AGENDA ITEM 11-A ACTION ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN BULOVA AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DALE ZEHNER DATE: MARCH 18, 2011 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO INCREASE THE CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION FOR THE TWO-WAY RADIO COMMUNICATION PROJECT _____________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: The VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a contract amendment with Bearcom Wireless for the two-way VHF radio communication system project in the amount of $115,000 for a total contract authorization of up to $363,400. BACKGROUND: On June 15, 2007, the Board authorized $248,400 for the installation of a two-way radio system that allows VRE staff to monitor CSX, NS and Amtrak train radio communications from the Communications Room at the VRE Alexandria office. The system also allows train staff to communicate with the host railroads on the railroads’ designated frequencies. The system is currently operational and is used to monitor train service. With the new operating contractor (Keolis), VRE staff now has the opportunity to communicate directly with Keolis crews using its own frequency. However, the newly installed radio system must be modified in order to boost frequencies to enable this new communication capability system wide. This authorization will allow the purchase and installation of onboard train equipment to allow handheld radio equipment to be used to also communicate with the VRE Alexandria office. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for the project are included in VRE’s Capital Improvement Program. Funding is available from a FY 2005 Department of Homeland Security Grant, for which no local match is required. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CHAIRMAN BULOVA AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD DALE ZEHNER MARCH 18, 2011 AUTHORIZATION TO INCREASE THE CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION FOR THE TWO-WAY RADIO COMMUNICATION PROJECT RESOLUTION 11A-03-20011 OF THE VIRGINIA RAILWAY EXPRESS OPERATIONS BOARD WHEREAS, the two-way radio project has been completed and is currently in use to monitor train traffic at the VRE Alexandria office; and, WHEREAS, the need for additional equipment for the two-way radio communication project has been identified to allow two way communications between VRE staff and train crews. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer execute a contract amendment with Bearcom Wireless for the two-way VHF radio communication system project in the amount of $115,000, for a total contract authorization of up to $363,400. AGENDA ITEM 11-B ACTION ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN BULOVA AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DALE ZEHNER DATE: MARCH 18, 2011 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND THE VRE TARIFF TO REDUCE THE PRICE OF THE STEP-UP FARE RECOMMENDATION: The VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to amend the VRE tariff to reduce the price of the Step-Up fare from $10.00 to $5.00, effective May 1, 2011 for a period of one year. BACKGROUND: At the January 2011 Operations Board meeting, the Board authorized the Chief Executive Officer to hold public hearings and solicit feedback on several changes in the VRE fare policy in an effort to mitigate crowded conditions on VRE trains. One of those items was a proposal to lower the price of the Step-Up fare to encourage additional riders to use their VRE tickets to ride under-utilized Amtrak trains. VRE held public hearings at Fredericksburg, Woodbridge, Manassas, Burke Centre, Alexandria and Washington, D.C. to give the public the opportunity to comment on this proposal. With ridership outpacing the ability to provide additional seats, VRE staff identified the opportunity to shift additional VRE riders over to the Amtrak trains as a way to open up capacity on VRE trains. If the cost to a rider for a Step-Up fare is reduced to $5.00, it is anticipated that more VRE riders will switch to the Amtrak trains, opening up seats for standees on some of the VRE trains. It is estimated that VRE ridership on Amtrak trains will increase from about 26,500 trips per year (100 trips/day) to about 60,000 trips per year (250 trip/day). VRE currently pays Amtrak $10.00 per trip for each VRE rider that chooses to use Amtrak trains and passes that cost on to the rider in the form of the Step-Up fare. VRE would continue to pay Amtrak $10.00 per trip, with only a portion of that cost borne by the rider. The annual cost to VRE would be about $300,000. HOW THE STEP-UP TICKET WORKS: Riders choosing to take advantage of the Step-Up program must have two VRE tickets. First, they must have a VRE multi-ride ticket for the correct zones (10Ride Ticket, Five-Day Pass, Monthly Pass or Transit Link Card). The fare from this ticket covers the VRE expenses related to their trip such as parking lot leases, fare collection equipment, facilities maintenance and other VRE services that the riders use even if they ride an Amtrak train. In addition, riders must have a Step-Up ticket. The Step-Up fare covers the fee that VRE must pay Amtrak for each VRE rider using Amtrak trains. Select Amtrak trains on both the Fredericksburg Line and Manassas Line, as listed on the VRE schedule, accept the Step-Up ticket. Amtrak trains only stop at certain VRE stations – Fredericksburg, Quantico, Woodbridge, Manassas, Burke Centre, Alexandria, L’Enfant, and Union Station – which provides riders on them a travel time savings over full stop VRE trains (although not all Amtrak trains stop at Woodbridge and L’Enfant). Amtrak trains accepting the VRE Step-Up ticket are interspersed with VRE trains in the morning and afternoon peak travel periods. On the Fredericksburg Line there are two morning Amtrak trains and three evening Amtrak trains that can accommodate additional VRE riders and free up seats on VRE trains. There is also an evening Manassas Line train slotted between VRE trains that could offer relief to VRE riders. Additional Amtrak trains outside VRE’s peak hours also accept VRE riders. Fredericksburg Line Morning Trains Train Arrives Union Station 306 308 AMT 86 310 312 AMT 174 7:37 8:04 8:15 8:42 9:09 9:30 Number of Seats Number of Riders Number of Standees 798 975 177 819 1155 236 could accommodate riders from 308 703 565 0 399 435 36 could accommodate riders from 312 2 Fredericksburg Line Evening Trains 301 Departs Union Station 12:55 AMT 95 303 AMT 125 305 307 2:30 3:35 3:55 4:10 4:40 309 AMT 93/83 5:15 Train Number of Seats Number of Riders Number of Standees 399 172 0 could accommodate riders wishing to travel between 301 and 303 798 1097 299 could accommodate riders from 303 and 305 819 983 164 1095 1214 119 819 5:50 1214 395 could accommodate riders from 309 Manassas Line Evening Trains Train Departs Union Station 329 AMT 171 4:25 4:50 331 5:05 Number of Seats Number of Riders Number of Standees 819 881 62 could accommodate riders from 329 and 331 1107 1129 22 BENEFITS: There are benefits to both VRE and the rider for buying down the Step-Up fare. For VRE, this allows VRE to use available capacity on Amtrak trains. Approximately 250 riders per day are expected to transfer to Amtrak trains using their VRE tickets should the Step-Up fare be reduced to $5.00. For the rider, there is increased flexibility, as Amtrak offers trains at times that VRE does not operate. Most notably, reducing the Step-Up fare could encourage riders from the 5:05 AM express Train 300 on the Fredericksburg Line to take Amtrak Train 95 for an earlier return trip home in the evening. Amtrak 95 operates between mid-day VRE Train 301 and Train 303, the first VRE train of the afternoon rush hour. It departs Union Station at 2:30 PM, nearly an hour earlier than Train 303, which currently has nearly 300 standees. 3 In addition, there is a substantial time savings to a trip on an Amtrak train since it does not make all VRE station stops. Of course, riders also enjoy the extra leg room and café car that is available on most Amtrak trains. Example of Typical Cost for VRE Riders Assuming a $5 Step-Up Cost Typical Trip Fredericksburg – Union Station Quantico – Union Station Woodbridge – Union Station Manassas – Union Station Burke Centre – Union Station VRE Ticket* Step-Up Ticket $9.48 $5.00 $7.77 $5.00 $7.20 $5.00 $7.77 $5.00 $6.63 $5.00 Total Cost Comparable Savings to to Rider Amtrak Fare Trip Time per Trip $14.48 $23.00 15-20 minutes $12.77 $20.00 10-15 minutes $12.20 $19.00 10-15 minutes $12.77 $15.00 10-15 minutes $11.63 $15.00 10-15 minutes *Cost of one ride of a 10-Trip ticket, the most expensive multi-ride ticket. PUBLIC COMMENT: Public comment on this item was overwhelmingly positive, with 98% of the responses on this topic in support of reducing the cost of the Step-Up fare. Eighty-three responses were in support of this proposal, while only two were opposed. Many riders at stations where Amtrak trains stop commented they would be much more likely to switch over to an Amtrak train if the cost of a StepUp ticket was lower; the likelihood of a VRE rider switching to an Amtrak train increased with the decline in the price of the Step-Up fare. Below are estimates on the numbers of VRE riders that would switch to Amtrak trains based on various Step-Up fare levels. Step-Up Cost Est. Annual Trips on Est. Daily Trips on Cost to VRE To the Rider Amtrak Trains Amtrak Trains $10 26,500 100 $0 $7 30,000 ** 120 $90,000 $5 60,000 ** 250 $300,000 $2 90,000 * 350 $700,000 $0 115,000 * 450 $1,150,000 * estimates based on actual numbers, adjusted to reflect today’s ridership ** estimates 4 FISCAL IMPACT: VRE staff estimates that the proposed change in the Step-Up fare would cost $300,000 which is available in the operating budget. 5 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CHAIRMAN BULOVA AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD DALE ZEHNER MARCH 18, 2011 AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND THE VRE TARIFF TO REDUCE THE PRICE OF THE STEP-UP FARE RESOLUTION 11B-03-2011 OF THE VIRGINIA RAILWAY EXPRESS OPERATIONS BOARD WHEREAS, ridership has been growing at a rate that outpaces the ability to add seating capacity; and, WHEREAS, VRE riders can currently ride select Amtrak trains with a multi-ride ticket in conjunction with a $10 Step-Up fare; and, WHEREAS, Amtrak trains operating in VRE territory are underutilized; and, WHEREAS, VRE staff has identified the reduction in the price of the Step-Up fare as a way to mitigate the increased ridership and crowded conditions; and, WHEREAS, the Chief Executive Officer sought and received authorization to solicit comments related to a reduction in the Step-Up fare; and, WHEREAS, public comment supported the reduction in Step-Up fares. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to amend the tariff to reduce the Step-Up fare to $5 for a period of one year beginning May 1, 2011. 6 AGENDA ITEM 11C ACTION ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN BULOVA AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DALE ZEHNER DATE: MARCH 18, 2011 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND THE VRE TARIFF TO ELIMINATE THE DISCOUNTED FARE FOR GROUP TICKETS RECOMMENDATION: The VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to amend the tariff to discontinue discounted group fares. BACKGROUND: At the January 2011 Operations Board meeting, the Board authorized the Chief Executive Officer to hold public hearings and solicit feedback on several changes in the VRE fare policy in an effort to mitigate crowded conditions on VRE trains. One of those items was possibility of discontinuing the discounted group fares. VRE held public hearings at Fredericksburg, Woodbridge, Manassas, Burke Centre, Alexandria and Washington, D.C. to give the public the opportunity to comment on this proposal. VRE currently offers a discount of 50% off the single ride fare to groups with 10 or more fare-paying passengers. Over the years, VRE staff has tried to limit the group trips to those trains with enough capacity to accommodate the extra riders. With many of our trains operating over capacity, VRE staff have received negative comments from long-term riders about the fact that groups are able to pay half off the ticket price and have a seat if they board at an end of the line station, while a passenger paying a full fare that boards further down the line may have to stand. As part of this recommendation, VRE staff would like to continue to work with groups who want to ride VRE. Staff that work regularly with the groups feel that it would be beneficial to have the groups continue to receive full fare commemorative tickets through the VRE office, which will also allow the number of groups to be tracked. VRE staff would then be able to provide train crews advance notice when large groups are expected to be on the train. This also reduces the potential need for groups to use the ticket vending machines to purchase and validate tickets, especially when groups of one hundred or more are boarding at one station. PUBLIC COMMENT: The majority of the public who opted to comment on this proposal, 87% (55 people), supported the elimination of the discounted group fare. Approximately 13% (8 people) were opposed to eliminating the discount fare; several people in that group suggested decreasing the amount of the discount as an alternative to eliminating it completely. FISCAL IMPACT: Minimal fiscal impact is expected as a result of the change to group fares; if there is any impact a positive impact is expected. 2 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CHAIRMAN BULOVA AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD DALE ZEHNER MARCH 18, 2011 AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND THE VRE TARIFF TO ELIMINATE THE DISCOUNTED FARE FOR GROUP TICKETS RESOLUTION 11C-03-2011 OF THE VIRGINIA RAILWAY EXPRESS OPERATIONS BOARD WHEREAS, ridership has been growing at a rate that outpaces the ability to add seating capacity; and, WHEREAS, VRE staff has identified the elimination of the discounted group fare as a way to mitigate the increased ridership and crowded conditions; and, WHEREAS, groups of 10 or more fare paying passenger currently can purchase discounted tickets at 50% off the single-ride fare; and, WHEREAS, the Chief Executive Officer sought and received authorization to solicit comments related to a proposed modification to the group fare policy; and, WHEREAS, public comment supports the elimination of discounted group fares. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to amend the tariff to eliminate discounted group fares. 3 AGENDA ITEM 11-D ACTION ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN BULOVA AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DALE ZEHNER DATE: MARCH 18, 2011 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND THE VRE TARIFF TO MODIFY THE BICYCLE POLICY RECOMMENDATION: The VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to continue to allow full size bicycles on board select trains but amend the tariff to modify the bicycle policy to allow conductors the discretion to deny bicycle boarding on crowded trains where the presence of a bike would present an obstacle or otherwise pose a risk to the safety of other passengers. BACKGROUND: At the January 2011 Operations Board meeting, the Board authorized the Chief Executive Officer to hold public hearings and solicit feedback on several changes in the VRE fare policy in an effort to mitigate crowded conditions on VRE trains. One of those items was the possibility of eliminating full size bicycles from VRE trains. VRE held public hearings at Fredericksburg, Woodbridge, Manassas, Burke Centre, Alexandria and Washington, D.C. to give the public the opportunity to comment on this proposal. HISTORY: Over the years, VRE has adjusted its bicycle policy several times based on space availability on board the trains. Prior to the arrival of the new Gallery cars, VRE only permitted collapsible bicycles on board the trains. Once the new Gallery cars were in operation, the policy was changed to permit bicyclists to bring full size bicycles on the last three trains on both lines in the mornings and the evenings. With ridership increasing and the number of standees growing, there is little room for bicyclists to safely store their bicycles and still provide seating for all riders. As a result, staff investigated the possibility of limiting bicycles once again to collapsible bicycles only. In February 2011, there were 47 bicycles transported on VRE trains, approximately 2 per day. The Fredericksburg Line carried more bicycles than the Manassas Line. In the spring, this number is likely to increase with the good weather and the potential for higher gas prices. While the number of bicycles transported per train is not high, VRE staff continues to have concerns for overall passenger safety when bicycles are present on overcrowded trains. In order to address this safety issue, it is proposed that the bicycle policy be modified to give conductors the discretion to limit or deny boarding of bicycles on a train if they feel the bicycle would present an obstacle or otherwise pose a risk to the safety of other passengers and/or the safe operation of the train. All crews would undergo re-training to address this change to the bicycle policy. PUBLIC COMMENT: Only 29% of respondents (67 people) were in favor of eliminating access for full size bicycles on the trains while 71% of respondents (161 people) were opposed to prohibiting bicycles on trains. Although there were a greater number of comments received about the proposed change to the on-board bicycle policy than the other fare policy issues up for public comment, only 15% of the respondents opposed to the proposed change were actually VRE riders. In fact, 56% of the people commenting negatively on this issue were not VRE riders, but members of the public who feel strongly about bicycle accessibility in general, as indicated below. In Favor Opposed Opposed – VRE Rider Opposed – Non-Rider Number of Comments 67 161 34 127 Percentage of Total Comments 29% 71% 15% 56% FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact anticipated with modifying the bicycle policy. 2 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CHAIRMAN BULOVA AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD DALE ZEHNER MARCH 18, 2011 AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND THE VRE TARIFF TO MODIFY THE BICYCLE POLICY RESOLUTION 11D-03-2011 OF THE VIRGINIA RAILWAY EXPRESS OPERATIONS BOARD WHEREAS, ridership has been growing at a rate that outpaces the ability to add seating capacity; and, WHEREAS, the Chief Executive Officer sought and received authorization to solicit comments related to a proposed change in the bicycle policy; and, WHEREAS, VRE staff has identified several other programs to address the increased ridership and crowded conditions; and, WHEREAS, public comment supports continuing to allow full size bicycles on board trains; and, WHEREAS, VRE staff have concerns for overall passenger safety when bicycles are present on overcrowded trains. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to continue to allow full size bicycles on board trains but amend the tariff to modify the bicycle policy to allow conductors the discretion to deny bicycle boarding on crowded trains where the presence of a bike would present an obstacle or otherwise pose a risk to the safety of other passengers. 3