Newsletter UNCW - DISABILITY SERVICES ADVOCACY ACCOMMODATION ACCESS Volume 1, Issue 1 Fall 2011 Welcome to the 2011-2012 Academic Year! Fall 2011 Announcements: THIS SEMESTER THE DISABILITY Welcome new and returning students to the 2011-2012 aca- Welcome! Welcome! This is our first newsletter for students registered with Disability Services. We hope to provide you with updates as well as a selection of new and useful information about our services on campus. In June of 2011, our building name changed to DePaolo Hall. Some of the campus literature (brochures, etc.) may still reflect Westside Hall; however, they will soon be changing. Email address, fax, and phone number remain the same. Also, our website has gone through recent construction. Please take a virtual tour when you have an opportunity to learn more of what we have to offer. There is expanded information on resources as well as electronic access to our Request for Accommodations form. If you are a newly registered student with Disability Services — we look forward to working with you throughout your academic career. As you navigate the semester, please contact our office if you have any questions about the process for disclosing, requesting, and receiving SEA Lab SEA Lab was established to meet the needs of students registered with Disability Services. Through SEA Lab, a Learning Specialist is available to assist students in the improvement of overall academic achievement through the use of various strategies and techniques. A series of workshops and 1:1 instruction are available throughout the semester. All workshops are held in #1033 DePaolo Hall. Please call 910-962-7555 to attend a workshop or schedule an appointment with a Learning Specialist. accommodations at UNCW. SERVICES WEBSITE HAS TAKEN ON A NEW LOOK AND HAS BECOME MORE USER FRIENDLY If you are a returning student — welcome back. As always we look forward to working with you and providing the best resources to aid you in your academic success. If you haven’t done so already, please make sure to stop by and submit your Request for Accommodation and Background Information form as early as possible in the semester. IN OUR TRANSITION TO A NEW DESIGN REQUEST FOR ACCOMMODATION FORMS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON THE NEW SITE FOR EASY ACCESS NEW CONSTRUCTION ON CAMPUS TAKES PLACE DAILY—WATCH FOR EMAILS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ABOUT SIDEWALKS, PATHWAYS, AND PARKING LOTS THAT ARE AFFECTED. WATCH YOUR EMAIL FOR Please contact Disability Services at 910-962-7555 if you have difficulty accessing any information in this newsletter. INFORMATION ABOUT UPCOMING FINAL EXAMS. Campus Resources Campus Resource Highlights University Learning Center The University Learning Center is committed to being a vital part of UNCW students' education. Our academic support services are based on the principle that quality learning takes place when peers work collaboratively to develop knowledge and build skills. The University Learning Center provides students a learning environment and experience that differs from the classroom; we focus on high-quality individual, smallgroup and large-group student-centered and student-lead learning. The ULC includes the Writing Lab; Math Lab; Supplemental Instruction and Learning Services. For more information visit the web site…….. or better yet stop by DePaolo Hall! DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS Creating Experiences for Life UNIVERSITY LEARNING CENTER HTTP://WWW.UNCW.EDU/ULC/ COUNSELING SERVICES HTTP://WWW.UNCW.EDU/ STUAFF/COUNSELING/ UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HTTP://UNCW.EDU/UC/ STUDENT HEALTH CENTER HTTP://UNCW.EDU/STUAFF/ HEALTHSERVICES/ CAREER CENTER HTTP://UNCW.EDU/STUAFF/ CAREER/ RANDALL LIBRARY UNCW RANDALL LIBRARY HOME CARE UNCW STUDENT AFFAIRS: CARE CROSSROADS UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON - CROSSROADS