AGENDA ITEM 8-E ACTION ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN ZIMMERMAN AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DALE ZEHNER DATE: DECEMBER 18, 2009 SUBJECT: REFERRAL OF THE REVISED FY 2010 AND RECOMMENDED FY 2011 VRE OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET OPTIONS TO THE COMMISSIONS AND LOCALITIES RECOMMENDATION: The VRE Operations Board is being asked to adopt the revised FY 2010 VRE Operations and Capital Budget and the recommended FY 2011 VRE Operating and Capital Budget and refer them to the Commissions for their consideration and subsequent referral to the jurisdictions for their formal review and adoption. BACKGROUND: In accordance with the VRE Master Agreement, which outlines the process for annual budget approval, the preliminary FY 2011 VRE Operating and Capital Budget was submitted for review at the August VRE Operations Board meeting. Since that time, it has been discussed at numerous meetings of the CAO Task Force. The CAO Task Force met on December 11th to present their final recommendations and discuss VRE responses to those recommendations. DISCUSSION: The major assumptions in the FY 2011 budget are as follows: Jurisdictional subsidy is reduced to $16,070,309, a decrease of $306,659 compared to the FY 2010 level. Projection of an average daily ridership of 16,200 passengers. Continuation of the 30-train operation, with the conversion of train 312 to revenue service. Projected fare revenue of $28,100,000, with no fare increase. Capital matching funds from the State of 35% of the non-federal share, compared to 73% in FY 2010, the latest reduced amount. State operating funds of $7.7 million, compared to $8.2 million in FY 2010, which is the latest reduced amount. The original adopted budget for FY 2010 was $9.1 million. Fuel estimated at $2.70/gallon for a total cost of $4.5 million. Federal formula funds are used for $1.0 million of equipment maintenance costs and $1.25 million of debt service costs for the 50 railcars which was programmed for state and local support only in prior years. The capital budget includes the following system capital initiatives for FY 2011: (local match is funded) Facilities infrastructure - $100,000 Broad Run maintenance facility - $728,000 Fare collection upgrade - $400,000 Additional Railcars - $250,000 Rolling stock modifications - $1,019,000 Capital Projects Contingency - $158,000 Mid-day storage - $1,709,000 Capital fleet expansion - locomotives - $6,090,000 Approved earmarks for FY 2011 (requires no local match): Broad Run parking deck - $2,920,000 Brooke and Leeland parking - $1,600,000 Lorton platform projects - $1,250,000 Additional locomotive funding (bonus obligation) - $4,125,000 Material expenditure line item changes are noted below; adjustments are in comparison to the FY 2010 adopted budget. Insurance expense decrease of $580,000 as a result of a reduction in the need for deposits to the Insurance Trust Fund. Funding of $200,000 for one marketing campaign. All campaigns were suspended in December 2008 and no campaigns are budgeted for FY 2010. Fuel is projected at a slight decrease of $193,000 due to the use of wayside power which reduces fuel consumption. 2 Repairs and Maintenance – Railcars/Locomotives/Facilities increased by $495,000, primarily due to the phase-in of required 4-year periodic maintenance (called COT&S) for the new Gallery cars as they reach specific vehicle mileage targets. Taking into consideration the annual indexing of costs from year to year, contract costs for operations and maintenance in FY 2011 are lower than the same services in FY 2010 by $735,000. The budget also includes a six-year financial forecast for the period FY 2010 through FY 2016. A six-year forecast was prepared that includes a 4% fare increase and a 4% subsidy increase in years FY 2012 – FY 2016. REVISED FY 2010 CAPITAL AND OPERATING BUDGET The FY 2010 budget has been revised to reflect current projections for revenue and expenses. The major changes are as follows: The State operating grant is decreased by $902,000 to reflect the two rounds of state operating budget cuts. State capital grants are increased by $3.7 million to reflect a higher match rate than originally budgeted. VRE’s federal formula grant was higher than budget by $607,000 to reflect a higher federal formula allocation award plus $49,000 for additional Amtrak access fees Amtrak increased by $461,000 due to higher than budgeted expenditures CIP expenditures are increased by $760,000 to reflect the higher federal formula allocation. Equipment operations are increased by $200,000 to accommodate increased locomotive maintenance costs. Various expenses categories are increased by $204,000 to reflect actual expenditure levels, primarily for vendor commissions and access fees. Use of $400,000 of Mafersa proceeds is removed from the operating budget; these funds were used to balance the FY 2011 budget when the state estimated a 17% capital match rate in December 2008. The contribution to restore the balance in the insurance trust fund is increased by $400,000 to reduce the need for contributions in FY 2011. A reserve of $1.0 million is provided to match future state or federal earmarks for the purchase of locomotives. 3 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CHAIRMAN ZIMMERMAN AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD DALE ZEHNER DECEMBER 18, 2009 REFERRAL OF THE REVISED FY 2010 AND RECOMMENDED 2011 VRE OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET TO THE COMMISSIONS AND LOCALITIES RESOLUTION 8E-12-2009 OF THE VIRGINIA RAILWAY EXPRESS OPERATIONS BOARD WHEREAS, the VRE Master Agreement requires that the Commissions be presented with a fiscal year budget for their consideration at their respective January meetings prior to the commencement of the subject fiscal year; and, WHEREAS, the VRE Chief Executive Officer has provided the VRE Operations Board with the FY 2011 Operating and Capital Budget within the guidelines developed in concert with the jurisdictional chief administrative officers; and, WHEREAS, staff recommends a budget built on an average daily ridership of 16,200 and 30 trains with the conversion of train #312 to revenue service; and, WHEREAS, service termination at L’Enfant will be brought back to the Operations Board as a policy decision and the leasing of vehicles for contract operations will be reconsidered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board does hereby recommend that the Commissions adopt the revised FY 2010 and recommended FY 2011 VRE Operating and Capital Budget and forward the FY 2011 budget to the local jurisdictions for inclusion in their budgets and appropriations in accordance with the Master Agreement; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board does also recommend that the Executive Directors of both PRTC and NVTC submit to the Transportation Planning Board of the National Capital Region and to the Federal Transit Administration or other federal agencies, the appropriate Transit Improvement Program and grant applications for FY 2010 and FY 2011; and, 4 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board additionally recommends that the Executive Director of NVTC be authorized to submit to the Commonwealth the approved budget as part of the FY 2011 state aid grant applications. 5