College of Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Starting in CSCI 151 & MATH 101 Semester 1 ACAD 101 WRIT 101 MATH 101 CSCI 151 Historical Perspective Social Science Hrs. 1 3 3 3 3 3 16 Hrs. Semester 2 HMXP 102 CSCI 207 MATH 201 CSCI 101 B Humanities & Arts Hrs. 3 4 4 1 3 3 18 Hrs. Semester 4 CSCI 211 CSCI 271 MATH > 299 QMTH 205 2nd Discipline Semester 5 CSCI 311 CSCI Elective > 299 CSCI x9x PHYS 211 or CHEM 105 Humanities & Arts 2nd Discipline or Elective Hrs. 3 3 1 4 3 3 17 Hrs. Semester 6 CSCI 327 CSCI 371 CSCI x9x PHYS 212 or CHEM 106 & 108 Social Science 2nd Discipline Hrs. 3 3 1 4 3 3 17 Hrs. Semester 7 CSCI 475 CSCI 431 CSCI Elective> 299 GEOL or BIOL 203/204 2nd Discipline or Elective Hrs. 3 3 3 4 3 16 Hrs. Semester 8 CSCI 476 CSCI 411 CSCI Elective > 299 Humanities or Social Science 2nd Discipline or Elective Hrs. 3 3 3 3 3 15 Hrs. Semester 3 CRTW 201 CSCI 208 MATH 202 MAED 200 MATH 261 Global Perspective Hrs. 3 4 4 .5 3 14.5 Hrs. Hrs. 3 3 3 3 3 15 Hrs. Courses do not have to be taken in this exact order. This is just a suggested eight semester plan that has outlined what a student would need to take in order to graduate in four years. Pay close attention to the suggested time frame for the courses in the specified concentration, many courses are only offered in either the fall or spring. For a list of courses that satisfy your Historical Perspective, Humanities & Arts, and Global Perspective please view course offerings or Degree Checklist. Electives are courses that do not satisfy any of your specific degree requirements; please view your degree checklist to determine which classes qualify. * HIST 211 is a suggested Historical Perspective because it satisfies your constitution requirement. *PLSC 201 or ECON 103 are suggested Social Science because it also satisfies your constitution requirement.