UNIVERSITY OF MAURITIUS FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Academic Year 2015/2016 - Sem 1 Programme: E311/10,11,12 - BSc (Hons) Information systems (F/T) 08:00 09:00 08.30 10:00 09.30 11:00 10:30 12:00 11:30 13:00 12:30 Monday CSE 3024 Adv Java Lec Rm 3.2C CSE 3024 Adv Java Lab FOA 2A Tuesday CSE 3048 ERP Lab FOA 1A CSE 3048 ERP Lec Rm 2.7 14:00 13:30 Level: 4,5,6 15:00 14:30 16:00 15:30 17:00 16:30 CSE 3030 MIS Lec Rm 3.3 CSE 3031 MAD Lab CITS 1C 18:00 17:30 19:00 18:30 20:00 19:30 CSE 3029 KBS Lab 1.8 CSE 3031 MAD Lec Rm 2.10 CSE 3030 MIS Lec Rm 2.7 Wednesday Thursday ADSA Lab CITS 1C ADSA Lec Rm 4.2 CSE 3029 KBS Lec Rm 2 Friday Saturday MGT 3111 OM 1 - Rm 2.7 Programme Coordinator: Zarine Cadersaib Email: Office: Room 3.6, Level 3, Eng Tower Ext: 7829 Module Code Module Title Lecturer No of Stds Module Code Module Title Lecturer No of Stds CSE 3030(5) Management Information systems (common with CA) Roopesh Sungkur 30 CSE 3048(5) Enterprise Resource Planning (common with CA,CS) Z Cadersaib 40 CSE 3031(5) Mobile Application Development (common with CA, IS PT) Sameechand Pudaruth 20 CSE 3029(5) Knowledge Based systems (Common with IS PT) S Pudaruth 30 CSE 3024(5) Advanced Java Programming (common with CA) Zahra Mungloo Dilmohamud 30 MGT 3111 Operations Management 1 Mr Oomesh Seesaran 20 CSE 1246 ADSA Mr S Sathan 20 20 July 2015 - NP/nb 20:00