UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Department of Philosophy Student Absence Report Form

Department of Philosophy
Student Absence Report Form
In accordance with Section 4.4 of the UCL Academic Manual
< - top>, where a
student is absent from lectures, seminars, tutorials and other teaching and learning events
due to short-term illness or other extenuating circumstances the student must obtain authorisation
from UCL. This must be done by completing this form and submitting it to the Philosophy Department
Office <> within 48 hours of the beginning of the absence.
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Student Number: __________________________________________________________
Degree Programme: _______________________________________________________
Date of first day of absence: __________________________________________ _______________
Date of expected return to study: _____________________________________________________
Reason for absence (if the absence is more than 7 days, or if the absence will affect your ability to sit
an exam or complete a piece of summative work, then supporting documentation – e.g. a letter from a
medical practitioner – must be submitted to the Philosophy Department Office <>):
I confirm that the above information is correct:
Signature of Student: _______________________________ Date: __________________
Once complete, please send this form to the Philosophy Department Office
For completion by the Departmental Tutor/MA Tutor/Graduate Tutor (in cases where the
absence is 7 days or fewer):
I hereby authorise this absence:
Signed: ___________________________________________ Date:__________________
For completion by the Faculty Tutor (in cases where the absence is more than 7 days but
no more than 14 days):
I hereby authorise this absence:
Signed: ___________________________________________ Date:__________________
NB. Absence will not normally be authorised for a period of more than 14 consecutive days. In such
cases, students should consider an Interruption of Study (see Academic Manual Section 4.6). In
exceptional circumstances, applications for authorised absence of more than 14 consecutive days
may be considered by the Vice-Provost (Education and Student Affairs). However those under Tier 4
(General) visa permission will not be able to exceed 60 days authorised absence.
Please ensure both sides of this form are completed.
This Form Must Be Securely Retained By The Department