REVIEWER NOMINATION AND SELECTION GUIDELINES Graduate Program Review (GPR) is an evaluative process that demands academic judgment by peers and recognized experts in a discipline or field. Reviewers provide an objective critical evaluation of the program's goals, strengths and performance. Their professional and expert evaluation of the current status of the program will guide the university’s academic programming decisions. The reviewers will be asked to consider the program’s self-study reports within a framework of six evaluation categories and to assess the program’s success in meeting the standard for quality within each category. They will be asked to indicate whether, in their opinion, the graduate program overall meets the standard of quality expected of similar programs delivered at other comparable institutions across Canada. NOMINATION AND SELECTION PROCESS The review panel will consist of two reviewers external to the University of Saskatchewan, and one reviewer from another academic unit at the University of Saskatchewan (external to the unit within which the program resides). Reviewers must be uninvolved with the academic unit and its graduate program, so that any perception of a conflict of interest is avoided. Potential conflicts must be declared at the time of nomination and will be taken into consideration in appointing the reviewers. Possible conflicts of interest include: • Personal or professional relationship with a faculty member or student in the program under review • Current or recent (within five years) research collaborations with a faculty member • Being a recent (within five years) graduate of the program • Being a recent (within five years) supervisor of a student in the program • Being a former faculty member of the unit under review • Being a recent (within five years) thesis supervisor of a faculty member. PROCESS OVERVIEW The selection of the reviewers will begin in the summer of the year in which the review is undertaken. Program heads are encouraged to begin consulting with faculty members as soon as possible regarding possible external and internal reviewer nominations. This will assist in identifying any conflict of interest connections with graduate program faculty as early as possible. 1. Graduate Chairs, in consultation with their program Department head or Dean, submit nominations using the online templates provided. 2. The GPR Coordinator ascertains the nominees’ tentative availability and willingness to participate as reviewers. The Coordinator will secure a current CV and any other relevant background material for the reviewer nominee. 3. The Dean of CGSR appoints the review team from the pool of available and interested nominees. 4. The GPR Coordinator works with the Graduate Chairs to schedule the review site visit, based primarily on the availability of the appointed review team. University of Saskatchewan Graduate Program Review – Reviewer Nomination and Selection Guidelines Page 1 of 3 NOMINEES External Reviewers The reviewers external to the University of Saskatchewan will include one national and one international scholar who are internationally recognized within the discipline. They will be well-respected scholars of senior academic rank who are capable of rendering sound judgment on the academic merit of the program(s). The nominee's institution should have a strong reputation in the discipline under review and should offer programs in the discipline at as advanced a level as the program under review. For example, if a University of Saskatchewan graduate program under review offers a PhD degree, the reviewers cannot be from institutions and graduate programs which only offer a Master's degree. The Graduate Chair and/or program head should identify: • • Three reviewer nominees from a Canadian university Three reviewer nominees from an international university Nominations should be made by completing a Reviewer Nomination Form for each nominee. Internal Reviewer The third reviewer will be a faculty member at the University of Saskatchewan, but from a unit external to the unit responsible for the program under review. Internal nominees will be distinguished faculty, with tenure and at the rank of full professor, who are scholars with at least a national reputation in their discipline. Experience in administration or a comparable review process is desirable. The internal reviewer will participate fully in the review. The reviewer holds the same authority and responsibility as the external reviewers. In addition, the internal reviewer will act as a resource person during the site visit, providing the necessary contextual background and information on the university’s current policies, academic priorities and strategic plans. The program head and/or graduate program chair should identify three internal reviewer nominees. Nominations should be made by using a Reviewer Nomination Form for each nominee. University of Saskatchewan Graduate Program Review – Reviewer Nomination and Selection Guidelines Page 2 of 3 NOMINEE CATEGORY REVIEWER NOMINATION FORM Internal to U of S Program: __________________________________ Academic Unit:___________________________ External to U of S Canadian International Name of nominee:___________________________________________________________________ Rank, title and institution of appointment:_________________________________________________ Contact Information (mailing address, telephone, fax, email): Reviewer’s website URL:_______________________________________________________ Rationale for nomination as a reviewer: (provide a short rationale for nomination; including membership on editorial boards, administrative experience, academic recognition, etc.) Conflict of Interest: (confirm that the nominee meets the conflict of interest guidelines or declare any perceived conflicts that may exist but which you believe can be overcome) University of Saskatchewan Graduate Program Review – Reviewer Nomination Form