Winthrop University Department of Social Work

Winthrop University
Department of Social Work
Acknowledgement of Risk in Field Instruction
This document is designed to inform you about some of the potential risks associated with the
field education courses. It is the faculty's belief that you have a right to be informed of risks
associated with this aspect of your educational preparation. We believe that risks can be
minimized with proper knowledge and preparation. It is your responsibility to discuss the
policies and procedures of your agency with your field instructor and to follow safety
precautions in order to minimize risks to yourself.
LIABILITY INSURANCE: Students are insured under the university's blanket policy. If
students wish to obtain additional coverage, they can do so through NASW. Membership
applications are available from the Field Director. It will take approximately 90 days to obtain
this coverage, so if you desire to do this you will need to start this process early.
PROFESSIONAL SELF: An important aspect of professional practice is knowing and
respecting the limits of your knowledge and skills and avoiding helping situations that are not
within your area of competence. Whenever you have a question about the handling of a
particular case and whether or not a given intervention or referral is appropriate, consult your
field instructor. If you are in a situation where you believe you have made an error in judgment
concerning your work with a client, you should inform your field instructor of the situation
AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE: If you will be using your personal vehicle in the
field, it is recommended that you check with your insurance company for a clear understanding
of your coverage. Ask specifically what coverage you have if something happens while
transporting a client. The faculty recommends that you not use your personal vehicle to transport
clients. If clients are to be transported, an agency vehicle should be used.
OFFICE VISITS: Sometimes you may have a client in your office that becomes agitated or
hostile. It is important that you discuss such matters with your agency supervisor early in your
practicum to be informed of agency policy and recommended courses of action should such an
event happen.
HOME VISITS: Social workers in a variety of agencies are required to conduct home visits.
Such visits could expose you to health and safety risks. All home visits must be made with full
knowledge of your field instructor. Your field instructor should know the time of departure and
expected time of return. Be sure you have plenty of gas. It is important to know whom to call
and what steps to take if you should experience a vehicle breakdown. Do not conduct a home
visit on your own when you feel uncomfortable or threatened in the situation. Return to the
agency and report your experiences to your field instructor. Be aware of dogs or other household
pets that might be a threat. Do not make a visit when the presence of alcohol is detected and do
not make a home visit after dark. It may be appropriate for you to make visits accompanied by
your field instructor or another agency worker. Do not take irresponsible risks.
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AFTER HOURS MEETINGS: Some agencies have activities that occur beyond regular eightto-five office hours. Be aware of the location and neighborhood; note street lighting, open
spaces, and shrubs that might impair visibility. It is suggested that you always be accompanied
by your field instructor or someone else when going to your car after dark. Don't take
unnecessary risks.
INSTITUTIONAL SETTINGS: Many agencies serve a client population whose behavior may
be unpredictable. It is important that you learn strategies for handling clients whose behavior
becomes threatening. Whenever you feel uncomfortable with a client, inform your field
instructor. It is acceptable to have your field instructor or another staff person accompany you
when visiting such clients.
BEHAVIOR: It is important that you discuss matters with your field instructor early in your
practicum to be knowledgeable about agency policies and recommended courses of action for
clients who are angry and who exhibit threatening behavior. Whenever you feel uncomfortable
with a client or family member, inform your field instructor. It is acceptable to ask your field
instructor or another staff person to participate in interviews and/or accompany you when
visiting clients who may pose a danger to your health and safety.
SEXUAL MISCONDUCT: Avoid situations which could place you in a compromising
position. Promptly report any sexual suggestions or overtures made towards you by clients,
family members, or agency staff to your field instructor. If the field instructor is the perpetrator
of these behaviors, report the incident to your Field Director.
TB SKIN TEST (PPD): There has been an increase in the prevalence of tuberculosis in recent
years. It is recommended that you take the TB skin test prior to entering the field. Some settings
may require this test. You may take this through the Health Services Office (224 Crawford) or at
your local health department.
HIV-AIDS: The risk of exposure to the HIV virus is low in most social work practice settings.
Be knowledgeable about how the virus is transmitted. If you work in a setting with HIV+
persons, insist on completing the same infectious disease control training that other staff in the
agency receives. Remember to wash your hands after having physical contact with a client,
regardless of the agency setting.
HEPATITIS B VACCINE: If you anticipate a placement setting where there is a chance of
being exposed to blood-borne pathogens, it is recommended that you get this vaccination. This
involves a series of three injections over a 6-month period of time. The second injection is given
one month following the first and the third is administered 5 months later. Given the
requirements for this protection, it is important that you begin immunization prior to entering
field placement. The series of immunizations can be administered by the Health Center or by
your private physician.
CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK: Some agencies require students to be screened by a
criminal background check. These agencies usually entail work with children, with elderly
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clients and/or in medical settings. When interviewing for placement ask the field instructor if
you will be required to undergo this screening.
I have read the above items and understand that the field practicum does present some risks. I
also understand that prudent choices and exercising caution can minimize these risks. I further
recognize that it is my responsibility to become informed of agency policy and practices
regarding the above situations.
Field Director
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