Guide For Safe Boating Operations
For Small Vessels (Under 26)
Revised May 2013
Purpose and Scope
The following rules, regulations and requirements apply to all persons operating boats under
the auspices of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. They apply to such persons
who may use, for any purpose, vessels owned by or in the custody of the University, and to
those who use vessels regardless of ownership, on tasks or projects of the University, or from
property under the control of the University
Boat Operator’s certification will normally be restricted to faculty, staff, and students of
UNCW. Other than trainees, no individual may participate as a boat operator in a UNCW
program without UNCW Boat Operator’s Certification or joint consent of the Chancellor of
the University and the UNCW Diving and Water Safety Committee.
Center for Marine Science Boat Operator’s certification will be administered by the CMS
Diving and Boating Safety Officer. All other University vessel operators will be certified
through the Department Head responsible for the vessel.
Requirements for Certification
Boating certification is issued by the CMS Diving and Boating Safety Office for CMS
vessels or by the Department Head responsible for the vessel. The certification program is
intended to ensure the safety of persons involved in vessel activities.
Applicants must:
1. Be a minimum age of 18
2. Sign a statement of medical fitness or, at the discretion of the CMS Boating Safety
Officer or appropriate Department Head, obtain a physician’s signature of fitness to
safely operate a vessel
3. Sign and a UNCW Boating Activities Waiver and Release Agreement form
4. Submit proof of an approved course on boating safety (UNCW, Coast Guard
Auxiliary, Power Squadron, or online at
5. Submit a resume of boat experience
6. Submit proof of certification in Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid.
7. Successfully complete, with a grade of 75% or better, a written exam on University
rules for safety and safe boat handling practices
8. Successfully demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the CMS Dockmaster, safe trailering,
boat handling skills, and systems familiarization in the craft to be utilized by the
9. At the discretion of the CMS Boating Safety Officer, complete an orientation checkout of the area to be used by the operator
It is important for the applicant to complete all requirements for certification well in advance
of any planned operation. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MOMENT BEFORE
THE VESSEL IS NEEDED. Activities should be planned to allow sufficient time for the
certification process before the operation begins. The boat handling skills checkout is
considered the most important part of the certification process and may take considerable
time depending on past experience of the operator, vessel size, complication of the vessel
systems, and the location in which the operation is to take place.
Certification Levels
Certification is for the class of boat and the skill level.
Vessel Classes
Class A - vessels under 16 feet
Class I - vessels 16 feet to under 26 feet
Skill Levels
Trainee - May operate vessel only in the presence of a qualified operator
Operator – Skill Levels
Inshore: Protected Waters, Lakes, Rivers, Sounds
Offshore: Near shore, Ocean: requires distance and location
Sailboats and Powerless Craft
Certification is by the size and type of vessel.
Ultimate responsibility for safe operation rests with the Boat Operator.
Boat Operators are responsible for understanding and abiding by Federal, State, Local
and UNCW regulations concerning safety, rules of the road, vessel usage, certification
and required equipment on board. A Boat Operator’s certification may be revoked or
suspended by the CMS Boating Safety Officer, appropriate Department Head or the
Assistant Director of Marine Operations for violations.
3. In emergencies or in other cases where it is prudent to deviate from accepted procedures,
Boat Operators may use their own discretion, but should justify their actions in a written
report as directed by the CMS Boating Safety Officer or appropriate Department Head.
Boat Operators must assure that boats used on UNCW operations meet or exceed all
Federal, State, Local and UNCW requirements for safety, be in good repair, be well
maintained and seaworthy beyond doubt.
5. Boat Operators must report accidents to the CMS Boating Safety Officer and appropriate
Department Head as soon as possible after occurrence. An accident form must be filed
within 24 hours of the accident.
Programs requiring operations outside the parameters of this guide require notification to
the CMS Boating Safety Officer and appropriate Department Head. Sufficient lead time
prior to the operations must be allowed for processing notifications for adherence to
7. Boat Operators are required to file a written float plan prior to boating operations. The
plan shall include location of operations with possible deviations, names and phone
numbers of participants, time of departure, expected return, vessel make, vessel
description and registration number. FLOAT PLANS MUST BE CLOSED
8. All operations require that an Accident Procedures Plan addressing local evacuation and
medical facilities be on board the vessel during operations. Boat Operator must assure
that each participant be aware of its presence.
9. Boat Operators are required to check the NOAA weather forecast before beginning
operations. During periods of small craft warnings or advisories, no UNCW operation is
to carry on activities except in protected waters. No vessel operations shall take place
during periods of obscured visibility. In cases where conditions change while underway
or while on station, Coast Guard, State or Local rules and common sense for safety
10. Ocean operations require a functional VHF radio, a compass, a GPS, EPIRB, and a
cellular telephone. All operations require either a VHF radio or a cellular phone for
emergency as well as normal communications.
11. No Boat Operator shall exceed the limit of their certification without prior approval of
the CMS Boating Safety Officer.
12. All UNCW students, faculty, staff and persons on UNCW sponsored programs are
required to wear Coast Guard approved personal flotation devices (life jackets) while on
13. Boat Operators must hold a passenger briefing/information meeting prior to leaving the
landing. The briefing is to include:
Location of safety equipment
Use of safety equipment
Wearing safety equipment
Safety underway
Location of accident procedures plan
Fire procedures
Abandoning ship
Any information relative to safety and the vessel mission
14. Prior to boarding, Boat Operators must be certain that all passengers have been informed
of the dangers of boat operations and have signed a required waiver of
liability/indemnity agreement form and a medical history form. In cases where a
medical consideration exists, the Boat Operator must assure that the proper precautions
be taken to avoid injury or illness. If, in the Boat Operator’s judgment, seasickness,
illness or injury may result, the Operator must refuse boarding or request approval from
a physician. The Operator must make every effort, within the limits of safety, to allow
access to physically disabled persons.
15. Smoking is not allowed on UNCW vessels.
16. All passengers must be securely seated while the vessel is underway.
17. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on UNCW vessels or vessels used under the
auspices of UNCW.
18. The CMS Boating Safety Officer or the appropriate Department Head has the authority
to suspend or disapprove of vessel activities that may be unsafe. Appeals may be made
to the Assistant Director of Marine Operations.
19. Offshore operations conducted where the water temperatures are below 60 degrees
Fahrenheit require that an approved exposure suit be available for each passenger on
board. Boat Operators are responsible for ensuring that all passengers are familiar with
the proper donning procedures for the suit prior to departure. It is imperative that special
precautions be observed on operations where cold water and hypothermia are safety
considerations. Even if the shoreline is close at hand, use of a wet suit, wet suit vest,
float coat and/or a personal flotation device may determine whether or not an individual
will reach the shoreline safely before incapacitation or death occur.
20. Vessels shall be operated at a safe speed at all times. A safe speed shall be maintained to
avoid collision and/or property damage and to ensure passenger safety. In determining
safe speed, all factors: weather, vessel maneuverability, visibility, traffic, sea state,
current, navigation hazards, draft, depth of water, the possibility of floating objects and
all other factors relative to safety, including common sense, must be considered.
21. It is the responsibility of the Boat Operator to use every reasonable means to become
familiar with their intended areas of operation. This should include review of charts,
Coast Guard NOTAMS, Coast Guard radio advisories, word of mouth from local
inhabitants and any other means available.
22. It is the Operator’s responsibility to assure, as far as possible, that there are no illegal
drugs on board and that all passengers and crew are free of the effects of any drugs that
may cause impairment in judgment critical to the safe operation of a UNCW vessel or
vessel used on UNCW operations.
23. Operation of vessels 26 feet or over requires at least a US Coast Guard Uninspected
Passenger (six passenger) license to operate.
24. On vessels equipped with kill switches, the Boat Operator is required to keep the kill
switch on his person at all times while underway.
25. In the event of mechanical breakdown or other circumstance where non-emergency
assistance is needed, contact the CMS Dockmaster, Boat Mechanic, Boating Safety
Officer or Assistant Director of Marine Operations (in that order) for assistance. Contact
information can be found on page 29 of this manual. In the event that CMS personnel
can not be contacted, call Sea-Tow Services at 910-452-3798.
Failure to properly follow emergency procedures can result in property damage, injury or
even death. It is imperative that the Boat Operator not only understand the procedures for
declaring an emergency, but when to enact them as well.
Experience has shown that the great majority of people are reluctant to call attention to
themselves, even in the face of an emergency. In some cases, this reluctance has resulted in
death. The following situations require IMMEDIATE NOTIFICATION OF THE
When there is serious injury
When the vessel is likely to sink
When it becomes necessary to abandon ship
Radio Procedure:
If an emergency situation occurs the Coast Guard must be notified on VHF Channel 16.
Ask the Coast Guard to:
Please monitor your radio and the situation
Relate to the Coast Guard:
Nature of the problem
Name of the vessel
Degree of assistance needed
Upon Reply from the Coast Guard:
Follow their orders
Wrightsville Beach Coast Guard, this is the vessel “Tomtate.” I am three miles east
of Rich’s Inlet on GPS coordinates 77000.00 and 350000W. I have a problem with
my bilge pump, and I am taking on water. Please monitor my situation. Over.
In cases where the vessel is likely to sink or it becomes necessary to abandon ship, the
international distress call, “MAYDAY,” should be broadcast over VHF Channel 16, three
times, followed by the location, name of the vessel, and nature of the problem. Upon reply,
follow Coast Guard Orders.
MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY. This is the vessel “Tomtate.” I am three miles east
of Rich’s Inlet on GPS coordinates 0000000N and 0000000W. I am abandoning ship.
Repeat message two more times and wait for a reply.
Local Waters
________________ Administer proper First Aid, i.e. CPR, O2, etc.
________________ Notify Coast Guard (Channel 16 VHF) or
Rescue (Cellular Phone 911.)
________________ Pass on all information relative to the accident.
(See Call-In Data Requirements.)
________________ Ensure that transportation will be available.
________________ Stay with the victim.
________________ Notify the CMS Diving and Boating Safety
Officer, appropriate Department Head, or
Campus Police.
________________ In case of a diving accident, notify Diver’s
Alert Network (919) 684-9111 and relate all
relative information. Coast Guard and Rescue
will do this for you.
Remote Operations
It is the responsibility of the Boat Operator to assure that all
operations performed outside local waters have an Accident
Procedures Plan on board prior to beginning operations (UNCW Rule
Have the following emergency information available BEFORE calling USCG for assistance:
VESSEL INFORMATION (Required in all cases)
Name of Vessel _______________________________________ Call sign ____________________
Description of Vessel _______________________________________________________________
Position (LL or Loran) ______________________________________________________________
No. of Persons on Board __________________
Vessel Speed __________________________
Type of Distress and Assistance Requested ______________________________________________
Patient Name ___________________________________________ Age ________ Sex __________
Pertinent Medical History ____________________________________________________________
Symptoms ________________________________________________________________________
Vital Signs: Conscious _______________ Breathing _________________ Pulse ______________
Medical Equipment You Have on Board ________________________________________________
Treatment in Progress _______________________________________________________________
Dive Profile:
Depth _____________ Bottom Time ______________ Breathing Mix ____________________
Repeat Dive? _____________ If so, depths, bottom times and surface intervals of previous
dives _________________________________________________________________________
How long after dive before symptoms occurred? ______________________________________
Has Buddy experienced any symptoms? _____________________________________________
USCG Wrightsville Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VHF CH 16
New Hanover Fire and Rescue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911
New Hanover Regional Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (910) 343-7000
Diving Alert Network (Duke University) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (919) 684-9111
UNCW Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (910) 962-4911
CMS Diving and Boating Safety Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (910) 962-2578
Cell (910) 520-5243
Remote areas are defined as any area not accessible by emergency vehicle or that would
require removal by boat or aircraft. Example: Masonboro Island is considered a remote
1. Vessels carrying passengers for hire are required to adhere to Coast Guard Regulations.
Students and others paying a fee as part of their tuition for the activity are considered
passengers for hire by the US Coast Guard.
2. In case of emergency or weather evacuation, a vessel capable of removing all participants
in no more than two trips must remain on site. Example: Use of a jon boat allows no
more than 8 persons in the group.
3. Communications with the Boat Operator by way of VHF radio or cell phone is required
while in a remote location.
4. A passenger and trip briefing must be completed by the Boat Operator and the trip leader
prior to the trip. Information should include: emergency procedures and potential
dangers that may be encountered on the trip. A first aid kit capable of servicing the total
number of participants must be available at the location.
5. The trip leader or a leader’s assistant must be currently certified to administer first aid
and CPR.
6. Waiver/Release forms for all participants must be properly completed prior to departure.
7. A medical history form must be completed by every participant and reviewed by the
Operator and the trip leader for possible complications prior to trip. Example: It may be
necessary to have available medications for epileptics, diabetics or persons extremely
sensitive to bee stings.
If a medical problem exists that may jeopardize the safety of a participant, that
participant must seek written and signed confirmation from a physician stating that
the individual may safely ccomplish the trip.
8. Absolutely no swimming allowed at any time without the prior approval of the CMS
Diving and Boating Safety Officer.
9. All other UNCW, local, state and federal rules apply.
For UNCW Small Vessels (under 26 feet)
Machine Powered Vessels
One Type I, II, or III CG approved PFD for each person on
board (worn).
One Type IV throwable PFD
One CG approved sound signaling device
One CG approved fire extinguisher (Class B-1)
CG approved flare kit
VHF radio or cell phone
Registration certificate
First Aid kit
One Type I CG approved PFD for each person on
board (worn)
One Type IV throwable PFD
One CG approved fire extinguisher (Class B-1)
One CG approved sound signaling device
One CG approved flare kit
First Aid kit
VHF radio
Drinking water
GPS and EPIRB (required beyond 3-miles)
Sail Powered Vessels
One CG approved PFD for each person on board
One CG approved sound signaling device
VHF radio or cell phone
Manually Powered Vessels
One CG approved PFD for all passengers (worn)
One CG approved sound signaling device
VHF radio or cell phone
(not powered by machinery)
Maximum Capacity: As per the manufacturer’s recommendation
Flotation Requirements: Non-sinking material or flotation tanks sufficient to maintain
buoyancy of hull and all passengers sitting inside swamped vessel
Type of Use: Inland and near shore only
Required Procedures: Float plans are required
Required Equipment: Coast Guard Approved Type I, II, III or IV PFD’s to be worn by each
person on board
Swim Test:
All passengers are required to wear PFD’s.
Vessel familiarization & required demonstration to include:
Vessel components and function
Recovery from capsizing and self rescue
Rescue of overboard victims
Safety procedures and winter operations
Familiarization with Personal Flotation Device
Maximum Capacity: As per manufacturer’s recommendation
Flotation Requirements: Non-sinking material or flotation tanks sufficient to maintain
buoyancy of hull and all passengers sitting inside swamped vessel
Type of Use: Flat water, inland only
Required Procedures: Float plans are required
Required Equipment: Coast Guard Approved Type I, II, III or IV PFD’s to be worn by each
person on board
Swim Test:
All paddlers and passengers are required to wear PFD’s.
Vessel familiarization & required demonstration to include:
Vessel components and function
Paddle strokes and maneuvering
Recovery from capsizing and self rescue
Rescue of overboard victims
Safety procedures and winter operations
Familiarization with Personal Flotation Device
Name of Form: UNCW Motorboat Operations Float Plan
A. Purpose
This form serves as an official record of intended boat use and for purposes of emergency
notification in the event of a boating accident.
B. Where to Obtain Forms
Forms are available below the float plan bulletin board mounted at the entrance to the
Machine Shop at the CMS Operations facility or the fillable blank form on the previous
C. Where to Submit Completed Forms
All completed float plans are to be posted on the float plan bulletin board next to the
CMS Machine Shop entrance Travel originating and/or terminating after the close of
regular business hours (8:00 am – 5:00 pm) requires that the white copy be faxed to the
CMS Guardhouse (962-2938).
D. Instructions
1. List date the operation will take place.
2. Enter the name and home phone number of the intended Boat Operator.
3. Fill out boat description information for the vessel to be used.
4. List FULL NAMES of the persons who will be on board.
5. Complete the equipment checklist. Include a cell phone number where Boat
Operator can be reached.
6. Complete trip expectations information. Remember to include all stops on the
proposed route. “Expected time of return” should reflect the time that CMS
personnel or CMS Police can expect you back. The time given as “No later than”
is the time at which, should you fail to return, CMS or the appropriate Department
Head shall notify the Coast Guard and initiate a full search. Failure to close a
float plan by this time is a serious infraction that can result in suspension or
termination of Operator’s certification. Additionally, the Boat Operator, by law,
can be held personally liable for any monetary charges levied by the US Coast
7. Under “Vehicle description,” enter all information for the vehicle that will be
used to transport the Boat Operator to and from the point of departure.
8. Enter the appropriate account number to be charged for fuel and oil. No Float
Plans will be accepted without a proper account number.
9. Submit the White Copy anlong with any fuel receipts to CMS Accounting by
placing them in the marked in-box directly below the float plan bulletin board.
DIRECTIONS: All accidents --whether or not injury is involved-- must be
reported as soon as possible after the event. A report form shall be filed with
the Diving and Boating Safety Officer and the appropriate Department Head.
NAME ____________________________________ DATE ____________
LOCATION __________________________________________________
ACTIVITY ___________________________________________________
ACCIDENT ___________________________________________________
MEASURES __________________________________________________
(detail) _______________________________________________________
FIRST AID ___________________________________________________
OF VICTIM ___________________________________________________
Boating has become a popular sport. Boats are affordable, and the price of marine electronics
has matched that affordability. It seems that everyone operating a boat also operates a VHF
Radio. In order to minimize confusion and to maximize operational efficiency of marine radios,
it is necessary that a standard set of radio procedures be observed. The United States Coast
Guard monitors the marine VHF system for boating safety and for misuse of marine frequencies.
Basic Rules
1. All vessels must monitor channel 16 for radio contact, Coast guard information, traffic
and emergency situations.
2. Initial contact between vessels or the Marine Lab can be made through channel 16, but
must continue through a channel designated for communication and agreed upon by the
two Boat Operators. (See list of channels and their designated uses.)
3. Communication on channel 16 must be kept to a minimum and must include the name of
the vessel and its call sign. To end transmission, the word, “over” must be spoken.
Example: “Wrightsville Beach Coast Guard, this is the research vessel ‘Tomtate,’
WA4BVT, over;” or “’Mudpuppy,’ this is the RV ‘Tomtate,’ WA4BVT, over.”
4. If an emergency appeal is declared, all radio traffic must cease. If you are located at the
site of the emergency, you must do everything possible, with consideration of your own
safety, to assist the stricken vessel.
Full Charter (Boat and Crew)
In addition to any other requirements specified in the UNCW Guide for Safe Boating Operations,
the following rules apply:
1. The chartered vessel must currently meet and be certified to all requirements as set forth
by the US Coast Guard.
2. The vessel Captain and the crew must be currently licensed by the US Coast Guard to the
level of operation and intended use by the UNCW program.
3. All UNCW students, faculty, staff and persons on UNCW sponsored programs are
required to wear Coast Guard approved personal flotation devices while aboard.
Exemption appeals should be sought through the CMS Boating Safety Officer or the
UNCW Water Safety Committee.
4. A program plan of operation, documentation of licenses and certifications, and dates of
operation must be sent to the CMS Boating Safety Officer or the UNCW Water Safety
Committee for approval.
5. Liability responsibility of the program must be reviewed by University Counsel prior to
Bare Boat (Boat Only)
In addition to any other requirements set forth by the“UNCW Guide for Safe Boating
Operations, the following rule applies:
The chartered vessel must currently meet and be certified to all requirements as set forth by the
US Coast Guard, State of North Carolina and applicable Local Rules. A Chartered Small
Vessel Checklist, located on the following page, is required to be completed and returned to the
CMS Boating Safety Officer.
Vessels under 26 feet not belonging to UNCW but used on UNCW sanctioned programs
require a complete safety inspection by the UNCW representative.
Machine Powered Vessels
One Type I, II, or III CG approved PFD for each
person on board (worn).
One Type IV throwable PFD
One CG approved sound signaling device
One CG approved fire extinguisher (Class B-1)
CG approved flare kit
VHF radio or cell phone
Registration certificate
One Type I CG approved PFD for each person on
board (worn)
One Type IV throwable PFD
One CG approved fire extinguisher (Class B-1)
One CG approved sound signaling device
One CG approved flare kit
First Aid kit
VHF radio
Drinking water
GPS and EPIRB (required beyond 3-miles)
Sail Powered Vessels
One CG approved PFD for each person on board
One CG approved sound signaling device
VHF radio or cell phone
Manually Powered Vessels
One CG approved PFD for all passengers (worn)
One CG approved sound signaling device
VHF radio or cell phone
UNCW Representative
I, _______________________, do hereby affirm and acknowledge that I have been fully
informed of the inherent hazards and risks associated with the boating and boating related activities. I
fully understand that these risks can lead to personal injury, illness, paralysis, permanent disability, and
death or damage to me or my property. I understand that there are risks associated with boating,
including, but not limited to, the possible injury or loss of life as a result of a dive boat accident;
drowning, shark bites, capsizing, rough water conditions, water hazards, diving in unfamiliar water; the
use or malfunction of equipment; injuries inflicted by animals, insects, reptiles or plants; my state of
physical conditioning and the physical exertion associated with boating; accidents or illness in remote
places without medical facilities; forces of nature including, but not limited to, lightning, weather
changes, ocean level changes and others occurrences not named herein; and/or man-made objects in the
ocean including, but not limited to, ropes, bridge pilings, and metal junk or debris. Despite the potential
hazards and inherent risks and dangers associated with boating related activities, I agree to participate and
expressly accept and assume all such risks, known and unknown, and further expressly assume
responsibility for resulting injuries, damages, losses, or costs not caused directly by and due to the acts or
omissions of UNCW or its employees and authorized agents. The foregoing shall not release UNCW of
its obligations under applicable law, rules, or regulations, including the Occupational Safety and Health
Act, as applicable. Further, nothing contained herein shall limit, erode, or obviate UNCW’s election and
entitlement to utilize Scientific Diving protocols pursuant to 29 C.F.R. §1901. et seq.
I understand the nature of the boating and related activities I will be undertaking. I agree no one
has a better understanding of my experience, capabilities, and/or limitations. I hereby represent and
affirm that I am qualified and able to participate in boating and boating related activities. I affirm that I
can swim and if I cannot, I agree to wear a life preserver while participating in boating and boating related
activities. I understand that I may inspect the premises, facilities, and equipment to be used or for which I
come in contact. If I believe anything is unsafe, I understand I can and will immediately decline to
participate further in the boating and boating related activities. I understand there is no penalty or
forfeiture of any sort if I withdraw from participation. I further understand, agree, and acknowledge that
UNCW shall neither assume nor be responsible in any way for damages or injuries of any kind related to
or arising from my utilization, loan of, or use of either my own or third party equipment.
In direct consideration of being allowed to participate in the boating and related activities, as well
as the use of any of the facilities and the use of the related equipment, and expressly excepting the
negligent acts or omissions of UNCW, I hereby agree as follows:
1) TO WAIVE AND RELEASE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS that I may have in the future
against UNCW any of the following named persons or entities, and UNCW’s officers,
directors, employees, representatives, agents and volunteers.
Center for Marine Science Research
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Lead Diver:
2) To release and hold harmless UNCW, their officers, directors, employees, representatives,
agents and volunteers, from liability and responsibility, whatsoever, for any claim of action
that I, my estate, heirs, executors or assigns may have for any personal injury, property
damage, or wrongful death arising from boating and related activities not proximately caused
by the negligent acts or omissions of UNCW.
3) By entering into this agreement, I am not relying on any oral or written representation or
statements made by UNCW, other than what is set forth in this agreement. I further agree that
this Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State
of North Carolina, United States of America. I expressly agree that any liability of UNCW
for bodily injury, property damage or any other matter sounding in tort is determined solely
in accordance with the provisions, procedures and limits of the North Carolina Tort Claims
Act, N.C.G.S. 143-291, et seq.
4) If any provision of this release is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be
severed from this contract. The remainder of this contract will then be construed as though
the unenforceable provision had never been contained in this document.
The activities have been fully explained to me and all questions answered to my satisfaction, I
agree to participate in the boating and related activities, and I am fully aware of the risks that may be
involved. I also understand that this is a legal document which is binding on me, my heirs, executors
and/or assigns, or those who may claim by or through me. I am eighteen years of age or older, have full
capacity to enter into this Agreement, and affirm that I understand and agree to the terms and conditions
of this release.
Participant's Signature
Printed Name
Witness Signature
Printed Name
If participant is a minor (under 18 years of age), a parent or guardian must also sign this form.
Parent or Guardian's Signature
Procedure No. CMS 1.10
Effective 5/6/13
Subject: Motorboat Operations
Responsible Office: Center for Marine Science
A. Purpose
Explains the procedures and responsibilities associated with the use of UNCW
B. Scope
Applies to all University departments and activities requesting the use of motorboats
maintained by the Center for Marine Science.
C. Policy
1. Boats will be checked out only to UNCW Certified Boat Operators, (CBO) who
are charged with the responsibility of ensuring compliance with this procedure as
well as the UNCW Guide to Safe Boating Operations.
2. CMS boats are intended primarily as tools to facilitate research and academic
instruction. Accordingly, these uses will have priority over all others.
Illegal substances are not permitted or tolerated aboard. Any person found to be
in possession of such substances aboard a UNCW boat will be permanently
denied access to the boats in any capacity. Any person suspected of having an
illegal substance on board will be suspended from boating operations until the
completion of a formal investigation.
D. Procedures
1. Reserving a boat. Reservations may be made up to ninety days in advance, on a
first-come, first-served basis, and should be for specific dates. Requests for
extension of reserved time because of weather or mechanical conditions will be
considered on a case-by-case basis.
a. Boats may be reserved for up to five consecutive days by telephoning
the CMS Dockmaster at (910) 470-1078. In order to preclude potential
processing delays, any UNCW researcher who will require significant
boat time in order to fulfill the requirements of a grant proposal is
required to coordinate that need with the Director – CMS before the
proposal is forwarded to the Office of Sponsored Programs.
b. The intent of the five day reservation restriction is to provide the
necessary maintenance time dictated by safety considerations and
expense reduction. UNCW boats will not be operated more than five
consecutive days without going down for at least one day of general
2. Check-Out Procedures
a. A boat shall be considered to be checked out when the Certified Boat
Operator takes possession of the boat box. Boat boxes, which contain
all necessary keys and documentation, may be picked up at the CMS
Boat Shop anytime during regular business hours.
b. Transfer of the boat box from one Operator to another is NOT permitted
without the prior approval of the CMS Dockmaster.
Under no circumstances will a boat be checked out until the CBO has
completed a Motorboat Operations Float Plan Form (Form CMSR 1.101) and placed it on the float plan bulletin board. If the vessel is to be
checked out during non-working hours, a float plan must be on file with
the CMS Guardhouse. It can be faxed to their location at 962-2938.
Alternative arrangements for filing float plans must be made with
the CMS Boating Safety Officer or appropriate Department Head
for vessel operations taking place outside the local area.
A new Float Plan will be filed with the CMS Dockmaster or CMS
Guardhouse for each day of operations. Float Plans may be
updated/amended during regular business hours by contacting the CMS
Dockmaster at 910-470-1078, and after business hours by calling the
CMS Guardhouse.
Float Plans may be closed during regular business hours by notifying the
CMS Dockmaster at (910) 470-1078, or by coming to the CMS facility.
To close a Float Plans after regular business hours, contact the CMS
Guardhouse. Failure to properly close a Float Plan and/or deliberate
deviation from an approved plan will be considered grounds for
suspension and/or revocation of UNCW Motorboat Operator’s
3. Check-In Procedure. A boat is considered to be checked in when the Float Plan
has been closed, the motorboat has been returned to the CMS compound or
marina, and the boat box and all related equipment has been turned in.
4. Financial Responsibilities. Financial responsibility for loss or damage of
equipment due to Operator negligence shall be assumed by the appropriate grant
or department directing the operation.
5. Maintenance Responsibilities. Boat Operators are responsible for ensuring that
the boat and trailer are thoroughly washed with fresh water after each use. Hoses
are available for this purpose at the marina and at the CMS boat shop.
6. Failure to adhere to this procedure may result in suspension or revocation of Boat
Operator’s Certification.
Procedure No. CMS 1.10
Effective: 5/6/13
Subject: Notification procedures in the possible event of a disaster involving vessels operating
under the auspices of UNCW. Disasters include death, serious injury, serious
accident, missing vessel, and/or person missing from a vessel.
A. Purpose
To provide guidance on the notification process for faculty, staff and students.
B. Scope
Applies to all students, faculty and staff using vessels operating under the auspices of
C. Policy
It is the policy of the University to expedite notification of any disaster involving UNCW
sanctioned boating operations to the proper authority for processing as soon as possible
after the event.
D. Procedures
As soon as possible after a disaster occurs, the following persons must be notified.
Notification shall include identification of and disposition of any victims, mission
objectives when the accident occurred, number of vessels involved, location of the
accident, all information relative to the event and the disposition of the case at the present
Director, Center for Marine Science
CMS Assistant Director for Marine Operations
UNCW Campus Police
If a student is involved, the following should also be contacted:
Dean of Students
Department Chairman
Procedure No. CMS 1.10
CMS Director, Dr. Dan Baden
 CMS…………………
UNCW Provost
 Office………………..
UNCW Dean of Students
 Office…………………
CMS Assistant Director for Marine Operations, Jay Styron
CMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cell Phone . . . . . . . . . . . .
CMS Diving and Boating Safety Officer, Ken Johns
CMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cell Phone . . . . . . . . . . . .
Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CMS Dockmaster, Gerry Compeau
CMS …………………….
Cell Phone ………………
Home ……………………
910- 470-1078
910- 270-3347
Campus Police...............................
CMS Guardhouse………......……
(must be completed prior to departure)
NAME _____________________________________________ DATE _____________
SSN _____________________________ Home Phone __________________________
MEDICAL HISTORY STATEMENT: I understand that boating activities can be strenuous activities,
involving motions and stresses that require stamina and excellent health for my safety and well being. I
hereby confirm that I have no emotional or health problems incompatible with boating activities. I
understand that I must seek approval from a licensed physician if I am uncertain as to my physical fitness
for the rigors of boating activities. I further understand that the Boat Operator may require me to seek
approval from a physician if there is a health or safety question relative to my condition.
Place a check beside each item that applies to your past or present medical history, and
explain as necessary in the space provided for remarks.
I have read the medical history statement
Mental or emotional problems
Physical disability
Regular medication
Allergies, including drugs
Rejected from any activity for medical reasons
Motion sickness
Contact lenses or glasses
Ear or hearing problems
Dizziness or fainting
Heart condition
Chest pain
Use of street drugs
Current pregnancy
High blood pressure
Any medical problems not listed
PRINT OR TYPE REMARKS _____________________________________________
I certify that the above information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature _______________________________________ Date __________________
Name __________________________ Relationship _______________ Phone ____________