WHQR/U W UNCW Graduate G Internsh hip From F WHQR R (the peo ople who have h develo oped the p premier Pub blic Radio presence p in Wilmington and SE Coastal C Caro olina) and tthe UNCW Graduate School S - an n opportunitty to work and learn n in a fastt-paced and d exciting environment e of o radio and the new me edia! WHQR W 91.3F FM is comm mitted to pro oviding valua able Public R Radio experiience and ono the-job trraining to intterested and d qualified in ntern candidates. We be elieve it is our o mission and respo onsibility to assist qua alified cand didates interested in developing d their busines ss, productio on and jourrnalism skillls and enha ance their understanding u g of the public radio broa adcasting bu usiness. The T WHQR//UNCW Gra aduate Interrnship Progrram offers four paid in nternships depending d on the need in the WHQ QR departme ents. The ma ain areas arre, but are not n limited to, Broadca asting (New ws Service and Music Service), National t, and Inform Programming P g, Finance, Developmen D mation Technology. Our O current interns have e had an ex xciting and fulfilling yea ar at WHQR R and will be b moving on n to their new w careers in June this ye ear! As A a WHQR R 91.3FM Graduate G Inte ern you willl assist the full-time sta ation staff as a required, and a will have the opporttunity to learrn (among o others): The bu usiness of Pu ublic Radio Marketting/developm ment proced ures in a no on-profit worrld Radio journalism & production The prrocess of aud dio editing u using state-off-the-art tech hnology On-air techniques Using the t exciting new n platform ms of Public R Radio Applications A fo or internship p opportunitie es for 2013--2014 are no ow being ac ccepted for th he following positions: Development D – membersh hip, database e, publicity an nd public eve ents. Web W and Soc cial Media – website, Fac cebook, Twittter, news sup pport and inttegrated marketing News N – local reporting Operations O – program su upport, computers, logg ing, on-air w work and pro ogram hostin ng Eligibility: You must be a currently enrolled graduate student at UNCW. You must be enrolled in a graduate degree program for the 12 month duration of the internship. Interested individuals should have a strong interest in public radio and possess excellent writing, research, communication, computer and organizational skills. You must have demonstrated initiative and ability to work independently. You should be interested in contemporary culture and be up-to-date on news and current events. Some previous editing, reporting, radio-producing, computer, and/or business experience is preferred. WHQR 91.3FM internships are full-time and last for 12 months with a quarterly review period. Interns will be compensated based on a 30-hr work week at $18,500 per year. The position is located at the downtown Wilmington NC studios of WHQR. Applications should include a resume, a statement of interest including the specific position in public radio and how it relates to your career goals, and a list of references. Completed applications should be submitted as an attachment to an email and sent to Dr. Ron Vetter, Associate Provost of Research and Dean of the Graduate School, vetterr@uncw.edu and copy Nancy Holland hollandn@uncw.edu. Closing date for Applications: May 15, 2013 Interviews will be completed by May 24, 2013 Start date: July 1, 2013