Daily Case Log Winthrop University Police Department

Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/01/2016
Time Reported: 3:43 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/01/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 3:43 AM
Location: Intersection of Winthrop Park Ave. & Winthrop Memorial Cr.
Incident Type: Assist Other Agency
Synopsis: Officer responded and assisted RHPD with a traffic stop involving a student. The subject was arrested by RHPD and charged with DUI,
Transportation of Liquor in a car with a broken seal and Possession of Liquor Under 21.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/01/2016
Time Reported: 3:58 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/01/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 3:58 AM
Location: Roddey Apartments
Incident Type: Roommate Disagreement
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a roommate dispute of keeping the room neat and organized. This has been an ongoing problem. Both of
the students will be referred to the Winthrop University Office of Judicial Affairs.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/01/2016
Time Reported: 9:56 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/01/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 9:56 AM
Location: Thomson Cafeteria
Incident Type: Assist Other Agency
Synopsis: Officer responded to assist RHPD with the service of a bench warrant involving an Aramark employee. It was discovered the warrant had
already been served on the subject back in 2009 but had not been properly taken care of by RHPD. The subject was released.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/01/2016
Time Reported: 10:41 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/01/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:41 AM
Location: Good Building
Incident Type: Suspicious Person
Synopsis: Officer met with the complainant in reference to a subject she believes is stalking her. The victim states the subject has shown up at
numerous places that she is at. The complainant was informed the next time she saw the subject to contact Campus Police.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/01/2016
Time Reported: 2:15 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/01/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 2:15 PM
Location: Manor York Apartments
Incident Type: Other – Concerned Student
Synopsis: Officer met with the student in reference to a subject at her apartment complex that concerns her. The subject makes the victim speak to
her and becomes agitated when she does not. The victim was told she could contact the apartment manager or RHPD to file a report.
Disposition: Complete
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/02/2016
Time Reported: 2:18 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/02/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 2:18 PM
Location: Richardson Hall
Incident Type: Facilities Management Request for Assistance
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a water leak in the 6th floor bathroom. FM was contacted to correct theproblem.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-0096
Date Reported: 04/02/2016
Time Reported: 5:45 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/02/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 5:45 PM
Location: Winthrop Lake
Incident Type: Violation of Dog Ordinance
Synopsis: Officer responded and met with the victim who stated that while he was playing disc gold two pit bull’s came under a fence from Ascot Ridge
Rd and attacked his dog. The victim and several bystanders were able to fight the dogs and actually one of pit bulls jumped into the victims car. The
owner was issued a State Citation and the dogs were released since they did not attack a person.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: 0416-0115
Date Reported: 04/02/2016
Time Reported: 11:25 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/02/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 11:25 PM
Location: Intersection of Cherry Rd. & Camden Ave.
Incident Type: Disorderly Conduct (Intoxication)
Synopsis: Officer met with the complainant who stated the subject tried to get into Wofford Hall. The subject asked to use the victims phone and
when she told him no he tried to grab it. The subject was located at McDonald’s and was highly intoxicated. Subject was arrested and taken to the
RHLC for booking. Subject was also placed on trespass notice.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/03/2016
Time Reported: 6:26 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/03/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 6:26 PM
Location: Richardson Hall
Incident Type: Other – Found Property
Synopsis: Officer responded and retrieved a baggy of marijuana that had been found in the common area by the drink machines.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/04/2016
Time Reported: 2:00 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/04/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 2:00 PM
Location: Kinard Hall
Incident Type: Medical Assistance
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to an ill F/S member. The victim stated she had been feeling dizzy and then started to throw up. EMS
arrived and transported the victim to PMC for further evaluation and treatment.
Disposition: Complete
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: 0416-0219
Date Reported: 04/04/2016
Time Reported: 3:37 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/04/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 3:37 PM
Location: E. Thomson Hall
Incident Type: Petty Larceny
Synopsis: Officer observed the subject on a bike with 2 large sacks. Officer made contact with the subject who stated it was his laundry. After further
investigation the sacks contained boxes of beef patties, bacon, shrimp, and sausage which had been taken from Aramark. The subject was arrested
and taken to the RHLC for booking.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/04/2016
Time Reported: 7:56 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/04/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 7:56 PM
Location: Wofford Hall
Incident Type: Violation of Winthrop University Policy
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to an altercation between two students. Both of the students will be referred to the Winthrop University
Office of Judicial Affairs.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/04/2016
Time Reported: 8:26 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/04/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 8:26 PM
Location: The DiGiorgio Center
Incident Type: Suspicious Activity – Markley’s Employee
Synopsis: Officer responded and met with the manager in reference to an employee who stated he was hearing voices telling him to do bad things.
The subject stated he needed to leave and did. Officer along with an RHPD officer made contact with the subject at his residences. The subject stated
he was off his medication and had an appointment with his doctor. Subject also stated he had given his two week notice and would ask Aramark to
mail his check. He was informed not to return to campus without permission.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-0246
Date Reported: 04/04/2016
Time Reported: 10:38 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/04/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:38 PM
Location: Intersection of Winthrop Alumni Dr. & Winthrop Founders La.
Incident Type: Located Wanted Person
Synopsis: Officer was notified that a subject stepped out in front of her vehicle. The officer made contact with the subject and ran a check for
warrants. The subject had an active warrant for Family Court and was detained until an officer with the YCSD picked him up.
Disposition: Admin. Closed
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/05/2016
Time Reported: 12:27 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/05/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 12:27 AM
Location: 1030 Park Ave. Ext.
Incident Type: Assist Other Agency –Larceny of Sign
Synopsis: Officer responded to assist RHPD with an incident involving the sign from in front of the house that was missing. RHPD took the report.
Disposition: Complete
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: 0416-0271
Date Reported: 04/05/2016
Time Reported: 2:26 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/05/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 2:26 AM
Location: Phelps Hall
Incident Type: Possession of Marijuana
Synopsis: While investigating another incident, the officer detected a strong odor marijuana coming from an occupied vehicle. Officer ran the vehicle
information and found it belonged to a student. The officer made contact with the student at her residences and also detected the odor there. The
officer found a grinder containing a small amount of marijuana. The subject was issued a State Citation for Possession of Marijuana and will also be
referred to the Winthrop University Office of Judicial Affairs.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: 0416-0322
Date Reported: 04/05/2016
Time Reported: 11:53 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/05/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 11:53 PM
Location: Amphitheater
Incident Type: Possession of Marijuana
Synopsis: Officer was securing the Little Chapel when he detected the odor of marijuana. Officer traced the odor back to the Amphitheater where two
subjects were. The officer observed subject 1 holding a roach and attempted to get rid of it. A search of subject 1 book bag located a baggie of
marijuana and subject 2 book bag had digital scales, plastic bags and a plastic bottle with an odor. Subject 1 was issued a State Citation and both will
be referred to the Winthrop University Office of Judicial Affairs.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: 0416-0351
Date Reported: 04/06/2016
Time Reported: 11:48 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/06/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 11:04 AM – 11:48 AM
Location: The Courtyard
Incident Type: Unlawful Possession of Prescription Drug and Possession/Purchase of Beer/Wine Under 21
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to the possibility of a drug transaction earlier. After viewing video the officer made contact with the subject
who admitted to buying an Adderall pill from another subject. Officer made contact with the subject 2 who admitted to selling his legally owned
prescription. The officer also located a bottle of King Cobra Malt beverage. The subject stated it belonged to his roommate, they are both under 21.
All three subjects will be referred to the Winthrop University Office of Judicial Affairs.
Disposition: Ex-Cleared
Incident #: 0416-0352
Date Reported: 04/06/2016
Time Reported: 11:29 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 12/16/2015 – 04/06/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 12:00 PM – 11:29 AM
Location: Rutledge Building
Incident Type: Petty Larceny
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to several camcorders missing from a cage in room G26. There is an ongoing problem with the cage being
left unlocked. The case is under investigation.
Disposition: Active
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/06/2016
Time Reported: 6:30 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/07/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 6:30 PM
Location: Good Building
Incident Type: Medical Assistance
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a student having an allergic reaction. EMS and RHFD responded and transported the student to PMC for
further evaluation and treatment.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/06/2016
Time Reported: 10:02 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/06/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:02 PM
Location: Richardson Hall
Incident Type: Welfare Check
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a victim who had sent several text to the complainant stated he was unhappy with school and wished to
harm himself. The officer made contact with the victim whom stated he was fine. The victim refused to go to PMC for further evaluation but did agree
to contact Counseling Services for an appointment.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-0479
Date Reported: 04/08/2016
Time Reported: 6:28 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/03/2016 – 04/08/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 4:00 PM
Location: Courtyard Parking Lot
Incident Type: Leaving the Scene of Accident
Synopsis: Officer met with the victim in reference to a subject that hit her vehicle parked causing damage. Officer was able to go back and view video
footage and observed the subject striking the victim’s vehicle. The subject was issued a State Citation.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: 0416-0510
Date Reported: 04/09/2016
Time Reported: 1:08 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/09/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 1:08 AM
Location: Alumni Parking Lot
Incident Type: Possession/Purchase of Beer/Wine Under 21
Synopsis: Officer observed three subjects walking across the parking lot when one stumbled and almost fell. Officer made contact with the subject
and detected the odor of alcohol on his person. The subject admitted to drinking and being only 19 years old. The subject was issued a State Citation
and released.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: 0416-0522
Date Reported: 04/09/2016
Time Reported: 9:08 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/09/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 9:08 AM
Location: Intersection of Cherry Rd. & Charlotte Ave.
Incident Type: Traffic Stop
Synopsis: Subject was issued a State Citation for Disregarding Traffic Signal
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: 0416-0523
Date Reported: 04/09/2016
Time Reported: 10:03 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/09/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:03 AM
Location: Intersection of Cherry Rd. & Constitution Blvd.
Incident Type: No Driver’s License 1st & Open Container Beer/Wine (In Vehicle)
Synopsis: Officer observed the subject traveling with a shattered windshield. The officer conducted a traffic stop and the subject could not produce a
valid driver’s license. The subject was placed under arrest and while inventorying the vehicle for towing the officer located an open bottle of Corona
Beer by the driver’s seat. Subject was taken to the RHLC for booking.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: 0416-0579
Date Reported: 04/10/2016
Time Reported: 1:47 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/10/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 1;47 AM
Location: Roddey Apartments
Incident Type: Possession/Purchase of Liquor Under 21 & Distraught Student
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a subject screaming and stating she wanted to hurt herself. The officer made contact with the subject
who stated she was having problems with a male that was there as well. The subject had recently found out some information pertaining to the male.
The subject was highly intoxicated and had also taken antidepressant medication. The subject agreed to go to PMC for further evaluation and
treatment. The subject will also be referred to the Winthrop University Office of Judicial Affairs.
Disposition: Ex-Cleared
Incident #: 0416-0640
Date Reported: 04/11/2016
Time Reported: 12:13 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/11/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 12:13 AM
Location: Winthrop Track Complex
Incident Type: Possession of Marijuana
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a vehicle being parked after park hours. The officer made contact with the subject and detected the odor
of marijuana. The officer searched the vehicle and located a marijuana joint in a cigarette box. The subject was issued a State Citation.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/11/2016
Time Reported: 7:22 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/11/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 7:22 PM
Location: Phelps Hall
Incident Type: Other – Custodial/Facilities
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a washing machine spilling and covering the floor with water. Custodial and Facilities responded to fix the
Disposition: Complete
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/12/2016
Time Reported: 1:09 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/12/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 1:09 AM
Location: Lee Wicker Hall
Incident Type: Medical Assistance
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a student having a diabetic episode. EMS arrived and transported the student to PMC for further
evaluation and treatment.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/12/2016
Time Reported: 9:11 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/12/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 9:11 AM
Location: BP Gas Station
Incident Type: Assist Other Agency – BP Gas Station
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a vehicle fire. Due to the fact that RHFD had arrived on scene the officer used the fire extinguisher from
the patrol vehicle. RHFD arrived and took control of the scene.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/12/2016
Time Reported: 1:30 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/12/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 1:30 PM
Location: 610 Rose St. (Walk2Campus)
Incident Type: Off Campus Incident – Roommate Disagreement
Synopsis: Officer met with the victim in reference to her and her roommate not getting along which lead to the two getting into an altercation. RHPD
responded and took an incident report. Both parties will be referred to the Winthrop University Office of Judicial Affairs.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/12/2016
Time Reported: 11:57 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/12/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 11:57 PM
Location: Lee Wicker Hall
Incident Type: Medical Assistance
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a student who was having a diabetic episode. EMS and RHFD responded and were able to get the
students blood sugar back to normal. The student was then transported to PMC for further evaluation and treatment.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/13/2016
Time Reported: 8:44 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/13/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 8:44 PM
Location: Lee Wicker Hall
Incident Type: Welfare Check
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a welfare check and was unable to make contact with the victim. The victim had been transported to PMC
the night before for a diabetic episode. The officer checked with PMC and found the victim had been admitted.
Disposition: Complete
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: 0416-0790
Date Reported: 04/13/2016
Time Reported: 4:33 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/13/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 4:33 PM
Location: Intersection of Cherry Rd. & Ebenezer Ave.
Incident Type: Traffic Stop
Synopsis: Subject was issued a State Citation for Seat Belt Violation.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/14/2016
Time Reported: 8:22 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/14/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 8:22 AM
Location: Sims Hall
Incident Type: Medical Assistance
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a student who had fallen and struck her head and right arm. The student stated she had felt dizzy and
fell. The student was transported to Health Services.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-0855
Date Reported: 04/14/2016
Time Reported: 1:58 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/14/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 1:58 PM
Location: Intersection of Oakland Ave. & Wilson St.
Incident Type: Traffic Stop
Synopsis: Subject was issued a State Citation for Careless Driving.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: 0416-0886
Date Reported: 04/14/2016
Time Reported: 11:13 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/14/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 11:13 PM
Location: Winthrop Operations Center Parking Lot – 349 Columbia Ave.
Incident Type: Possession of Marijuana & Driving Under Suspension
Synopsis: While on patrol the officer observed the vehicle in the parking lot. When the officer started toward the vehicle the subject turned the
headlights on and began to drive away and turned into The Courtyard parking lot. Officer conducted a traffic stop and made contact with the subjects.
The officer detected the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. The officer observed in plain view a gray piece of plastic with marijuana on it.
Both of the subjects were issued state citations for Possession of Marijuana and the driver was also cited for diving under suspension. Both subjects will
also be referred to the Winthrop University Office of Judicial Affaris.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/15/2016
Time Reported: 3:40 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/15/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 3:40 PM
Location: Good Building
Incident Type: Other – Misplaced Book Bag
Synopsis: Officer met with the victim who stated that while at the lake area he placed his book bag on the back of a white truck. When he returned
he realized it was the wrong vehicle and the book bag was missing. The book bag contained a Saint Anne’s School issued MacBook.
Disposition: Complete
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: 0416-0963
Date Reported: 04/16/2016
Time Reported: 3:27 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 02/01/2016 – 04/16/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 8:00 AM – 3:27 PM
Location: Wofford Hall
Incident Type: Harassment & Unlawful Use of Telephone
Synopsis: The officer met with the victim in reference to her ex-boyfriend that continues to call and harass her after being asked to stop.
Disposition: Closed by Arrest
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/18/2016
Time Reported: 7:01 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/18/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 7:01 PM
Location: Byrnes Auditorium
Incident Type: Damage to Property – Rental Property
Synopsis: While working an event the officer observed smoke coming from a speaker on stage. The officer observed a small fire inside the speaker
and removed it from the stage.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-0985
Date Reported: 04/17/2016
Time Reported: 12:33 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/16/2016 – 04/17/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 11:50 PM – 12:33 AM
Location: E. Thomson Hall
Incident Type: Petty Larceny
Synopsis: Officer met with the victim who stated the he had taken his watch off and placed it in the sink to soak. When he returned the watch was
missing. A search of the area and talking with the suitemates did not turn up the watch.
Disposition: Admin. Closed
Incident #: 0416-0987
Date Reported: 04/16/2016
Time Reported: 10:00 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/16/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:00 PM
Location: Byrnes Auditorium
Incident Type: Assault & Battery 3rd Degree
Synopsis: Officer responded to Riverview in reference to a student who had come to receive treatment. The student had a cut below the eye but does
not know how she received it. She was working Swaggerjack and was attempting to move students away from a piano when she blacked out and woke
up in the ladies restroom.
Disposition: Active
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/18/2016
Time Reported: 8:45 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/18/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 8:45 AM
Location: Intersection of Charlotte Ave. & Cherry Rd.
Incident Type: Off Campus Incident – Winthrop Student Involved in Traffic Accident
Synopsis: Officer observed RHPD working an accident at the above location. Officer noticed one of the vehicles belonged to a student. The student
was at fault and the vehicle had to be towed.
Disposition: Complete
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: 0416-1118
Date Reported: 04/19/2016
Time Reported: 8:45 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/19/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 8:45 AM
Location: Intersection of Alumni Dr. & Columbia Ave.
Incident Type: Traffic Stop
Synopsis: Subject was issued a State Citation for Seat Belt Violation
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: 0416-1122
Date Reported: 04/19/2016
Time Reported: 10:30 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/19/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:30 AM
Location: Intersection of Alumni Dr. & Columbia Ave.
Incident Type: Traffic Stop
Synopsis: Subject was issued a State Citation for Disregarding a Stop Sign
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: 0416-1124
Date Reported: 04/19/2016
Time Reported: 10:41 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/19/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:41 AM
Location: Intersection of Alumni Dr. & Columbia Ave.
Incident Type: Traffic Stop
Synopsis: Subject was issued a State Citation for Seat Belt Violation.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: 0416-1125
Date Reported: 04/19/20016
Time Reported: 10:57 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/19/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:57 AM
Location: Intersection of Alumni Dr. & Columbia Ave.
Incident Type: Traffic Stop
Synopsis: Subject was issued a State Citation for Seat Belt Violation.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: 0416-1127
Date Reported: 04/19/2016
Time Reported: 12:05 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/19/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 12:05 PM
Location: Intersection Alumni Dr. & Columbia Ave.
Incident Type: Driving Under Suspension 1st
Synopsis: While on patrol the officer heard loud music coming down the roadway and conducted a traffic stop. The subject attempted to exit the
vehicle but the officer was able to stop him. The subject was driving under suspension for points violations. Subject was arrested.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/19/2016
Time Reported: 10:41 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/19/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:41 PM
Location: Walk2Campus – 630 Rose St.
Incident Type: Assist Other Agency
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a fight in progress outside the building. RHPD responded and advised a group of guys were fighting.
Officer observed one of the subjects leaving the area and conducted a traffic stop. The passenger had a torn shirt and she stated that she was visiting
a guy when his ex-girlfriend showed up and spit in her face and that began the fight. Both the driver and passenger were issued trespass notices from
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-1191
Date Reported: 04/20/2016
Time Reported: 3:35 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/20/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 3:35 PM
Location: Wofford Hall Parking Lot
Incident Type: Damage to Personal Property
Synopsis: Officer met with the victim in reference to an unknown subject who had scratched both the driver and passenger side of her vehicle.
Disposition: Admin. Closed
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/21/2016
Time Reported: 7:13 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/21/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 7:13 PM
Location: Winthrop Lake
Incident Type: Motor Vehicle Collision
Synopsis: Officer was on patrol when he was doing a U-turn and sideswiped a small tree and cracked the rear taillight lens of vehicle #50.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-1224
Date Reported: 04/21/2016
Time Reported: 7:35 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/21/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 7:35 AM
Location: Facilities Management Complex – 349 Columbia Ave.
Incident Type: Domestic Violence (3rd Degree)
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to two subjects in the parking lot. The subject assaulted the victim. When the officer arrived he was able to
make contact with the victim who was very uncooperative and did not wish to pursue charges. Officer did make contact with the subject as well via
phone and he too was very uncooperative.
Disposition: Ex-Cleared
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/21/2016
Time Reported: 12:18 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/21/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 12:18 PM
Location: Margaret Nance Parking Lot
Incident Type: Damage to Property – Act of Nature
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a tree limb that had fallen and caused damage to the victim’s vehicle.
Disposition: Complete
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/21/2016
Time Reported: 3:31 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/21/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 3:31 PM
Location: Margaret Nance Parking Lot
Incident Type: Damage to Property – Act of Nature
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a tree limb that had fallen and possible struck the victim’s vehicle. The officer was unable to conclude the
limb caused damage.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/22/2016
Time Reported: 3:30 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/22/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 3:30 AM
Location: Walk2Campus
Incident Type: Assist Other Agency
Synopsis: Officer responded to assist RHPD in reference to a breaking and entering. The victim stated she was in her room when she heard two
subjects arguing in the living room area. The victim went out of her bedroom and observed two male subjects. The subjects ran away.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/22/2016
Time Reported: 1:50 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/22/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 1:50 PM
Location: Intersection of Cherry Rd. & College Ave.
Incident Type: Off Campus Incident – Motor Vehicle Accident
Synopsis: While on patrol the officer heard about an accident near campus and responded. One of the subjects involved was a Winthrop student.
There were no injuries and RHPD worked the accident.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/22/2016
Time Reported: 10:11 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/22/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:11 PM
Location: Phelps Hall
Incident Type: Medical Assistance – Ill Student
Synopsis: Officer responded to conduct a welfare check. The mother had called and not spoken to her daughter. Officer made contact with the
student who was having a hard time speaking and shaking. EMS arrived and transported the student to PMC for further evaluation and treatment. The
student appeared to be having a panic attack.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-1299
Date Reported: 04/22/2016
Time Reported: 11:27 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/22/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 11:27 PM
Location: Wofford Hall
Incident Type: Investigation into the Odor of Marijuana
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to the odor of marijuana on the 3rd floor. Officer was able to trace it back to a room but no one was there.
There officer came back and spoke with the resident who stated she did not smoke but had friends there earlier who had. The student will be referred
to the Winthrop University Office of Judicial Affairs.
Disposition: Ex-Cleared
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: 0416-1340
Date Reported: 04/23/2016
Time Reported: 6:30 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/23/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 6:30 PM
Location: Winthrop Coliseum
Incident Type: Possession/Purchase of Beer/Wine Under 21 & Disorderly Conduct (Intoxication)
Synopsis: While working an OT event the officer observed the subject having a hard time standing and walking. Officer made contact with the subject
who was highly intoxicated. The subject was found to only be 20 years old. Subject was arrested and taken to the RHLC for booking.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/23/2016
Time Reported: 4:30 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/23/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 4:30 PM
Location: Winthrop Coliseum
Incident Type: Suspicious Person
Synopsis: Officer observed three subjects during the evening who gained entry to the event without paying or having a wristband. The subjects were
taken to the front gate and paid.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-1451
Date Reported: 04/25/2016
Time Reported: 11:13 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/25/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 11:13 PM
Location: Winthrop Amphitheatre
Incident Type: Petty Larceny
Synopsis: Officer met with the victim in reference to her purse being stolen. The victim states she was at the Amphitheatre and set her purse down
and when she returned her purse was gone.
Disposition: Admin. Closed
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/26/2016
Time Reported: 4:15 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/26/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 4:15 PM
Location: Conservatory of Music
Incident Type: Suspicious Person
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to two subjects making the victim feel uncomfortable by asking random questions and touching her arm. The
officer located the subjects and due to their varied stories they were both issued Trespass Notices for one year.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/27/2016
Time Reported: 6:24 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/27/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 6:24 PM
Location: Winthrop Lake
Incident Type: Suspicious Activity
Synopsis: Officer met with the complainant in reference to a suspicious male subject was walking in and out of the tree line near some sun bathers.
The officer made contact with the subject and his father. The subject is slightly autistic and walks everyday after work to unwind.
Disposition: Complete
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: 0416-1539
Date Reported: 04/27/2016
Time Reported: 9:01 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/27/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 9:01 PM
Location: Intersection of Charlotte Ave. & Eden Terrace
Incident Type: Traffic Stop
Synopsis: Subject was issued a State Citation for Disregarding Traffic Signal
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/28/2016
Time Reported: 1:51 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/28/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 1:51 PM
Location: Intersection of Eden Terrace & Oakland Ave.
Incident Type: Assist Other Agency – Couple Dispute
Synopsis: Officer responded to assist RHPD with a couple dispute. The subjects are students and were advised to stay apart until they could talk
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-1596
Date Reported: 04/28/2016
Time Reported: 3:30 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/28/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 3:30 PM
Location: Intersection of Cherry Rd. & Charlotte Ave.
Incident Type: Driving Under Suspension 3rd
Synopsis: Officer was flagged down in reference to the subject panhandling in the parking lot. The officer made contact with the subject after she
tried to leave and found her to be driving under suspension 3rd. The subject was arrested and taken to the RHLC for booking.
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: 0416-1597
Date Reported: 04/28/2016
Time Reported: 4:03 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/28/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 4:03 PM
Location: W. Thomson Hall
Incident Type: Missing Person Investigation
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a welfare check. The victim’s Social Worker has not been able to get in contact with the victim for a
couple of days. The officer keyed into the room and everything seems to be fine and nothing out of place. The officer has made contact with her
professors and has tried to contact the victim via phone and email with no success.
Disposition: Unfounded
Incident #: 0415-1614
Date Reported: 04/28/2016
Time Reported: 10:01 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/28/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:01 PM
Location: Improper Turn (Left)
Incident Type: Traffic Stop
Synopsis: Subject was issued a State Citation for Improper Turn (Left)
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/29/2016
Time Reported: 7:57 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/29/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 7:57 AM
Location: Intersection of Cherry Rd. & Ebenezer Ave. Ext.
Incident Type: Assist Other Agency
Synopsis: Officer responded to assist RHPD with a possible motor vehicle collision. After investigating there was no collision, the subject just stopped
in the middle of the road abruptly. The officer made contact with the subject who had a strong odor of alcoholic beverage on her person. RHPD
arrested the subject for DUI.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-1638
Date Reported: 04/29/2016
Time Reported: 7:30 AM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/28/2016 – 04/29/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 4:00 PM – 7:30 AM
Location: 501 Winthrop Garnet Dr. – Green House
Incident Type: Breaking and Entering Auto
Synopsis: Officer responded and met with the complainant who stated that when he got into the van he noticed several wires hanging down from the
dashboard and then observed the backup monitor screen was missing. A search of the immediate area failed to turn up the monitor screen.
Disposition: Admin. Closed
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/29/2016
Time Reported: 2:34 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/29/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 2:34 PM
Location: Richmond Drive Elementary School
Incident Type: Assist Other Agency
Synopsis: Officer assisted with traffic at the coliseum. There was a fire at the school and the children had been bussed to the coliseum to meet up
with their parents.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/29/2016
Time Reported: 4:00 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/29/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 4:00 PM
Location: West Center
Incident Type: Medical Assistance
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a student who had accidently been elbowed in the face while playing basketball causing a laceration. The
victim declined medical attention and stated he would see a Athletic Trainer for treatment.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-1650
Date Reported: 04/29/2016
Time Reported: 4:15 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/29/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location: Dalton Hall Parking Lot
Incident Type: Petty Larceny & Financial Transaction Card Theft
Synopsis: Officer met with the victim who stated that she parked her moped in the parking lot and when she returned the moped was gone. The
victim also stated that she left the key in the ignition. Also taken was her Wells Fargo bank card.
Disposition: Admin. Closed
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: 0416-1662
Date Reported: 04/29/2016
Time Reported: 10:40 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/29/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:40 PM
Location: The Courtyard
Incident Type: Possession of LSD, Possession of Amphetamine & Disorderly Conduct (Intoxication)
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to a subject running on the railroad tracks. Officer located the subject sitting on the sidewalk with no shoes
on. The subject had a strong odor of alcoholic beverage on her person and attempted to flee the area. The subject was placed under arrest for DC.
While searching her inventory two pill bottles were found containing LSD and Amphetamine. Subject was arrested and taken to the RHLC .
Disposition: Cleared by Arrest
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/29/2016
Time Reported: 11:55 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/29/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 11:55 PM
Location: Richardson Hall
Incident Type: Medical Assistance
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to an ill student. The student’s chest was hurting so bad he took a handful Advil. EMS responded and
checked the student who was not in immediate danger. It was determined the student did not need to go to PMC.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/30/2016
Time Reported: 4:10 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/30/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 4:10 PM
Location: Good Building
Incident Type: Other – Storage of Firearm & Knife in Evidence
Synopsis: Officer met with the student who is graduating this Sat and had to move items out of a storage unit including a gun and knife. WUPD
agreed to store the items in evidence until Saturday.
Disposition: Complete
Incident #: 0416-1692
Date Reported: 04/30/2016
Time Reported: 7:35 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/30/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 7:20 PM – 7:35 PM
Location: West Center
Incident Type: Petty Larceny
Synopsis: Officer met with the victim in reference to her wallet being stolen. The officer was notified by the victim her wallet had been found by a
Disposition: Unfounded
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/30/2016
Time Reported: 7:52 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/30/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 7:52 PM
Location: Winthrop Inn
Incident Type: Damage to Property (Act of Nature)
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to about 2 inches of water on the floor of the lobby area. FM was notified.
Disposition: Complete
Winthrop University
Police Department
Daily Case Log
Month of April, 2016
Incident #: N/A
Date Reported: 04/30/2016
Time Reported: 10:29 PM
Date(s) Occurred: 04/30/2016
Time(s) Occurred: 10:29 PM
Location: McLaurin Hall
Incident Type: Damage to Property (Act of Nature)
Synopsis: Officer responded in reference to about 2 inches of water in the lobby area. FM was notified.
Disposition: Complete