Placements outside the WCE PDS System
For Distance Education Learners
Out of Area Placements
The Watson College of Education has developed strong, ongoing relationships with partnering public schools in the
Professional Development System, ensuring high quality placements and support structures for interns. Given this
strong bond with partnership schools, the majority of field experience and teacher internships occur in these school
sites. In the case of exceptions to the partnership school placements, the following information is provided to assist
with planning for the “out of area” field experience and/or teacher internship. Also individual states may have
placement policies that prohibit out-of-state institutions and their students from participation in field experiences
and internship placements.( http://www.uncw.edu/dl/StateAuthorizationsDistanceLearningUNCW.html )
Please note that the Watson College of Education and academic programs reserves the right to modify this policy,
as needed, given adequate notification to the student.
Out of Area Field Experiences
The student is responsible for locating a suitable public school setting for the field experiences. The
student will provide the faculty instructor the school setting contact information for approval of the
placement. Approval rests with the faculty instructor as to whether the placement is suitable to meet
the course requirements.
A “suitable placement” is a placement in a public school setting. Careful attention must be given to
ensure that the placement is appropriate for program and course requirements. The recommendation
for classroom placement is with a mentor teacher who has a minimum of 3 years of teaching
experience. The Professional Experiences office and the faculty will need the school name, teacher
name and email contact information to approve the placement. For field experience, it can be in the
place of employment if the school principal/director gives approval, and designates a mentor teacher
or administrator. The student will be responsible for informing the faculty member of the request to
complete the field experience in the place of employment. The faculty will provide the Field Experience
Coordinator with a list of students who have been approved to complete an out of area placement,
with school name, teacher name and email contact information.
The student will handle all required documentation with the school system directly. The student will
also be responsible for all fees associated with required documentation. The documentation may
include health forms, background checks, fingerprinting, drug testing, etc.
Evaluation of field experience:
o The field experience student will be evaluated by the mentor teacher or administrator using
the WCE Field Experience Evaluation Form. The Field Experience Coordinator will deliver results
to faculty in the same process as main campus courses.
o The field experience student will use the Field Experience Log, or a log designated by the faculty
member, to document the field experience activities. The log will be returned to the faculty
member prior to the end of the semester.
Out of Area Teacher Internships
The WCE will work with the student to meet the needs of the distance internship. The following guidelines
apply for each potential teacher intern:
Student is expected to hold a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
WCE will choose a NCATE/TEAC/CAEP accredited university as a host institution for the teacher
internship. The recommendation for classroom placement is with a public school teacher who has
a minimum of 3 years of teaching experience. WCE will verify that there is alignment with
program, grade levels, 15 weeks in internship, a minimum of 30 days of full time teaching
responsibility, etc. The internship courses at the host institution must align with the requirements
for WCE internship courses and the intern is expected to successfully complete the requirements as
appropriate for both institutions.
Student is responsible for all internship fees:
o The student will register at UNCW, pay tuition at UNCW, plus an additional $1,000 fee
collected to cover the costs of the out of area internship placement with a host institution.
o The UNCW fee is $1,000 and is added to the internship course per the course registration;
however, the student is responsible for any additional fees required by the host institution.
o WCE will prepare an Independent Contract for the supervision and placement, and UNCW
will make the payments directly to the host institution supervisors.
o The student will handle all required documentation with the school system directly. The
documentation may include health forms, background checks, fingerprinting, etc.
The appropriate Department Chair will assign a supervisor from WCE to work with the student to
complete the Program Evidences Folio requirements and to also support the student, including
working with the host supervisor as needed. The WCE supervisor will set up a system for checking
with intern throughout semester to verify progress:
• WCE supervisor will work with student and other WCE faculty to assist student with
completing additional seminar courses via online module.
• WCE supervisor will assist student in submission of paperwork for NC teacher licensure
The WCE supervisor will need original copies of the Certification of Teaching Capacity form and a
recommendation for the internship course grade at the end of the semester. The WCE supervisor
will enter the grades, per the recommendation of the host supervisor.
Out of Area Placement Cover Form
Candidate Name_________________________
Date of request _____________
Program of Study ____________________________ Banner ID 850 _____________
Current GPA___________ (Please attach an unofficial copy of your UNCW transcript)
Please complete the following section using contact information that is current and that will allow
UNCW to reach you over the course of the semester.
Phone #_________________
Alternate Phone #__________________
UNCW Email address__________________
Alternate Email (if available)________________
Permanent Address ____________________________________________
Address you will be using during the Out-of-Area placement (if available):
Field Experience and Internship Information
Please be sure to complete the online Field Experience and Internship Applications from the Office of
Professional Experiences. Office of Professional Experiences These are available in mySeaport and
also will be sent electronically each semester.
List 2 or more public school systems in the area for which you are applying for Out of Area
placement, along with contact information:
School System
Contact Person and Phone
Contact Person Email
Requested grade level and subject for internship_______________________________
List 2 or more NCATE/CAEP accredited institutions that offer your program of study (e.g.
undergraduate elementary education, secondary math education, etc.) and a contact representative
at that institution who will have the responsibility of approving your Out of Area placement:
Contact Representative
Phone #
I understand that it is the responsibility of the student to meet all UNCW and Watson College of
Education requirements in addition to the guest school and institution requirements. Further, I
understand that UNCW and the Watson College of Education will provide the instructional program,
and the student maintains all additional responsibility for the out of area placement.
Student signature __________________________
Date _____________
Statement of Understanding and Checklist
for Students Participating in Out of Area Placements
1. Complete a formal local, state and federal background check for Watson College of
Education. Please note that student may also be expected to complete additional
background checks for school system in out of area location.
2. Complete the Watson College of Education Professional Dispositions Statement of
Responsibility. WCE Professional Dispositions
3. Complete the Watson College of Education Ethics and Responsibilities Commitment
4. Work with WCE faculty supervisor to complete all evidences in the Program Evidences
5. At the conclusion of the teacher internship, return the original, signed Certification of
Teaching Capacity form to WCE faculty supervisor. Certification of Teaching Capacity
6. During the internship semester, work with the WCE Licensure Coordinator to prepare
the licensure application. Licensure
I understand that my decision to participate in an out of area placement involves increased
responsibility on my part to communicate with WCE personnel and the school system. I also
understand that upon successful completion of my WCE program of study, the WCE will submit
my licensure application for a North Carolina teaching license. WCE is not able to provide any
support or guidance for licensing requirements in any other state. Further, the ability to be
placed in a school setting is my responsibility and the WCE cannot guarantee field experience or
teacher internship placement in an out of area location. I understand that successful
coursework and program completion is not possible if I am unable to be placed in a public
school setting for completion of the field experience and internship requirements.
Teacher Candidate Signature
Please see attached forms to be returned to the Watson
College of Education with the Out of Area Cover Form
1. Professional Dispositions Statement of Responsibility
2. Ethics and Responsibilities Commitment Agreement
3. Certification of Teaching Capacity
WCE Categories of Professional Dispositions
1. Commitment to Personal and Professional Qualities
o Integrity (honesty, ethics and character)
o Caring
o Tolerance
o Critical thinking and problem solving
o Creativity and innovation
o Consideration and thoughtfulness
o Language appropriate to context and audience
o Attendance, punctuality and responsiveness
o Professional attire and appearance
2. Commitment as a Learner
o Engages actively in class
o Completes assignments to the best of one’s ability
o Takes responsibility for one’s learning by showing initiative in responding to assignments, projects and class
activities both as a learner and a teacher
o Accepts feedback readily and is receptive to new ideas
o Gives thoughtful consideration to different viewpoints
o Contributes ideas and demonstrates initiative when working in groups and teams, comes to classes and
meetings prepared
o Collaborates with peers, colleagues and other teachers to create a professional learning community
3. Commitment as an Educator to the Success of all Students
o Reflects about one’s own cultural identity and experiences
o Examines and seeks to overcome biases and stereotypes
o Shows respect for and sensitivity to students’ varied perspectives and cultures
o Takes responsibility for all students’ learning and holds high expectations for all students
o Establishes an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive and inclusive
o Works collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students
o Chooses methods and materials that engage students to raise academic achievement of all learners and
strives to eliminate achievement gaps
4. Commitment to Professional Leadership 1
o Involves families and the community in the classroom and the school
o Participates in initiatives to improve public education, including professional associations, community
service, boards, panels, agencies or special projects
o Advocates for positive change in policies and practices affecting student learning and lives
o Seeks solutions to overcome social, political, cultural, economic, physical and cognitive barriers that may
prevent effective family and community involvement in the education of their students
Candidates will show evidence of some aspects of Category 4 during our preparation programs. The intent is to show the
continuum of commitment and professional behaviors that will grow beyond our programs. This category will be assessed by
candidates’ demonstrating their connections across the classroom, school, and community and society.
WCE Professional Dispositions for Teacher Candidates
Over the last several years, state and national organizations have developed new expectations of teachers.
Embedded in the North Carolina and InTASC standards for teachers (and many of the curricular
recommendations from professional associations) are assumptions that teachers are both caring and
competent. From these new expectations the Watson College of Education (WCE) developed
dispositional1 expectations for teachers with four main categories to guide teacher candidate development.
These categories promote a new, broader understanding of teacher professionalism. From personal and
professional qualities, commitment as a learner, to success for all learners to teacher leadership,
professionalism is defined by commitment, responsibility, caring and action on behalf of all students.
The WCE dispositions incorporate the professional standards as described in the Code of Ethics for North
Carolina Educators and the Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for North Carolina Educators.
Students should refer to these Standards for a more detailed description.
Through coursework and field experiences, the teacher candidates in WCE have opportunities to develop
the following dispositions (e.g. reflects about one’s own cultural identity and experiences, takes
responsibility for all students’ learning).
Program Dispositions serve three purposes:
1) inform candidates of dispositional expectations
2) help students identify areas for further development, and
3) assist faculty in candidate assessment
Professional Dispositions: Statement of Responsibility
My signature below verifies that I have read the Watson College of Education Professional Dispositions
and recognize the importance of meeting these expectations. My performance on these dispositions must
meet or exceed program expectations. I understand that failure to demonstrate appropriate dispositions
will result in an intervention plan and/or result in dismissal from the Watson College of Education.
Candidate’s Printed Name
Candidate’s Signature
NCATE’s definition of dispositions: “Professional attitudes, values, and beliefs demonstrated through both verbal
and non-verbal behaviors as educators interact with students, families, colleagues, and communities. These
positive behaviors support student learning and development.”
I agree to conduct myself as a professional educator and abide by the North Carolina Code of Ethics for
North Carolina Educators, UNCW’s Code of Student Life, WCE Standards of Professional Conduct,
and the WCE Performance Review Process.
I understand that failure to comply may result in dismissal from the teacher education program,
termination of internship, and other disciplinary and/or legal actions.
Intern’s Signature
Watson College of Education
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
601 S. College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403-5991
To Whom It May Concern:
I hereby authorize you to release any and all information pertinent to my scholastic performance at the University
or any other college or university that I may have attended, to the authorized person of any school or school
system to which I may apply both now and in the future. I understand that this information may include personal
data information, evaluations of supervising teachers, recommendations of professors in other academic
departments, test scores, and a transcript of my college record.
Furthermore, I authorize the release of the same type of information to the North Carolina Department of Public
Instruction as required for licensure.
By this act I do forthwith waive the principle of confidentiality for the above mentioned purposes.
Intern’s Signature
Local Address:
Local Phone:
Cell Phone:
UNCW Email:
Personal Email:
Revised 8/2012