UniversityofNorthCarolinaWilmington Educational Program Assessment Plan and Report (BS Geology) Assessment Plan and Report for 2009 ‐ 2010 Primary Contact Name/Info: Dr. Lynn Leonard, Chair,, 962‐2338 Program Outcome Tools Implementation UNCW Strategic Goal Summary of Findings PO 1: Better utilize departmental strengths and increase recruitment potential UNCW‐wide SGs: Create the most powerful learning experience possible for our students. a) Faculty review of: i) existing undergraduate degree programs and curricula, ii) current faculty expertise b) student course enrollment and majors data c) survey of student interest Departmental Curriculum committee formed to: o evaluate curriculum relative to learning outcomes, o compare current program content to peer institutions, and o survey faculty and students concerning BS Greater flexibility in course offerings needed Reduction of required hours needed Greater emphasis on courses required for professional licensure Reduction of collaterals Emphasize dual major PO 2: Increase the visibility of the Geology program to increase number of majors UNCW‐wide SGs: Create the most powerful learning experience possible for our students. PO 3: To review our assessment procedure and, if necessary, revise the assessment plan so that it accurately evaluates the effectiveness of our program. Trend data on number of Geology majors at UNCW and peer institutions Survey data on student interest, awareness, and perception of available Geology majors Data review by Curriculum Committee Number of majors in the last 3 has held steady or slightly decreased. Self evaluation of our assessment procedure, particularly in regard to alignment of SLOs, UNCW SGs, and assessment tools. Assessment Committee Curriculum Committees Departmental Chair Assessment Coordinator Departmental Graduate Coordinator review existing plan, documents, tools and scoring rubrics Minor revisions to existing tools and scoring rubrics were identified in Fall 2010. Assessment tool for SLO3 and implementation plan must be revised. Actions Taken Revision of the objective of BS program to include two options: a) traditional/academic and b) professional Revision and updating of curriculum including reduction of required hours and increase in flexibility New learning outcomes for degree program developed Chair worked with CAS magazine to facilitate article on Department, in particular geology degrees. The Department Assessment Committee, revised tools and scoring rubrics. The department faculty discussed and approved for implementation in Fall 2010. UNCW‐wide SGs: Create the most powerful learning experience possible for our students. PO 4: Increase the diversity of UNCW geology student population to equal the average diversity profile for the discipline. UNCW‐wide SGs: Embrace and enhance diversity. In AY2010, faculty will discuss approaches for increasing student participation in the content exam required for evaluation of SLO3 Participated in the AAG Diversity Study Fall 2010 to allow for future comparison of diversity at other peer institutions and national average. The Department will discuss its diversity profile with ALIGNED project board members. A diversity plan will be developed Spring 2011 through a workshop hosted by ALIGNED in Seattle, WA. Data on students from underrepresented groups enrolled in program, and participation in NSF‐funded ALIGNED as pilot department. See Share Point. Departmental Chair Assistant Departmental Chair Assessment Committee Data submitted to the ALIGNED diversity survey Fall 2010 indicates, Geography and Geology has 176 students enrolled in undergrad and grad programs. Of those, 102 are male, 74 are female, and 6 are from underrepresented groups including African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian, and Multiple Race. Tools Implementation Summary of Findings Actions Taken Evaluation tool (rubric) to allow faculty to assess application of scientific method to projects conducting in experiential learning courses. Scoring rubric Each semester instructors in all GLY390 sections will complete evaluation tools for student projects. Note: Content of each GLY390 section varies and multiple instructors teach this course each semester. The results indicate that all of the BS students met expectations for SLO 1. No specific areas of weakness were noted. See Share Point. Findings discussed with faculty. No further action required since majority of students achieved this SLO. Evaluation tool (rubric) to allow faculty to assess (i) data analysis projects, and (ii) written research products, Evaluation tool (rubric) to allow faculty to assess (i) written research products and (ii) oral research presentations. i) Each semester instructors in all GLY390 sections will complete evaluation tools for student projects. Note: Content of each GLY390 section varies and multiple instructors teach this course each semester. All students met expectations (91%) or exceeded (9%) expectations. No major areas of weakness noted. Areas of strength: understanding data and effective communication of problems and issues verbally. All students demonstrated the ability to Student Learning Outcome UNCW‐wide Learning Goal SLO 1: Students should understand and be able to apply the scientific method to geologic problems UNCW LG: Critical Thinking, Creative Inquiry SLO 2: Students should demonstrate the ability to: critically read, logically evaluate, and effectively communicate geological data, problems, and issues. UNCW LG: Creative Inquiry, Continue to collect data using existing tools and rubrics Findings discussed with faculty. No further action required since majority of students achieved this SLO. Continue to collect data using existing tools and rubrics Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Expression Scoring rubrics ii) Each semester instructors in GLY431 will complete evaluation tools. Members of the assessment committee will also complete these assessments. SLO 3: Students should be able to identify and describe: Common rocks and minerals Processes that form and later basic Earth Materials Key events in the evolution of the Earth UNCW LG: Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Expression Exam that covers essentials in the core course content. Each semester this exam will be administered as part of GLY431 (required course taken by all seniors). Assessment of non‐traditional field experiences based upon traditional classroom coursework using scoring rubric analyze and interpret geological data in laboratory and field settings, apply practical methods and techniques, and integrate their knowledge of mathematics and other natural sciences to geological problems See Share Point. Only one student took the exam this year. This student scored at “met expectations”. See Share Point. The tool for evaluating SLO3 is intended to be a written content exam. At present, student participation is voluntary because the department has not been able to identify an acceptable time/place/course to administer the exam. For this reason, we only have data for one student this year. During this academic year, we will attempt to rectify this issue and revise our implementation plan. SLO 4: Students must analyze and interpret geological data in both laboratory and field settings, apply practical methods and techniques, and integrate their knowledge of mathematics and other natural sciences to evaluate arguments, and solve problems. Project evaluation tool with scoring rubric Assessment of non‐traditional field experiences based upon traditional classroom coursework using scoring rubric Administer in GLY470 (Academic option) Administer in internship or GLY470 (professional option) All students met or exceeded expectations for SLO4. We will continue to use existing tools and scoring rubrics to assess the link between traditional classroom and non‐traditional field experiences and to identify strengths and weaknesses. See Share Point. Findings discussed with faculty. No further action required since majority of students achieved this SLO. Continue to collect data using existing tools and rubrics