ApplicationfortheUniversityof NorthCarolinaWilmington PeaceCorpsPreparatoryProgram Personal Information: First Name: Last Name: Date: Phone Number: Email Address: Home Address: List below any foreign countries you have visited: Are you an American Citizen? Yes ( ) No ( ) Country Visited: Purpose of Visit: (Vacation, School, Volunteer, other?) Date and Length of Stay: Whatleadershipactivitieshaveyoubeenapartof?Whatwasyourrole? WhatexperienceshaveyouhadinAmericawithpaidorvolunteerworkexperiencewith minorities,underprivilegedpeople,thedisenfranchised,and/ordifferentculturalorethnic groups? Academic Information: Major (if declared): Minor (if declared): If not declared, what majors are you considering?: Which semester are you currently in? How many hours completed towards degree?: What is your current GPA?: Are you and American Citizen? What language courses have you taken so far or are currently enrolled in?: Pleaselistbelowanylanguagesspokenwithconversationalfluency: Pleaselistbelowanylanguagesinwhichyoucanreadand/orwritewithreasonable comprehension: Information Regarding Peace Corps Prep: WhyareyouapplyingtothisPeaceCorpsPrepProgram? IfyouwereacceptedintothePeaceCorps,whatpartoftheworldwouldyouwanttobe placed,andwhy? HowdoyouseethisPeaceCorpsPrepProgrampreparingyourforyourcareer,regardlessof whetheryouenrollinthePeaceCorpsornot? Doyouhaveanyexperiencetutoringorteaching?Yes()No() Ifyespleaseexplainbelow: Doyouhave,orplanonhaving,anyexperiencewithagriculture,forestry,construction,or anothertradeskill?Ifyes,pleaseexplainbelow:Yes()No() Doyouhave,orplanonhaving,experienceinahealthcarerelatedfield/health education/healthoutreach?Ifyes,pleaseexplainbelow:Yes()No() Intwopagesorless,telluswhatinyourlifehasleadyoutowanttobeaPeaceCorps volunteer(doublespaced,oneinchmargin,12pt.type).Attachtoapplication. PeaceCorpsPrepProgramApplicationāUNCW ReleaseofInformation I permit the University of North Carolina Wilmington Peace Corps Prep Program to release information to the Peace Corps about the participants in this program. Understanding the UNCW Peace Corps Prep Program will detail information about my progress throughout the program and other information that will help the Peace Corps gauge the effectiveness of the PCPP. I understand these educational records are subject to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This act prohibits college officials from disclosing any records, including grade reports, academic standings, transcripts of records, or any other records which contain information directly related to the student and from which the student can be individually identified without my consent. I hereby permit the University of North Carolina Wilmington PCPP to disclose personally identifiable information with the Peace Corps regarding my participation in the Peace Corps Preparatory Program for the purposes of assessing the PCPP. This information will be limited to my name, my date of admission to the PCPP, the course work and other activities I selected to satisfy PCPP requirements, date of graduation, and whether I successfully completed the PCPP upon graduation. Student Name (Printed) ___________________________________________ * Student Signature/Date ___________________________________________ Accepted by the director of the UNCW Peace Corps Prep Program: Director Name ____________________________________________ Director Signature/Date _____________________________________ * Signatures are not required at this time, but form will be signed upon acceptance into the program. Submit