Ed.D. Internships EDL 661 and EDL 663 The mission of the Educational Leadership and Administration Doctoral Program is to prepare superintendents and other educational leaders to be informed, proactive, and reflective change agents to improve public schools for the benefit of all students, particularly in southeastern North Carolina. The audience for the program includes (a) current B-12 public school leaders who plan to move into school district leadership roles; (b) current B-12 public school leaders, school- or districtlevel, who wish to improve their leadership practice through an education doctorate; and (c) leaders from related disciplines who plan to move into school or school district leadership roles. Our students include school district leaders, school administrators, teacher leaders, and leaders working for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The primary goal of the program is to prepare effective leaders who are skilled managers, curricular experts, and research-based scholars. Each of these roles requires theoretical and practical knowledge, application of skills, and appropriate professional dispositions. Internships The Watson School of Education at the University of North Carolina Wilmington launched in 2007 an Ed. D. program for future school executives. Requirements for degree completion include three internships: one in the business community and one in an educational or governmental institution along with a third internship is international in scope. The hour requirements for each internship are 100 hours of participation in an organization that has demonstrated successful leadership practices that can be transferred to local educational settings. It is our expectation that our candidates will have the appropriate background, skills, and interests consistent with the organization that is serving as the internship site. Overview of Internships The University of North Carolina Wilmington is committed to maintaining professional interactions and experiences between our doctoral interns and each organization/institution. Each organization/institution may involve interns in an appropriate work project(s) which would provide each organization/institution with assistance in completing tasks and achieving goals. This work project may be research-oriented, product-based and/or service-based. The main focus of the doctoral internships is the examination of leadership and the impact that leadership has on the functioning of a system in the educational, business and/or government arena. Intern Site Supervisors: Leaders of Tomorrow Page 2 A doctoral program faculty member will be assigned as a supervisor to monitor and evaluate the student’s performance in cooperation with the organization’s identified supervisor. Each student and organization/institution will have a contract that outlines duties and responsibilities of the university as well as the participating organization/institution. Al l internship students agree to and sign a confidentiality statement. Students compile a weekly and final summary reflective journal of the internship experience. Students also write a critical paper examining an identified issue related specifically to the internship site. These papers in turn are available to each participating organization/institution. We wish for interns to extrapolate from their internship experiences the connections that could make a positive impact on their educational organizations. The intern should work to ensure that all related coursework maintains confidentiality agreements between the supervising site and the intern. In addition, the internship site supervisor may contact the university faculty internship supervisor at any time for clarification on issues or concerns. For additional information: WSE website: http://www.uncw.edu/ed/ Leaders of Tomorrow Page 3 Internship Standards The University of North Carolina Wilmington adheres to specific standards for each course development and the internships have a set of standards. The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) standards, the North Carolina Standards for School Executives, and North Carolina Standards for Superintendents are the foundational standards for this course. More information can be found at the following sites: NC Standards for Superintendents: http://www.ncptsc.org/NC%20Standards%20for%20Superintendents.pdf NC Standards for School Executives: http://www.ncptsc.org/NC%20Standards%20for%20School%20Executives.pdf ISLLC Standards: http://coe.fgue.edu/faculty/valesky/isllcstandands.htm Leaders of Tomorrow Page 4 EDL 661 and 663 Internship Preliminary Approval Sheet Student Name: Internship Project Title: Name, Address, and contact info of Internship Field Supervisor: Name: Address: Phone and e-mail: Description of the Project and Goals: Indicators that the project is research based: What the final project will look like upon completion (Review pgs. 11-13 of the EdD Internships manual)? Program Coordinator: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________ Intern: __________________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Leaders of Tomorrow Page 5 Education/Government Internship EDL 661 Internship (2 credits) Catalog Description: This course is a focused internship for candidates who are placed in an educational or government setting to intensively study innovation, leadership styles and data-driven decisionmaking. Conceptual Framework: This course is designed to focus on key components of the Watson School of Education’s conceptual framework: The WSE develops highly competent professionals to serve in educational leadership roles. All educators must use data for decisions, reflect upon their practice, exemplify their commitment to professional standards, implement appropriate communication strategies, and strive to meet the needs of all learners and constituents. Assignments in this course will assist candidates in preparing to be a competent professional and an effective leader at the district level and beyond. Course Objectives 1. Compare and contrast the leadership styles, philosophical perspectives, organizational systems, administrative processes and culture of the organization and analyze how they these factors affect the organization. (Standard 1, 2, 3). Note, for this reason, it is advised that the internship be completed in a division/ organization in which the intern is not currently employed. This internship will allow an organizational perspective not formed by current working conditions. In some cases, exceptions may be granted to allow for specified components to be accomplished that are division-specific, but only with the advance approval of the instructor. 2. Observe and critically analyze practices, change strategies, assessment tools and management approaches in the internship placement setting. (Standard 1, 3) 3. Study innovation and data-driven decision-making from a system perspective. (Standard 1, 3) 4. Shadow leaders through typical work day assignments (Standard 4, 5) 5. Perform a leadership role the area of the student’s expertise connected to their research interests (Standard 5, 6) 6. Reflect upon experiences with fellow interns. (Standard 4) Course Outcomes/Projects 1. Participation in a minimum of 100 contact hours to complete internship. 2. Successful fulfillment of the internship contract as developed with the internship host, the faculty member, and the intern, including site duties and responsibilities. The contract will connect to EDL 602 and a specific data-driven issue, chosen for observation, study and site project that is summarized in a paper. 3. Participation in the internship reflective component with appropriate written journals. Reflective Blackboard Posts will be a component of this reflective journaling process. Leaders of Tomorrow Page 6 4. Initiation of changes at one’s own workplace from examined data-driven issue. These changes will be illustrated in a multi-media work product. 5. Organizational field supervisor’s evaluation assessing the quality of the student’s work and the student’s professionalism. Instructional Methods and Activities Students will compile a weekly and final, summary reflective journal of the internship experience (this will be divided into 5 submissions to allow for instructor feedback. Please space these out by about one week). 1. Students will complete an appropriate work project(s) to provide assistance in completing the tasks and achieving goals for the internship host. This work project may be research-oriented, product-based and/or service-based. 2. Students will write a paper describing an identified issue related specifically to the internship work project(s). This paper will include an investigation of the overall leadership styles, administrative processes and the culture of the organizational setting and analyze how these factors affect education and training in that organization. This paper will be graded by the Faculty Internship Advisor. 3. Students will create a power point presentation summarizing their papers and work products. 4. Students will submit an evaluation form to the host/field supervisor. Grading Policy* Reflective Journal Power Point Paper Field Supervisor Evaluation Total Points A B C F 15 points 25 points 40 points 20 points 100 points 93 – 100 86 - 92 79 - 85 Below 79 *The reflective journal, power point presentation, paper and field supervisor’s evaluation must be submitted to the Faculty Internship Advisor. * This syllabus and manual is tentative and subject to updates and edits from the course instructor as needed. Leaders of Tomorrow Page 7 Business internship EDL 663 Internship (2 credits) Catalog Description: This internship is designed to provide first-hand experience in applying best business practices to the educational domain, including: 1) effective managerial and leadership principles; 2) strategic human resource management; and 3) innovative training and employee/customer education models. Conceptual Framework: This course is designed to focus on key components of the Watson School of Education’s conceptual framework: The WSE develops highly competent professionals to serve in educational leadership roles. All educators must use data for decisions, reflect upon their practice, exemplify their commitment to professional standards, implement appropriate communication strategies, and strive to meet the needs of all learners and constituents. Assignments in this course will assist candidates in preparing to be a competent professional and an effective leader at the district level and beyond. Course Objectives 1. Experience and study the leadership styles, organizational systems, administrative processes and culture of a business setting and analyze how these factors affect education and training in that business. (Standard 1, 2, 3) 2. Study strategic resourced management including recruitment, retention, customer satisfaction and support. (Standard 6) 3. Explore innovative training and employee/customer education models, (Standard 3) 4. Shadow leaders through typical work-day assignments and perform authentic responsibilities.(Standard 4) 5. Compare change strategies, assessment tools and management approaches.(Standard 3) 6. Apply learning from BUS 605 and prepare for BUS 624 assignments.(Standard 4) 7. Reflect upon experiences with fellow interns. (Standard 4, 5) Course Outcomes/Projects 1. Participation in a minimum of 100 contact hours to complete internship. 2. Successful fulfillment of the internship contract as developed with the internship host, the faculty member, and the intern. The contract will connect to BUS 605 and a specific datadriven issue, chosen for observation, study and summarized in a paper. 3. Participation in the internship reflective\component with appropriate written journals. Reflective Blackboard Posts will be a component of this reflective journaling process. 4. Students will include interviews and observations related to forthcoming assignments in BUS 624. Leaders of Tomorrow Page 8 5. Initiation of changes at one’s own workplace from examined data-driven issue. These changes will be documented in a paper and illustrated in a power point. 6. Organizational field supervisor’s evaluation assessing the quality of the student’s work and the student’s professionalism. Instructional Methods and Activities 1. Students will compile a weekly and final, summary reflective journal of the internship experience. 2. Students will complete an appropriate work project(s) to provide assistance in completing the tasks and achieving goals for the internship host. This work project may be researchoriented, product-based and/or service-based. 3. Students will write a paper describing an identified issue related specifically to the internship work project(s). This paper will include an investigation of the overall leadership styles, administrative processes and the culture of the organizational setting and analyze how these factors affect education and training in that organization. This paper will be graded by the Faculty Internship Advisor. 4. Students will create a power point presentation summarizing their papers and work products. 5. Students will submit an evaluation form to the host/field supervisor. Grading Policy* Reflective Journal Power Point Paper Field Supervisor Evaluation Total Points A B C D F 15 points 25 points 40 points 20 points 100 points 93 – 100 86 - 92 79 - 85 73 – 78 Below 73 *The reflective journal, power point presentation, paper and field supervisor’s evaluation must be submitted to the Faculty Internship Advisor. * This syllabus and manual is tentative and subject to updates and edits from the course instructor as needed. Leaders of Tomorrow Page 9 INT E RNSHIPS S tu den t Proc edu ra l Gui del i nes E NROLL IN EDL 661 OR 66 3 E NROLLMENT COMP LE TE Contac t Me etin g is s et u p fo r th e fol lo wi ng : a.Revi ew co ntra ct (l eave a c opy) b.Col le ct i nformatio n fo r i nternshi p pl ac ement fo rm. c.Compl ete in te rn shi p pl ac ement fo rm exc ept fo r start da te d.Compl ete Co nfid enti al ity Agree ment an d le ave a cop y wi th the h ost su pervi sor. e.E xpl ai n the work proj ect(s), th e 100 requ ired co ntact hou rs , an d host su pervi sor e val uati on form. S tu den t determi nes wha t type of exp erie nce they woul d l ike to comp le te thei r i nternsh ip a nd be gi n conve rs atio ns ab out poss ib le p la ceme nts. P LA CE MENTS CA NNOT B E IN P RE S ENT WORK E NV IRONME NT S . P la ceme nt de te rmi ned P la ceme nt NOT de te rmi ned Once yo u h ave mad e a dec is ion o n the po ssi bl e pl ace ment, yo u are to sc hed ul e a n in te rvi ew wi th th e h ost su pervi sor, the facu lty advi so r and the stud ent to exp la in the p ro cess Compl eted an d si gne d con tract mus t be su bmi tted to Li sa Hunt before stude nt c an be gi n i nternsh ip. Fo rm no t si gn ed A ll pap erwork, i nc lu di ng ho st eva lu atio n must be turned i n fo r the stud ent to rece ive c re di t for the i nternsh ip. Fo rm S ig ned S tu den ts then c an be gi n th e 100 ho urs of the i nternsh ip . Lo gs are kept of th e hours an d re fl ec ti on s from th e exp erie nce. Leaders of Tomorrow Page 10 Intern Projects Each organization/institution may involve interns in an appropriate work project(s) which would provide each organization/institution with assistance in completing tasks and achieving goals. This work project may be research-oriented, product-based and/or service-based. An overview of each type of project is provided. Research-oriented projects A research-oriented project is research based in terms that the intern is collecting data for the organization/institution in order to collectively or specifically extrapolate information to serve the organization/institution. Product-based projects A product-based project is when the intern completes a specific product that is needed by the organization/institution. Service-based projects A service-based project is developed between the intern and the organization/institution so the intern performs a service function or completes an activity that benefits both the intern and the organization/institution. Leaders of Tomorrow Page 11 ASSESSMENT There are three primary areas of assessment: reflective logs, paper/presentation, and evaluation. Journaling/Reflective Logs The art of journaling is key to the success of a leader. Students in the internships will be required to maintain a reflective log of the experiences throughout the internship. The reflective log begins at the onset of the internship and is continued throughout the duration of the experience. The logs are maintained throughout the course to be observed at random times by the instructor for feedback and comments. The logs are assigned points and graded at the completion of the course. Each log should contain a reflection of daily/weekly activities/events and experiences, times and dates for each entry, and an accumulation of hours for the internship. Paper/Presentation Students in the internships will be required to present an overview of the final project as a presentation and paper for grading. The presentation/paper are assigned points and graded at the completion of the course. Projects, while some may not be tangible to present, are the focus of the paper and should include an overview of the project and detailed information so that the project is easily understood. Projects will be submitted unless not tangible in design. All projects must be pre-approved by instructors and host sites. Evaluation Students in the internships will be required to have their site coordinator evaluate them throughout the internship. This is a graded assignment in the internship and all students must turn in a completed evaluation by their site coordinator at the business or government site. Leaders of Tomorrow Page 12 Outline for Internship Paper Recommended Section Headings Purpose and goals of the internship and why interested in this placement Reflections of the leadership style(s), processes and organizational culture observed Description of the work project you completed for the organization Summary of the impact on your overall learning and your leadership development Leaders of Tomorrow Page 13 Internship Project Rubric PAPER Content and Writing Score- Description of Important Internship Components (reference “Outline for Internship paper” for necessary components). Discuss appropriate format with course instructor Not Evident or Lacking Evident Proficient 0-24 points 25-33 points 34-40 points Includes little or no important components. Irrelevant to the realities and needs of the internship. Some dialogue evident, but vague or irrelevant to situation. Notes some realities and needs of the internship. Clarity and/or focus evident, though there is room for improvement. Grammar is acceptable, but needs improvement. Writing is specific and aligned with Internship Paper recommended outline (or agreed-upon format). Specific to the realities and needs of the internship. Clarity and focus is evident. Minor or no grammatical errors. Writing Lacks clarity or focus. Significant grammatical errors. _______/40 points possible POWERPOINT PPT presentation (10 slides) Not Evident or Lacking Evident Proficient 0-10 points 11-18 points 19-25 points Lacks clarity, focus. Time frame of 10-15 minutes not kept. Significant grammar mistakes. Does not relate to the articulated (or agreedupon format) from the Internship Paper. Clear and focused presentations that summarize the project. PowerPoint (or other media) presentation clear and within the 1015 minute time frame. Some mistakes made in terms of clarity and/or grammar. Captures most of the components from the Internship Paper. Clear, focused, and succinct presentation. Aligned with Internship Paper components. Time frame of 10-15 minutes is kept and only minor (if any) grammatical areas are present. _______/25 points possible Leaders of Tomorrow Page 14 FORMS Leaders of Tomorrow Page 15 Department of Educational Leadership Watson School of Education University of North Carolina Wilmington (Office) 910-962-3369 (Fax) 910-962-3609 601 South College Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 saved as: INTERNSHIP placement forms.doc Doctoral Internship CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT Form Ed D 19 Student: ___________________________ (Print Name) Semester: Summer Fall Spring Year________ (Circle One) Agreement: This is to certify that as a doctoral intern of the University of North Carolina Wilmington, I understand that any information (written, verbal or other form) obtained during the performance of my internship duties for EDL 661 and EDL 663 MUST remain confidential. This includes all information about members, clients, families, employees and other associated organizations; as well as, any other information otherwise marked or known to be confidential. I understand that any unauthorized release or carelessness in the handling of confidential information is considered a breach of the duty to maintain confidentiality. I further understand that any breach of the duty to maintain confidentiality could be grounds for immediate dismissal from the internship experience; as well as dismissal from the doctoral program and/or possible liability in any legal action arising from such breach. My signature below indicates that (1) I have read this agreement (2) I understand this agreement (3) I will adhere to the requirements associated with confidentiality. _____________________________________ Signature ____________ Date Leaders of Tomorrow Page 16 Department of Educational Leadership Watson School of Education University of North Carolina Wilmington (Office) 910-962-3369 601 South College Rd (Fax) 910-962-3609 Wilmington, NC 28403 saved as: INTERNSHIP placement forms.doc EDL 661: Education/Government Doctoral Program: INTERNSHIP PLACEMENT Form Ed D 16 Student: ___________________________ (Print Name) Semester: Summer Fall Spring (Circle One) Year: ________ Placement (Name): __________________________ Placement Location: __________________________ Placement Supervisor: __________________________ Contact Information: _______________________________________________________ Summary of Internship Goals: Permission to Begin: __________________ Planned Date to Complete:________________ Student Signature: _____________________________________________ Date___________ University Supervisor: Dr. William Sterrett _____________ Date___________ Additional Information: ___Student ___Office (EDL) ___University Supervisor Leaders of Tomorrow Page 17 Department of Educational Leadership Watson School of Education University of North Carolina Wilmington (Office) 910-962-3369 South College Rd (Fax) 910-962-3609 Wilmington, NC 28403 601 EDL 662: INTERNATIONAL Internship Doctoral Program: INTERNSHIP PLACEMENT Form Ed D 17 Student: ___________________________ (Print Name) Semester: Fall Spring Summer (Circle One) Year: ________ Country: __________________________ Contact Information: ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _ University Supervisor: Dr. John Fischetti or Dr. Kennedy Ongaga or Dr. Scott Imig (other) ______________ Permission to Begin: __________________ Complete:_________________________ Plan to Student Signature: _____________________________________________ Date___________ University Supervisor: __________________________________________ Date___________ Additional Information: ___Student ___Office (EDL) ___University Supervisor Leaders of Tomorrow Page 18 Department of Educational Leadership Watson School of Education University of North Carolina Wilmington (Office) 910-962-3369 South College Rd (Fax) 910-962-3609 Wilmington, NC 28403 601 EDL 663: BUSINESS Doctoral Program INTERNSHIP PLACEMENT Form Ed D 18 Student: ___________________________ (Print name) Semester: Summer Fall Spring (Circle One) Year: ________ Placement (Name): ______________________________ Placement Location: ______________________________ Placement Supervisor: ______________________________ Contact Information: ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _ Permission to Begin: __________________ Planned Date to complete:________________ Student Signature: _____________________________________________ Date___________ University Supervisor: Dr. Marsha Carr __ ________________________ Date___________ Additional Information: ___Student ___Office (EDL) ___University Supervisor Leaders of Tomorrow Page 19 Department of Educational Leadership Watson School of Education University of North Carolina Wilmington (Office) 910-962-3369 (Fax) 910-962-3609 601 South College Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 saved as: INTERNSHIP placement forms.doc Doctoral Internship CONTACT LOG (INSTRUCTOR/STUDENT) Date of contact and time Purpose of contact Comments Leaders of Tomorrow Page 20 EDL 661/ 663 Internship Daily and Monthly Time Report Site Name _____________________________ Student Name _____________________________ Month Beginning _______Ending_______ Day of Week Date A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Start End Start End Total Activity Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Total For 1st Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Total For 2nd Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Leaders of Tomorrow Page 21 Friday Total For 3rd Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Total For 4th Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Total For 5th Week Total For Month Leaders of Tomorrow Page 22 Department of Educational Leadership Watson School of Education University of North Carolina Wilmington (Office) 910-962-3369 (Fax) 910-962-3609 601 South College Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 saved as: INTERNSHIP placement forms.doc Doctoral Internship ASSESSMENT SURVEY Please complete the following survey at the beginning of the course and again at the conclusion of the course. Turn the assessment in to your instructor. Agree Disagree 1. I believe there is value in doing internships as a student. 1 2 3 4 5 2. I believe the hours involved in the internship are adequate. 1 2 3 4 5 3. I believe all students benefit from internships in the field. 1 2 3 4 5 4. I believe there is enough contact by the instructor in the course. 1 2 3 4 5 5. I believe the logs are necessary component of the course. 1 2 3 4 5 6. I believe the paper is a necessary component of the course. 1 2 3 4 5 7. I believe the presentation is a necessary component. 1 2 3 4 5 8. I believe the evaluation provides data for course changes. 1 2 3 4 5 9. I believe the relationships at the sites are essential. 1 2 3 4 5 10. I believe the internship was an effective learning experience. 1 2 3 4 5 Please what was most beneficial about this experience? Please provide suggestions for changes you would like to see to the internship. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please describe below: Leaders of Tomorrow Page 23 Department of Educational Leadership Watson School of Education University of North Carolina Wilmington (Office) 910-962-3369 (Fax) 910-962-3609 601 South College Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 saved as: INTERNSHIP placement forms.doc Doctoral Internship TRACKING LOG STUDENT START DATE LOCATION PROJECTED END DATE ASSIGNMENT COMPLETION Leaders of Tomorrow Page 24 Ed. D. Internship Contractual Agreement This agreement establishes the relationship between UNC Wilmington (referred to as the "University"), an educational institution in the UNC State System of Higher Education, and ________,referred to as the "Organization"). The University offers degree programs in a wide variety of disciplines, which are academically enhanced by practical experiences outside of the traditional classroom setting. For this agreement the Organization shall provide practical experience pursuant to the terms of this agreement and serve as an internship site offering facilities, resources, and supervision to students. Both parties agree to the following: I. Duties and Responsibilities of the University 1. The University will be responsible for internships that are conducted during a regular academic semester(s) or scheduled summer term(s). The University and the organization agree to schedule the internship hours to mutually benefit all parties involved and to conform to the scheduling formula of 100 hours of site contact to equal one credit. 2. The University shall certify eligibility for students registering internships for academic credit. Approved students will have the appropriate educational background and skills consistent with the advertised internship and departmental requirements for participation. 3. The University determines the amount of academic credit to be earned through the internship and establishes all academic requirements that the student must meet to earn the credit. The University establishes a grading system and criteria to earn the grade upon completion of the internship. 4. The University will assign a faculty member to monitor and evaluate the student's performance during the internship. The University will assume all costs associated with faculty supervision of the intern. 5. The University, at the beginning of the internship term, will provide the Organization with all evaluation materials and the expected timeline for submission. 6. The University agrees to advise students of any known policies, procedures and requirements of the internship as specified by the Organization. 7. The University, at the beginning of the internship term, will inform the Organization of course requirements such as the intern's attendance at meetings/seminars or activities that may take the intern away from the assignment. 8. The University may request termination of the internship placement for any student not complying with University guidelines and procedures for the internship program, as long as the Organization has been notified. 9. The Organization understands that as member of the UNCW System of Higher Education, the University is prohibited from purchasing insurance. As a public university and state 2 Leaders of Tomorrow Page 25 instrumentality there is no statutory authority to purchase insurance and it does not possess insurance documentation. II. Duties and Responsibilities of the Organization 1. The Organization agrees to prepare an internship job description that outlines the duties and responsibilities of the intern. The University will use this document to determine the suitability of the internship for academic credit. Should changes to the job description be necessary after the internship is approved, the Organization agrees to notify the University of such changes. 2. The Organization agrees to notify the University of all selection criteria and any requirements of the selection process including but not limited to background investigations, drug testing, health screenings etc. 3. The Organization selects interns based on the Organization's needs and preferences. 4. The Organization determines the schedule that the intern will maintain on premises. The total scheduled hours will comply with standards established by the University for the award of credit hours: 100 hours of site contact equals one credit. 5. S. The Organization agrees to provide suitable workspace and resources for the intern to complete the internship assignment. The Organization will also provide orientation, training, supervision and evaluation of the intern. 6. The Organization shall provide all reasonable information requested by the University on a student's internship performance. If there are any student evaluations, they will be completed and returned according to any reasonable schedule agreed to by the University and the Organization 7. The Organization agrees to make a reasonable effort to cooperate with the University's request for a faculty site visit(s) during the internship. 8. Should the Organization become dissatisfied with the performance of a student, the Organization may request removal of the student. This should occur after the University has been notified in advance and a satisfactory resolution cannot be obtained. _____________________________________ Signature of Sponsor/Organization __________________________ Date _____________________________________ Signature of Intern __________________________ Date Leaders of Tomorrow Page 26 Field Experience/Internship Supervisor Evaluation Form Student’s Name______________________________________________________________ University Supervisor Name: ___________________________________________________ Duration of Field Experience/Internship _____________________to ___________________ Beginning month/day/year Ending month/day/year Location of Field Experience/Internship __________________________________________ Directions to Field/Internship Supervisor: Please evaluate student’s performance by circling the most appropriate number. Strongly Strongly Agree Disagree 1. The quality of the student’s work was consistently excellent. 5 4 3 2 1 2. The student was very reliable about fulfilling the requirements of the internship. 5 4 3 2 1 3. The student consistently arrived on the site as scheduled. 5 4 3 2 1 4. The student was always considerate and professional. 5 4 3 2 1 Internship Host Supervisor’s Comments about this student’s internship: Internship Host Supervisor______________________ /__________________________ ____________ Print Name Signature Date Please fax or e-mail this signed form to: (Instructor Name) University of North Carolina Wilmington Watson School of Education Department of Educational Leadership 601 South College Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-5991 fax: (910) 962-3609 Leaders of Tomorrow Page 27 Prepared by: Dr. Howard Coleman Dr. Marsha Carr-Lambert Dr. William Sterrett Leaders of Tomorrow Page 28