Monthly Peerformance Metrics - OTTP December saw On Time Performancee (OTP) return to the levell VRE and its passengers have becom me accustomeed to – 97%. While Novem mber was still respectable at 95%, the equipment and infrastruucture improovements made over the last several years have allowed OTPP to stay at thhis very high llevel. MONTHLY ON-TIME O PERFORRMANCE Deecember Frederricksburg OTP Avverage ON-TIM ME PERCENTAGE 97% Deecember Manasssas OTP Averag e 98% VRRE DEC OVERALLL OTP AVERAGEE 97% Both lines individually also a achieved exceptional results with the Fredericcksburg line operating at a 97% and the t Manassass line operatinng at 98%. OOTP has now hit 90% or above for the thirteen coonsecutive m onths – an onngoing recordd for the systeem. Moonthly Perforrmance Metrrics - Delays Thee charts below provide a more detaailed look at delays overr the past thhree monthss, including the reasons atttributable to them. t The avverage length of delay for October and November iss reflective off the service disruptions inccurred, including the fatalitties. SYSSTEMWIDE Tottal delays Aveerage length of d delay (mins.) Delays 30 minutes and over Dayys with heat resttrictions/Total d days On‐‐Time Performan nce OC CT 2012 NOV 2012 24 28 28 31 Aveerage length of delay (mins.) Delays 30 minutes and over On‐‐Time Performan nce Aveerage length of delay (mins.) Delays 30 minutes and over On‐‐Time Performan nce TOTALS PERCENT Signal/Switcch Failure 0 0% Slow O rders 1 4% M/W W 1 4% Train Interrference 15 58% AMTR RAK 2 8% Freigght 0 0% VRE 13 50% Mechanicaal Failure 1 4% 4 0/20 0 6 0//19 96% 95% 9 13 41 97 7% 3 97 7% 13 40 3 95% 9 15 20 28 2 Late TTurn 0 0% 4 96% 1 95% 9 3 98 8% PAX Han ndling 3 11% Weatther 0 0% Crew Reelated 0 0% Other/Scchedule 5 19% TOTA AL 26 100% 11 20 3 96% MAANASSAS LINE Tottal delays REASSON 7 0/22 FREEDERICKSBURG LINE Tottal delays DEC 2012 26 2 37 3 43 4 2 Riddership Updaate Aveerage daily ridership r for December 20012 was slighhtly higher thhan Decemberr 2011. The taable below shhows more cleearly the monnth to month ridership forr December, as comparedd to the samee period last year. Althouggh we only achhieved 2 dayss over 20,0000 daily riders, we did have nine additionaal days over 19,000 and twwo days abovee 18,800. December 2012 RIDERSHIP MOONTH TO MONTH COMPARISON DESCRIIPTION MONTHLY RIDERSHIP AVERAAGE 19,124 December 2011 SERVICE DAYS (CURRENT/PPRIOR) PERCENT CHANGE 18,,379 (144/19) 44% Thee first five service days off January shoow that the trend is continuing with onee day over 20,000 and twoo days over 19,000. Ovverview of Moonthly Citatioons A OCCURRRENCES FINE Forr the month of Decemberr, VRE issuedd a COURT ACTIONS 115 $100 Prepaid prior to court tottal of 118 citattions. This is consistent with w 8 $100 thee prior year, but higher than Novembber Guilty 2 26 $100 Guilty in absentia (988 citations). Of O the 118 citaations issued,, 17 1 $500 Guilty Class 2 misdemeaanor were waived byy VRE. Of the remaining 101 Not guiltty 8 $0 citations, 8 werre found not guilty, 13 weere Dismisseed 113 $0 dissmissed and 30 weere Continueed to next ccourt 229 $0 conntinued/appeealed. This means that 500% date 1 $0 of the passenggers issued citations weere Appealedd pending 1001 $5,400 fouund guilty of violating VREE’s fare evasiion TOTAL pollicy. And, unfortunately, foor the second month in a roow, a frauduleent ticket wass confiscated. 3 COURT COSTS $81 $81 $116 $81 $0 $486 $0 $0 $6,031 Potomac Shorees Update t Potomac Shores development, the Potomac Shoores station Witth the third track funding approval andd activity on the conntinues to be a focal pointt as I recently had discusssions with thee property owwner, the hosst railroad (CSX) and the Commonwealth as to how thee third track and a two platfoorm station c an best be inttegrated into the VRE system. m I have met m with the key figures inn the develop ment of Potomac Shores: Stan Brown, Senior Vice Over the past month C Tischer, Vice President of Easteern Region AAcquisitions; MMike Lubeley,, partner at Preesident of Deevelopment; Casey Walsh, Colucci, Lubeley, Emrich, and Waalsh; and Ed Byrne, Vice Preesident of Prroject Manageement for Arggent Managem ment. Over thee course of sseveral meettings, we havve discussed the station andd track requirements as wwell as potenttial parking ddemands for thee new station. I haave also had several conversations witth Jay Westbrrook, Senior Vice President with CSX and Quintin Kendall, Regional Vice Preesident of CSSX, regarding how the stattion will be programmed intoo the networrk as the third track prooject is advannced. I also conntinue to worrk closely witth Supervisorr Caddigan too manage thee complexitiess of this projject and the relationship witth the high speed rail projeect being advaanced by the Commonweallth. Supervisoor Caddigan iss working with Secretary Connaughton annd I believe wee are moving closer to making a VRE staation at Potom mac Shores a reality. Gainesville-Hayymarket On January 8, 2013, 2 VRE advised Norfolk Southern S that we accepted their latest pproposed ameendments to tthe match agrreement. If thhese are still acceptable a too them the agreement soliddifies the contribution of NNorfolk Southeern to the prooject and will allow VRE to proceed with the planning and environm mental work. 4 Equipment Upddate In January of 2012, 2 the VRE Operations Board B approved a contract for 8 of thee next 15 neww passenger ccars needed forr VRE servicee. In Januaryy 2013, produuction at Nipppon-Sharyo’s Toyokawa, JJapan manufaacturing facility started. Pieece parts andd assemblies for the car shells s will be completed bby summer. TThe car shellss will then bee shipped to Nipppon Sharyo’ss new manufaacturing faciliity in Rochellee, IL for final assembly. With the openinng of this neww facility, all futture VRE car orders o with Sumitomo Corporation/Nippon Sharyo wwill be assembbled entirely iin the U.S. 5 Security Cameera Installatioon Wee have now addded a total of 20 security cameras at four f VRE station locations;; Burke Centrre, Woodbridgge, Quantico, andd Fredericksbburg. Statioon Fredeericksburg Quanttico Woodbridge Burkee Centre Fixedd Camera 1 1 2 1 Pan Tilt Zoom (PTTZ) Camera 3 2 7 3 A Network Videeo Recorder (NVR) was also a installedd which can retain 90 days of recorrded video foootage. VRE perrsonnel can remotely r acceess this information. The project p is appproximately 990% completee and will be done by the endd of the month. Lonng Bridge Uppdate Thee District Deppartment of Trransportationn (DDOT), in coooperation with the Federal Railroad Adm ministration (FRRA), has undertaken a study of the Long Bridge acrosss thee Potomac Rivver. This is thhe only railroaad bridge connnecting the District D of Columbia and Virginia. The tw wo traack bridge, ow wned by CSX, carries c CSX, VRE, V Amtrak and a staate trains andd is a severe bottle b neck for the corridor. DDOT will complete a compreehensive study to include the ideentification of short-term needs, n long-teerm capacity impprovements, analysis of altternatives, annd evaluation of reccommended improvementss. 6 Thee study is a collaborative effort e between the users of the bridge aand also includes extensivee stakeholderr cooordination witth agencies such as the USS Departmentt of the Interioor and Nationnal Park Service, Virginia DDepartment of TTransportatioon, Virginia Deepartment of Rail and Public Transportaation, US Coasst Guard, and the US Armyy Corps of Enggineers. VRE staff s is activeely participating in the studdy. A final rep ort is scheduuled to be com mpleted this summer. Prooject information can be viiewed at www 7 R Rideershiip Decembber Date Manassas AM Manassas M PM Tota al Manassas Actual OTP TD Fred'bu urg AM Fred'bu urg PM Fred'burg g Total Actual OTP P TD Total Trips Actual A OTP TD 1 2 3 4,624 4,715 9,339 94% 4,690 4,806 9,49 96 100% 18,835 97% 4 5,150 4,704 9,853 100% 5,218 5,344 10,56 62 100% 20,416 100% 5 4,811 4,544 9,355 100% 4,745 5,190 9,93 36 100% 19,290 100% 6 4,934 4,694 9,628 100% 4,944 5,204 10,14 48 100% 19,776 100% 7 3,888 3,938 7,826 100% 4,337 4,473 8,80 09 100% 16,635 100% 10 0 4,631 4,738 9,369 100% 4,469 5,147 9,61 16 100% 18,986 100% 11 1 5,102 5,076 10,178 100% 5,204 5,391 10,59 95 100% 20,773 100% 12 2 4,994 4,217 9,212 100% 5,002 5,168 10,17 70 100% 19,382 100% 13 3 4,960 4,553 9,514 100% 5,045 5,052 10,09 98 100% 19,611 100% 14 4 4,014 4,032 8,046 94% 4,400 4,071 8,47 72 100% 16,518 97% 17 7 5,115 4,957 10,072 75% 4,565 5,065 9,63 31 71% 19,703 73% 18 8 5,048 4,430 9,478 100% 4,961 5,144 10,10 05 100% 19,583 100% 19 9 4,844 4,422 9,266 100% 5,073 5,062 10,13 35 100% 19,401 100% 20 0 4,735 4,384 9,119 100% 4,856 4,854 9,71 10 86% 18,829 93% 21 1 3,634 3,425 7,059 100% 3,837 4,002 7,83 38 100% 14,897 100% 100% 8 9 15 5 16 6 22 2 23 3 24 4 25 5 26 6 1,710 3,253 100% 2,538 2,499 5,03 37 100% 8,291 27 7 1,886 1,762 3,648 100% 3,126 3,146 6,27 72 86% 9,920 93% 28 8 1,508 1,773 3,281 100% 2,489 2,792 5,28 81 100% 8,562 100% 1,338 1,455 2,793 100% 1,871 1,990 3,86 61 100% 6,655 100% 76,928 73,362 150,290 98% 81,370 84,402 1 165,772 97% 316,062 97% A Amtrak Trains: 477 ak Trains: Amtra 5,683 130,731 Adjus ted Total: T 143,166 Adjusted Total: 273,897 3 322,222 Adjusted Total: T 273,897 1,544 29 9 30 0 31 1* A Adjusted total: # off Service Days: Manassas Daily Avg. Trips: Total Trips This s Month: 14 ed Avg.: 7,910 Adjuste 9338 Prior Total FY-2013: Fred'burg Daily Avg. Trips: 8,725 Adjuste ed Avg.: 10226 Total Trips s FY-2013: 2,2 260,408 vg. Daily Trips: Total Av 16,635 Adjuste ed Avg.: 19,564 Total Prio or Years: 57,7 778,565 Gra and Total: 1, 938,186 60,0 038,973 Note: Adjusted Averag ges & Totals inclu ude all VRE trips s taken on Amtra ak trains, but do not n include "S" sc chedule days. * desiignates "S" scheedule day On-Tiime Perforrman nce System Perfor P rmancee Januaary 20100 – Deceember 2012 10 00.00% 9 95.00% 9 90.00% 8 85.00% 8 80.00% 7 75.00% 7 70.00% 6 65.00% 6 60.00% 5 55.00% 5 50.00% 4 45.00% System m Trendline On-Tiime Perfor P rman nce Peerform mance bby Linee Januar J ry 2010 – December 2012 10 00.0% 9 95.0% 9 90.0% 8 85.0% 8 80.0% 7 75.0% 7 70.0% 6 65.0% 6 60.0% 5 55.0% 5 50.0% 4 45.0% Frederricksburg Manassaas Line Frederricksburg Trendline e Manassaas Trendlline Train n Utiliizatio on Freddericcksbuurg Line Novem mber 22012 160% % 140% % 17% Capacity 120% % 100% % 80% % 60% % 40% % 19% 19% 10% 64% 58% 25% % 17% 19% 26% 111% 17% 1 74% 6 70% 68% 81% % 86% 79% % 15% 80% % 13% 56% 52% 20% % 43% % 8% 25% 0% % 300 302 304 306 3 308 310 312 301 3033 305 307 7 309 311 313 Average Ridersship Midweekk Peak Train n Utiliizatio on Manas M ssas Line Decem mber 22012 140% % 120% % 14% C it Capacity 100% % 80% % 60% % 40% % 20% % 16% 1 15% 13% 69% 6 59% 16% 65% 75% % 117% 16% 17% 90% 774% 70% 21% 65% 54% 43% % 11% 33% % 4% 20% % 188% 0% % 14% 322 324 3 326 328 330 0 332 3225 327 3329 331 333 335 5 337 Average Ridersship Midweekk Peak Parking Uttilizattion Decem mber 2012 42% % 1600 Parking Spaces Parking Spaces 1400 1200 1000 86% % 78% 71% 800 600 400 59% 61% % 57% 57% 73% % 82% 82% % 61% 72% % 200 0 V BL V RR V BC PV M SS M U BR R DB LO W P RI N QA V BK R* LL G* FB No. of sspaces No. in usse * Denotess stations w with overflow parkin ng availablee that is no ow being included in final counts. Bicyccle Co ountss Decem mber 2012 N No. of Bicycles Parked f Bi l P k d 10 7 6 5 4 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 * Jo oint use faacility ‐ riders of V VRE and M Metro can nnot be d differentia ated 0