Myotis lucifugus Little Brown Bat (Little Brown Myotis)

Myotis lucifugus
Little Brown Bat (Little Brown Myotis)
The little brown bat weighs about 6 to 12 grams and is evenly brown over the
entire dorsal side of its body. The ventral portion of the bat tends to be a lighter brown.
Myotis lucifugus also has external targus that is usually blunt and about half the size of
the bat’s pinna. The keel of the calcar of this particular species either poorly developed
or absent. The bat also has characteristic hairs that extend past the claws of the hind feet.
The little brown bat skull shows an incomplete premaxilla and a complete zygomatic arch
(Kurta 1995).
Distribution in Wisconsin
The little brown bats range spans north to Alaska, south to central Mexico, west to
California, and east as far as Maine and Costal Canada. The little brown bat is distributed
state wide in Wisconsin however it is less common in urban areas. Myotis lucifugus has
been known to roost in attics of peoples’ houses and take up residence in barns and sheds.
Female little brown bats will establish a maternity colony commonly in attics where it is
warm. The bat roosts in dark secluded areas during the summer days, and hibernates in
caves or abandoned mines during the winter (Kurta 1995, Fenton et al 1980). It is not
listed as endangered or threatened by either the Federal Government or the State of
Little brown bats display delayed fertilization. Mating occurs in the fall and the
males’ sperm is stored in the females’ reproductive tract until after hibernation. After
arousal, the female ovulates and the egg is fertilized. Gestation takes about 60 days and
weather plays a role in the length of the gestation period (Fenton et al 1980). If the
weather is too cold, the bat will enter a state of torpor and gestation slows down.
Females will form nursery colonies and litter size is normally one. In Wisconsin, females
will form these colonies in caves, and warm attics of people’s homes. The young are
born hairless but are capable of flight within 3 weeks. It is also around this time that the
young are weaned. Juvenile little brown bats begin foraging around 3 weeks of age when
they begin to fly. They are less maneuverable than the adults and will forage primarily in
open areas (Adams 1997).
Like most other bats, the little brown is active primarily at night. The bats will
congregate together before going out to feed at places called night roosts. These roosting
areas are different from the daytime roosting sites where the bats spend the day. The bats
will also take breaks while foraging at night to digest food and to regain energy reserves
for additional foraging. While taking these breaks, the bats will temporarily roost under
tree bark, from braches, eaves of houses or under rocks. Diets of the little brown bat
include moths and aquatic insect larvae. The preferred foraging area for the bat is open
areas free of clutter like tree branches and tall ground cover. Foraging little brown bats
can be most frequently seen along the edges of forests, and over streams and lakes (Kurta
1995). The adult bats will begin foraging in more cluttered areas when the juveniles
begin to find their own food to decrease intraspecific competition with the young (Adams
In Wisconsin the little brown bat will roost during the day in buildings, under the
bark of some trees, under rocks, and sometimes in caves and abandoned mines. During
the winter, the bats will find a different place than their summer roosting sites to use as
their hibernacula. Again, in Wisconsin, these sites tend to be caves or abandoned mines.
The bats will choose a winter roost based on humidity (greater than 90%) and choose
places where the temperatures above freezing (Kurta 1995).
During hibernation, the little brown bat may lose up to 25% of its body mass from
the energy requirements. Duration of hibernation is about 13 days, bats will arouse
during hibernation to drink moisture from the hibernacula wall and to defecate. They
will then go back into hibernation if needed. Little brown bats will allow their body
temperature to fall during hibernation to the ambient air temperature in the hibernacula,
thus warming the body during arousal uses most of the bat’s stored energy (Thomas et al
Before the young are born, female little brown bats have an average home range
size of about 30 hectares, but this are decreases to about 17 hectares after the young are
born. This is likely due to lactating females returning to the maternity roost a few times
during their normal feeding time to nurse the young. The females shorten the distance
they fly from the roost at night to forage so that during their rest times they can return to
the roost (Henry 2002).
Natural predators to the little brown bat include snakes, house cats, raccoons, and
other small predators. By far humans kill more little brown bats in Wisconsin than
natural predators by exterminating colonies that may take up residence in attics of homes
(Kurta 1995).
There have been reports of the little brown bat living up to be 30 years in age
(Kurta 1995).
Literature Cited
Adams, A. A. 1997. Onset of Volancy and Foraging Patterns of Juvenile Little
Brown Bats, Myotis Lucifugus. Journal of Mammology 78:239-246.
Henry, M., Thomas, D. W., Vaudry, R., and Carrier, M. 2002. Foraging Distance
and Home Range of Pregnant and Lactating Little Brown Bats (Myotis Lucifugus).
Journal of Mammology 83:767-774.
Thomas, D. W., M. Dorais, and J. Bergeron 1990. Winter Energy Budgets and
Cost of Arousals for Hibernating Little Brown Bats, Myotis Lucifugus. Journal of
Mammology 71:475-479.
Kurta, A. Mammals of the Great Lake Region. United States: The University of
Michigan Press, 1995.
Fenton, M. B., R. M. R. Barclay. 1980. Myotis lucifugus. Mammalian Species
Ransome, R. Hibernating Bats. Cornwall, Great Britain: Hartnolls Ltd, 1990.
Reference written by Steven Fullington, Biology 378 student. Edited by Christopher Yahnke.
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