04-06-21 — March 2004 FORMAT Application for Reappointment, Tenure, and/or Promotion [Approved by the Faculty Senate 4/98; revised 3/04; revised 8/11] See Instructions for RTP Applications. Faculty handbook Ch. IV.D.5 Name of RTP candidate: Department: Personnel action applied for: For example, Promotion to Professor, or Promotion to Associate Professor and award of tenure, or Reappointment at the rank of assistant professor, etc. Effective date: End of current contract period End of current academic year I. Academic Status at UNCW Present rank: Effective date: Previous rank(s) and date(s) at UNCW: Current employment status: For example, Nontenured, third year of initial four-year appointment; or Nontenured, second year of second three-year appointment; or Tenured, etc. Special agreements or conditions (if any) affecting the length of service expected before a mandatory RTP decision is made (attach a copy of that agreement): II. Education Institution Concentration Dates Degree III. Professional History (other than UNCW) Position/Rank Institution Dates Unless there is an explicit reason stated, no items in Sections IV through VI should be included more than once. All information should include pertinent dates. Supporting documentation may be submitted. IV. Contribution to Teaching A. Required subcategories: 1. Courses taught (a non-chronological list of course numbers and titles) 2. Sample course materials (a small number of representative items is sufficient) 3. Summary of student evaluations This must include a "Report of SPOT Question 16 by Semester," prepared in a standard format by the Office of Institutional Research. In addition, the candidate may provide: additional SPOT reports received prior to the previous two-and-one-half years, and/or his or her own qualitative interpretation of SPOT results. However, any additional material must be appended to the officially prepared, standardized SPOT report. Candidates and chairpersons are discouraged from making statistical calculations or quantitative analyses. 4. Summary of peer evaluations of teaching 5. Academic advising within the department B. Optional subcategories: If there are no items to be listed under an optional subcategory, simply omit that subcategory. Number remaining subcategories sequentially. 1. Courses developed/revised/new to the individual or to the university 2. Special initiatives/incentives in teaching; cite specific examples 3. Efforts to improve teaching, evidence of self-learning, and evidence of commitment to fostering the intellectual development of students 4. Grants and fellowships related to teaching at all levels including K-12 5. Honors, listings, or awards related to teaching 6. Membership in professional societies primarily devoted to teaching 7. Attendance at professional meetings or sessions primarily devoted to teaching 8. Completion of continuing education, workshops, symposia, or other specialized training programs primarily devoted to teaching V. Research, Scholarship, and Artistic Achievement A. Required subcategories: Each required subcategory must be listed. If there are no items to be reported under a required subcategory, write "none." 1. Refereed publications (including juried or peer-reviewed performances, exhibits, artistic works, productions or writings) a. Published b. Accepted for publication c. Under consideration Give complete bibliographic references for materials already published or accepted for publication. Include letters from editors confirming works accepted for publication List separately materials under consideration for publication. List works in reverse chronological order, with most recent first. 2. Publications (or performances, exhibits, artistic works, productions or writings) not listed in the refereed category (e.g., abstracts, book reviews) a. Published b. Accepted for publication c. Under consideration Give complete bibliographic references for materials already published or accepted for publication. Include letters from editors confirming works accepted for publication List separately materials under consideration for publication. List works in reverse chronological order, with most recent first. 3. Research grants or research fellowships a. Awarded (include dates and amounts) b. Applied for (include dates and status) 4. Grants or research fellowships for off-campus study or professional development a. Awarded (include dates and amounts) b. Applied for (include dates and status) 5. Presentations (including readings, lectures) at professional meetings 6. On-going research projects, programs and goals B. Optional subcategories: 1. Honors or awards for: a. Research or artistic efforts b. Professional development efforts 2. Membership in professional societies 3. Attendance at professional meetings 4. Supervision of graduate or undergraduate theses or extensive projects that involve research or artistic efforts 5. Special research or artistic efforts (e.g., participating on a team at an offcampus laboratory, performing in a statewide orchestra) 6. Special initiatives in on-campus scholarly or professional development 7. Faculty engagement. a. Research or artistic efforts related to engagement. b. Grants awarded and applied (include dates and status) related to engagement c. Funded outreach, such as funding to public schools and STEM involvement. d. Technology Transfer and Patents. e. Collaborative efforts with the community resulting in recognized benefits for the public good. f. Reviewed publications resulting from work in the community. 8. Continuing education, workshops, symposia, or other specialized training programs attended or completed 9. Formal off-campus traineeships 10. Professional consultancies resulting in professional development a. Paid b. Pro bono 11. Other scholarly or professional efforts VI. Service A. Required subcategory: Service to the university 1. University committee memberships, leadership positions, or administrative duties 2. College or school committee memberships, leadership positions, or administrative duties 3. Department committee memberships, leadership positions, or administrative duties B. Optional subcategories: 1. Service to the university a. Student counseling; student advising other than routine work with department advisees (as in the Center for Academic Advising, clubs, campus groups, etc.) b. Other service to the university 2. Service to professional or scholarly organizations a. Leadership in professional or learned societies b. Leadership in seminars or short courses taught to professionals in the candidate's discipline c. Professionally related activities (e.g., manuscript editor or editorial board member, artistic juror, grant or accreditation reviewer, advisor/leader/director in workshops or consultations) i. Paid ii. Pro bono d. Other professional service 3. Community service a. Professionally related activities (e.g., boards, offices, presentations, workshops, continuing education programs, newspaper or magazine articles for the lay public) i. Paid ii. Pro bono b. Other community service VII. Chair's Evaluation Normally the evaluating officer is the department chair (or acting/interim chair). In the case of the School of Nursing, it is the chair of the School of Nursing RTP Committee. In the case of Randall Library, it is the chair of the Randall Library Promotion Committee. In certain other cases, it may be the dean. In all cases, the evaluation must be signed and dated by the evaluating officer. If written departmental expectations for RTP decisions are required by the standing policies of the college or school, include a copy. A. Required subcategories: 1. Summary and evaluation of teaching that includes both student and peer evaluation of teaching as well as all other aspects of evaluation so that no single component of teaching evaluation is overweighted It is helpful to include commentary on the following components: student evaluation of teaching, peer evaluation of teaching, annual evaluations, and documentation of teaching-related activities. Appendix J of the Faculty Handbook states "All RTP recommendations shall include a qualitative interpretation of SPOT results by the department chairperson . . . ." 2. Summary and evaluation of research, scholarship, and artistic achievement that includes a critical assessment of the value to the discipline of the applicant's contributions It is extremely helpful to include a characterization of the quality of journals in which the candidate's publications have appeared. Also very useful is a description of appropriate criteria for evaluating scholarly or creative work within the discipline of the candidate. (Many professional organizations now have published definitions of scholarly and professional work in their fields.) 3. Summary and evaluation of service B. Optional subcategories: Although not required as part of the evaluation, the following are helpful to decision makers who are external to the department. 1. An explanation of any special circumstances that, in the chair's opinion, justify variation from the standards for promotion and/or tenure stated in the Faculty Handbook. 2. Comments submitted by senior faculty (Paraphrased comments may be used at the discretion of the chair. Neither quoted comments nor the identity of the source may be included without the permission of the senior faculty member being quoted.) VIII. Certification The evaluating officer shall: A. Certify the names of senior faculty who were assembled and consulted for this recommendation. B. State the department's current definition of "senior faculty" as determined by the chair and members of the department in consultation with the dean (a copy of which must be on file in the dean's office). C. State the numerical vote of the assembled senior faculty (the number for/against/abstaining; the officer shall not identify how individual faculty cast their votes). D. If a majority of the senior faculty has prepared a separate, elaborated dissenting recommendation, insert that recommendation prior to forwarding the dossier to the dean. That recommendation must be signed by a majority of the senior faculty and should follow the same guidelines for content as that of the chair.