Office of the Registrar James Hall Phone: (910) 962-3125 Fax: (910) 962-3887 Campus box: 5618 I mp o r t a n t Dates Office of the Registrar Newsletter V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 5 M a y 2 0 1 1 May 4-10 Final Exams May 13-14 UNCW Registrar’s Office Commencement May 16 Grades due by 2pm Welcomes New Assistant Registrar Zack Underwood May 19th Classes begin for Summer I May 24th Fall 2011 Pre-Registration ends at 9pm Last day for registration/Last day to drop (without a grade) or add a class for Summer I. Registration closes at 9pm. Tuition/Fee payment after this date will be subject to a late payment charge. Pre-registration for Summer II ends. Registration closes at 9pm. Tuition/Fee payment after this date will be subject to a late payment charge. May 30 We have a new edition to our Registrar’s Office staff. Zack Underwood is now the new Assistant Registrar for Catalog and Registration. Zack joins us from Appalachian State University where he was an Advisor at the Honors College since 2007. He and his wife, Ryan, look forward to enjoying the weather and meeting new people in the Wilmington area. Congrats Tre Carrington! In order to better serve all visitors of the front counter area at the Registrar’s Office, we now offer a handicap accessible computer station Memorial Day State HolidayNo classes Tre Carrington, our Banner Student Lead in the Registrar’s Office, has earned his Masters of Business Administration from UNCW this semester. We are proud of him and his achievements. Way to go Tre! Grades are due by 2:00 pm on May 16th! June 1 Re-enrolling application deadline for Fall 2011 Summer II registration reopens according to assigned registration times (time tickets) Students who register after SeaNet reopens WILL NOT receive email notification of a bill. Check your account balance on SeaNet. / eg u/r d .e nc w u du . ge w.e ww c Pa w n / k / u : o p bo r@ htt tra ace s F i e reg ffic O s ar' istr g Re Unreported grades cause problems with end-of-term processing and require approval from the department chair and academic dean for grade changes. If you have a reason to expect your grades may be late, please notify the Registrar’s Office so we can code the course for late grading.