Aquarius Lesson Plan Focus Grade Level Focus Question Science 1st Grade How can we keep our water clean and why is it important? Learning Objectives: 1.L.1.3 Summarize ways that humans protect their environment and/or improve conditions for the growth of the plants and animals that live there. 1 glass of clean water 1 glass of dirty/muddy water Pictures (listed below) Computer or construction paper Crayons/markers/colored pencils 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 hour Students can be seated at desks or on the floor 30 Pollution River Ocean Aquarius Sea Sponge Students should know what rivers and oceans are and that rivers flow into oceans. 1. Show students the glass of dirty water and the glass of clean water. 2. Ask which glass of water they would like to drink from. Why? 3. Ask students, “How do you think we can keep our drinking water clean?” 4. Ask students, “Do you think it is also important to keep our rivers and oceans clean? Why?” a. Yes, because there are plants and animals living in the ocean. 5. Explain that just like we want to have clean drinking water, so do the animals and plants in the ocean. 1. Show picture 1. 2. Point out all the rivers and explain to the students that they all end in the ocean. 3. Show picture 2. 4. Explain that scientists sometimes live and sleep in an underwater lab called Aquarius so they can study things in the ocean. 5. Show picture 3. Materials Audio/Visual Materials Teaching Time Seat Arrangement Maximum Number of Students Key Words Background Information (Prior Knowledge) Opening Activity Learning Procedure ( Activity) Aquarius Lesson Plan Connections to Other Subjects Closing Activity and Assignment Assessment 6. Explain that Aquarius is in a coral reef off the cost of Key Largo Florida, which is an Island. 7. Show picture 5. 8. Explain that this is a picture the coral reef in Key Largo Florida. 9. Ask students what types of animals and plants they think live in the coral reef. 10. Show picture 6. 11. Say, “These are some fish that live in the coral reef.” 12. Ask students, “What types of things do you think the scientists see and study in the Ocean?” 13. Show picture 4. 14. Ask if anyone knows what this is a picture of. 15. Explain that this is a sea sponge. 16. Tell students that scientists can study these sea sponges and tell how much pollution is in the water. 17. Tell students, “Scientists have found oil and other pollution in the sponges which means there is oil and pollution in the ocean water.” Speaking and Listening: 1.SL.5 Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings. 1. Ask, “What do you think will happen to the plants and animals if there is too much pollution in their water?” a. They may die 2. Ask students how they think we can keep the ocean water clean for the plants and animals. a. stop polluting b. clean up oil spills c. stop littering d. keep rivers clean 3. Ask students if they can think of where the pollution comes from before it enters the ocean. a. Rivers 4. Explain that if we keep our rivers clean we can also keep our oceans clean. 5. Give each student a piece of paper and have them draw a line down the middle. 6. On one side the students should draw a picture of a river or ocean that they think would have poor drinking water. 7. On the other side, they should draw a picture of a river or ocean that they think would have good drinking water. 8. Pictures should include plants, animals, and things that may make the river produce poor or good drinking water. 9. Students will then present their pictures one at a time to the class and explain why they drew what they drew. Students will be assessed by the pictures they drew (example below) and their presentation. Aquarius Lesson Plan Side 1: Many animals Many plants No pollutants Labeled “Good” ____/5 pts. ____/5 pts. ____/5 pts. ____/5 pts. Side 2: Few or no animals Few or no plants Pollutants in water Labeled “Bad” ____/5 pts. ____/5 pts. ____/5 pts. ____/5 pts. Presentation: ____/10 pts. Points Description Other Links and Resources 5 pts. 8 pts. Student presented drawing to the class. Student presented drawing to the class and demonstrated a clear understanding of the assignment. 10 pts. Student presented drawing to class and demonstrated a clear understanding of the assignment, was articulate, and loud enough to be heard. Student was actively listening to other students’ presentations. Total: ____/50 pts. Sponges on Florida Coral Reefs Aquarius Lesson Plan