Office of Admissions Winthrop University Joynes Hall Rock Hill, South Carolina 29733 Telephone: 803/323-2191 800/WINTHROP (946-8476) Second Baccalaureate Degree Status NOTE: It is recommended that you contact the Office of Graduate Studies at 803/323-2204 or 800/411-7041 for information on your eligibility to enroll as a graduate student. Application Instructions 1. Applicants should complete the application and submit it along with a $40 application fee to the Office of Admissions. All applicants must declare a major. 2. Applicants must also submit official copies of college transcripts mailed directly from all colleges attended (whether credit is desired or was earned). Note: If you wish to complete additional undergraduate course work but are not seeking a degree, please request information on our undergraduate non-degree status. 3. All applicants who claim South Carolina residency for tuition and fee purposes are required to complete the enclosed residency form. 4. After the application has been processed, a decision letter will be mailed to the applicant. Application status information can be viewed online at Advisement and Transfer Credit The evaluation of transfer credit is conducted by the office of student services in each academic area. Upon acceptance, a copy of the college transcript is forwarded to the appropriate office as indicated by the choice of degree program on the admissions application. Information on transfer credit will be available at after an evaluation has been completed. Information on advisement procedures for the spring or fall semesters will be mailed directly to the admitted student. Students who wish to take summer school courses are encouraged to consult with the student services office listed below before registering for summer courses. College of Arts and Sciences - 803/323-2183 (Includes secondary education and pre-professional studies) College of Business Administration - 803/323-4833 Richard W. Riley College of Education - 803/323-4750 College of Visual and Performing Arts - 803/323-2465 Additional Information For additional information, you may refer to the following Web sites: Academic Calendar - Registration Procedures - Schedule of Courses - Tuition and Fees - Undergraduate Catalog - 1 Winthrop University Application for Second baccalaureate Degree Please Return with a $40 Non-refundable application fee to: Office of Admissions, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29733 Application Notes: 1. Type or print in ink. 2. Complete all of the application. If the question does not apply to you, write N/A. 3. Provide the month and date(s) requested; do not use the terms “current” or “present.” 4. Read the statement on page 2, sign and date your application. 1. Semester you wish to enroll: r Fall (August-December) r Maymester (3 weeks) r Summer 3 (June-4 weeks) Year ____________ r Spring (January-May) r Summer 2 (June-10 weeks) r Summer 4 (July-4 weeks) 2. Social Security Number:______________________________________________________________ 3. Have you previously enrolled at Winthrop? r Yes r No If yes, under what name (if different) _________________________________ What is the date of the last semester you attended? Month ________________ Year ________________ PERSONAL DATA 4. LEGAL Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First Middle (do not use initial) Last Suffix (Jr., III, etc.) 5. Preferred First Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Previous name on school records (if applicable): __________________________________________________________________________ 7. Permanent Home Address (Do not use Post Office Box): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street (include apartment number) City State Zip 8. Mailing Address (if different from above - example: Post Office Box): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Post Office Box or Street (include apartment number) City State Zip 9. If the address in number 8 is temporary, how long will you remain at this address? Month ________________ Year _______________ 10. Home Telephone Number ( ______ )___________________________ Cell Phone Number ( ______ )_____________________ 11. E-mail Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: We will use e-mail to communicate with you throughout the application process. Please notify our office immediately if you change your e-mail address. 12. Date of Birth_______________________________________________________________ 13. Gender: r Male r Female 14. a. Are you Hispanic or Latino? Please mark one. r Yes r No b. What is your race? Regardless of your answer to question 14a, please indicate what you consider yourself to be: r International (non‑resident alien) r American Indian/Alaskan Native r Hispanic r Black/African American r Asian or Pacific Islander r White (not Hispanic) 15. Program of Study (Please consult the list of majors.) Notes: 1. Secondary Education majors should select a major from the College of Arts and Sciences or College of Visual and Performing Arts. 2. All applicants must declare a major. 16.Desired major: __________________________________________________________Major Code: _____________________________ Option or concentration (if applicable): _____________________________________ 2 Code: ___________________________________ 17. State of Legal Residence: _______________________________________________County (not country): _________________________ If South Carolina, state initial date of residence r Birth or r Since: Month________ Year________ 18. Citizenship (check one): r USA r USA Permanent Resident, Citizen of ______________________________ Country of Birth____________________________________ Required: Provide a copy of both sides of your permanent resident card. r Foreign, Citizen of_______________________________________________ Country of Birth___________________________________ Required: What is your current USCIS Visa classification? ___________________________________________________________ 19. High School Information ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ High School Name City State Zip code Dates attended: from:____________/____________ to ____________/____________ month year month year 20. College History (Required - You must complete this item:*) List all colleges you have attended in the order of attendance with the most recent listed first. Include any institution at which you were registered for classes (even if a withdrawal was granted) and those which you will attend prior to enrollment at Winthrop. Dual enrollment while in high school should also be listed here. *Failure to list prior college enrollment will result in denial of admission or dismissal after enrollment. *Note: You must submit an official transcript if you have taken a college course: part- or full-time, attempted or completed, even if you do not wish to receive transfer credit for the course(s). You must also submit an official transcript or letter from the college registrar showing that you withdrew from classes (if applicable). If accepted to Winthrop University before completing your studies at another college/university, you must request that official, updated transcripts for additional work you complete be sent to Winthrop. 1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of current or last college attended City State From (month/year) To (month/year) 2. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ College name City State From (month/year) To (month/year) 3. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ College name City State From (month/year) To (month/year) 4. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ College name City State From (month/year) To (month/year) 5. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ College name City State From (month/year) To (month/year) 21. U.S. Armed Services veteran status: r veteran r spouse/dependent r selected reserves 22. ALL APPLICANTS MUST READ AND SIGN BELOW a. I certify that all information supplied by me in this application is accurate, complete and without omission. b. I have listed any and all colleges/universities that I have attended (applicable if credit is not desired or was not earned). c. I have truthfully disclosed my citizenship status and understand that failure to do so will result in a violation of S.C. Immigration Law. d. I understand that all credentials become the property of Winthrop University. They cannot be returned to the applicant nor can they be released to a third party. e. I understand that any omission or misrepresentation of fact will constitute cause for nullification of my application prior to admission or dismissal following enrollment at Winthrop. Applicant’s Signature _____________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________ 3 Winthrop University residency information All applicants who claim residency in South Carolina or entitlement to in-state tuition are required to provide the requested information. Note: Please complete this form in its entirety. Incomplete forms will be returned for completion. Additional information may be requested per SC Law 59-112. Name of Student: ___________________________________________ Social Security Number OR Winthrop ID ___________________________ Date of Birth: _________________ Age: __________ City and state of birth: _________________________ Country of birth: _______________ 1. Father living? q Yes q No 2. Mother living? q Yes q No If yes, complete name ___________________________________ If yes, complete name ___________________________________________ 3. With whom do you reside? q Both Parents q Father q Mother 4. If parents are divorced or separated, q Other: Relationship: _________________ who is (or was) the custodial parent? q Father q Mother 5. Your marital status: q Single q Married 6. When do you claim that your legal residence in South Carolina began? q Date of marriage: Month___________ Year____________ Father: Month/Year ___________ Mother: Month/Year ____________ You: Month/Year ___________ Spouse: Month/Year ____________ 7. Have you, either parent, or your spouse been in active military service within the last two years? You: q Yes q No Father: q Yes q No Mother: q Yes q No Spouse: q Yes q No If yes to any of the above, provide the name of person on active military duty:________________________________________________________________ Current Duty Station:____________________________________________ Home of Record:______________________________________________ 8. Provide the permanent home address (do not use Post Office box number) of each person listed below. You: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address (street, city, state, ZIP) Length of time lived at this address: _______________________________ From: (month/year) To: (month/year) Father: ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Mother: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Spouse: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ 9. If length of time at the address in #8 is less than 18 months, provide information on the previous address. Length of time lived at this address: You: __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Father: ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Mother: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Spouse: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Address (street, city, state, ZIP) Address (street, city, state, ZIP) Address (street, city, state, ZIP) Address (street, city, state, ZIP) Address (street, city, state, ZIP) Address (street, city, state, ZIP) Address (street, city, state, ZIP) 10. What is the citizenship status of each person listed below? You: q US Citizen q US Permanent Resident - Effective Date: ___________ Father: q US Citizen q US Permanent Resident - Effective Date: ___________ Mother: q US Citizen q US Permanent Resident - Effective Date: ___________ Spouse: q US Citizen q US Permanent Resident - Effective Date: ___________ From: (month/year) To: (month/year) From: (month/year) To: (month/year) From: (month/year) To: (month/year) From: (month/year) To: (month/year) From: (month/year) To: (month/year) From: (month/year) To: (month/year) From: (month/year) To: (month/year) q Foreign Citizen with valid Visa - Visa Type: _____________ q Foreign Citizen with valid Visa - Visa Type: _____________ q Foreign Citizen with valid Visa - Visa Type: _____________ q Foreign Citizen with valid Visa - Visa Type: _____________ 11. What is the current employment status of each person listed below? (If not employed, please indicate below.) You: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer City, State, ZIP Beginning date of employment Hours per week Employer City, State, ZIP Beginning date of employment Hours per week Employer City, State, ZIP Beginning date of employment Hours per week Employer City, State, ZIP Beginning date of employment Hours per week Father: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mother: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spouse: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. a. Were you claimed as a tax dependent for federal and state income taxes for the 2011 tax year (check one)? q Yes q No, I filed as an independent filer q I filed a joint return with my spouse q No one claimed me as a dependent for federal income tax purposes, and I did not file a separate return as an independent filer b. If yes to 12a, name(s) of person(s) who claimed you: _______________________________________________________________________ c. Relationship to you of person(s) named in 12b: q Father and Mother q Father q Mother q Legal Guardian q Self q Spouse d. For the person in 12a, a state income tax return was filed as a resident of which state? ____________________________________ 13. a. Will you be or were you claimed as a tax dependent for federal and state income taxes for the 2012 tax year (check one)? q Yes q No, I filed as an independent filer q I filed a joint return with my spouse q No one claimed/will claim me as a dependent for federal income tax purposes, and I did not /will not file a separate return as an independent filer (proceed to #14) b. If yes to 13a, name(s) of person(s) who claimed or will claim you: _____________________________________________________________________ c. Relationship to you of person(s) named in 13b: q Father and Mother q Father q Mother q Legal Guardian q Self q Spouse d. For the person in 13a, a state income tax return was filed as a resident of which state? ____________________________________ 14. I am younger than 25 and was not or will not be eligible to be claimed as a dependent for federal income tax purposes for the reason provided below: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I was last claimed as a dependent for the ______________ tax year by: Name _____________________________________________________________ Relationship to you: ______________________________________ who filed state taxes as a resident of: ____________________________________ (name of state) I hereby certify that the information I have provided is accurate and that I am making this application in good faith based on the belief that I am eligible to pay tuition and fees at the rate afforded to legal residents of South Carolina. Signature_________________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________ 4 LIST OF MAJORS The following codes should be used to indicate your choice of major. Major or degree program codes are printed in bold type. Available options or concentrations are indicated below each major. HISTHistory CSST ARTS Fine Art CERMCeramics GSTD General Studio JWMLJewelry/Metals PHOC Photography - Commercial PHOF Photography - Fine Art PMKGPrintmaking PNTGPainting SCUL Sculpture ARTH Art History ARTS Art - Liberal Arts (B.A.) CERT Teacher Certification (9-12) ATRN Athletic Training BIOL Biology BMRS Biomedical Research MTEC Medical Technology CNST Conservation CSST Teacher Certification (9-12) PD Pre-Dentistry PM Pre-Medicine PP Pre-Pharmacy PT Pre-Physical Therapy PV Pre-Veterinary BADM Business Administration ACCT Accounting CIFS Computer Information Systems ECONEconomics ENTR Entrepreneurship FNAC Finance GBUS General Business HCMT Health Care Management HRMG Human Resource Management INBU International Business MGMTManagement MKTGMarketing SUBU Sustainable Business CHEMChemistry ASCE ACS Engineering-Physics ACSP ACS Chemistry Option BCHM Biochemistry (non-ACS) BIOC ACS Biochemistry Option ACSB ACS Business Option FORC ACS Forensic Chemistry Option MULP Multi-disciplinary Chemistry Option PD Pre-Dentistry PE Pre-Engineering PM Pre-Medicine PP Pre-Pharmacy CHOR Choral Music Education (K-12) CSCI Computer Science DANC Dance PERF Performance CERT Teacher Certification (K-12) DIFD Digital Information Design DCOM Digital Commerce DMMD Digital Mass Media INMD Interactive Media WEBD Web Application Design ECED Early Childhood Education (PK-3) ECONEconomics ELEM Elementary Education (2-6) ENGLEnglish LLAN Literature and Language WRIT Writing CSST Teacher Certification (9-12) ENSC Environmental Sciences ENST Environmental Studies EXSC Exercise Science FMCS Family and Consumer Sciences ADST Adolescent Studies CSTU Consumer Studies ECST Early Childhood Studies Teacher Certification in Social Studies (9-12) IMCP Integrated Marketing Communication IDES Interior Design INST Instrumental Music Education (K-12) MCMP Mass Communication MATH Mathematics (B.A. and B.S.) CSST Teacher Certification (9-12) MLED Middle Level Education (5-8) ELMA Language Arts and Mathematics ELSC Language Arts and Science ELSS Language Arts and Social Studies MASC Science and Mathematics MASS Social Studies and Mathematics SSSC Science and Social Studies MLAN Modern Languages FREN French CSFR French - Teacher Certification (K-12) SPAN Spanish CSSP Spanish - Teacher Certification (K-12) MPER Music Performance COMPComposition MUSC Music – Liberal Arts (B.A.) NUTR Human Nutrition DIET Dietetics PD Pre-Dentistry PM Pre-Medicine PP Pre-Pharmacy PHED Physical Education CERT Teacher Certification (K-12) PHRL Philosophy and Religious Studies PHIL Philosophy RELG Religion PLSC Political Science CSST Teacher Certification in Social Studies (9-12) PL Pre-Law PSYCPsychology SCOM Science Communication SCWK Social Work SOCLSociology ANTHAnthropology CRIMCriminology SPED Special Education (K-12) LDED Learning/Emotional Disabilities MDSD Mental/Severe Disabilities SPMA Sport Management THTRTheater DTEC Design/Technical PERF Performance CERT Teacher Certification (K-12) UDCL Undeclared Major VCOM Visual Communication Design GDES Graphic Design ILUS Illustration ADDITIONAL NOTES: 1. For pre-professional programs, you must choose a major, then select the applicable pre-professional designation. 2. Students who have not confirmed a choice of major but know which general area they are interested in should select one of the designations listed below. This selection will ensure that students receive appropriate academic advisement during Orientation. 5 PART PDAN PDES PEDU PMUS PTHE Undeclared Fine Arts Undeclared Dance Undeclared Design Undeclared Education Undeclared Music Undeclared Theatre