Winthrop University Department of Social Work Guidelines for Use of Employment as a Field Placement The option to utilize a current employment site as a field placement setting can be beneficial in making social work education possible to working students and increase the level of professional resources within the agency. This option may be considered when the following criteria are met: a) field internship responsibilities must be different from the student’s regular job role; and, b) the internship supervisor (BSW/MSW degree required) must be someone other than the student’s regular work supervisor. This will insure that employment sites conform to the professional standards required by the Winthrop University Department of Social Work policies and adhere to the standards set forth by the accrediting body, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Crucial to the success of the student’s experience is clear differentiation between employment and field placement assignments. However, these arrangements unless carefully developed and monitored, can diminish the quality and integrity of field education. The number of required hours will be clearly noted for the agency. As an initial step, the student should review the basic requirements that must be met for consideration to utilize an employment site as a field placement. Formal request for this arrangement is initiated by the student in consultation with the Field Director or Assistant Field Director at the time of application for field placement. Appropriate paperwork must be completed and turned in to the Winthrop University Field office by the due date determined by the Field Director. However, completion of the paperwork is not a guarantee of approval of the request. Basic Requirements of an Employment-based Field Placement: Students who are employed in social service/social work agencies will develop a proposal for an employment-based field placement. The student, agency and Field Instructor must be able to meet established criteria (as stated above) to assure and maximize learning opportunities and the educational focus of field work, provide new and challenging experiences to the student and be able to differentiate placement activities from regular employment activities while conforming to the high standards required of all field experiences. The proposal should encompass a minimum of the following: 1. Supplemental application form signed by the employer/current supervisor, the student and proposed Field Instructor. 2. A copy of the student’s current job description in the agency. 3. Specification of the student intern job responsibilities and information on how those differ from the student’s employment responsibilities. 4. Identification, by name and function, of the supervisor over the student’s regular job duties and of the Field Instructor over the student’s internship responsibilities. Student, Agency and Field Instructor Standards for Employment-based Field Placements: In order to meet the requirements of an employment-based field placement, the student, agency and Field Instructor must meet the following criteria: Student Standards: 1. During the academic year, the student must continue to perform at a satisfactory level in both employment and the field practicum setting. Failure to maintain satisfactory performance in job or field practicum will result in loss of utilizing the employment site for the field experience. 2. Generally, the student who completes an employment-based placement may use this setting for only one academic year. An exception may be granted only after a thorough examination and agreement by all parties. Decisions will be based on the learning needs of the individual student and the educational soundness of the employment-based field placement proposal. Agency Standards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The agency must offer diverse learning opportunities appropriate to the specified student’s learning needs and in conjunction with concurrent practice class requirements. The agency must provide experiences for the student during field work hours that are significantly differentiated from regular work activities and duties, as submitted in the written proposal. Assignments proposed for field work must be educationally focused and meet the criteria of the department’s field education. The agency must insure the availability of release time for student’s classes and field instruction affirming their commitment to and support of the student’s participation in the Winthrop University social work field program. Field placement assignments must be with a different supervisor in a different department, service, or unit of the agency– completely differentiating the student’s work assignments from field internship experiences. Assigned hours for field work must be specifically designated. If the agency has not been evaluated, approved and confirmed as a regular field placement site, the agency will follow the required department curriculum and field instruction policies until and after approval. The agency must agree not to alter the field assignments or field arrangements without consultation and approval by the Field Director. Field Instructor Standards: 1. 2. 3. A Field Instructor assigned to a student employee must be qualified and meet the criteria set by the department for all Field Instructors, including all Field Instructor application and confirmation policies and procedures. The Field Instructor must be different from the student’s current employment supervisor. The Field Instructor should attend field orientation annually.