2013 Fudan University Summer Program Information for Scholarship Applicants Scholarship Opportunity: Fudan University is offering three scholarships to UNCEP nominated students for the 2013 Summer Program. This is an excellent option for students wishing to experience living and learning at a prestigious University in Shanghai China. Subject areas include Chinese Language, Society and Politics, Chinese History and Culture, and Chinese Business and Economy. Previous Chinese Language study is not required. Further course details can be found here. Students who do not receive the scholarship but still wish to participate in this affordable summer program can apply as a selfsupporting student. As a self-supported student, tuition, room and board, and fees will all be paid directly to Fudan University by the student. Instructions for applying for both programs can be found below. Program Duration: June 8- July 13, 2013 Deadline for Scholarship Applicants: January 21, 2013 Deadline for Non-Scholarship Applicants: March 15, 2013 Tuition: 3 Scholarships will be awarded to selected UNC students. Scholarship students will receive a tuition waiver, free oncampus housing, and partial meals. The application fee is waived for scholarship students. Tuition for Non-Scholarship Applicants: 11,000 RMB/ approx. $1,750 USD (as of 12/18/12). Room and Board: Students will be housed in the Fudan Foreign Student Dormitory, adjacent to the student cafeteria and gym; floors are equipped with kitchens. • Double Room 70 RMB per day/per person, approx. $12 USD (as of 12/18/12) • Single Room 100 RMB per day/per person, approx. $16 USD (as of 12/18/12) There is also a supplementary apartment style building with single bedrooms but they do not have kitchens. • Single Room 55 RMB per day, approx. $9 USD (as of 12/18/12) How to apply: Your initial application will consist of both UNCW and Fudan portions. • • • • • • • The Application Checklist for Short-Term and Summer Programs Health Information and Emergency Treatment Form Participant Agreement One completed Fudan University Application Form (see the fillable application below) One regular passport photocopy (both cover and personal information page) Passport must be valid at the time of study. Official UNCW paper Transcript – available at James Hall – cost $5.00 UNCW application fee of $125.00. Payable by check, money order or credit card. Please complete, print and sign all fillable documents. Turn all application portions in to UNCW OIP by the deadline. UNCW Office of International Programs 118 Friday Annex www.uncw.edu/international Studyabroad@uncw.edu Fudan International Summer Session 该栏由学校填写 This is to be filled in by the university. 编号___________________推荐__________________ _ 类别 专业 奖学金暑 上海市人民政府外国留学生 Application Form of Shanghai Official Scholarship Summer School for International Students (Fudan University) 请申请人用中文或英文清楚地填写以下诸项,并打印。不接受手写。不能缺项填写,没有的请写“ 无” 。 Please fill in the form clearly and print it. Handwriting is not acceptable. Please write None if not applicable. 护照名 (英 语) Full Name in English according to 姓 Family Name: 中 间名 Middle Name: 名 Given Name: 照片 your passport 中文名 必 6个 须填写,不超过 汉字。 This must be filled in no more than six characters. PHOTO Chinese Name 国籍 性 别 □ 男 Male Country of Citizenship □ 女 Female Gender 国家Country ______________________ 出生日期 出生地点 年/Year Date of Birth 月/Mon 日/Date Place of Birth 城市 City ______________________ 护照号码 护照有效期 Passport No. Passport valid until 婚姻状况 宗教信仰 Marital Status Religion 年/Year 月/Mon 日/Date 职业 工作/学 Employ 习单位 Occupation er/Institution 电话 & 手机 电子邮件 Tel & Cell phone E-mail 本国住址 Home Country Address 邮政编码 电话/传真 Zip Code Tel/Fax 访华经历,初次申请 First Time Application with NO Experiences In China □ 从未有 □ 曾有 华经历 与 Your Experiences With □ 曾有在 访华经历 With the Experiences of Visiting China before 华居住经历 With the Experiences of Living in China before Whether you have visited China or not, please write down your impressions or opinions of China. China 该地址若有变化,请及时通知留学生办公室。(Please inform the International Students Office of any change of this 书邮 address in case the admission package can’t reach you.) 通知 Mailing Address for the Admission Package 收件人 邮政编码 电话/传真 Receiver Zip Code Tel/Fax 单位 推荐 联系人 Recommended by Contact person 联系地址 电话/传真 Address Tel/Fax 习经历(从中学起填写) Educational background(From Middle School) 学 学校名称 Institutions 在校 时间 Years attended (from/to) 主修 专业 Field of study 所 获文凭 Diploma received —— —— —— —— —— —— —— 语言能力 根据个人情况 □ 从未学 □ 曾学 Language proficiency /填写 Please choose/fill in the blanks according to your personal condition 选择 习过汉语 Never learnt Chinese before 习过汉语 Have Learnt Chinese before 1. How long have you been learning Chinese? 汉语Chinese 2. Current Level : □ Elementary □ Intermediate □ Advanced □ 汉语考试水平证明 Certificate of Chinese Language Tests HSK:_______级 ; 新HSK (□初 □中 级、 □高 级、 ): ________ ; BCT:_________ ; 其他 other 级 其他Other 学 习计划 Study Plan 专业Major: 关复旦教师的联系情况: 与相 Contact with related Fudan teachers: 研究 Research Interest: 兴趣 Write down your study plan of this program: 请学习时间 Duration of Study 申 自/From 年/Year 月/Mon 日/Date 至/To 家庭情况 年/Year 月/Mon 日/Date Family Status 称谓 姓名 职业 联系电话 电子邮件 Appellation Name Occupation Tel. Email 在 Contact Person in China 华事务联系人 姓名 电话、手机 电子邮件 Name Tel & Cell phone E-mail 单位 工作 联系地址 Address /I hereby affirm that: 请人保证 申 All information and materials provided here are true and correct. 项中所填写的内容和提供的材料真实无误; 1)上述各 华期间, Duri 2)在 ng my stay in China, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government, and will not participate in any activities which are deemed to be adverse to the social order in China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a student; During my study in China, I shall observe the rules and 间,遵守学校的校纪校规,尊重学校的教学安排。 3)在学期 regulations of the university, and will concentrate on my studies and researches, and will follow the teaching programs provided by the university. 申 (无此 请人签字 (Applicant’s Signature):____________________________ 日期Date:___________________ The application is invalid without the signature.) 签名,申请无效。 预祝您申请成功! We wish your application success!