Vortex avalanches in superconductors: Size distribution and Mechanism Daniel Shantsev Tom Johansen and Yuri Galperin AMCS group Department of Physics, University of Oslo A. V. Bobyl A. F. Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia Vortices in Superconductors Vortex lattice A. A. Abrikosov 2003 (published 1957) Hc2 Normal state Mixed state (vortex matter) Hc1 Type II Meissner state Temperature Tc Critical state Vortices : • driven inside due to applied field • get pinned by tiny inhomogeneities => Metastable critical state Sandpile Critical state in a superconductor Distribution of flux density YBaCuO film, picture from R.Wijngarden picture from E.Altshuler Critical current Critical angle Avalanches ??? Motivation to study vortex avalanches The slope of the vortex pile - the critical current density Jc – is the key parameter for many applications of superconductors Trapped field magnets High-current cables Jc Record trapped field: 17 Tesla ~100 times better than Cu wire Measuring avalanches H Hall probe YBCO Size distribution SOC or Statistics of vortex avalanches Reference Geometry Material Sensor Avalanche type Avalanche distribution Heiden & Rochlin PRL (1968) Hollow cylinder Pb-In Coil Off the edge Exponential Field et al PRL (1995) Hollow cylinder Nb-Ti Coil Off the edge Power law (slow ramps) Zieve et al PRB (1996) Planar YBCO crystal 1 Hall probe Internal Peaked 2 Hall probes Off the edge & internal Peaked or Ring Nb film Planar BSCCO crystal SQUID Off the edge Planar Nb film Hall probe arrang. Nowak et al PRB (1997) Aegerter PRE (1998) Behnia et al PRB (2000) Why peaked? Power law (dep. on T) Exp or Power law (dep. on T & t) Peaked or Internal Power Law (dep. on H & T) Thermal effects 1) Flux motion releases heat 2) T rise weakens flux pinning T0 Jc Q T > T0 Can it also affect the statistics of small avalanches? and in what way? The thermal instability can lead to catastrophic avalanches with thermal runaways (flux jumps) and sometimes remarkable flux patterns 1 mm Magneto-optical movie of flux penetration in MgB2 film Magneto-optical Imaging image q F(H) Faraday-active crystal A small Linearly polarized light large Faraday rotation polarizer P H Magnetic field light source MO indicator mirror Square YBaCuO film N S small Down to small scales... Flux penetration on small scales : 5 mm in space: MgB2 film • highly non-uniform Ba rise 100 mm in time: • gradual or abrupt ??? Analyzing difference images 7.15 mT = MO image (7.165mT) — MO image (7.150mT) Ba= 0.015mT, t=2.5 sec local increase of flux density - linear ramp of Ba 15 MO images avalanche 23000 T=3.6K 11000 7.40 mT 2500 number of vortices 50 - 50000 Avalanche size 10 6 10 5 10 4 2.500.0000 4mT 3 10 10 200 10 3 Number of Jumps Flux jump size (0) 1. Typical size exists 2. It grows with Ba 2 4 8 12 16 10mT 2 10 40mT 1 10 20 10 Ba (mT) 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Jump size (0) 10 6 10 7 Irreproducibility T=3.6K Ba = 13.6 mT B(r) the flux pattern almost repeats itself MOI(8.7mT) - MOI(8.5mT) B(r) B(r) is irreproducible! The final pattern is the same but the sequences of avalanches are different Adiabatic approach Heat stays where it has been released OK if thermal diffusion is much slower than flux diffusion DT<<DM Originally used by Swartz &Bean in 1968 Adiabatic critical state for a thin strip is given by a set of equations: Adiabatic : All energy released by flux motion is absorbed Critical state Flux that has passed through “x” during avalanche Biot-Savart Intermediate result: the adiabatic instability field for a thin strip Demonstrates existence of a threshold T (above which jumps do not occur no matter how large field is applied) Tth temperature B, T - profiles before jump after jump 1.2 0.8 Ba = 2Bc 0.4 0.2 Ba = Bc 0.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 x/w 0.3 40 7,5000 30 20 31,0000 Ba=11.6mT 10 Ba=5.6mT edge 0 Ba = 2Bc T / Tc before jump after jump 50 0.6 Flux density B (mT) B / m0 jcd 1.0 -100 0 100 200 distance (mm) Ba = Bc 0.2 0.1 -1.5 x -1.0 -0.5 0.0 x/w film edge 0.1Tc 0.1 0.2Tc 0.01 Bfj 1E-3 0.3Tc Flux jump size (0) Jump Size, / m0 jc0 dw 10 6 T=0.1Tc 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 1E-4 1 Applied field, Ba / Bc(T0) 4 8 12 Ba (mT) We fit • Bfj ~ 2 mT • Tth ~ 10 K • (Ba) dependence using only one parameter: Thermal origin of avalanches 16 20 Conclusions Trivial conclusions: • Flux avalanches are observed in superconducting films using magneto-optical imaging • They have a charactristic size (~1000 0) that grows with Ba • Adiabatic model for the size of thermal flux avalanche in a thin film is developed • Agreement with experiment (the thershold Ba, threshold T, size(Ba)-dependence) Deep conclusions: Thermal mechanism can be responsible for microscopic avalanches (not only catastrophic jumps) and leads to a peaked size distribution Thermal effects contribute to formation of the critical state (and modify Jc ) without destroying it Phys. Rev. B 72, 024541 (2005) http://www.fys.uio.no/super/ normal core x The vortex core interacts with tiny inhomogeneities (x ~ nanometers) J => B(r) l Flux quantum: B dA = h/2e = 0 vortices get pinned (don’t want to move) We want to understand how the critical state is formed because: • it determines the critical current density Jc – the key parameter for most applications of superconductors (high-current cables, trapped-field magnets) • to test models, e.g. self-organized criticality, for applicability to vortices (that move in a disordered landscape and don’t have inertia) Evolution of local flux density 5x5 mm2 No long-range correlation between the jumps local B (m T) 30 20 Frequent jumps at the same place 10 7.4mT 7.9mT 7mT 0 6.8 7.2 7.6 8.0 8.4 B a (mT) linear ramp 6 mT/s local flux density calculated from local intensity of MO image; each point on the curve corresponds to one MO image Number of Jumps Why small and big jumps ? 40mT 1 10 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 Jump size (0) Both types of jumps have the same threshold T=10K Nb films: also 2 types of jumps, big and small: the same mechanism James et al., Phys.C 2000 Nowak et al, PRB 1997 Distribution functions of jump sizes 10% 50% 4mT 10mT 10 10 resolution limit Some flux penetrates into the sample via very small jumps or without jumps at all Number of Jumps 10 3 2 1 10 Fraction of flux arrived via jumps: 0 10 1 90% 40mT 10 2 10 3 4 10 10 Jump size (0) Sall jumps i final - initial = ? 5 10 6 10 7 Dendritic < 100%