The Newsletter - Volume 11, Issue 1 20 November 2013 Contents

The Newsletter - Volume 11, Issue 1
20 November 2013
Covers events between 1 June 2013 and 30 September 2013
New Staff Members................................................................................................................................................1
Visitors ....................................................................................................................................................................2
Promotions .............................................................................................................................................................2
Grants and Contracts ............................................................................................................................................2
Appointments (eg Editorial Boards or Committees) Grants and Contracts Awarded ...................................2
Proposals/White papers ........................................................................................................................................2
Mission Status and Developments ......................................................................................................................3
Publications – Refereed ........................................................................................................................................3
Outreach .................................................................................................................................................................6
Media Broadcasts and Features ..........................................................................................................................6
Other News Items/Activities .................................................................................................................................7
Next Issue ...............................................................................................................................................................7
New Staff Members
We are pleased to welcome the following staff and
PhD students who have recently joined MSSL:
Louise Cooper (PhD student) joined the Plasma
Physics group. She will be working with Prof
Andrew Fazakerley investigating auroral
acceleration processes using data from the
Cluster spacecraft;
William Dunn (PhD student) will be
investigating aspects of our solar system
relevant to the study of exoplanets;
Nadine Kalmoni (PhD student) will be working
with Dr Jonathan Rae, examining substorm
Abdulah Khalil joined the Electronics Group;
Dr Jason McEwen - Lecturer in Cosmology and
Leonardo Regoli (PhD student) - joined the
planetary group;
Dr Panagiotis Sidiropoulos- Research Associate
Planetary Surface Data Mining;
Dr Magdalena Szafraniec - Research Associate
Euclid Detector Scientist;
Dr Ben Taylor - Project Manager for In-Situ
Detector System;
Megan Whewell (PhD student) has joined the
astrophysics group to study high resolution X-ray
spectroscopy of Active Galactic Nuclei;
Grants and Contracts
Suzanne Winter joined the General Office as a
part-time Administrative Assistant;
Stephanie Yardley (PhD student) will be
studying filament formation in the solar
CREST 2 grant award: Technology development
for PanCam-2020: A VIS-IR Hyperspectral
Panoramic Camera Instrument for Mars
Exploration. PI A.Coates (with Aberystwyth
Appointments (eg Editorial Boards or
Committees) Grants and Contracts
The Space Plasma Physics Group was joined over
the summer by Andy May (University of
Manchester) and Stephen Fuge (University of
Southampton). Andy worked with Colin Forsyth
and Dhiren Kataria to develop an attitude control
system for QB50. The project was funded by the
RAS through a Nuffield Undergraduate Bursary.
Stephen worked with Jonny Rae on a project to
investigate the feasibility of a new space weather
mission concept. The work by these students has
fed directly into active projects at MSSL.
On 13 August David Willetts, the Minister for
Universities and Science, visited MSSL. This was a
unique opportunity for us to show the Minister what
we do and how our hard work, ethos and
engagement with industry has led to MSSL's preeminence and impressive growth of 20% over the
last three years.
The UCL Academy visited on 29 and 30 August.
They spent a couple of "away days" at MSSL with
their new intake of teaching staff.
Jack Carlyle elected student representative of
UKSP council;
Andrew Coates is a programme committee
member for AGU Chapman conference on
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the
Solar System, Yosemite, 9-14 February 2014;
Louise Harra was appointed to STFC’s
Challenge-led applied systems programme
Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi was appointed to the
ISSI Science Committee for three years;
Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi served as member of
the AGU Space Weather Prize Committee;
David Williams elected deputy chair of UK Solar
Physics council.
Proposals/White papers
The STFC Advanced Summer School in Solar and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, organized by Sarah
Matthews, was a roaring success. 24 students
attended from both MSSL and elsewhere (2-6
The Leverhulme-funded sun-quake workshop took
place during the week of the 9 September with
many international experts attending.
The MSSL SWA team hosted a visit from Mario
Tragni, a member of the new SWA DPU consortium
on 12 September. Useful discussions on the
required performance of the DPU were held.
Peter Gallagher from Trinity College, Dublin,
visited and gave a seminar on The Shocking
Naoto Nishisuka visited from ISAS, Japan.
Congratulations to Lidia Van Driel-Gesztelyi who
has been promoted to Professor and Michael Emes
who has been promoted to Principal Research
Proposal entitled “Creating a virtual intensive
care system - to enable data mining as a
treatment aid”, submitted to Wellcome Trust Louise Harra;
Proposal to renew the post-launch support for
Hinode submitted to UKSA in the middle ot
September - Louise Harra/Khalid Al-Janabi/John
Proposal for PROBA2/SWAP Guest Investigator
- Deb Baker;
A joint Solar (Green, Long) and Plasma (Rae)
Group proposal was submitted to the US Air
Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
entitled "Formation and evolution of coronal
mass ejections". This work entailed developing
a capability to forecast the magnetic
configuration of CMEs and arrival time at L1 by
the modeling of the erupting flux rope and
developing an empirical model of the evolution
of the CME through the heliosphere using
remote sensing techniques. The results will be
verified by in situ observations at L1, and will
provide an excellent platform for Solar Orbiter
work in the upcoming years;
A NERC New Investigator Grant was submitted
by Jonny Rae, in collaboration with colleagues
at BAS (Freeman) and the University of
Southampton (Jackman), entitled " Determining
and understanding substorm energy loss and
partitioning". This project seeks to understand
how variable the substorm process is, and how
the stored magnetic energy in the magnetotail
is partitioned between the upper atmosphere
and other sinks, in order to better understand
and model the substorm process.
Since we were unfamiliar with this consortium, who
in turn have no previous involvement with Solar
Orbiter or charged particle instruments, the summer
period has required significant effort from MSSL
staff, which will likely continue for some time yet, in
bringing them up to speed. An immediate
consequence is the postponement of the SWA
CDR, which had been scheduled for
October/November to a TBD date probably in April
next year.
Mission Status and Developments
Cassini - is in its extended extended (Solstice)
mission phase. The CAPS instrument (including
ELS) was off during the reporting period. The
operations funding will cease in December 2013.
Scientific analysis continued apace (see
publications and presentations).
On less problematic grounds, MSSL has supported
the latest in the regular series of EMC WG
meetings, formally reported progress to UKSA
through the SO Project Management Board, and
attended a meeting with the PI’s of the NASA Solar
Probe Plus mission to ensure that the two missions
are able to make coordinated measurements.
Several members of MSSL also participated in a
“Risk Reduction Workshop” with a group from
Astrium UK, comprised largely of individuals from
outside of the ASUK SO project team. Ideas were
exchanged on how working practices and
communications might be improved on future
missions. Chris Owen represented the SWA team
at the 13th SO SWT in Brussels in late September.
Finally, we were able to show off the structural
thermal model of SWA EAS, which has been
assembled at the lab, to David Willets during his
Cluster - The Cluster Auroral Acceleration Region
Campaign continued with an optimised
constellation through to mid July, after which the
constellation was modified for the Inner
Magnetosphere Campaign. The modified
constellation remained moderately useful for small
scale auroral observations until the next change in
During June work continued to explore the
anomalous behavior of Cluster 3 PEACE DPU
when operating in dual processor mode and to
demonstrate that operation in single processor
mode is effective, followed by a transition to routine
operations in single processor mode.
Cluster Active Archive Operations Review 05-06
June; attended by Natasha Doss and Andrew
Fazakerley; Natasha delivered the PEACE
LKH -Solar Orbiter EUI is under preparation for the
instrument Critical Design Review that will begin in
A meeting of the ISSI Team on analysis of Cluster
Auroral Data led by Colin Forsyth was held on 8-12
July; Colin Forsyth and Andrew Fazakerley
Venus Express and Mars Express - ASPERA
continues to operate on both spacecraft and we
are involved in scientific papers (see lists).
ExoMars - Regular telecons with ESA and TAS-I
and within the team are continuing. Progress
continues on preparing for delta-PDR due in
Autumn 2013.
Publications – Refereed
Hinode - EIS is observing with the recently
launched NASA IRIS mission during their “first
science phase”.
JUICE - Involvement with PEP team continues.
Solar Orbiter - Solar Orbiter SWA activity has been
dominated by the responses necessary from the
MSSL PI team in light of decisions by the Italian
Space Agency to impose a major change of
direction in the industrial procurement process for
the SWA DPU. The team with which we have
worked for many years, dating back to preproposal, were not funded for the build phase of the
DPU, with a new team, led by TSD Space, being
funded instead.
Coates, A.J., A. Wellbrock, G.H. Jones, J.H.
Waite, P. Schippers, M.F. Thomsen, C.S.
Arridge, and R.L. Tokar, Photoelectrons in the
Enceladus plume, J. Geophys. Res., Volume
118, Issue 8, August 2013, Pages: 5099–5108,
DOI: 10.1002/jgra.50495, Aug 2013.
Snowden, D., R.V. Yelle, M. Galand, A. Coates,
A. Wellbrock, G.H. Jones, P. Lavvas, Auroral
Electron Precipitation and Flux Tube Erosion in
Titan's Upper Atmosphere, Icarus, 226, 186204, Sep-Oct 2013.
Török, T., Temmer, M., Valori, G., Veronig, A.M.,
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.., Vrsnak, B. (2013)
Initiation of coronal mass ejections by sunspot
rotation. Solar Phys., 286, 453-477. doi:
Walsh, A.P., C.S. Arridge, A. Masters, G.R.
Lewis, A.N. Fazakerley, G.H. Jones, C.J. Owen,
and A.J. Coates, An indication of the existence
of a solar wind strahl at 10AU, Geophys. Res.
Lett., 40, 2495–2499, DOI: 10.1002/grl.50529,
Jun 2013.
Wellbrock, A., A.J. Coates, G.H. Jones, G.R.
Lewis and J.H. Waite, Cassini CAPS-ELS
observations of negative ions in Titan’s
ionosphere: Trends of density with altitude,
10.1002/grl.50751, Sep 2013.
Papers in press
Baker, Brooks, Demoulin, van Driel-Gesztelyi,
Green, Steed, and Carlyle, Plasma Composition
in a Sigmoidal Anemone Active Region, ApJ,
Byrne, Long, Gallagher, Bloomfield, Maloney,
McAteer, Morgan, Habbal, Improved Methods
for determining the kinematics of coronal mass
ejections and coronal waves, A&A, accepted.
Carley, Long, Byrne, Zucca, McCauley,
Gallagher, Quasi-periodic acceleration of
electrons by a plasmoid-driven shock in the solar
atmosphere, Nature Physics, accepted.
Coates, A.J., Surprises from Saturn - and
Proceedings of 12th Annual International
problems in Heliophysics: from coronal heating
to the edge of the heliosphere”, ASP conference
series, in press, Aug 2013.
Feeney, S.M., M. C. Johnson, J. D. McEwen,
D. J. Mortlock, and H. V. Peiris. Hierarchical
Bayesian detection algorithm for early-Universe
background. Phys. Rev. D., in press,
Harra, Matthews, Culhane, Cheung, Kontar and
Hara, The Location of Non-thermal Velocity in
the Early Phases of Large Flares - Revealing
Pre-eruption Flux Ropes, ApJ, in press.
Imada, Aoki, Hara, Watanabe, Harra and
Shimizu, Evidence for hot fast flow above a solar
flare arcade, ApJL, in press.
Leistedt, B., J. D. McEwen, P. Vandergheynst,
and Y. Wiaux. S2LET: A code to perform fast
wavelet analysis on the sphere. Astron. &
Astrophys., in press, 2013.
Radioti, A., D. Grodent, J.-C. Gerard, B.
Bonfond, J. Gustin, W. Pryor, J. M. Jasinski, and
C. S. Arridge, Auroral signatures of multiple
magnetopause reconnection at Saturn, GRL, in
press, Aug 2013.
Schmieder, Moreno-Insertis, Aulanier, Yelles
Chaouche, Nishizuka, Harra, Thalmann, Vargas
Dominiguez, Liu, Twisting solar coronal jet
launched at the boundary of an active region,
A&A, accepted.
Wolz, L., J. D. McEwen, F. B. Abdalla, R. E.
Carrillo, and Y. Wiaux. Revisiting the spread
spectrum effect in radio interferometric imaging:
a sparse variant of the w-projection
algorithm. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., in press,
Yuen, P., Y. Gao, A. Griffiths, A. Coates, J.-P.
Muller, A. Smith, D. Walton, C. Leff, B. Hancock,
and D. Shin, ExoMars rover PanCam:
Autonomous & Computational Intelligence, IEEE
Computational Intelligence Magazine (CIM)
Special Issue on Computational Intelligence for
Space Systems and Operation, in press, Aug 13.
Invited Talks and Conferences
Graziella Branduardi-Raymont:
Talked at EPSC2013 in UCL about the
forthcoming Jupiter multiwavelength observing
campaign associated with measurements by the
Japanese UV spectrometer Hisaki mission. (813 September);
an EPSC session on “Plasma
structures at the planets and beyond” which led
to a lively workshop-type discussion about future
plans and opportunities for SWCX observations
of the Earth's magnetosphere.
Andrew Coates:
was an ESA-funded lecturer at the third ESACAS Mars Advanced School, Beijing, China,
where he gave 4 lectures: The ionosphere of
Mars; The Mars-solar wind interaction;
Atmospheric escape; and Comparative plasma
interactions, 2-14 Sept;
presented two invited talks at ISSI Workshop
Bern, 23-27 Sept. They were entitled, “Plasma
Sources for Solar System Magnetospheres” and
“Electron populations in the magnetosphere of
Jason McEwen:
Gave a talk entitled Scale-discretised wavelets
on the sphere at Wavelets XII, SPIE Optics and
Photoics, San Diego, USA, Aug;
Fourier-Laguerre transform, convolution and
wavelets on the ball
10th International
Theory and
Applications (SampTA), Bremen, Germany,
Signal processing on spherical manifolds
Probabilistic And Statistical techniques for
Cosmological AnaLysis (PASCAL) workshop,
Rome, Italy, June.
David Long
Talk at UK-Ukraine solar meeting in Kiev, 16
Chris Owen attended the STFC Introductory
Summer School on Solar and Terrestrial Physics,
held at the Eötvös University in Budapest, 25-30
August, to lecture students on the structure of the
Prof. Andrew Fazakerley and Dr Colin Forsyth both
attended the 23rd Cluster Workshop, held in
Tromso, Norway. Colin gave an invited talk on the
sub-structure of the substorm current wedge and
Andrew gave a contributed talk on new
observations of electron phase space holes in the
auroral regions. Andrew also gave a talk on behalf
of Kirthika Mohan on electron "noses" in the inner
magnetosphere and Colin gave a talk on behalf of
Ali Varsani on high time resolution observations of
flux transfer events.
Coates, A.J., Plasma interaction with Mars,
Venus and Titan: similarities and differences
Coates, A.J., A.D. Griffiths, C.E. Leff, C.R.
Cousins, R. Jaumann, N. Schmitz, J.-L. Josset,
G. Paar, D.P. Barnes, and the PanCam Team,
The PanCam instrument for the ExoMars 2018
rover: science objectives and instrument
Kataria, D., A.J. Coates, H. Hu, R.E. Cole, M.
Hailey, E. Ueberschaer, Development of a
Miniaturised Plasma Analyser for In-flight
Demonstration on the UK’s Techdemosat
Mission (contibuted talk);
Wellbrock, A., A.J. Coates, G.H. Jones, G.R.
Lewis, Heavy Negative Ion Trends at Titan
(invited poster).
National Astronomy Meeting at St Andrews,
Scotland, 1-5 July. This was attended by many
MSSL staff and students:
Smith, A. and Coates, A.J., QB50 update
Coates, A.J., M. Dougherty, E. Bunce, L.
Fletcher on behalf of the ESA Science Study
Team, Plasma interactions with Ganymede,
Europa, Callisto and Jupiter: the prospects for
ESA’s JUICE mission (invited);
Graziella Branduardi-Raymont talked on the
AXIOM concept (Solar Wind Charge Exchange,
SWCX, X-ray global imaging of the Earth's
 Alice Foster, Kirthika Mohan and Ali Varsani
attended. Ali and Alice gave talks and Kirthika
presented a poste. All three were very well
received by peers.
Members of Solar Orbiter SWA consortium went to
the 13th Solar orbiter SWT meeting held at the
Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels to attend
the 13th Solar Orbiter Science Working Team
meeting, 24-26 September. Latest developments in
the Solar Orbiter Program were reviewed and the
SWA PI, Prof Chris Owen (UCL/MSSL) reported the
latest progress on the SWA development program
to the wider Solar Orbiter community. Significant
news from the meeting is that the primary launch
slot will now be in the summer of 2017, with a backup window about a year later. The SWT was
followed by a meeting of the Solar Orbiter Data
Analysis Working Group, which discussed plans for
data format formalisation to promote crossinstrument exchange of data and analysis.
Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets 2013,
Athens, Greece, 8-12 July. Andrew Coates, Chris
Arridge, Jamie Jasinski and Tom Nordheim
attended presenting and contributing to several
International Venus Workshop, Catania, 10-14
June. Andrew Coates and Tom Nordheim gave
Coates, A.J., A. Wellbrock, R.A. Frahm, J.D.
Winningham, S. Barabash, R. Lundin,
Ionospheric photoelectron observations at
Nordheim, T., L.R. Dartnell and A.J. Coates,
Cosmic ray ionization in the Venusian
atmosphere from Monte Carlo modeling.
10th AOGS meeting, Brisbane, 24-28 June.
Andrew Coates, Dhiren Kataria and Anne
Wellbrock attended:
Coates, A.J., Observed interactions between
Saturn’s magnetosphere and moons (Invited Tutorial);
Wellbrock, A., A.J. Coates, G.H. Jones, G.R.
Lewis, J.H. Waite, Heavy negative ion trends at
Jasinski, J.M., C.S. Arridge, A. J. Coates,
Magnetospheric Cusps;
Jasinski, J.M., C.S. Arridge, A.J. Coates, Theory
and modelling of cusp particle signatures at
Saturn and Jupiter;
Jones, G.H., C.S. Arridge, A.J. Coates, A.
Wellbrock, H. Kriegel, P. Meier, Negativelycharged particle pickup in the Enceladus plume;
Nordheim, T., G.H. Jones, E. Roussos, J.S.
Leisner, C. S. Arridge, A.J. Coates, W.S. Kurth,
K.K. Khurana, N.Krupp, Surface charging at
Hyperion, a possible remote detection;
Pilkington, N.M., N. Achilleos, C. S. Arridge, N.
Sergis, A. Masters, A.J. Coates, M. K.
Dougherty, Observations of the Polar Flattening
of Saturn's Magnetosphere using in-situ Cassini
Rymer, A.M., J.F. Carbary, T.W. Hill and A.J.
Coates, A Paradigm Shift in our Understanding
of the Origin of Bi-Modal Electron Distributions at
Talks were given by:Kim Birkett:
comets at Foredown Tower Astronomers, 18
Andrew Coates:
“Mars exploration – and the ExoMars mission”,
at Probus Club of Crawley Forest, 13 June;
“The JUpiter ICy moon Explorer (JUICE)
mission” at Worthing astronomical society, 17
Colin Forsyth:
 propagation to the Crawley Amateur Radio Club
Anne Wellbrock convened a session at the
European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC),
UCL, 8-13 September. The planetary science
group made or contributed to several presentations
Coates, A.J., A. Wellbrock, G.H. Jones,
J.H.Waite, C.S. Arridge, P. Schippers, M.F.
Thomsen and R.L. Tokar, Water cluster
chemistry and photoelectrons in the Enceladus
Coates, A.J., A.D. Griffiths, C.E. Leff, C.R.
Cousins, R. Jaumann, N. Schmitz, J.-L. Josset,
G. Paar, D.P. Barnes, and the PanCam Team,
The PanCam instrument for the ExoMars 2018
rover: science objectives and instrument
Jones, G.H., C.S. Arridge, A.J. Coates, A.
Wellbrock, H. Kriegel, and P. Meier, Negativelycharged particle pickup in the Enceladus plume
Jasinski, J.M., C.S. Arridge, and A.J. Coates,
Theory and modelling of cusp particle signatures
at Saturn and Jupiter;
Felici, M., C.S. Arridge, A.J. Coates, and M.K.
Dougherty, Cold ions and electrons in Saturn's
Nordheim, T., L.R. Dartnell, and A.J. Coates,
Cosmic ray ionization in the Venusian
Wellbrock, A., A.J. Coates, G.H. Jones, G.R.
Lewis, and J.H. Waite, CAPS-ELS negative ion
density trends at Titan;
Birkett, K.S., G.H. Jones, and A.J. Coates,
Modelling Cometary Sodium Tails
Vigren, E., M. Galand, I. Mueller-Wodarg, A.
Wellbrock, A.J. Coates, R.V. Yelle, D. Snowden,
J. Cui, P. Lavvas, K. Ågren, J.E. Wahlund, and
V. Vuitton, Thermal electron balance in Titan's
nightside ionosphere;
Modolo, R., E. Dubinin, J.J. Berthelier, N.
Romanelli, C. Bertucci, A. Coates, N. Edberg,
and J.E. Wahlund, Outflow and plasma
acceleration in Titan's induced magnetotail.
(17 July);
Horsham Amateur Radio Club (1 August);
Reading And District Amateur Radio Club (26
Lucie Green:
on space weather at the Cheltenham Science
at My favourite scientist event at Cheltenham
Science Festival;
on the Sun and stars, Worthing;
on maths and solar observations, Greenwich.
Louise Harra:
Herstmonceux Science festival, 7 Sept.
Geraint Jones, supported by many members of the
Planetary Group, organised The Ice Worlds exhibit
at the Royal Society Summer Exhibition. Over the
week of the exhibition in early July, there were
several thousand visitors.
Media Broadcasts and Features
An article about GlobAlbedo appeared on the ESA
website. It is copied at
Andrew Coates:
Interview for BBC News on Voyager in
interstellar space, 10 Sept;
Interview for the Times on water on Mars
(mentioned ExoMars) (appeared 27 Sept.);
Interview for Space: UK magazine (UKSA) on
JUICE mission, Issue 38, Summer 2013 p12-17;
Interviews for BBC news on Mars habitability
and ExoMars, also live on BBC World (18 July)
and News Channel (19 July);
Interview for the Times on life from Mars and the
ExoMars rover mission (appeared 29 August).
Lucie Green:
Radio 5 Live Richard Bacon show;
Sky at Night monthly astronomy programme.
Craig Leff:
Interview on Channel 5 news, on Curiosity
exploration), 6 August.
David Long:
Interview on “Science Friday” on National Public
Radio (NPR);
Articles on solar tsunamis in Los Angeles Times,, BBC News.
Other News Items/Activities
The winners of the 2013 MSSL Croquet
Tournament were “Hoopless Beginners”. Kevin
Benson and Chris Dolding (with team mate
Howard Huckle cheering from the stands). They
beat Tom Kitching and Jason McEwen from
Mullard Cosmology Croquet: MC2 14-7.
Thanks go to Neville Shane who has organized the
tournament over the last few years.
The annual cricket match was held on 4
September. Congratulations to the "MSSL 37 and
Under Team" who won a close match by 3 wickets
over the "MSSL Over 37s Team".
Highlights of the game were a hat-trick (3 wickets
in successive balls) by Jake Duhigg (summer
student in climate extremes), and an unbroken 7th
wicket partnership of 45 runs between Matt Hills
and Ben Taylor which saw the "MSSL 37 and
Under Team" over the line. Matt Whillock's allround performance stood out for the "MSSL Over
37s Team".
Next Issue
The next issue of The Newsletter (Volume 11,
Issue 2) will be published in January 2014. This will
cover activities from 1 October 2013 to 31
December 2013.