Academic Programs Committee of Council Annual report of Admission Qualifications and Selection Criteria 2014-15 Under the University of Saskatchewan Admissions policy dated May, 2012, admission to the University of Saskatchewan is based on documented qualifications as established by University Council and confirmed by Senate. These qualifications may be defined in areas of objective qualifications such as high school subjects, secondary or post-secondary standing, minimum averages, English proficiency, and minimum scores on standardized tests. The Council and Senate have delegated to each college faculty council the authority to establish such other reasonable selection criteria as each faculty council may consider appropriate to its program of study. Selection criteria are a means by which a college can assess or rank its qualified applicants. Admission decisions for entry into the College of Graduate Studies and Research may also take into consideration the availability of suitable faculty supervisors, funding and other factors. It is the responsibility of each college faculty council that has been delegated authority over admission decisions to ensure that the admission qualifications and selection criteria for admission, relative weighting, application procedures, deadline for applications, and the process for evaluation of applicants are published and readily available to the general public and reported annually to Council and to Senate. Attached are the 2014-15 admission requirements for the following university programs, including required qualifications, selection criteria, and categories of admission. Program 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. AgBio – Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness, Diploma in Agribusiness AgBio - Indigenous Peoples Resource Management Certificate AgBio – Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Bachelor of Science in Renewable Resource Management, Bachelor of Science in Animal Bioscience, AgBio - Diploma in Agronomy Arts & Science – University Transition Program Arts & Science – Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts & Science, Bachelors Undeclared Arts & Science – Post-Degree Specialization Certificate Arts & Science – Bachelor of Arts (major in Music) Arts & Science – Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music (Music Education) Dentistry – Doctor of Dental Medicine Education – Teacher Education Programs (ITEP, SUNTEP, NORTEP) Education - Bachelor of Education Secondary Sequential Education – Bachelor of Education Elementary and Middle Years Sequential Education – Practical and Applied Arts (including Certificate in Secondary Page 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 23 27 29 31 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Engineering – Bachelor of Science in Engineering Edwards School of Business – Bachelor of Commerce Edwards School of Business – Aboriginal Business Administration Certificate Graduate Studies and Research –Master’s degree Graduate Studies and Research –Postgraduate Degree Specialization Certificate Graduate Studies and Research – PhD Degree Kinesiology – Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology Law – Juris Doctor Medicine – MD Nursing – BSN 4 year Nursing – Post-Degree BSN Pharmacy & Nutrition – Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Pharmacy & Nutrition – Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Veterinary Medicine – DVM To come: 29. Education - Aboriginal Teacher Associate Certificate 30. Education - Post-Degree Certificate in Education: Special Education 31. Medicine - Certificate in Global Health 32. Arts & Science - Certificates 33. Edwards School of Business - International Business Administration Certificate 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 53 55 57 59 61 1 2014-2015 AdmIssion Requirements ure 3 id Bioresources 0 )t Science in Agribusiness (LW. [Agbus or Diploma In Agribusiness (DlptAgbus) arv a r aikications: a Admission — High school (less than 18 credIt units oftransferable pasecondary): Grade 12 standing or equivalent I0 ogy 30 or Chemistry 30; and Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30 ‘vi um average of 70% on 5 subject high school average (see Mmission calculation and vi te Apnl, 2004). Proficiency in English. j ‘ants may be admitted with one subject defidency that must be cleared before the second year I Mr ission — Postsecondary(18 credit units or inure oftransbrable poetacondary): ‘44 mum average of 60% on 18 or more transferable credit units from a recognized and accredited post-secondary institution; average calculated on all attempted courses which are transferable to the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. Biology 30 or Chemistry 30; and Foundations of Mathematics 30 or PreCalculus 30 ‘roficiency in English. iay be admitted with one subject defriency thatmust be clearedbejb,e the second year Students who have graduatedfrom a recognized two-yeardipioma program may be admitted re than one high school deficiency but are required to consult the college upon admission to w to clear deficiencies. S it L 1 nal Admission: ig 4 dedaration of preparedness to study at the university level including confirmation that hc pplicant meets the college’s English proficiency requirements. • çec ii Mature Admission: Proof of Age (21 or older) Bio ogy 30 or Chemistry 30; and Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calcuius 30 tten submission demonstrating capacity to undertake university-level studies c Pt of any secondary or postsecondary coursework • in r i ‘iency in English STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF W SASKATCHEWAN _______________________________ 2 Selection Criteria: Regular Admission; Academic average . — 100% weighting Competitive average is set each year in consultation with the College to man . Provisional Admission: Declaration form . Special Mature Admissions — — e € 100% weighting Special admission package — 100% weighting Applicants are admitted at the discretion of the College. The admissor de applicant’s written submission and demonstrated academic potential Categories of Applicants 1 2. 3 Regular Admisn Admission is based on successful completion of secondary level standing with a mini 70% in the required subjects; or admission is based on the successful completioi o of transferable universitylevel coursework at a recognized postsecondary institution least 60%. Provisional Admjs1on Provisional Admissions is an alternate means of admssion for applicants who wish tc. going through the full admission process. Instead of submitting transcripts, applican declaration stating that they have the academic preparation required to take a unive Admission is for one term only. Applicants are restricted to a maximum of 6 credit u ii itl Ice ri y It C $pecial Mature Admission is Special (Mature) Admission is available to applicants who do not qualify for Regular s must be 21 years of age or older by the first day of classes, be entering their first yea ork successfully complete less than 18 credit units of transferable university-level cours submit a special admission package including proof of age, a written request for Spec (M that demonstrates a reasonable probability of academic success and a summary nf w ¼ experience since leaving school. Academic transcripts must be submitted if any Grad 2 courses have been completed. Dean’s Signature: Date: STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES D V c N 3 20142015 Admission Requirements e er I, d Bioresources s Peoples Resource Management (1PRM) Certificate aiifications: one Admission: tel letter of intent demonstrating capacity to undertake university-level studies. • Ii of sponsorship, outlining sources for funding for studies. do %4usfl -vfl - I ca s we admitted at the discretion of the College. The admission decision is based on the ‘a s wntten submission (demonstrating potential for success) as well as indication of a d rnciai plan for the completion of studies. a I ca are required to cover key topics In their letter of intent, to be provided upon completion obcation form. s open to all applicants, regardless of Aboriglnai ancestry, age, or level of education. ) Appilcants 4irb2) o d ltred under the Provisional Admission category. Admission Is based solely on the written t d post-secondary level standing are not considered for admission to this program. STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN 4 5 20142015 AdmIssion Requirements e d Bioresources teio f Sdence In Agriculture (B.S.Aj, Bachelor otSdence In Renewable Resource (R’IM)j, Bachelor of Science in Animal Bioscience (B.Sc.(AnBIo)) A iiiflcations: dir isbn High School (less than 18 credIt units oftransferable poetsecandary): — 12 standIng or equivalent. y 30; Oiemlstry 30; and Foundations of Mathematics 30 (or Pie-Calculus 30) hr T urn average of 70% on 5 subject high school average (see Adrnission calculation and I ( (APrIt 2004). it c ency in English. I 0 )S Jy be admitted with one subject deficiency that must be cleared before the second year of Urn alan Poasacandary(18 credIt unIts or rice oftransferable poatsecandary): — 4lr i iurn average of 60% on 18 or rnore transferable credit unIts frorn a recognized and ) (ted post-secondary InstitutIon; average calculated on all atternpted courses which are ar (arabIc to the College ofAgrlcufture and Bloresources. 10 ‘y 30; Qiernlstry 30; and Foundations of Mathernatics 30 (or Pm-Calculus 30) 0 cieiy In EnglIsh. its ray be admftted with one subject deficiency that must be cleaied befon the second year Students who have graduatedfrom a recognized two-year diploma program may be admitted than one high school deficiency but are required to consult the college upon admissIon to to ardeflclenclei ial AdmissIon: d declaratIon of preparedness to study at the unlverslty level IncludIng confIrmatIon that s EnglIsh profidency requIrements. 9 the ppllcant meets the college are Admlsslorn ro t of Age (21 or older) 3K ,y 30 Chemistry 30; and FoundatIons of MathematIcs 30 (or Pr&Calculus 30) tten submission demonstratIng capacIty to undertake unIversIty-level studIes ipts of any secondary or postsecondary coursework 3 t ency in English STUDENT AND ENROLMENT 5ERViCE5 DiViSiON UNIVERSITY OF W SASKATCHEWAN _____________________________________ 6 Selection Criteria: . Regular Admission: Academic average . Provisional Admission: Declaration form . Special Mature Admissions — — 100% weighting — 100% weightipg Special admission package — 100% weighting Applicants are admitted at the discretion of the College. The admission decision i applicant’s written submission and demonstrated academic potential Categories of Applicants L Regular Admission Admission is based on successful completion of secondary level standing with a minimum o€ 70% in the required subjects; or admission is based on the successful completion of at east of transferable university-level coursework at a recognized postsecondary institution, with least 60%. 2. Provisional Admission Provisional Admissions is an alternate means of admission for applicants who wish to take going through the full admission process. Instead of submitting transcripts, applicants mus declaration stating that they have the academic preparation required to take a univers ty Admission is for one term only. Applicants are restricted to a maximum of 6 credit urn s of 3 Special Mature Admission Special (Mature) Admission is available to applicants who do not qualify for Regular Admiss must be 21 years of age or older by the first day of classes, be entering their first year f St successfully complete less than 18 credit units of transferable university-level course rk submit a special admission package including proof of age, a written request for Specidi (1sf that demonstrates a reasonable probability of academic success and a summary of work an experience since leaving school. Academic transcripts must be submitted if any Grade 12 o courses have been completed. & Dean’s Signature: Date: STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISI S ( 7 20142015 AdmissIon Requirements re a d Bioresources om 1 Agronomy (DlpI.Agron.) L uaiiflcations: .‘idm It dc Admission High school (less than 18 credIt units of transferable postsecondary): Grade 12 standIng or equivalent. Biology 30; Chemistry 30; and Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30 Mm mum average of 70% on 5 subject high school average (see Admission calculation ‘Yg’ Is, (April, 2004). °rot iency n English. — 2$ Joy be admitted with one subject deficiency that must be cleoredbefore the second year of e lar Admission Postsecondary (18 credIt units or more of transferable postsecondary): Minimum average of 60% on 18 or more transferable credit units from a recognized and accredited post-secondary institution; average calculated on all attempted courses which are transferable to the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. Biology 30, chemIstry 30; and Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30 Proficiency In English. — Ms toy be admitted with one subjectdeflclency that must be cleated before the second year Students who have qraduatedfrom a recognized twoyeardiploma program may be admitted we than one high schooldeflcJency but are required to consult the college upon admission to ‘V to clear deficiencies. • )vlsional AdmissIon: Signed declaration of preparedness to study at the university level Including confirmation that the pplscant meets the college’s English proficiency requirements. ature Admission: Pro tot Age (21 or older) Blo wy 30, ChemIstry 30; and Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pm-Calculus 30 A w itten submission demonstrating capacity to undertake university-level studies rranscripts of any secondary or postsecondary coursework Resume Proficiency in English STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERViCES DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN V 8 Selection Criteria: . Regular Admission: Academic average . Provisional Admission: Declaration form , Special Mature Admissions — — 100% weighting — 100% weighting Special admission package — 100% weighting Applicants are admitted at the discretion of the College. The admission decision is applicant’s written submission and demonstrated academic potential Categories of Applicants 1. Regular Admission Admission is based on successful completion of secondary level standing with a minimum os 70% in the required subjects; or admission is based on the successful completion of a ea of transferable university-level coursework at a recognized postsecondary institutior it least 60%. 2. Provisional Admission Provisional Admissions is an alternate means of admission for applicants who wish to ke going through the full admission process. Instead of submitting transcripts, applicants mus declaration stating that they have the academic preparation required to take a university lev Admission is for one term only. Applicants are restricted to a maximum of 6 credit ur ts ot 3, Special Mature Admission Special (Mature) Admission is available to applicants who do not qualify for Regular Admiss must be 21 years of age or older by the first day of classes, be entering their first yea t sti successfully complete less than 18 credit units oftransferable university-level course work submit a special admission package including proof of age, a written request for Spec al (M that demonstrates a reasonable probability of academic success and a summary of work and experience since leaving school. Academic transcripts must be submitted if any Grade 2 o courses have been completed. Dean’s Signature: Date: STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIV S ON K \ II VN 9 2014-2015 Admission Requirements S Science ye ity Transition Program Ad cn uahfications: Three (3) high school 30-level subjects (or equivalent) with minimum pass grades of 50%, one of which must be English. Subjects must be from the approved list of acceptable high school curses (see Admission calculation and average policy (April, 2004)). P fici’ncy in English. See cr Criteria: Aoplicants presenting 3 acceptable subjects with minimum pass grades and proof of English p oficiency will be admitted. Admission is not based on academic average. Ca A% f Applicants University Transition is an admission category designed for students who do not meet the regular or special admission requirements to the College of Arts & Science. Students in the T insition Program can take up to 18 credit units at the Royal West Campus and/or our d ignated Off-Campus sites, After successfully completing 18 credit units with a minimum C VA of 56%, students can remain in the College of Arts and Science and begin studies on the U of S main campus. Ntv fjj / STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DiViSION UNIVERSITY OF SASKATcHEwAN 10 \t\ 11 flm 2014-2015 Admission Requirements s Science achelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts & Science, Bachelors Undecia red Ad’T ‘ g Qualifications: r Admission High School (less than 18 credit units of transferable postsecondary): Gnde 12 standing or equivalent. Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30* M mum average of 70% on 5 subject high school average (see Admission calculation and iv Jg (April, 2004). Proficiency In English. — I ants may be admitted with a mathematics deficiency. r Admission Postsecondary (18 credit units or mare of transferable postsecondary): Mmmum average of 60% on 18 or more transferable credit units from a recognized and accredited postsecondary institution; average calculated on all attempted courses which are trar slerable to the college of Arts and Science Fou9dations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-calculus 30* Prof ciency in English. — cants may be admitted with a mathematics deficiency. 4 L1onal Admission: Signed declaration of preparedness to study at the university level including confirmation that th ‘ apphcant meets the college’s English proficiency requirements. c at Mature Admission: Prc f of Age (21 or older) A written submission demonstrating capacity to undertake university-level studies Transcripts of any secondary or postsecondary coursework Resumé Proficiency in English teria J - C dmission: Academic average — ,<inAdrnission: Declaration form 100% weighting — 100% weigjiting admission package — 100% weightirg hca s ar° admitted at the discretion of the College. The admission decision is based on the acat written submission and demonstrated academic potential. STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION UN1VERSITY OF SAs1TcHEwAN 1L. 14 Ib.ø 12 %wi II4ah Categories of Applicants 1. Regu1ar Admission Admission is based on successful completion of secondary level standing with a mnimur 70% in the required subjects; or admission is based on the successful completion of at e of transferable university-level coursework at a recognized postsecondary insttuter w least 60%. 2. Provisional Admission Provisional Admissions is an alternate means of admission for applicants who wish to tak going through the full admission process. Instead of submitting transcripts, applicants rr i declaration stating that they have the academic preparation required to take a ut-u rsity Admission is for one term only. Applicants are restricted to a maximum of 6 credit units 3. Special Mature Admission Special (Mature) Admission is available to applicants who do not qualify for ReguI2 I dr must be 21 years of age or older by the first day of classes, be entering their first year of c successfully complete less than 18 credit units of transferable university-level coure wo submit a special admission package including proof of age, a written request for Sk ia that demonstrates a reasonable probability of academic success and a summary of work experience since leaving school. Academic transcripts must be submitted if any Grade 12 u courses have been completed. Dean’s Signature: Date: Nti ,f/; STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIV S ON 9 Y 01 CIIF WAN 13 C E a) a) C 0 ‘I, E 0 4 0 (1) .. ( L) C 0 — ( t3 = e a) Q C W C 0 V .2 (. % C 0 a . I U — ci w G > C 0 — n 0 C E 0 E 0 0 a) 0 C 0 a) a) a) a) 0 0 0 a) a) U C a) < 2 CV 0 CC 00 U C 0 a) C 0 C a) EC 00 a) V i E a) a) a) 0 r z 0 ru E Lfl ‘,, - ci Ej { V l G C t E 0 a) a) bO a) a) E 0 U 0— uO C ow C C O •a)a) E’ El C z 0 > 0 LLi > LJJ z LU 0 z UJJ 0 z z w 0 14 15 2014 2015 Admission Requirements Scnce chetor of Arts (Major in Music) — dr ualifications: F Admission High School (less than 18 credit units of transferable postsecøndary): Grade 12 standing or equivalent. Fou dations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30* M i mum average of 70% on 5 subject high school average (see Mmiston c1cu1attQfl a (April, 2004). L M C theory placement test. Proficiency in English. — . ant nay be admitted with a mathematics deficiency. ‘ F Admission Postsecondary (18 credit units or more of transferable postsecondary): M mum average of 60% on 18 or more transferable credit units from a recognized and ac redited postsecondary institution; average calculated on all attempted courses which are tr sferabIe to the College of Arts and Science Fo ndatons of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30* Iv C theory p’acement test. Pr hcency in English. — ant nay be admitted with a mathematics deficiency. Mature Admission: Pr of of Age (21 or older) A vntten submission demonstrating capacity to undertake universitylevel studies Ti i scripts of any secondary or postsecondary coursework. Rume pf 0 y ic flWnt tE t Pr ficiency n English tena dijsiori Aca demic average. . t j tdmiss ions: € d )n i( 1( irnc vr Special admission package phc ts are admitted at the discretion of the College. The admission decision is based on the Itc; fl’s wnttPn submission and demonstrated academic potential, STUDENT AND ENROLMENT ERVES DIVISION UN1VF R 4 S1iY OF’ SASKATCHEWAN iiithr 16 Categories of Applicants Regular Admission Admission is based on successful completion of secondary level standing with a mwu nuir 70% in the required subjects; or admission is based on the succes sful completion of t te of transferable university-level coursework at a recognized postse condary institution w t least 60%. 2. Special Mature Admission Special (Mature) Admission is available to applicants who do not qualify for Regular Adm must be 21 years of age or older by the first day of classes, be enterin g their first ye of successfully complete less than 18 credit units of transferable univer sity-level course work submit a special admission package including proof of age, a written request for Sp& al (IV that demonstrates a reasonable probability of academic success and a summary of work experience since leaving school. Academic transcripts must be submit ted if any Grade 12 courses have been completed. Dean’s Signature: Date: AI91r //3 STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION 1RSIIY OF Ill WAN 17 a 20142015 AdmissIon Requirements It t Science heior of Music, Bachelor of Music (Musk Education) I Adr dmcaiOfls: 1 as lar Admission High school (less than 18 credft units of transferable postsecondary): - Grade 12 standing or equivalent. Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30 M mum average of 70% on 5 subject high school avenge (see Adimnion calculation and I jgg(Apni, 2004). Muic performance audition. Music theory placement test. Proficiency in English. ant may be admstted with a mathematics deficiency. rMmlssion Pastsecondary(18 credit units rn more oftransferabl postiecondary): Minimum average of 60% on 18 or more transferable credit units from a recognized and accredited post-secondary institution; average calculated on all attempted courses which are transferable to the College ofArts and Science Foundations of Mathematics 30 or PreCaiculus 30 M sic performance audition M ic theory placement test. P’ticiency in English. — ) 0t .wants may be admitted with a mathematics deficiency. ai Mature Admission: U. ‘af of Age(21 or older) A v Itten submission demonstrating capacity to undertake university-level studies Tnnscripts of any secondary or postsecondaiy couisework Resume M s.c p’rtormance audition. Mi’%ic theory placement test Proficiency in English ei (eria dmission. uli cc d ua ,ed primarily on performance in the mu ic performance audition and in st the minimum dmision werage of the university Music theory )aip Jet ermine posibie remedial training prior U beginning the program should a t I e al r tt ad Thc fin ii admission decsion is made by the Department of Music, based on r e s rd ‘nt’ v’c e requirements of ‘t’e aniversity s c j • V., STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERViCES DiViSiON UN1VFRSirY OF V SASKATcHEwAN I __________ _________________________ 18 . Special Mature Admissions Applicants are admitted at the discretion of the College. The admission dtc sior applicant’s audition, written submission and demonstrated academic pot ia Categories of Applicants L Regular Admission Admission is based on successful completion of secondary level standing with 70% the required subjects; or admission is based on the successful completion t Ic of transferable university-level coursework at a recognized postsecondary institution witi least 60%. a minirnun in of 2. ft Mature Admission Special (Mature) Admission is available to applicants who do not qualify for Regular \dmi must 21 years of or older by the first day of classes, be entering successfully complete less than 18 credit units of transferable university-level course work submit special admission package including proof of age, a written request for that demonstrates a reasonable probability of academic success and a summary of work experience since leaving school, Academic transcripts must be submitted courses have been completed. special be age their first yea of a pe ial if any Grade jiv 12 Dean’s Signature: Date: STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERViCES ut’i i ‘ I SI V flF K’\iCIIEWAN 19 2014-2015 Admission Requirements tist I DMD. Qua’ifications: p Ti average of 70% in required pre-dentistry courses: 3 at d BIOL 12L3 or BIOL 2243 or BMSC 224.3 General Biology 2 3 eneral Chemistry I I $O.3 Introduction to Organic Chemistry LL3 and 117.3 or 125.3 —General Physics (formerly 111.6 or PHYS 1216) 03 BomoIecules (formerly BlOC 2003) 0 3 Metabolism (formerly BlOC 2113) d t units (full course equivalent) in Social Sciences/Humanities — at these are University of Saskatchewan courses: equivalents from other post-secondary institutions nsh:’ red. 0 credit units of university level work within two standard academic terms (30 credit units taken en September April) with a minimum average of 75% in two best 30-credit years. IMPORTANT I C The College of Dentistry has requested the approval of the University of Saskatchewan to change 4’ fications far admission to require applicants to have completed three full time (30 credit unit) f university level course work towards a degree program between September and April prior to I usson effective for the 2015-2016 admission cycle. The results of this request will be posted to the b I e as soon as they are available. ttude Test cv ir Enghsh - SeI t or Criteria: ie ‘mc Record—65% t age n the best two 30-credit years C 1mg Comprehension (1/3) em Average (1/3) eptu I Abthty (1/3) V CW —20%weigflg STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVCES DiV1SON UNIvERsITY OF SASKATCHEWAN 20 Categories of Applicants The College of Dentistry welcomes applications from a1 students. Of the 28 first-year spots, 22 Saskatchewan residents, including 3 spaces for person s of Aboriginal descent The other 6 spaces a other applicants, regardless of residency. Saskatchewan Residents S a 2. Canadian and International Applicants I 3, There are up to 6 spaces set aside for non-SK residents, either out of province Canadar international. AborigInal Equity Access Program S I a a 4, Applicants must be Canadian citizens or landed immig rants at the ttme of apphca on Applicants normally must have resided in Saskatchewa n for at least four years m iiedta $t September 1 of the year in which admission is being sought. Applicants who ieft the v previously lived in Saskatchewan for an accumulated period of 15 years (permanent res treated as residents. Applicants who have previously lived in Saskatchewan for an acc of less than 15 years and who do not qualify under the four-ye ar condition will receive year toward the four year requirement for every four years of residency in the provinc exceptions to the four-year Saskatchewan residency rule. There is a separate category in which three first year spaces are reserved for pero s o Aboriginal ancestry. Applicants must meet the minimum Admission Qualif ications, above. Applicants must achieve an acceptable rating on the intervi ew and complete the Denta (DAT). Applicants must provide proof of Aboriginal ancestry. Foreign Trained Dentists * I 1 a S ‘ ‘ There is a separate category in which ONE first year space is reserved for a foreign train dentist. Appilcants in this stream will compete in a separa te pool for this positron Applicants must have earned a dental degree from a recogn ized dental coflege other th the United States of America. Applicants must meet the Saskatchewan residency rules jf applicable, applicants must presen satisfa t ctory evidence of proficiency in Engi s Applicants must take the Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) admini stered by the Canadan Den Applicants must be interviewed at the University of Saskat chewan for the year in i ch being sought. Applicants must provide a one-pag biography (curriculum vita) on relevant dental xp€ other information that would be helpful to the Admissions Comm ittee STUDENT AND UNROLMENT SERVICES DISO N VS CM F illWN 21 I IVIIIOb I Case Catçg!y t College of Dentistry may consider students with special circumstances wtth regard to one or both of : e 30 credit unit years, such that one or both years may have been completed over twelve consecutive ths as part of a program requirement. pecial case” applicants will be considered by the Admissions Committee and will compete with all h r applicants in the general pool of candidates. Applicants must have met all other irerrents. Applicants are to submit a letter with their application form that explains their special imstances. tire. STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN 22 23 2014-2015 Admission Requirements nd a i Teacher Education Program (ITEP), Saskatchewan Urban Native Teache r Fducation NTFP Northern Teacher Education Program (NORTEP) , Ac ( 0 Qualifications: ndSUNTEP Admission High school (less than IS credit units of transferable postse condary): irade 12 standing or equivalent. 0-level English 0-level mathematics* oiogy 30* or Chemistry 30* or Geology 30* or Physics 30* istory 30 or Social Studies 30 or Native Studies 30 0-level language (other than English) or fine art* roficency in English. V be admitted with one deficiency among these subjects. The deficient subject must be or to entering the second year of study. ia Admission Postsecondary (18 credit units or more of transfe rable postsecondary): ‘Ainimum average of 60% on 18 or more transferable credit units from a recognized postcondary institution. )-level English 0 level mathematics* olov 30* or Chemistry 30 or Geology 30* or Physics 3Q* story 30 or Social Studies 30 or Native Studies 30 )-Ievel language (other than English) or fine art* oficiency in English. y be admitted with one deficiency among these subjects. The deficient subject must be r to nter1ng the second year of study. I Vature Admission: -oF L Age j21 or older) vrttt ii submission demonstrating capacity to undertake university level studies . c ptc t my secondary or postsecondary coursework. sum fc cy in English. STUDENT A4D ENROLt1C4T SERVCC5 DIJVHON IJ?4I\1ISI1\ OF Ssivrci I EW\N 24 a ‘it; ITEP . Regular Admission — High school (less than 18 credIt units of transferable postseco di 0 Grade 12 standing or equivalent. 0 30-level English 0 3O4evel mathematlcs (workplace and apprenticeship math is not acccptaL L 0 BIology 3O or Chemistry 30’ or Geology 30 or Physics 30 0 History 30 or Social Studies 30 or Native Studies 30 0 304evel language (other than English) or fine art 0 Proficiency in English. Students may be admitted with one deficiency among these subjects. The deficit completed prior to entering the second year of study. . ss RegularAdmission — Postsecondary(18 credit units or more oftransferabie posts . 18 or more transferable credit units from a recognized postiecondary instit transfer average In selected coursework 0 30-level English 0 30-level mathematics(workplace and apprenticeship math is not acceptabi 0 0 0 0 0 BIology 30 or Chemistry 30 or Geology 30 or Physics 30 History 30 or Social Studies 30 or Native Studies 30 30-level language (other than English) or fine art ProfIciency in English. Students may be admitted with one deficiency among these subjects. The deficle t sub completed prior to entering the second year of study. • Special Mature Admission: o Proof of Age (21 or older) 0 A written submission demonstrating capacity to undertake university vel 0 Transcripts of any secondary or postsecondary coursework. o Resumé. o Proficiency in English. Selection Criteria: 4cadernlc Record • • • Average is calculated 5 high school subjects or on 18 transferable credit un rransfer applicants to the ITEP program are riot required to meet a transfer aver Final admission decisions for thP IfFP, NORTFP and SUNTEP programs are r uei program offices. S1UDINT AN.) LNROLMtNT sinvitts Div’s N I S. Ifl H iIIfIAV\ 25 rD > - -— C E 9 .: , a) L C Li Q iD •— r%J rjQ - 1 Li U 4- z; 1D .- v, 0 ‘ CC C v, — - L C — L Li) a)OZ a) v, a) — C - :3 C CCC 0 Li C C C D . > C C a) aJ I cC C C Z3 . •..)cD C a)a) C U a) cv C C — ,, Li C 0 :; E D I- < o: 4- L - w > .-.‘•- a) C - C Li C Q — u C C a) C a; bIJ C C” 0 - g C C C .- D C F V.) ,- v, C D -‘ C C U > = —., 4— cu u • a) U C ; c L C 4-’ D a C •It D a) < I r )( cv C U a) t L — aj C > c :: a E II ‘)Q> C C r a) (N C-O a) cD a - C u °C 2 DJ L C °--Q D ,,C I LQO a) C C ‘ 4-’ .: C C U . — _C ‘ 4-, a) > C a) I-. ,— C a) tiO (0 +.‘.9 a) 4-’ cv— — - > 4- U -“-- 4-, g C C > r .‘+- .— C ci -- -C (0 = C > C v C .—. C • ; — / x x C 26 NYMllL1JYNRVS M) ALIS)K INfJ 4 I hOISIAlO S3Zsth3S INJM1OUN3 ONY lh)Cfl1S NupqVani %5 SdSJPOJ d4!s!nbaJwd jo sj’un jpajz 09 *14) UO pawjnp SI IDjjTjti*M %C d a F’ 4 L p1” C ViJL’ 9uqn’ai paq Uup4wa Oftl) dLfl 40 dUO uoq:9uais oi pasn eq Aew saunoz aAqpe3 sasjno aA.paIa jo fliun j; a poiaidwoz aArq oie 1511W siuapnn ‘seow 9uqeaj pue sasino Aios;ndwo oqi oi uopip Sr iapug ‘9 SUOWOM (weeqs A.onq) qne ‘A9oiodonnuv tuap ICRIIOd ‘A9oopO$ 311L •SaIpn:s Snoøtpti ‘kideto. UtWflH ‘AJOIStH SeIpn1s AIWN — SeIPns ie o/sen waç S)lSAd AJ1SWe moc e a qauaaj Jo aa.t — SalenSui I I i iii spse qev — sqewat (Aiuo t eajy 8uppea- Alolojsau!)fl UOfl3fl3 W wv aIen9ue q ,pnpI ‘ewejcl ‘i.’v — uopnnp :eje seen Dwqi a Bu %og p aleIaAe wnw,uw e ipi ppaa p p wnwiuiw t ei Dii :panba squn pan g CLfl$ and we quawajnbej eeiy husipea ‘ uuaiea,nba JO £101 sa!pnls uuaIeA!nba JO 9011 qr p i :paJ!nbaJ shun pan g aqa jo and se kiosindwoa we SBSJflO) IuIMow %Ogjoa& A#j wnwujw e qpM ‘cecino aqpa pu ‘shuawaJinbaw asino eaiy9uppea ‘sacnc’ oc’ &npnpui ‘wejlojd pjg aqa oj aqnajcue.q sasinoa Asepuoacsod p sjun aipan q j wnt urn :suo;eag,en weJloJd ienuanbes kiepuoe ‘Cm py 9) uoqenpj jo Joaq,eg uoiaer qu.w.Jinb.v uopsjwp srozi’toz F. 27 _______________________________ 28 , , . Applicants must participate in an onüne interview. 35-4Ohours of Experience Working with Children— 25% weighting a • Candidates must have 35-40 hours of experience working with children, youth r ui unpaid work Candidate must provide contact information for two referees who have supervised or ci interaction with children/youth, Referee Work Experience Evaluation is required. Categories of Applicants There are no distinct categories of applicants to this program. Dean’s Signature: Date: 3O/Q 3 SDfN AND ENROLMENT SRViCFS I VI’icN NVM:1113J.VNSVS do !TAINfl 1 ALIS)1 NC SIAIO $3ZIAUIS LN3fl1UUNI UNV .saAlpeo MIUIOISdUDI JO d)U5 spy aq A 1PM 0S014i aailap •pj•e ap ioj airndoidde siun ipan og eq Wi ocw oj )OM dSJflOJ jo sw at i PdldIdWO) oAEq 09t lSflW s:uapnn ‘seafl ftuqeaj fJUC SÔSJflO3 kosjfldwo.) otp c uo’i aapu;( ip \111110M (ws’.nis Aiosqq) s,i5sPi, ‘ASoodoipuv ‘auans ruqo mci ) ‘UPfl1S %flOINqd ‘Aqda’dloag UPWflM ‘AJOISH ‘saipnç aaipt N — sapn:s eno/c S I. ru AJ)’It At let Aiuo ceaiv u!q3Pa Meiuawaij ejaua ue!ueqn ‘uessnu ‘qS!ued5 ‘tpuaij ‘aai saenXuq Uat — — qspqç ‘8 ipe Sl1EWdL (ASoIo!sau!y) uopeanp it ‘ — C t cliv a&’n9ue I IIN eweia liv— uo nfl ait sean Iulq m niun iipaJz U JO WflWIUW :!paJ, t V ILl IT JO WflWUW rg ea.y It r :paqnbaj s:iun ;pan 09 OL9 JO ped ae suawajnba assno easy Swipe lualcAinba rn tLOT sapnis ‘ I (uolmnp3 ieais&id) Alqoiau (tin up f4Jd) rw urn rn (seep Aiosq isnw o ‘aisnisi ‘MO;9H eww ‘eweio %J0ISIH PV liv Aue)qiya (s,ssvo u swrioa pa*oidde ue o ‘sapn iepuag pue suewo ‘AqdeaSoa uewnH ‘floon ‘AIOIOdwapuy ‘SIP$ eflOtSumi ‘SIPNS Ie’mIOd ‘seIpms aAner AJOsIH ‘saqWOuOa3) s.ip”i lCD naps esnwt (seep npspe; io sapewaipesj Aue) saqewaiptj :wnflauJfl) ) ueaip;eses aip jo Apn:s jo sCaly paJ!nbau Jaipo CLfl JO ipea U SltLlfl I!PaJZ aaJtpjo wnw U uae’qnba ia g•oTj L :paJlnbaJ qun pan aip;o ped se k.osjndwo am sasno Su Mq %oqjo* IA! WCWILlIW C tflM ‘$fl1fl03 1A1p113 $iC ‘5jIIaLUa4flbal assno ea Suppeaj ‘sauna io Sulpnpu ‘wejlojd pyg aqj o aqeojsueq saunoa Aiepuaaassod go svun jpaja 09 Ut :suopeag,jenb uo ipv wejloJd lepuanbas sea appivg pue A.ieiuawas ‘(‘03 ‘9) uopeDnp3 JO JOl4flt I uope I sau.waJlnbau UOISSIWfl STOZ’tTOZ 29 30 - Applicants must participate in an online interview. 35-40 hours of Experience Worldng with Children— 25% weighting - • • Candidates must have 35-40 hours of experience working with children, youth or young unpaid work Candidate must provide contact information for two referees who have supervstd or interaction with children/youth. Referee Work Experience Evaluation is required. Categories of Applicants There are no distinct categories of applicants to this program. Dean’s Signature: Date: ‘3 ST)flJr AND ENROl MENT cviFc iv’ii I S H 31 2014-2015 Admission Requirements i I C Ai ation ractica( and Applied Arts (Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Vocational Technical ocational Technical Degree) Qualifications: nomics andindustrial Arts 12 tanding or equivalent Ok’Y 30* or Chemistry 30* or Physics 3Q* or Geology 30* r iry 3 or Social Studies 30 or Native Studies 30 vel Ianguage (other than English) or fine art 3 matics A30* or Mathematics B30 or Mathematics C30*; or Foundations of ‘matics 30* or Pre-Calculus 3Q* r irnum average of7O% on S subject high school average (see Admission calcuLition and :Lg (Mpril, 2004). ency n English. ) hours experience working with youth. - y be admitted with one deficiency among these subjects. The deficient subject must be or to entering the second year of study. Q dITechnicaICertificate and Vocational Technical Degree J fl( ) IC )ele cad 0 yperson’s Certificate or appropriate technical training. ency n English. ou s experience working with youth. Criteria: Fecord_—jOweighting e is 3lculated S htgh school subjects for Home Economics, md Industrial At ts. nits to the Vocational Technical Certificate and Degree progr(Ims cire (Idruitted based on urr oypercon’c Certificate and an academic average is not calculated I Shweitg nts i ust participate in an online interview. o SUflFNT ANfl FNROL1ENT SFRVICES DIVISION UNIVRS1i OF SASKXFi I EINi\ ____________________ ___________ ___________ 32 ‘ Candidates must have 35-40 hours of experience working with children, y ith volunteer work. Candidate must provide contact information for two referees who have superv observed interaction with children/youth. adults, paid or Referee Work Experience Evaluation is required. Categories of Applicants There are no distinct categories of applicants to these programs. —Th Dean’s Signature: Date: S1JOFNT ANfl FNRII MNr SFRVICFS DI I Si )N __________ 33 2014-2015 Admission Requirements 1 ieering r p 9i Adm he!or of Science in Engineering (B.C.) Qualifications: gti ar Adm1sson High School (less than 18 credIt units of transferable postsecondary): Grade 12 standing or equivalent. Chemistry 30. Physics 30, Pre-Calculus 30, and Calculus 30, with a minimum average of 70% in eacn of these courses. Minimum average of 70% on 5 subject high school average (see p-i ‘ r ig (April, 2004). Proficiency in English. — .. tguiar Admission Postsecondary (18 credit units or more of transferable postsecondar y): Minimum average of 60% on 18 or more transferable credit units from a recognized and BC redited post-secondary institution; average calculated on all attempted courses. transferrable to the College of Engineering. Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Pre-Calculus 30, and Calculus 30, with a minimum average of 70% in each of these courses. Proficiency in English. — p c al Mature Admission: Proof of Age (21 or older) Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Pre-Calculus 30, and Calculus 30, with a minimum average of 70% in each of these courses. A written submession demonstrating capacity to undertake university-le vel studies Transcripts of any secondary or postsecondary coursework Resume Pr fciency in English Select o I Criteria: e p nisqn:Acadernic average 100% weighting ompetitive average is set each year in consultation with the College to manage enrolment. — WatureAdmlssions - Special admission package — 100% weightIng are admitted at the discretion of the College. The admission decision is based on the ohca ,rs written submission and demonstrated academic potential. pphcants STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION UNIVERS1TY OF SASKATCHEWAN 34 C to 0 w 0 w to U C C 0 Cz C ‘I-, C 0 C o 0 Z a, — > z C 4- Cu — C Czo Cu > — C o Cu C :2 o w_ U 0 ZU f, o C Z Ut C Cu 2 E Cu a, 0 C 0 U, E a, Cul 4-a] E Cu a, a, Cu U a, - z — z a, tn a, > a, Cu a,C C 3 Cu Cu 0 C V E “ 2- E 0 — a, C Cu O Cu E E Cu U Z E a, Cu Cu = 0 4- C z C Cu 0UU 0 “‘.- 11) a, C : — 0 Cu = C 0 -D C Cu Cu a, -D a, a, U > a, a, C CuCuU Cu 0 U U U C a, Cu Z £ a, a, X Z 0 U UU a,a, C a, CuCuU Cua, Cu a, Cu a, Cu 0 CU— a, — Cu E Z C Da, Z Cu — Cuj UI U a,! a, a, z Cu C U, C Cu a, 0 a, Cu 0 z 0 > 0 uJ U > z LU 0 z LU 0 z z LU 0 35 2014-2015 Admission Requirements rds School of Business i elor of Commerce (BComm) Qualifications: Adm S ‘g lar Admission High School (less than 18 credit units of transferable postsecondar y): crade 12 standing or equivalent. Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30* Minimum average of 70% on 5 subject high school average (see LLLM (April, 2004). Prof;cency in English. — * ended ( , Admission Postsecondary (18 credit units or more of transferable postsecondarv): Minimum average of 60% on 18 or more transferable credit units from a recognized and accredited post-secondary institution; average calculated on all attempted courses which are transferable to Edwards School of Business. Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30* Proticency an English. — ed a Mature Admission: Proot of Age (21 or older). A wntten submission demonstrating capacity to undertake university-level studies I ranscripts of any secondary or postsecondary coursework. Resumé. Proficsency in English. SeIect r * Rd * Spe i riteria: Admission: Academic average 100% weighting C petitwe average is set each year in consultation with the College to manage enrolment. — Vat re4rnissions Special admission package — — 100% weighting phcants are admitted at the discretion of the College. The admission decision is based on the cant s wntten submission and demonstrated academic potential. STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION Ii UNIVERSITY OF SA5ICATcHEwAN 36 Categories of Applicants L 2. A Regular Admission Admission is based on successful completion of secondary level standing with a minimbm o r 70% in the required subjects; or admission is based on the succes sful completion of at least 18 of transferable university-level coursework at a recognized postse condary institution, with at v least 60%. i t f at £pcjal Mature Admission Special (Mature) Admission is available to applicants who do not qualify for Regular Admssio must be 21 years of age or older by the first day of classes, be enterin g their first year of study successfully complete less than 18 credit units of transferable univer sity-level course work. Ap I submit a special admission package including proof of age, a written reques t for Spectal (Ma that demonstrates a reasonable probability of academIc success and a summary of work and r experience since leaving school. Academic transcripts must be submit ted if any Grade 12 or c courses have been completed. Dean’s Signature: A Date: STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION R IT\ O 37 2014-2015 Admission Requirements Co e ilth School of Business 0 gnat Business Administration Certificate (ABAC) J Qualifications: Mm s * t k gular Admission High School (less than 18 credit units of transferable postsecondary study): rst Nations, Metis or Inuit ancestry. Grade 12 standing or equivalent. oundations of Math 20 or Pre-Calculus 20; successful completion of Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30 preferred. Minimum average of 70% on 5 subject high school average (see si (April, 2004). roficiency in English. — Admission Postsecondary (18 credit units or more of transferable postsecondary study): Hrst Nations, Metis or Inuit ancestry. Grade 12 standing or equivalent. Foundations of Math 20 or Pre-Calculus 20; successful completion of Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30 preferred. Mimmum average of 60% on 18 or more transferable credit units from a recognized and ccredited post-secondary institution; average calculated on all attempted courses which are ransferable to the College of Arts and Science roticiency in English. — ‘ # Mature Admission: irst Nations, Metis or Inuit ancestry. Proof of Age (21 or older). \ written submission demonstrating capacity to undertake university-level studies. ess than 18 credit units of transferable post-secondary study. Transcripts of any secondary or postsecondary coursework. opies of supporting documents covering any non-credit programs completed. esume. Proficiency in English, eria: eI 2 S ‘ I1 13IssiQ!1’ i c?demic average 100% weighting rn)ssios — Special admission package — 100% weighting ants are admitted at the discretion of the College. The admission decision pphc ant’s written submission and demonstrated academic potential. STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION is based on the UNIVERsITY OF SAsKATcHEwAN _____________________________ 38 Categories of Applicants t ReuIar Admission on successful completion of secondary level standing with a minimum o r 70% in the required subjects; or admission is based on the successful completion of at least of transferable university-level coursework at a recognized postsecondary institution, with a least 60%. Admission is based 2 A pçcia1 Mature Admission Special (Mature) Admission is available to applicants who do not qualify for Regular Admissi must be 21 years of age or older by the first day of classes, be entering their first year ot stu successfully complete less than 18 credit units of transferable university-level course work. submit a special admission package including proof of age, a written request for Speca (Ma that demonstrates a reasonable probability of academic success and a summary of wonc an experience since leaving school. Academic transcripts must be submitted if any Grade 2 or courses have been completed. ‘an’s Signature: Date: 013 STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION H WAN 39 2014-2015 Admission Requirements ) A ege of Graduate Studies and Research i1as ers Degree s on Qualifications: ‘ust meet these minimums but meeting or exceeding these minimums does not guarantee an be offered admission. ar honors degree, or equivalent, from a recognized college or university in an academic discipline ) th proposed field of study, OR, ear first-cycle undergraduate degree, in an academic discipline relevant to the proposed field of om a European institution that meets the criteria set forth in the Bologna Declaration, will be t C as the equivalent of an undergraduate honours degree. I tive weighted average of at least 70% (U of S grade system equivalent) in the last two years of t 60 redit units). cessarj, English proficiency scores shown in the following two tables: able L Minimum levels for approved language exams sa retgn Language Internet Based Test nglish Language Testing System (IELTS) 20 80 18 6.5 6.5 60 4.5 4,5 4.0 ngsh(PTE) 59 59 54 equire evaluation of speaking skills as well ( ent with a remedial minimum in one area of the language test can have a probationary admission *ke more than 6 credit units of course work and must register in an ESL course in that area. — e T Vhnimum levels for other approved, but less common language exams or courses ) r aratc 2 (1) PREP 2) iiea English Language (CAEL) from the U of S Language Center eg a intensive ESL Advanced Level (ESL 050); ion of Academic Writing Elective A 7,5% 60% 60% 5TUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DiVISION UNIVERSITY OF SAsKATcHEwAN ____________________________________ 40 Selection Criteria: . . Discipline/field preparedness Demonstrated by the applicant meeting the minimum degree level quahf cat on C Ability to do higher level academic Demonstrated 0 the applicant the minimum admission average qu tfk Ability to do advanced research This will be assessed the unit using 0 L Three confidential letters of persons under iorr student has studied or worked recently Or, with the approval of CGSR, other criteria 0 may include one or more f th L An entrance interview iL Publications, conference presentations, public performances, examp es other demonstrations of ability to perform at an advanced level ac err Ability to do academic study (written and oral forms) in English Demonstrated by one of the following: 0 L Transcripts indicating either completion of three consecutwe years sec secondary education in English in Canada, or in a country or nstitut n d from which students do not proof of English proficiciic iL Original test results for English proficiency from one of the approved tes directly from the testing site to the University of Saskatchewan Superviso and research capacity of the academic unit study by . meeting and self-directed study by recommendation from which S and research need . to provide Categories of Applicants . Regular Admission Applicant applies for and is admitted into a regularized program. . Special Admission Applicant applies for a program that is not regularized. A minimum cumulative weig[ted required. Other qualifications and selection criteria are the same, and applicants mus also proposal, including a complete program of studies. Dean’s Date: Signature: Nov 28 2013 STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIV 10 WN 41 2014-2015 Admission Requirements lIege of Graduate Studies and Research ost Graduate Degree Specialization Certificate 0 t Qualifications: T ust neet these minimums but meeting or exceeding these minimums does not guarantee an be o fered admission. ) degree, or equivalent, from a recognized university in an academic discipline relevant to the d field of study we we ghted average of at least 70% (U of S grade system equivalent) in all graduate course work td for the Master’s degree. essd y, English proficiency scores shown in the following two tables: Table 1. MinImum levels for approved language exams as a Foreign language Internet Based Test ngiish Language Testing System (IELTS) En) shEPTF) SO 18 6.5 6.5 60 4.5 4.5 4.0 59 59 54 I equire evaluation of speaking skills as well ‘nt vith a remedial minimum in one area of the language test can have a probationary admission U t take no more than 6 credit units of course work and must register in an ESL course in that area. I t r ie i Minimum levels for other approved, but less common language exams or courses pdrd on 2 (U PREP 2) from the U of S Language Center \ ademc Engksh Language (CAEL) t egna Intensive ESL Advanced Level (ESL 050); ton of Academic Writing Elective A 75% 60% 60% STUDENY AND ENROLMCNT 5ERVCCS DVISON UNIVERSITY OF SAsKATcHEwAN _____________________________________ 42 Selection Criteria: . I . S . Discipline/field preparedness Demonstrated by the student meeting the minimum degree level qualification 0 Ability to do higher level academic study Demonstrated by the applicant meeting the minimum admission average quaIificat n 0 Ability to do advanced research and self-directed study This will be assessed by the unit using 0 I Three confidential letters of recommendation from persons under v or i student has studied or worked recently Or, with the approval of CGSR, other criteria which may include one or more of th€ 0 i. An entrance interview ii. Publications, conference presentations, public performances, examples of d t other demonstrations of ability to perform at an advanced level academica Ability to do academic study and research (written and oral forms) in English Demonstrated by one of the following: 0 L Transcripts indicating either completion of three consecutive years seco secondary education in English in Canada, or in a country or institution desFr from which students do not need to provide proof of English proficiency ii. Original test results for English proficiency from one of the approved testing a directly from the testing site to the University of Saskatchewan Supervisory and research capacity of the academic unit k e I Categories of Applicants . Regular Admission Applicant applies for and is admitted into a regularized program. . Special Admissio Applicant applies for a program that is not regularized. A minimum cumulative weighted avera required. Other qualifications and selection criteria are the same, and applicants must also proposal, including a complete program of studies. Dean’s Signature: Date: Nov 28 2013 STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVCES DVVtON I II OF HWN 43 2014-2015 Admission Requirements ege of Graduate Studies and Research D Degree Adr son Qualifications: ust meet these minimums but meeting or exceeding these minimums does not guarantee an be 0 feted admission. :; degree, or equivalent, from a recognized university in an academic discipline relevant to the held of study ative weighted average of at least 70% (U of S grade system equivalent) in all graduate course work J tor the Master’s degree. essary, English proficiency scores shown in the following two tables: Table 1: Minimum levels for approved language exams as a oreign language Internet Based Test gh t C i riguage Testing System (IELTS) Th hPTF1 20 6.5 63 6O 43 43 4O 59 59 54 equire evaluation of speaking skills as well ent with a remedial minimum in one area of the language test can have a probationary admission ake io more than 6 credit units of course work and must register in an ESL course in that area. d 44flkflUfl brat n I E ) ti IVeIS for other approved, but less common language exams or courses 2 (U PREP 2) from the U of S Language Center 75% tier c Enghsh Language (CAEL) 60% egi a Intensive ESL Advanced Level (ESL 050); 60% n of Academic Writing Elective A STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVtCES D1VStON UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN _______________________________________ 44 Selection Criteria: . . . . . Discipline/field preparedness 3 Demonstrated by the student meeting the minimum degree level qualification Ability to do higher level academic study 0 Demonstrated by the applicant meeting the minimum admission average qua lifc Ability to do advanced research and selfdirected study 0 This will be assessed by the unit using i. Three confidential letters of recommendation from persons under whorr student has studied or worked recently 0 Or, with the approval of CGSR, other criteria which may include one or more of t i. An entrance interview ii. Publications, conference presentations, public performances, examples ot r other demonstrations of ability to perform at an advanced level aca em Ability to do academic study and research (written and oral forms) in English 0 Demonstrated by one of the following: L Transcripts indicating either completion of three consecutive years t se secondary education in English in Canada, or in a country or institution des& from which students do not need to provide proof of English proficiency ii. Original test results for English proficiency from one of the approved test directly from the testing site to the University of Saskatchewan Supervisory and research capacity ofthe academic unit k Categories of Applicants . Regular Admission Applicant applies for and is admitted into a regularized program. . Special Admission Applicant applies for a program that is not regularized. A minimum cumulative weighted av required. Other qualifications and selection criteria are the same, and applicants must also proposal, including a complete program of studies. 1 DeaWs Signature: Date: Nov 28 2013 STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION S \ K VI (11 EAN ! 45 1$ji!. ( i 1 $ 4 L 1 (Ii’ ‘2tic i 2014-2015 Admission Requirements logy 3ichelor of Science in Kinesiology [B.Sc.(Kin.)] on Qualifications: gu ar Admission High School (less than 18 credit units of transferable postsecondary): Aan — Grade 12 standing or equivalent. Biology 30; Chemistry or Physics 30; Foundations of Mathe matics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30* Mrnmum average of 70% on 5 subject high school average** (see Admission calculation an yae (April, 2004). Average based on courses completed by the end of Term 1 in grade 12 year. Proficiency in English. t, ided tion Criteria below: RegularAdmission gutar Admission Postsecondary (18 credit units or more of transferab le postsecondary): Mimmum average of 60%** on 18 or more transferable credit units from a recognized and accredited post-secondary institution; average calcula ted on all attempted courses which are transferable to the College of Kinesiology. Biology 30; Chemistry or Physics 30; Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30* Proficiency in English. r ‘nded [ion — Criteria below: Regular Admission a Mature Admission: p Proof of Age (21 or older). A written submission demonstrating capacity to undertake university-level studies. Transcripts of any secondary or postsecondary course work, Resumé Prof ciency in English. SelEcho R g nteria: driission: Academic average C — 100% weighting tive ranked admission (top down by average) is in place to manage enrolment in the College. Education (PE) 30 may be used in the calculation of the 5 subject high school average if r , t advantages the applicant. H, be used n the calculation of the admission average if the student has not taken PE 30. PE 30 must be taken in semester 2. I * Spec 4 ‘kdIjujeAdrissigns S — Special admission package — 100% weight1g are admitted at the discretion of the College. The admission decision is based on thn nt’s written submission and demonstrated academ ic potential. STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERV ICES DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF SAsKATcHEwAN m z 0) VI C ID —- ID ID ID ID 0 VI 0 VI VI 3 03 C CD 03 Cl CD o CD 0 C 2 VI C m u) 0) _3 C — 0 m w VIC 3 C — 03 IDID 0 < — CD CD i;;- Z VI 3 > CD 0 VI VI3 — VI 0) Cl CD VI OC) VI VI z 0 CDCD C) 0) 03 o 03 < 0) 0) VI CD — 0 CD VI Z 0 0CD VI CD—VI CD VI —0 nC 00) C VI CDg Cl ID+ CDVI C 0)VI C-VI CD° —- CD Z VI 0 VI Cl 0 0) VI 0) (7Q VI 0 It) 0)Cl — 0) 0 0) ø CD EVI 0 3 - C VI VI VI 3 - 0) 0 0 0 VI 3 0 OQ - a C 00 C D CD C) 0) 3 ID r C _ C fl n OC — /1 ‘N rD 0 Z C 0) OD > Cl 0 CD 0 p- CD < 5 CD 3 3 0 , n C z < . >( Cl rn VI -4 m 2 0 2 rn 0 z > -4 z m C 0 VI -4 C A 0 C 0 0 m I 46 47 2014-2015 Admission Requirements : ns Doctor (JD) uahfications: ) rs o undergraduate study (60 credit units) Admsson Test ([SAT) tern(r,t rE)sh C eria t 1[ e chscretion of the Admissions Committee, and in exercising this discretion, the Committee e foUowing criteria: çcord- 50% weighting sslons average is calculated on the two best full years of undergraduate studen t, comprised of 24 credit units completed in the Fall/Winter session. Courses taken in spring or summer are not d n t e admission average. , S [ Statemen ateg L Applicants ts ‘sident requirement, but the Admissions Committee gives a slight prefere nce to applicants with an connection, or residents of the Yukon, Northwest and Nunavut Territo ries, Prince Edward wfoindiand and Labrador (i.e., provinces and territories with no law college). A Saskatchewan ay dude any immediate family connection to Law School; parent, sibling, spouse or partner ndi g University of Saskatchewan or partner currently living in Saskatoon area. V Ab gna1 ancestry should apply under this category. There is no quota for Aboriginal p1 ts may receive offers of a place in the JD program upon completion of the Progra m of or itve Peoples administered by the Native Law Centre at the College of Law (this program d to dmisson, but program completion is considered by the Admissions Committee as a mentry predictor of success in law school). STUDENT AND ENROLMENT 5ERVICE5 DIVISION UN1VERSITY OF SAsTcHEwAN ________________________ 48 3. Søecjal Applicants The Admissions Committee will consider special applicants based on the Committee’s sse LSAT scor significant weight. There is no formal quota under this category, but the number of admss c Applicants under this category must complete all steps in the regular applica tion proe sa 3 additional documentation that includes applicant’s a. ability to cope successfully with the require ments of the JD program. d statement explaining the nature of their educational disadvantage (w ch language other than English, barriers resulting from ethnic or racial backg ou A or domestic obligations preventing earlier application, learning disability r p impairment, significant interruption of post-se condary education) b. Relevant supporting documentation such as medical reports c. Details of any relevant occupational d. Two to three supporting letters of reference experience or community involvemer t Signature: Date: STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVtCES D)VISION I 11 I llVAN NVMHDiVNSV A1ISAINfl jo NOISIAIG S3DIA3S 1N3V]ON3 CNV IeOIO! + SUiD eDisAqd + qia U!UOP UO psq q jj MfJau c fl sueD!1dde jo uO!DajaS (uopas Aue uo uq ssa aios ou) o wnwuw e cnu O sauaps eD!o1o!8 pue sauaps ED!SAqd eqJa ‘U!UOSea at uo saio uofleD!)dde o ouo uoSS!WPV eaiioj 1eD!pafN aq aidwo 2SflW sueD!idde euoidono ‘3uawaJtnb SE? ‘%E8 eiae AI1EW!U!W SflW uoieijdde jo aep aq eje paajdwoD sasinoj uoeqc1de o 5! )JOM SJflOD ite JAO %E8 30 VdD WflW!U!W pai!flbaJ e q!M uoe ios EO SBDUar) IE) PDSAqd + uuosea eqie jijtj aq uo paseq eq siuapsa auod-oino oj uew c. siN3aisa3DN1Ao - iaqwadas) siaA D!wapEe piepiies o A aeiae ieaA owq aq u % JO aeiae WflWiUiU uqi (s!un 09) Apns aenpeiiapu o s *(au!D!paV Jo aajjoj ‘0D1J40 SUO!SSWPV Aq UflU pAOJddeaJd sseun pedxe aq ou piv su!!s Ieuo!PPe) sw s jj ei aje Aew ue te sawi jo iaqwnu wnwxew aqj ae Aiua io saios (600z paldaDDe tO Sw sa!IJea uqM waiin PUB autiPeaP uo!eD!1dde aq o Jo!Jd sei auo u pueqo aq sn c *eU!j A!sJA!ufl Jo JO JO jo A!sJaA!ufl sasino ap!SflO iq as!nbaJJd paad OL1N tipns Aue woij poJnbai s jj ui :aON g ojaq uops ou qiM) suoipas iuo 1qA U? ‘aDUa!S eDSAqd ‘aDua!DS ID!otO!a aq U! JODS jyjj u jQ 9 JO OEZ OO auaps Ie!Pwo1 SaflUeWflH/aUa!DS lepos Jo S!Ufl ipei 9 OM Aue io ott qS!jU3 t711: ‘Eli ‘tt :10 ‘III Lit pue ç $DiSAqd Aisiwai os pue z auaps leD!PaWO!/tZ Aojoi Jo TI AO)O! JaL1!a pue oz:t Aoio: %09 oaq a S nb e U! apei Eflp!A!pU! ou Lfl!M S9SJflOD a!S!nbeJJd PaJ!flbai U! %8L JO aeiae wflW!UHAJ HJJ iaw aq snw suodo o jo au uawainbai jj io uawinb aw uaaq seq uawainbai 1vDvJ/a!s!nbaJaJd eq p Jo 2USiSUOD Ajqeuosei uaeq seq ‘aJap e spieMo uo!ssaJoJd spajai auewio pd awnpeiiapun ilni saq OM S UeD!tdde aq uo paseq ! 1 SUpSJ ioj auewio S1N3GIS3 Nik :suo3eD4perI J ) )ISV S Wpf a )) C suawoJinbaH uossp.up stoz-ioz 49 50 Sciences total score (MCAT Sum), with the Verbal Reasoning score being use to L must be obtained in one sitting prior to the application deadline and current wtht (earliest accepted scores for 2014 entry are 2009). The maximum number of times take the MCAT is 5 times (additional sittings will not be accepted unless preapprove Admissions Office, College of Medicine). While prerequisites are not mandatory for t under the “MCAV’ requirement, applicants are strongly encouraged to comp cte 1 courses (particularly the biochemistry courses) to ensure readiness for the basic science first two years of the undergraduate medical curriculum. Registration for the IV . a ars y v rg Degree Requirement. Application by out-of-province applicants can be made only durr final year of a four year degree. If a four year degree is completed prior to apphcation, the degree must have been completed within a 48 month period. If applicants are in th four year degree, a minimum of 90 credit units must have been completed in the 36 m the end ofAugust immediately before application. All courses completed at th 1it c be used for calculation of the grade-point-average (GPA). The minimum GPA required f will be 83.0%. The four year degree must be completed by the time study of medtctne remaining courses completed after the date of application must minimally average 83 0 Selection Criteria: 1. Weighting U The weighting of academic performance to personal qualities (College of Medicine Mutt s p Interview MMI) for Saskatchewan residents is 35:65. Out-of-province apphcants InvitE interview will be ranked for admission based 100% on the applicant’s performance n fl - 2. References I 3. The names oftwo referees and their contact information will be requested trom apphc of interview offers. References are not scored; they are used on a rule out basis. Criminal Record Check S All applicants offered admission will be required to submit a criminal record check cft sector screening to the College of Medicine by August 15 of the year of entry 4, Stndayd First Aid Certificate S Students accepted into the College of Medicine must provide a copy of a valid Sta Certificate prior to starting medicine classes in August. ar Categories of Applicants: STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES D1V1SON c f(’IIFWAN NVM*1LVNSV :JO A1ISHIAINfl NOISIMC S3D1A3S 1N3V1ON3 CNV IN3Of lIS 02 S UOflJaP!SUOD ase ePads e o ueu aqj soDucswnDJ p nb!un qM ueap apqt uowDIdde aq uiaaw J!fl aejpej o sWeD!Idde o AIaA!PdSOJd peuei i aq uusaid o uawJ!nbaJ aIs!nbaJJd a u!a)dw iaqa o uofldo aq aAi oD SSDDV A!nb3 euJoq t4 LflOJ u!AIdde su9D!j ddV iood A!nba aq uqw uaq ou J! PU ‘iood ueaese a U1Lfl!M piapisuoc SJtj ai AJsaDue euioqi o s su sa at et sEas Ainba at qnoiq padaDDe uasap uiJoq jo s1ueD jdd aDu!AoJdJo-no o u d s BAIJ 40 WflWtXeW UE UaWaJ!flbJ ADuapisai ueaq ejs aq uaaw sueD!dth o e q) wasap jeuJoqv uepeue jo suosiad ioj paaai aie saDeds eaA-sii jo (%fl ) w WödSSa53V KWib ; I t qv r iqnos uaq ! UOi5SW qDIqM UI J I JaqWda o JO!Jd sieaA eiq sea e ioj epeue u paA!j aq pue uapsa uauewi xl e Ue!peUeD e aq snw sNeD!Iddy sueD!1dde Du!AoJd-Jo-n o paiajo aq Aew suosod o ° o suap!s a)uAaJ4ja-nc p, suapsaJ ueMat aq o paJp!suo ae i4flOS u!q Aiua jo aep aq u!paaJd Apaip euia o A Jo ueaqese jo AsJwqufl aq e Apns aw! 1I JO sieaA aaiq U! uaq afeq oqt SP uawainbai JeaA-E o eAteM jeAoid de paueqo pue uo!eD!tdd jo ieaA aq o jac U!JM upaDaJd AfpaJp squow AflflJSUOD 1 1 W JOJ UMS U papsaJ AE4 SflW aq ‘sase saq u pausseai uaq o anp uaq ese o AOW seq oq o ‘jj 40 SDiOd pawiv aq :jo iaqwaw e St Ue!pJe io uaied fl ‘asnods asoq ueD!dd ue oj i e Jo PUD JO saio pawiv aq JO siaqwaw JOJ piw aq Aew ujni ieaA-a aiq aq o ioQ UOp!S UMD aJ )5E t SE’ A ci Aioiiia flAUflN JO ‘saMt.flJoN ‘UO)fflA U! ADuapsaJ UO paseq WES e!Ja!JD aaw OLM S aDU(AOJd at ui Auapis ai sieaA atj AJaAa ioj uaa ieaA-aaiq ai4 pieo JE9A auo jo pai arqaai jpM ‘uopuo ieaA aiq iapun Ajnb ‘sieaA ci ue ssa jo popad paenwnxe ue ioj ueMaqejse u paA!, Ajsno!AaJd aeq oqM ci S se paeai aq WM (AJuap!sai wauewiad) sieaA jo çi poJod paenw nx ue io uMa U! Ajsno!AaJd aeq nq ‘aDuAoJd aq ja aeq oqi sueD!j ‘JeAaMOH dde iqnos uaq U PP1M U! JEaA aq Jo i aqwocias thipaDaJd AjpaJp sieaA aaiq ioj ueiaq ese u paps i AllewJoU sueDi1ddV qnos uaq s uossiwpe ipqM u ieaA aq o iaqwad as oi io id sie £PBLiD UI paA!1 aeq pue uapsai uauewiad e io uazp Ue!peUeD aq isnu Sit seaj e ioj 3UaplSaUiML r (cut iS paeoii %06 14 U! PaPflP SS 8SL U! :ao) Ainb3 WJOJd euJoq\ qi 1flUI pu ‘s!v ‘SUOflEN 4SJL Pa!flU ‘paiJ!e P!JIaS nb ioj aqejeAe suot!sod ieaA isij c euioqjo iaqwnu atfi 3SPaJDU! 01 SUap!SaJ UM14D1P)jSS JOJ AJSJ aie suoli sod 51 ______________________ ______________ 52 1W help applicants prepare for Medicine prior to their application and not after they have application. 5. Admission with Advanced StacJjg . All applicants must follow the complete admissions process. After being acceptea into tr class, formal application may then be made to the Undergraduate Medical Education any advanced standing, or individ class exempti Dean’s Signature: Date: d-H ççjiv STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION 1i\Si S k ‘ )I 53 2014-2015 Admission Requirements ng B N(4year) , Adr Qualifications: veighted average of 60% on 30-credit unit pre-professional year with the following required 3 crdit units ous Native Studies 3 credit units* try 3 credit units 3 cr dit units t Cs 3 credit units* r n 3 redit units* ) ogy 3 credit units cence Elective 3 credit units* ‘, 3cteditunits 3 credit units d ciency ts allowed in one of these four areas. 50% is used in place of the deficiency in the average a ion. Applicants must provide proof of completion of the deficient pre-req uisite by January 15, V Enghsh fl .rriteria. Record —100% weighting i competitive; applicants are ranked according to average and the top candidates are selected. 1culated on the 30 credit unit pre-professional year, However, if a student takes a higher level hich the pre-professional course is its pre-requisite, then the course with the higher average will e admssion average calculation. ) a \ L r e leritials to be submitted after admission rnind PR wet C wtth AED st d Certificate rd eck must not be dated more than 6 months prior to submis sion. ) S y at ct on Fit Testing STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION IJNIVERS1TY OF SAsKATcHEwAN z VI 0 VI m m VI m 2 0 > 2 0 m 2 C 0 m 2 VI 7 C z CD Up CD = 0 CD CD CD CD = C o C z 0 V o < — n CD • CD n 0 CD V 0 0 0 CD 0 CD CD 0 0 — V V CD VI CD > D n 0 Z Up 0 > 0 0-1 -1 V 0 CDD 0 -1 CD CD 0 VI CD 0 0 D n CD VI 0 CD 3 D C 0 0 CD 0 n Z 0 CD Up 0 n CD CD VI 0 VI CD CD 0 3> VI DVI —0 V . V C VIO 0 -1 0 0 . 0 C — 0 UQ CD 0 0 CD S 3 0 0 CD In n C m 0 0 o — Z CD > > CD Z — v o VI CD VI CD Z — CD 0 CD 0 Z CD DVI C CD— — Q 0 CD 8 Z 0 :w 3 0 ‘ CD Z CD fl V 0 0 CD 0 Z 0 az — -10 OD 00 Up o n flCD 0 0 0 0 0 Z n C Z 00 CDCD 0D n 0 — C V Z D 0< = nQCD C 0 CDV 00 Z0 VI CD — VICD CD CD C 0 n CD VI CD Z VI 0 CD 0 CD CD— — 000 ZZ Z0 0 0 • V V CDVV 3 • ——= C V • In O C 0 CD 0 0 54 55 2014-2015 Admission Requirements r ng st-Degree BSN dalifications: i ba alaureate degree 90-credit units towards a degree with at least 36 credit units at the with a minimum weighted average of at least 70% on the last 60 credit units of coursework. 90 th of recognized post-secondary study must be completed by April 30 of the year of expected the program. te courses: bstcs 3 credit units itrition 3 credit units :ve Studies 3 credit units robioiogy 3 credit units \ atomy & Physiology 6 credit units nanties 3 credit units )( a1 Sciences 6 credit units 0 deficiency is permitted in the following areas (proof of completion is required by January 15, 5): Social Science 3 credit units a Statstcs 3 credit units Nutrition 3 credit units * Native Studies 3 credit units ( fl nteria: Selectia Ac d T IL Record —100% weighting I 2 Ot’e English L alculated on the most recent 60 credit units of course work. within each academic year must be included. edentials to be submitted after admission t v I rd rmined PR vet C with AED. rst Aid Certificate. ord heck ns ote lion Fit Testing STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF SAsKATcHEwAN 56 In C — L0 C (U w O (U C O u L1) O z 0 C 0 C - $ CO (U I v, 2 C (U C (UC u V — • O V C C OO U G E C (U , 22 CC GJ C OV V E V (U (U . C 0 U, U, E V U, (U (U U w (U w U, . (U w V., C 0 O(U O C, CE O V (U LI, — O U U C C 0. (U U E 0 U, .. (U G = V U, C C W 0 0. o w aJ V., (U w z 0 U, >. U% C Q) U, 0 U, U, V (U Q) U G) •D V 0 bO 0 E 0.0 0. 0’ O(U ø- CC o 0 z (UC a.’ .‘ 0 E 2 Ca.’ 0.’ U,X V0. CE (U(U U C(U G) a GJ 0 0 GJ C .— J CCoEG)O 0. (U U, Qj > G)WC(UCW a.’ 0 U +.I0 UCE C 2- C—U—0 0.G)VG(U (U DO GJ U, , V QJ . (U U o 0 0 a., oa (U > C , 55 a.’ = (UO (U0..0000 .‘ 3 S 0 (U w 0. V (U (UO UC U, 0)0. 0.(U U, ‘4-a.’ U,V = 0.(U 0.03 0.’ ,a) _V 0)0.’ = CO.’ (U ,% 00 C V 0.’ C (U U: o.’ — E G’ 3 < (U(U w < 0 , — VU, (U(U U0.’ V(U(U 1 U, UV ,0 0 U , (U U, (U w U, 0.’ U, 0 0.’ E ‘ 0.’ “ C 0 0 U > C 0 , , U, C < — (U C 0 0 0 0 0. a.’ aU, (UU (UE (U_ U,C 0 <0. • 0. O< a -L C o 0 0 > 0 U, LU U > LU U, z LU 0 z LU 0 z 1z LU 0 D U, Q i (D Ogg z — < — 0 — ID0 8 x D Du 0 — 0 v, e <0 n 0 -- CZ 0 g— 3 . c 0 n C w C n=D = < ID , ri — C, < rn M - z m 0 zr > z m z’ m m v’ ) w , z — w , 1_ w I f fm 1* Jc II I w 2C ID 0 = — 0 ID (D 0 ,, D 3 < rD , 0 n 0 rD < 2. 3 C 3 — 3 — 0 5 0 o 3 w- I .[5 , jm I_ IC 1w I — = ! m 3 C D 0 * c z — ID IDO IDID g 0 rD n n 0 = E 0 0 . Z (D _, 0 ao (D: Q < 0 tD(D( 0(D w 0 (D(D <• , ‘c UO gm 0 : ww I z J I I 1 im -‘ 0 0 Z ,, (D (D w 3 0 z c, 3 n 0 0 z a 0 3 m: ‘ , D 0 3 — 0 (D 2: ID ID 0 0 0 ‘ > 0 0. n no 0 N) • W M C CC w 0 (A) JI g° 0 Ofl r, ,, v, ‘I, z0 3 q r w _o0 (d (øD 3DD 03m000 , 2 . . =CCCCC n ‘flflflflfl ID ID 0 0 3 3 C z 3 0 8c cD o a C 0 (D 0 C 2 C n Z Q = ‘ S / 3 n 0 ft (D m3 z C m z —. 3 * I AS —, £ 57 58 c• b Da, - ‘ WD % o C ( C -— - < C _G 0 L1 c) > “4 -c - E . -— 0 2g 00 C _j m I m ._ E C ; C LU C) c •— C 0 Z g, d C m — g (U C C - c 0 5 2 G 0 a E 4fl C n m I m E E C Z C 0 W C w 0 0 D z CC ; C • < < b C CN Cu’,— 0 . cu •E <2 ‘ ‘2 a m z — < < : c o a, o 3 g °G) G a C (‘> a) C Q.) -Q o_v (1) -— 3E 2c zo v, (U wa,* - zc 0 c C < C •E w E a, C 0 E a C ( E 2 0 Q) o 0 . j C - - A 1 ( I ‘ ; c” zoo 0 c C 00 0 o — > w z —4 0 4-4 z 111 2 0 C m m m 2 -4 0 2 2 C -4 2 -4 C C n - +(D m , 0 0 a) a) CD 0 zw a) 0 0 .rD 0 CD C a) , —, 0 CD CD a) — -, 3 CD — Is.) n 0 z = z W a) a) ZCD z 3 CD CD C < L , 1 Dva) n CD a) 0 0 + .o 2 C n o 3 a) z 3a) n O rD. 3 m o ‘I -‘ w m m z 0) Z 0) I a CD 0 n a) 0 CD CD 0 CD 3 CD CD a) n 0 CD CD 3 3 C 3 a) a) a) CD ZC i’D iw 4 z . — to w 0 = — n mm CD toO !2. a) 0. CDCD C z a) a) — CD 0. OCD — CD OC CDCDCD a)a) aD < C CD CDn • a)CD 0 C z—z 3n CCD CDCD 0 S. o 0 I to a) CD C a) a) 0 CD n CD a) 3 0 CD n 3 CD 0 z a) 0 0 0) m m On a) •, C —• • 3 0 .t • V.. 0 _. —— CDCD 0 aDaD —• a) 0 m m • a) a) 00 . . .-, • ,, — O CDaD 0 0 3 0 0 0. O a) 0 a) 0 W a) p0 m m a) • • CDCDa)ZO 0. •• CD C 0 CD 0 . 0 . CDtotoCDtoto a o. CD a) aD i’D 3 C 3 0 3 a) CD CD n 0 C C CD CD n n CD 0 n C 0. 0 aD 0 CD I’, n 0 C 0 C 0 n i’D z 0 0) 0 0 z C n 0 0 C z 0 O n 0 m 3 m z C 0 z m 3 0 0 I 4 4 4 ‘a !if 59 60 va — WDfU F s_ :5E “ g) Q C G) . ‘nv, 00 U t ,- C ‘, c a) E ru : c >Q C - c C uvv, — ?oo Dj’ Cu E 00 0 Vt, i i I <I c .21 C — J) E C — -a < C i; ‘ I £01 w{ m uI 1 If 1 Q I • 0 < ) E — 0 w . • £ £ 0. C )-; c c -.- ) Eo 0 0 0 G) 0C v CQØ 0 mo> D U QIC G) c v, ‘- 0 Q) A 0 Ea o GI ru Ea c j 1 i j > ci ‘I i 01 hi I WI I j 0 — g O< C Wi 1 I V w 31 I GJ 0 m 1 V < .2 w ( C 0 C c C ( ‘ I S > 1 Cl •1 wl I 0 I I CI o ;i ci D 0 C E 0 J CI m C W c. . m C m V c 0 Z C 0 w >* E C 0 “ C z E Cu - 0 a ;G) C GJ c 4 > 3 C 0 c I t—J ‘ ‘ ) I j ) - ‘‘ aI I I I I I I I I I a - I I I I I 0 — > C — uJ — -J C z D 61 2014-2015 Admission Requirements C p /eterina Medicine Ad ) I Qualifications: (red)t units of preveterinary courses (at least two years) B credit units of Biology S credit units of Chemistry 6 credit units of English 6 credit units of Mathematics or Statistics 3 credIt units of Physics 3 credit un!ts of Organic Chemistry 3 credit units of Biochemistry 3 credit units of Genetics 3 credit units of Introductory Microbiology 21 credit units of elective courses n ium cumulattve average of 75% in all university course s Sele tior Criteria: p 1p t 3W et t dents are admitted to the first year class. Selection is based on a number of factors including: mental ademic performance, motivation, maturity, experience with animals, leadership qualItIes social depoxment, verbal facility. and ability to communicate, and an understanding and knowledge of the (0 SSIOfl These factors are assessed throug h the following criteria: rd C full years of university courses are required to complete the pre-requisite course requirements. iiust have a minimum cumulative average of 75% to be considered. re selected for interview based primarily on their academ ic performance. L ces ire required: one must be a veterinarian, while the other must have an animaIrelated or backg ound. ranked for admission based on a weighted formula: 60:40 academic vs. non academic STUDENT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN ___ 62 Categories of Applicants As a regional veterinary college, the program accepts applicants who are residents of the four weste and the northern territories The allotment system is: . . I . . , L . For an applicant residing with his or her parents, the residence of the parents shall det residence of the applicant. For an applicant not residing with his or her parents, residence is established by the appt In the province in question for at least one year (12 consecutive months) without attendi secondary education. r Yukon 1 Nunavut a nd Norttwest TerrItorlç Resldent • 3. British Columbia: 20 Alberta: 20 Saskatchewan: 20 Manitoba: 15 Northern territories (Yukon, Nunavut arid Northwest Territories): 1 Education Equity Program: 2 5?skatchewan Alberta. Britsti Columbia and Manitoba ResIdents . L vnces Because Yukon, Nunavut, and Northwest Territories are not formal signatories of the ante funding contract, they apply their own rules for applicants claiming to be residents of these i AborllnaLEqufty Access Progrpm Two seats are available for Aboriginal students under this category. Proof of Abor gina s required. eo Signature: Date: 7- S 2o t - STUtCNT AND ENROLMENT SERVICES OIVISION IY OF KAIUthWAN