available from the annual Master Agreement Survey, morning alighting counts, mid-day, and evening boarding and alighting counts are not included in that survey. A complete count of boardings/alightings was last done in 2003. In the ensuing years since 2003, VRE ridership patterns have changed as a result of parking expansions, land use changes in the vicinity of VRE stations, and changes in the employment patterns in the inner core stations (i.e., Alexandria, Crystal City, L’Enfant and Union Station). In addition to calculating passenger miles traveled, the boarding/alighting count data will also be used to develop ridership projections and for system planning purposes to update the VRE Strategic Plan, completed in 2004. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this project is included in VRE’s Capital Improvement Program as part of the grant and project management line item. Funding is from a FY 2010 federal grant. The local match is provided for using state and local funds. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CHAIRMAN MILDE AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD DALE ZEHNER OCTOBER 15, 2010 AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD A TASK ORDER FOR RIDERSHIP BOARDING COUNTS RESOLUTION 9b-10-2010 OF THE VIRGINIA RAILWAY EXPRESS OPERATIONS BOARD WHEREAS, VRE is required to report passenger miles traveled to the National Transit Database on an annual basis; and, WHEREAS, the Operations Board has requested that the Chief Executive Officer update the VRE Strategic Plan, completed in 2004; and, WHEREAS, current data on passenger boardings and alightings is not available to use to calculate passenger miles traveled or to assist with the update to the Strategic Plan; and, WHEREAS, with this authorization, boarding/alighting counts can be initiated. the collection of up-to-date station NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to issue a Task Order to AECOM to conduct boarding/alighting counts at VRE stations. This task order is being requested in an amount not to exceed $91,688, plus a contingency of 10% of $9,169, for a total amount not to exceed $100,857.