Printed on: Thursday 26th of May 2016 02:08:17 AM
July 16, 2013 –
Paul Zvonkovic, Budget Manager for the Office of Educational Research and Outreach, has tremendous experience in budget development and financial management. He will work with faculty to develop budgets for grant proposals, as well as help monitor project expenditures. His office is 114 WMH and he has already started.
Submit your accomplishments! Put our School of Education on the map. The deadline for submissions for the August issue of News2Note is Tuesday, 30 July.
Please send all information directly to Associate Dean Debby Stoudt:
Debby's Guidelines
Regarding faculty, staff, and departments/programs in general, the following items are being solicited:
Publications when published. Please include page numbers for article and chapters. To avoid repetition and to provide a complete reference, pre-publications online will not be noted until the print version of the publication appears.
Conference presentations with current Virginia Tech students
Keynote or plenary presentations only, not invited speakers in general
Awards, grants, honors, and other accomplishments of note*
Regarding students:
Conference presentations (papers or posters) and publications, either accepted or published
Awards, grants, honors, and other accomplishments of note*
Regarding alums:
Accomplishments of note*
*"Of note" is left to the discretion of the submitter and of the N2N editorial staff.
If the item includes the names of individuals not in your department/unit, please identify them.
Please identify the status of all VT individuals named: faculty, staff, graduate students, or undergraduates.
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