TYPICAL COURSE SEQUENCES FOR EACH CONCENTRATION Concentration GENERAL TOTAL HR ABA TOTAL HR SATP Fall Year 1 PSY 555 Res Meth 1 PSY 579 Research Pract Core Course Hr 4 1 3 Methods Research Core PSY 515 Small-n PSY 579 Research Pract PSY 517 Learning 8 3 1 3 Clinical BA PSY 547 Psychopath PSY 522 Adv Topics 3 1 Methods Research Core Clinical PSY 555 Res Meth PSY 579 Research Pract PSY 556 Physio PSY 547 Psychopath PSY 549 Interviewing 11 4 1 3 3 2 Methods Research Core Other Spring Year 1 Hr PSY 589 Res Meth 2 3 PSY 580 Research Pract 1 Core Course 3 7 PSY 580 Research Pract PSY 520 Development 1 3 PSY 552 Ethics PSY 522 Adv Topics PSY 518 ABA 1 PSY 519 Concepts 3 1 3 3 14 3 1 3 3 3 0 13 PSY 589 Res Meth 2 PSY 580 Research Pract Core Course PSY 525 Assessment 1 PSY 552 Ethics [PSY 245] Fall Year 2 PSY 599 Thesis Core Course PSY 595 or elective Hr PSY 555 Res Meth 1 PSY 599 Thesis 3 3 3 9 4 3 PSY 550 Therapy PSY 522 Adv Topics PSY 595 ABA 2 3 1 3 Spring Year 2 Hr PSY 599 Thesis Core Course PSY 595 or elective 3 3 3 9 PSY 599 Thesis PSY 556 Physio Core Course PSY 596 Practicum PSY 522 Adv Topics 3 3 3 2 0 14 PSY 599 Thesis Core Course PSY 526 Assessment 2 PSY 550 Therapy PSY 545 Chem Depend 3 3 3 3 3 15 11 PSY 599 Thesis Core Course PSY 551 Interventions PSY 594 Practicum TOTAL HR 13 NOTES: Core Courses are: PSY 510 Cognitive; PSY 517 Learning; PSY 520 Developmental; PSY 556 Adv. Physiological; and PSY 565 Social & Personality. 3 3 3 2 11 Thesis credits (PSY 599) must total 6, with a max of 5 in any semester. Students must have defended their prospectus by the end of drop/add and have a grade in Psy 580 to enroll in thesis hours in a given semester. It is expected that students will work on their prospectus and thesis during semester breaks and summer. General concentration students, (with thesis mentor approval), choose 4 of the 5 core courses and must take one PSY 595 seminar and one elective approv ed by the Grad Coordinator. ABA students must take PSY 517 Learning; PSY 520 Developmental; and PSY 556 Physio; the fourth core course may be either PSY 510 or PSY 565. They also are expected to participate in a weekly advanced-topics seminar (PSY 522). SATP students must take PSY 556 Physio and may select 3 of the remaining 4 core courses. They also must have taken a “drugs & behavior” course, or take PSY 245 (undergraduate) in their first Spring semester, as it is a prerequisite for PSY 545 Chemical Dependency. SATP and ABA students also complete a 3 credit hour/1000 work hour Internship PSY 597/598 beginning after Spring Year 2 & after thesis is defended. Revised 7/10/15