MIT 502 Syllabus Tuesday 4:00 - 6:15 pm - You have the option to either attend face to face meetings in EB 368 OR connect synchronously online through Webex INSTRUCTOR Dr. Florence Martin Office: EDN 344 Email: Phone: 910-962-7174 OFFICE HOURS Monday and Wednesday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Other times: Available by appointment COURSE OVERVIEW This course provides an introduction to the field of human performance technology (HPT). It examines basic concepts and principles of human performance, human performance system models, and various approaches to solving human performance problems. In depth analysis of performance improvement interventions (performance support systems, job analysis/work design, personal development, human resource development, organizational communication, organizational design and development, financial systems) and their implementation within organizations is emphasized. WSE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The mission of the Watson College of Education is to develop knowledgeable and proficient education professionals dedicated to improving schools and society. We address this mission by: Providing academically rigorous programs; Producing and using meaningful scholarship; Partnering with schools, organizations and diverse communities; Advancing the profession Refer to the Visual Schematic of the conceptual framework. TEXTBOOKS Required: Fundamentals of Performance Improvement Optimizing Results Through People, Process, and Organizations (3rd edition) Darlene Van Tiem, James L. Moseley, Joan C. Dessinger (2012) Required: Performance Improvement Interventions: Enhancing People, Processes, and Organizations through Performance Technology. Written by Van Tiem, Moseley, and Dessinger (2006) COURSE OBJECTIVES The overall course objectives are: 1. Examine basic concepts and principles of human performance technology 2. Describe the models used in human performance technology. 3. Examine the systematic approach to the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of performance improvement interventions (performance support systems, job analysis/work design, personal development, human resource development, organizational communication, organizational design and development, financial systems) within organizations COURSE POLICIES 1. We will spend about half of the days discussing readings, and the other half you will have to work on your projects. You must complete all reading assignments before class in order for us to cover topics quickly. You will work individually on the Intervention assignment, however, you will work in small groups for the Performance Improvement project with all students in a group receiving the SAME grade. 3. Assignments must be completed on time. Assignments submitted after the due date will result in a lower grade per instructor's discretion. Assignments will not be accepted more than one week beyond the due date, except for instructor's discretion.You prompt submission of assignments will help the instructor on giving you timely feedback. 2. COURSE GRADE The course grade will be determined by the following activities and projects A, A- = 90-100 means outstanding achievement; available only for the highest accomplishment. B+, B, B- = 80- 89 means praiseworthy performance; definitely above average. C+, C, C- = 70- 79 means average, awarded for satisfactory performance. TECHNOLOGY WEB ACCESS 1. Participation & Attendance 10% 2. Definition of HPT 10% 3. Midterm 15% 3.Intervention Presentation and Paper 20% 4.Performance Improvement Team Project 45% This course is designed as an online course with synchronous on-line meetings. The on-line format of the course will use the Webex Virtual Classroom and Blackboard Learn system which you have access to through UNCW Sea Port or directly by using this URL address: You are expected to check the course website/ Blackboard on a regular basis for updated information. You will need a headset with microphone and a webcam to participate in the synchronous online classes. ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance is required. Your active participation in this class is crucial to its success. Because of its interactive, group nature, I depend on you to build and shape the course. Participation involves a combination of attendance, appropriate discussion, completion of assignments and active listening. Any absences should be discussed with the instructor. Please call and leave a message or email me within 24 hours if you are unable to make it to class for any reason. Extreme emergencies and/or documented absences will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Out of respect for all of our busy schedules, we will begin class promptly. Please arrive on campus in time to park and get to our classroom before class begins. Late arrivals or departures may be considered absences. SPECIAL ACCOMODATIONS If for any reason you have needs for special accommodations to fulfill class requirements and succeed in this class, contact me between the first and second class in person, by phone, or email. Your special needs may be related to physical disabilities, learning disabilities, or any other special need you may have. If you would need special accommodations due to unexpected events in your personal life during the course of the semester, contact me as soon as possible. Refer to Student Support Offices and Services section of the university's Student Catalogue. PLAGIARISM You are expected to complete your own work. If you use ideas and excerpts from other people and/or resources you must cite and properly reference them in your work. Review the university's policy with respect to plagiarism. If the policy is not clear to you, please ask me for an explanation or examples. Click here to view the Code of Student Life. ACADEMIC HONOR CODE All UNCW students and faculty are held to the terms of the Academic Honor Code. UNCW practices a zero-tolerance policy for violence and harassment of any kind. For emergencies contact UNCW CARE at 962-2273, Campus Police at 962-3184, or Wilmington Police at 911. For University or community resources visit Refer to the standards of professional conduct at Waston School of Education Course Schedule Link to e-reserve - DATE TOPIC(S) Jan 14 Introduction and Overview Jan 21 What is Human Performance Technology? READINGS PROJECT DUE Chapter 1- Van Tiem, D. M., Moseley, J. L., & Dessinger, J. C. (2012). Fundamentals of Performance Technology: DUE: Definition of HPT. Rosenberg - Origins and Evolution of the field. Handbook of Human Performance Technology (2nd edition). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Martin, F., Hall, H., Blakely, A., Gayford, M., & Gunter, E. (2009). The HPT Model Applied to a Kayak Company’s Registration Process. Performance Improvement Journal, 48, 3, 26 - 35 Jan 28 Review case study and videos and respond to questions on discussion board. Team meetings for project idea Check Week 3 Folder in Blackboard CHWK Case Study Two Videos What is Human Performance Technology or HPT? 1) write a personal definition of the field and 2) Describe what you believe a good practitioner of HPT does? DATE TOPIC(S) READINGS PROJECT DUE Feb 4 Human Performance Technology Models Chapter 2 - Van Tiem, D. M., Moseley, J. L., & Dessinger, J. C. (2012). Fundamentals of Performance Technology Phase I - Description of the project Rothwell, W. J. (1996). Human performance improvement process. In W. J. Rothwell (Ed.), ASTD Models for Human Performance Improvement. Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development. Wilmoth, F., Prigmore, C. & Bray, M. (2002). HPT Models: An overview of the major models in the field. Perishing, J.A. (2006). Human performance technology fundamentals. In Perishing J.A. (Eds.), Handbook of Human Performance Technology (3rd edition). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Feb 11 Change Management and Chapter 3 - Change Management Chapter 4 - Overview of Performance Analysis Performance Analysis (Organization analysis, Environmental Analysis, Gap Analysis) Chapter 5 - Organizational Analysis Chapter 6 - Environmental Analysis Chapter 7 - Gap Analysis Feb 18 Cause Analysis Chapter 8 - Cause Analysis Case study 2.1 and 2.2 Sample Randall Library Project Cause Analysis Techniques Cause & Effect Diagram Root Cause Analysis Interrelationship Diagram Current Reality Tree Feb 25 Selecting Performance Intervention Performance Chapter 9 - Intervention selection DATE TOPIC(S) READINGS Improvement Case Studies University Library Case Study PROJECT DUE HPT Modelt o Org Processes in Military Training Key Competencies Key Competencies for PI Professionals Guest Speaker - Michael Robinson Mar 4 Spring Break (No classes) Mar 11 Midterm Mar 18 Selecting Performance Interventions Presentations Mar 25 Selecting Performance Interventions Presentations April 1 Intervention Design, Making the business case and Intervention development Phase 2 Performance Improvement Project Intervention Presentation Chapters 10 to 17- Performance Improvement Interventions by Van Tiem, Moseley, & Dessinger. Intervention Presentation Chapters 10 to 17- Performance Improvement Interventions by Van Tiem, Moseley, & Dessinger. Chapter 18 - Intervention Design Chapter 19 - Making the business case Chapter 20 - Intervention development Case Study 3.1 and 3.2 April 8 WITX Conference DUE: Intervention Paper Intervention Presentation April 15 Intervention Implementation and Maintenance and Intervention Evaluation Chapter 21 - Intervention Implementation and Maintenance Chapter 22 - Techniques for Implementation and maintenance Case Study 4.1 and 4.2 DATE TOPIC(S) READINGS PROJECT DUE Chapter 23 - Overview of Evaluation Chapter 24 - Planning and conducting evaluation Case study 5.1 and 5.2 April 22 PI Case Studies DUE: Updated Definition of the field. What is Human Performance Technology or HPT? Describe how your definition of the field has changed? Revisit your old definition (2 or 3 pages) April 29 What is CPT? Review Appendix A and B Course Evaluations Course Review Final Presentations of the Performance Improvement Project