Provost’s Awards for Excellence- Nomination Form Please keep this form to a maximum of two sides of A4 paper. Nominations longer than two sides of A4 (in 10pt Calibri) will not be considered. 1) Information about the nominated person and the nominator Nominated person’s name Nominated person’s job title Nominated person’s department/division Nominated person’s contact details (phone/email) Nominator’s name Nominator’s contact details (phone/email) Nominator’s relationship with nominated person Main purpose of nominated person’s job if UCL staff (40 words max): I wish to nominate this individual for the following UCL value: Excellence Collegiality and community-building Leadership Fairness, diversity and equality Innovation and creativity Environmental sustainability (right click on the box you want to tick, select ‘properties’, and then select default value ‘checked 2) Describe what the nominee has achieved? E.g. what they did, how they did it and the initiative and skills used. 3) What is the impact of the activities on UCL (what are the benefits for staff/ students/ customers and how many staff/ students/ customers benefit currently and are likely to benefit in the future? 4) How innovative are the activities described? Please return completed form to the 18th September 2014.