AGENDA ITEM 9-C ACTION ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN COVINGTON AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DALE ZEHNER DATE: MARCH 16, 2012 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE A SOLICITATION FOR THE ANALYSIS OF RAIL EQUIPMENT AND MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT _____________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: The VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to issue a solicitation for an independent third party analysis of VRE rail equipment and maintenance management. BACKGROUND: On June 18, 2004, a multi-year initiative to shift fleet maintenance to VRE’s outlying yards was approved by the Operations Board. As part of this initiative, construction projects at both yards were initiated to include inspection pits, service and inspection buildings, car washes, and a warehouse facility. Through these projects, VRE has been able to fully assume equipment maintenance functions. In addition to establishing the required infrastructure to support the maintenance of equipment, VRE has also procured new locomotives and passenger cars to further support operational needs and promote mechanical operations synergies. On January 20, 2012, the Operations Board approved the issuance of a task order to VRE’s mechanical engineering consultant to study and make recommendations regarding VRE’s long term rolling stock maintenance, equipment, and facility needs. This effort will result in an action plan that addresses life cycle maintenance and overhaul requirements for all VRE rolling stock. A comprehensive view of the current maintenance organization, structures, practices, and facilities is underway and once complete, this summer, will be summarized along with the identification of future requirements. Coordinated with, but independent of, this work, VRE staff analysis has brought to light the potential for major cost savings through consolidation of management functions and lean management principles, which could ultimately lead to a shift to in-house maintenance operations. This authorization would allow the pursuit of an independent third party analysis to verify the magnitude of potential cost savings as well as assist in the development of project timelines and approaches to achieving such. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CHAIRMAN COVINGTON AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD DALE ZEHNER MARCH 16, 2012 AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE A SOLICITATION FOR THE ANALYSIS OF RAIL EQUIPMENT AND MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT RESOLUTION 9c-03-2012 OF THE VIRGINIA RAILWAY EXPRESS OPERATIONS BOARD WHEREAS, on June 18, 2004, a multi-year initiative to shift fleet maintenance to VRE’s outlying yards was approved by the Operations Board; and, WHEREAS, as part of this initiative, construction projects at both yards were initiated to include inspection pits, service and inspection buildings, car washes, and a warehouse facility; and, WHEREAS, through these projects, VRE has been able to fully assume equipment maintenance functions; and, WHEREAS, on January 20, 2012, the Operations Board approved the issuance of a task order to study and make recommendations regarding VRE’s long term rolling stock maintenance, equipment, and facility needs; and, WHEREAS, related analysis has brought to light the potential for major cost savings through consolidation of management functions and lean management principles; and, WHEREAS, this authorization would allow the pursuit of an independent third party analysis to verify the magnitude of potential cost savings as well as assist in the development of project timelines and approaches to achieving such. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the VRE Operations Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to issue a solicitation for an independent third party analysis of VRE rail equipment and maintenance management.