Department of Creative Writing News & Accolades – May 2011:

Department of Creative Writing
News & Accolades – May 2011:
Garden and Gun magazine—to which Josh MacIvor-Andersen and Clyde
Edgerton have recently contributed—won a General Excellence Award at
the recent National Magazine Awards ceremony.
Congratulations, Josh and Clyde!
John Sullivan won a Pushcart Prize and a National Magazine Award for his
essay Mr. Lytle, published this fall in The Paris Review.
Congratulations, John!
MFA Alum Jesse Waters read from his new volume, Human Resources at
Pomegranate Books, on May 13th.
Congratulations, Jesse!
Jason Newport’s short story "Flying Cars" has been accepted for the next
issue of moonShine review.
Congratulations, Jason!
MFA alum Amelia Morris's essay "In the Kitchen With Grandma" won the
Saveur 2011 Best Food Blog Award in the Culinary Essay category—
competing against 40,000 other entries! Read her blog Bon Appétempt.
Congratulations, Amelia!
David Gessner was on WHQR, All Things Considered, for a two-part series
called The Gulf Spill: A Personal Narrative that David and Rod McClain
have been working on for the first anniversary of the BP Deepwater
Horizon spill. Listen to the first segment here.
Congratulations, David!
Ariana Nash's poem, "The Night of Birds" will be published in this
summer's issue of Rock and Sling.
Congratulations, Ariana!
WHQR's story, On the Campaign Trail with Mike McIntyre, reported by
Michelle Bliss, was awarded a 2011 Edward R. Murrow Award for
Regional Audio Feature Reporting.
Congratulations, Michelle and WHQR!