Wide Angle Reflective Conversation Prompts Date: Future Focus:

Wide Angle Reflective Conversation Prompts Date:
Future Focus:
PGG –Goals
Planning and Preparation
1.Support broad areas of student growth by providing varied and
constructive learning opportunities
2. Affirm dignity and respect for individuals (students, families,
3. Strive to support social justice and ecological responsibility
4. Develop as a critical reflective practitioner who connects practical
and theoretical knowledge
5. Create a positive community in the classroom and school
6. Build instructional competence and strong teacher identity
Professional Responsibility
(6) * Well written authentic lesson
(6) * Instructional goals & objectives
are chosen to support SK curricula &
students needs.
(6) * Materials are prepared &
(6) * Instructional materials are
developmentally & culturally
(1) * Teaching strategies are
developmentally appropriate.
(6) * Activities are diversified to meet
the needs of all learners.
(6) * Demonstrates knowledge of
content, curriculum, and policy by
Sask. Ministry of Education.
(6) * Establishes & uses classroom
structures that support learning.
(6) * Repertoire of instruction
Strategies & Methods (refer to
teach/student strategies)
(6) * Communicates clearly and
(1,3) * Engages all students in
(1) * engages students in thoughtful
use of questioning and discussion to
enhance student learning.
(1) * Provides consistent and timely
feedback to students.
(5) * Demonstrates flexibility in all
(6) * Utilizes resources including
technology appropriate for the lesson
and the student’s needs.
(1) * Plans for collaboration among
students as appropriate.
(1) * Encourages students to develop
personal responsibility & selfdiscipline.
(6) * Aboriginal, Inuit, Métis content
in all teaching areas.
(6) * A Varity of Instructional aids &
materials used
(6) * Utilizes varied & appropriate
assessment to monitor student
(6) * Uses assessment to inform
instruction and improve student
(6) * Is able to reflect and self-assess
effectiveness of the lesson.
(6) * Maintains accurate records of
student progress.
(1,3) * Evidence of pupil engagement
or learning
Classroom Environment
(1,6) * Creates an environment of
(6) * Demonstrates knowledge of
(1,6) * Manages classroom
(1,6) * Manages student behavior
(1,6) * Organizes physical space
(4) * Ensure the participation &
success of all students.
(2,6) * Provides leadership in
incorporating diversity & inclusion in
development of educ. Communities –
local, national & global
(6) * Seeks evidence and feedback
and responds accordingly.
(5,6) * Establishes collaborative
supportive and cooperative
relationships with colleagues.
(5,6) * Establishes supportive and
cooperative relationships with
(6) * Demonstrates professionalism
through personal appearance &
(6) * Seeks opportunities for
professional growth.
(6) * accepts responsibility for
professional growth & goal setting.
(6) * Reflects on goals & experiences
& adapts teaching accordingly.
(6) * articulates learning & connects
it to theory.
(4,5,6) * Conducts all dealings with
students, parents, staff, volunteers
with tact, self-control, alertness &
(4,5,6) * Identifies, defines &
attempts to resolve problems
cooperatively with those involved.
Additional comments:
Green Light! Do more of this; this is great! Yellow Light – this is interesting! & questions or wonderments? Red Light...you may
want to rethink this.