Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/01/2014 I1502341 Interstate Solutions Unrestricted Central Receiving Resale Central Supplies 10/01/2014 I1502549 Professional Printers Inc Unrestricted Admissions Printing Outside Prepared 10/01/2014 I1502621 Pearson Unrestricted Psychology Educational Supplies 725.33 10/01/2014 I1502786 Dell Marketing LP Restricted Task Order 4 FY14-15 IT Minor Equipment Less T 996.65 10/01/2014 I1502786 Dell Marketing LP Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 IT Minor Equipment Less T 996.65 10/01/2014 I1502786 Dell Marketing LP Restricted Task Order 10 FY14 State IT Minor Equipment Less T 1,993.30 10/01/2014 I1502786 Dell Marketing LP Restricted Task Order 3 FY2014 IT Minor Equipment Less T 1,993.32 10/01/2014 I1502787 Dell Marketing LP Restricted Task Order 3 FY2014 IT Minor Equipment Less T 83.44 10/01/2014 I1502787 Dell Marketing LP Restricted Task Order 4 FY14-15 IT Minor Equipment Less T 41.72 10/01/2014 I1502787 Dell Marketing LP Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 IT Minor Equipment Less T 41.72 10/01/2014 I1502787 Dell Marketing LP Restricted Task Order 10 FY14 State IT Minor Equipment Less T 83.44 10/01/2014 I1502816 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Medical Services 407.53 10/01/2014 I1502823 The Johnsonian Unrestricted Interdisciplinary Studies Advertising Costs 270.00 10/01/2014 I1502824 Piedmont Express & Primar Unrestricted Athletics Medical Services 255.00 10/01/2014 I1502825 Winthrop University Athle Unrestricted Athletics Student Travel 438.10 10/01/2014 I1502826 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Mil 119.60 10/01/2014 I1502826 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Mea 126.00 10/01/2014 I1502826 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Gas 30.00 10/01/2014 I1502826 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Match Small Business Admi Employee Out of State Air 90.00 10/01/2014 I1502827 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Payroll Employee In State Mileage 84.40 10/01/2014 I1502827 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Payroll Employee In State Meals 12.00 10/01/2014 I1502827 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Payroll Employee In State Lodging 273.58 10/01/2014 I1502828 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accounting Finance and Ec Employee Out of State Mil 260.00 10/01/2014 I1502828 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accounting Finance and Ec Employee Out of State Mea 16.00 10/01/2014 I1502828 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accounting Finance and Ec Employee Out of State Lod 429.14 10/01/2014 I1502828 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accounting Finance and Ec Employee Out of State Gas 10/01/2014 I1502829 Aramark Unrestricted Design Food Services 10/01/2014 I1502831 Carolina Biological Suppl Unrestricted Biology Academic Lab Supplies 10/01/2014 I1502832 Ellucian Support Inc Unrestricted IT Inititative Contract Services Other 12,391.10 10/01/2014 I1502833 Fire Control Systems of C Auxiliary Cafeterias Contract Services Other 202.77 10/01/2014 I1502834 Fire Control Systems of C Auxiliary Cafeterias Contract Services Other 314.58 10/01/2014 I1502835 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Golf Athletic Team Travel 93.16 10/01/2014 I1502836 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Clothing and Dry Goods 62.27 10/01/2014 I1502837 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Clothing and Dry Goods 165.26 10/01/2014 I1502838 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Clothing and Dry Goods 118.18 10/01/2014 I1502839 Federal Express Corp Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail Amount 874.19 4,262.88 40.00 208.23 22.76 13.18 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description Amount 10/01/2014 I1502840 Federal Express Corp Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 195.50 10/01/2014 I1502841 Federal Express Corp Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 84.00 10/01/2014 I1502842 Federal Express Corp Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 14.10 10/01/2014 I1502843 Federal Express Corp Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 64.18 10/01/2014 I1502844 Federal Express Corp Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 40.13 10/01/2014 I1502845 Federal Express Corp Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 111.79 10/01/2014 I1502846 Hobart Service Auxiliary Cafeterias Repairs Equipment and Mot 261.10 10/01/2014 I1502847 Hobart Service Auxiliary Cafeterias Repairs Equipment and Mot 212.50 10/01/2014 I1502848 Hobart Service Auxiliary Cafeterias Repairs Equipment and Mot 233.75 10/01/2014 I1502849 Winthrop Student Unrestricted CSL Student Travel 10/01/2014 I1502850 Hyatt Regency Greenville Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Employee In State Lodging 10/01/2014 I1502850 Hyatt Regency Greenville Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee In State Lodging 10/01/2014 I1502852 Benton & Associates Ltd Restricted Task Order 3 FY2014 Consultant Fees 5,319.60 10/01/2014 I1502853 Benton & Associates Ltd Restricted Task Order 4 FY14-15 Consultant Fees 28,068.95 10/01/2014 I1502854 Benton & Associates Ltd Restricted Task Order 6 FY14-15 Fede Consultant Fees 11,024.00 10/01/2014 I1502855 Benton & Associates Ltd Restricted Task Order 7 FY14 and FY1 Consultant Fees 6,271.20 10/01/2014 I1502856 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Mile 25.68 10/01/2014 I1502856 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 130.00 10/01/2014 I1502856 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 566.28 10/01/2014 I1502857 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 9.00 10/01/2014 I1502858 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 128.00 10/01/2014 I1502858 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Lodg 99.18 10/01/2014 I1502858 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Gas 125.49 10/01/2014 I1502859 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Mea 55.00 10/01/2014 I1502859 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Gas 45.00 10/01/2014 I1502860 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Mileage 74.88 10/01/2014 I1502860 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Meals 19.00 10/01/2014 I1502860 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Lodging 133.27 10/01/2014 I1502860 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Registr 78.00 10/01/2014 I1502861 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Social and Behavioral Res Employee Out of State Mil 27.04 10/01/2014 I1502862 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Meals 25.00 10/01/2014 I1502862 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Lodging 10/01/2014 I1502863 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Meals 100.00 10/01/2014 I1502863 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Lodging 380.26 10/01/2014 I1502864 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 Employee In State Mileage 515.16 10/01/2014 I1502865 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Mile 128.18 3,286.33 935.76 96.32 26.21 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/01/2014 I1502865 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 121.00 10/01/2014 I1502865 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 566.28 10/01/2014 I1502866 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Lod 365.00 10/01/2014 I1502866 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Reg 135.00 10/01/2014 I1502867 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Mileage 22.41 10/01/2014 I1502868 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Match - TRIO II Y5 FY15 Employee Out of State Mil 33.28 10/01/2014 I1502868 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Match - TRIO II Y5 FY15 Employee Out of State Mea 41.00 10/01/2014 I1502869 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 153.00 10/01/2014 I1502869 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 743.81 10/01/2014 I1502870 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit In State Gas Park 62.00 10/01/2014 I1502871 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Meal 50.00 10/01/2014 I1502871 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Regi 10.00 10/01/2014 I1502871 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Gas 182.00 10/01/2014 I1502872 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Gas 39.00 10/01/2014 I1502872 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Meal 15.00 10/01/2014 I1502873 Fastenal Company Unrestricted Central Receiving Resale Central Supplies 10/01/2014 I1502874 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 10 FY14 State Employee In State Meals T 10/01/2014 I1502875 Taylor, Allison Marie. Unrestricted Fine Arts Contract Services Other 10/01/2014 I1502878 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Soccer Non Employee Recruit In S 10/01/2014 I1502879 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Theatre and Dance Recruit In State Mileage 104.00 10/01/2014 I1502879 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Theatre and Dance Recruit In State Meals Ta 12.00 10/01/2014 I1502881 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Meal 96.00 10/01/2014 I1502881 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Lodg 144.40 10/01/2014 I1502881 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Gas 10/01/2014 J0016437 JLW Remit Indirect Cost 1 Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Remitted Indirect Cost 10/01/2014 J0016442 JTB SC3900223005 Fac Flee Unrestricted Motor Pool Rent Other 12,255.76 10/01/2014 J0016443 JTB SC3900223006 Police F Unrestricted Security Improvement Rent Other 4,224.60 10/02/2014 I1502830 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 8-II Federal Employee In State Mileage 59.32 10/02/2014 I1502830 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 8-II Federal Employee In State Meals T 7.00 10/02/2014 I1502851 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Global Learning Initiativ Employee Out of State Lod 500.00 10/02/2014 I1502877 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Moving Expense 480.52 10/02/2014 I1502880 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 10/02/2014 I1502882 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Campus Center Programming Food Supplies 10/02/2014 I1502883 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Athletic Team Travel 10/02/2014 I1502884 Language Resource Center Auxiliary Disability Services Contract Services Other 1,311.55 10/02/2014 I1502885 Little Pigs Barbecue Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 Contract Services Other 1,870.00 Amount 2,490.96 82.00 300.00 33.80 51.61 2,536.74 2,500.00 67.86 25.28 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description Amount 10/02/2014 I1502886 Queen City Novelties LLC Unrestricted Student Clubs Contract Services Other 1,250.00 10/02/2014 I1502887 Reynolds & Reynolds Print Unrestricted Mens Basketball Other Supplies 158.36 10/02/2014 I1502888 Rolling Video Games of Co Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 Contract Services Other 225.00 10/02/2014 I1502889 Saluda High Unrestricted Admissions Advertising Costs 10/02/2014 I1502890 Sears Commercial Sales Auxiliary Residence Life Improvemen Minor Equipment Less Than 7,958.56 10/02/2014 I1502891 Speak About It Inc Unrestricted DSU Activities Contract Services Other 4,250.00 10/02/2014 I1502891 Speak About It Inc Unrestricted Greek Contract Services Other 750.00 10/02/2014 I1502894 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Athletics Spirit Groups Clothing and Dry Goods 10/02/2014 I1502895 Agron Inc Unrestricted Womens Basketball Other Supplies 10/02/2014 I1502896 Aramark Unrestricted CSL Food Services 387.73 10/02/2014 I1502897 Aramark Unrestricted DSU Activities Food Services 368.50 10/02/2014 I1502898 Aramark Restricted Drug Forfeiture Food Services 10/02/2014 I1502899 Ascension Behavioral Heal Auxiliary Counseling Services Contract Services Other 10/02/2014 I1502900 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Telephone Long Dist Data 10/02/2014 I1502901 Cardinal Health Auxiliary Health Services Medical Supplies 10/02/2014 I1502902 Cardinal Distribution Auxiliary Health Services Resale Over The Counter M 10/02/2014 I1502903 Cardinal Health Auxiliary Health Services Medical Supplies 10/02/2014 I1502904 Cardinal Health Auxiliary Health Services Medical Supplies 10/02/2014 I1502905 Cemco Systems Inc Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Contract Services Other 595.00 10/02/2014 I1502905 Cemco Systems Inc Auxiliary Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 3,295.50 10/02/2014 I1502905 Cemco Systems Inc Unrestricted Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 900.00 10/02/2014 I1502906 Charleston Southern Unive Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 900.00 10/02/2014 I1502907 CytoSport, Inc Unrestricted Womens Basketball Food Supplies 168.55 10/02/2014 I1502908 Double B Sports Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Clothing and Dry Goods 140.97 10/02/2014 I1502908 Double B Sports Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Clothing and Dry Goods 140.98 10/02/2014 I1502909 Double B Sports Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Other Supplies 61.52 10/02/2014 I1502909 Double B Sports Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Other Supplies 61.53 10/02/2014 I1502910 Fisher Scientific Unrestricted Biology Minor Equipment Less Than 10/02/2014 I1502911 Winthrop Student Unrestricted Computer Sci Quantitative Student Travel 10/02/2014 I1502912 Carolina Biological Suppl Unrestricted Biology Academic Lab Supplies 10/02/2014 I1502913 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit In State Meals Ta 10/02/2014 I1502914 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 Employee In State Mileage 22.88 10/02/2014 I1502915 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Mileage 33.28 10/02/2014 I1502916 Woolum, Tyler Unrestricted SC Campus Compact VISTA P Non Employee Travel 10/02/2014 I1502917 Winthrop Employee Restricted Fine Arts Printing Outside Prepared 10/02/2014 I1502919 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 250.00 106.42 1,135.40 227.74 1,980.00 50.00 138.99 12.31 3.48 13.50 1,259.57 247.56 15.12 7.00 191.36 77.33 190.08 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/02/2014 I1502920 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 170.83 10/02/2014 I1502921 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 227.94 10/02/2014 I1502922 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 25.91 10/02/2014 I1502923 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 554.48 10/02/2014 I1502924 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 12.00 10/02/2014 I1502925 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 61.07 10/02/2014 I1502926 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 23.24 10/02/2014 I1502927 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 5.00 10/02/2014 I1502928 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 15.00 10/02/2014 I1502929 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 10/02/2014 I1502930 Sheraton Myrtle Beach Unrestricted DSU Program Board Student Travel 1,099.39 10/02/2014 I1502931 TouchNet Information Syst Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 1,605.00 10/02/2014 I1502932 United Parcel Service Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 10/02/2014 I1502933 Verizon Wireless Unrestricted Womens Tennis Contract Services Other 38.01 10/02/2014 I1502934 Walmart Community/GEMB Unrestricted Publications Board Food Supplies 66.53 10/02/2014 I1502934 Walmart Community/GEMB Unrestricted CSL Office Supplies 10/02/2014 I1502934 Walmart Community/GEMB Unrestricted Diversity Food Supplies 10/02/2014 I1502934 Walmart Community/GEMB Unrestricted DSU Program Board Office Supplies 10/02/2014 I1502934 Walmart Community/GEMB Unrestricted DSU Activities Food Supplies 10/02/2014 I1502935 White Knoll High Unrestricted Admissions Advertising Costs 10/02/2014 I1502936 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Office of VP Access and E Rent Equip 10/02/2014 I1502937 Aramark Unrestricted Career and Civic Engageme Food Services 10/02/2014 I1502938 B&K Pro Audio & Lighting Unrestricted Diversity Contract Services Other 444.05 10/02/2014 I1502940 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Mileage 922.48 10/02/2014 I1502940 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Meals 10/02/2014 I1502940 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Meals T 40.00 10/02/2014 I1502941 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Non Employee Recruit Out 856.01 10/02/2014 I1502942 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Telephone Long Dist Data 150.00 10/02/2014 I1502943 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 80.00 10/02/2014 I1502943 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Lodg 181.70 10/02/2014 I1502943 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Gas 137.77 10/02/2014 I1502944 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted SBDC - Winthrop Match CY2 Employee Out of State Mil 27.04 10/02/2014 I1502944 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted SBDC - Winthrop Match CY2 Employee Out of State Mea 64.00 10/02/2014 I1502944 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted SBDC - Winthrop Match CY2 Employee Out of State Gas 10.00 10/02/2014 I1502945 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Business A Employee Out of State Mil 27.04 10/02/2014 I1502945 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Business A Employee Out of State Mea 52.50 Amount 5.00 112.74 57.73 132.63 29.19 608.77 375.00 3,529.84 65.67 38.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/02/2014 I1502945 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Business A Employee Out of State Lod 10/02/2014 I1502945 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Business A Employee Out of State Gas 76.00 10/03/2014 I1501850 Dell Marketing LP Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S IT Minor Equipment Less T 1,081.51 10/03/2014 I1501851 Dell Marketing LP Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S IT Minor Equipment Less T 1,257.83 10/03/2014 I1501852 Dell Marketing LP Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S IT Minor Equipment Less T 1,414.12 10/03/2014 I1501858 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Facilities Management Other Costs and Losses 10/03/2014 I1502334 CDW Government Inc Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S IT Minor Equipment Less T 10/03/2014 I1502335 CDW Government Inc Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S IT Minor Equipment Less T 196.02 10/03/2014 I1502513 Dell Marketing LP Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 IT Minor Equipment Less T 1,282.95 10/03/2014 I1502892 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Athletics Spirit Groups Clothing and Dry Goods 206.46 10/03/2014 I1502893 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Athletics Spirit Groups Clothing and Dry Goods 156.44 10/03/2014 I1502939 BSN Sports Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Game Equipment for Athlet 980.12 10/03/2014 I1502946 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit In State Mileage 10/03/2014 I1502946 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit In State Meals Ta 7.00 10/03/2014 I1502947 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit Out of State Mile 36.40 10/03/2014 I1502947 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit Out of State Meal 16.00 10/03/2014 I1502948 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Employee In State Mileage 74.88 10/03/2014 I1502948 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Employee In State Meals T 10/03/2014 I1502949 Jackson Lewis LLP Unrestricted General Expenses NACUBO C Attorney Fees 10/03/2014 I1502950 Jackson Lewis LLP Unrestricted Employee Development Attorney Fees 10/03/2014 I1502951 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Employee Development Contract Services Other 10/03/2014 I1502952 SHI International Corp Unrestricted IT Inititative Technology Supplies and S 10/03/2014 I1502953 Sign Techniques Unrestricted Athletics Facilities and Other Supplies 263.22 10/03/2014 I1502954 Sign Techniques Unrestricted Womens Soccer Other Supplies 326.89 10/03/2014 I1502955 Aramark Unrestricted Institute of Management Food Services 738.35 10/03/2014 I1502956 Simplified Office Systems Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S IT Minor Equipment Less T 10/03/2014 I1502957 Aramark Unrestricted College of Business Instr Food Services 350.40 10/03/2014 I1502958 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502959 Southpaw Screenprint & Em Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Clothing and Dry Goods 48.00 10/03/2014 I1502960 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502961 Southpaw Screenprint & Em Unrestricted Womens Soccer Clothing and Dry Goods 169.50 10/03/2014 I1502962 Burdette Engineering Inc Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Consulting 10/03/2014 I1502963 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502964 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit In State Mileage 74.88 10/03/2014 I1502964 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit In State Meals Ta 7.00 10/03/2014 I1502965 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training Amount 484.92 16.50 579.02 74.88 7.00 8,327.00 242.00 3,404.09 68,766.74 5,836.85 1,100.00 300.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/03/2014 I1502967 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit In State Mileage 10/03/2014 I1502967 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit In State Meals Ta 10/03/2014 I1502968 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502969 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502970 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502971 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted MBA Food Supplies 10/03/2014 I1502972 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Soccer Clothing and Dry Goods 246.22 10/03/2014 I1502973 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Soccer Clothing and Dry Goods -147.13 10/03/2014 I1502974 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Mileage 10/03/2014 I1502974 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Meals T 10/03/2014 I1502975 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Mens Golf Clothing and Dry Goods 10/03/2014 I1502976 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 57.00 10/03/2014 I1502976 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Gas 109.43 10/03/2014 I1502977 SR&I LLC Unrestricted Human Resources Contract Services Other 1,721.75 10/03/2014 I1502978 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 10/03/2014 I1502979 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 10/03/2014 I1502980 Stretch Internet LLC Unrestricted Athletics Sports Informat Contract Services Other 10/03/2014 I1502981 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502982 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502983 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 10/03/2014 I1502984 Hotel Harrington Unrestricted Student Activity Internat Student Travel 10/03/2014 I1502985 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Biology IT Minor Equipment Less T 10/03/2014 I1502986 United States Postal Serv Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Metered Mail 10/03/2014 I1502987 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Macfeat Early Childhood L Employee In State Mileage 93.60 10/03/2014 I1502987 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Macfeat Early Childhood L Employee In State Registr 15.00 10/03/2014 I1502988 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502989 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502990 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502991 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502992 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502993 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502994 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502995 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502996 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502997 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1502999 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 Amount 98.80 7.00 23.12 824.35 47.00 1,256.39 300.00 300.00 3,298.00 300.00 2,559.15 74.89 296.57 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/03/2014 I1503000 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1503001 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1503002 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1503003 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1503004 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1503005 Winthrop Student Unrestricted COE Match Teaching Fellow Education and Training 300.00 10/03/2014 I1503006 Ledo Pizza, Pasta & Pub Unrestricted Athletics Promotions and Food Supplies 10/03/2014 I1503009 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Graduate Recruiting and M Postage 10/03/2014 I1503009 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Graduate Recruiting and M Contract Services Other 225.00 10/03/2014 I1503010 Currence, Ruperd Grier. Unrestricted DSU Activities Contract Services Other 2,000.00 10/03/2014 I1503011 South Carolina Assoc of V Unrestricted Records And Registration Membership Dues 10/03/2014 I1503012 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 73.00 10/03/2014 I1503012 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Lodg 223.73 10/03/2014 I1503012 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Rent 219.00 10/03/2014 I1503012 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Gas 38.71 10/03/2014 I1503013 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 16.00 10/03/2014 I1503013 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Gas 36.61 10/06/2014 I1503014 Winthrop Student Unrestricted West Center Operations Student Travel 10/06/2014 I1503015 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 10/06/2014 I1503016 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 10/06/2014 I1503017 Aramark Unrestricted Graduate Recruiting and M Food Services 10/06/2014 I1503018 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 10/06/2014 I1503020 Closs, Laura Auxiliary Disability Services Contract Services Other 10/06/2014 I1503021 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 10/06/2014 I1503022 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 64.00 10/06/2014 I1503022 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Lodg 340.62 10/06/2014 I1503022 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Gas 37.54 10/06/2014 I1503023 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Graduate School Employee In State Meals T 10/06/2014 I1503024 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 10/06/2014 I1503026 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 350.00 10/06/2014 I1503027 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 5,000.00 10/06/2014 I1503028 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 5,000.00 10/06/2014 I1503029 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 350.00 10/06/2014 I1503030 Hilton Atlanta Airport Unrestricted Model UN Student Travel 2,441.88 10/06/2014 I1503031 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 9,500.00 10/06/2014 I1503032 The Charlotte Observer Unrestricted Roddey McMillan Newslette Student Travel Amount 93.74 93.60 25.00 26.88 350.00 900.00 1,108.47 900.00 2,050.00 350.00 7.00 2,500.00 821.97 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description Amount 10/06/2014 I1503033 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 7,000.00 10/06/2014 I1503034 Aramark Unrestricted Office of President Food Services 279.89 10/06/2014 I1503035 Aramark Unrestricted Board Of Trustees Food Services 168.85 10/06/2014 I1503036 Fisher Scientific Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Research Materials 11,984.50 10/06/2014 I1503037 Fisher Scientific Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Research Materials 1,760.50 10/06/2014 I1503038 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Institutional Interviewee Employee Interview Travel 5.87 10/06/2014 I1503039 Winthrop Employee Restricted NetLEAD Employee Out of State Mea 105.00 10/06/2014 I1503039 Winthrop Employee Restricted NetLEAD Employee Out of State Lod 777.92 10/06/2014 I1503039 Winthrop Employee Restricted NetLEAD Employee Out of State Gas 35.00 10/06/2014 I1503040 Winthrop Employee Restricted NetLEAD Employee In State Mileage 185.12 10/06/2014 I1503041 Winthrop Employee Restricted NETSCOPE Federal Funds Employee In State Mileage 436.28 10/06/2014 I1503042 Winthrop Employee Restricted NetLEAD Employee Out of State Mil 26.29 10/06/2014 I1503042 Winthrop Employee Restricted NetLEAD Employee Out of State Mea 105.00 10/06/2014 I1503042 Winthrop Employee Restricted NetLEAD Employee Out of State Lod 782.92 10/06/2014 I1503042 Winthrop Employee Restricted NetLEAD Employee Out of State Gas 52.60 10/06/2014 I1503043 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 16.00 10/06/2014 I1503044 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 7.00 10/06/2014 I1503045 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 173.81 10/06/2014 I1503045 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 107.00 10/06/2014 I1503046 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit In State Meals Ta 12.00 10/06/2014 I1503046 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit In State Gas Park 41.01 10/06/2014 I1503047 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Mileage 43.16 10/06/2014 I1503048 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Mileage 197.60 10/06/2014 I1503048 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Lodging 356.16 10/06/2014 I1503049 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Telephone Long Dist Data 75.00 10/06/2014 I1503050 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Mileage 83.20 10/06/2014 I1503051 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Mileage 70.72 10/06/2014 I1503052 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 8.47 10/06/2014 I1503053 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 7.25 10/06/2014 I1503054 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 51.08 10/06/2014 I1503055 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 55.71 10/06/2014 I1503056 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 311.43 10/06/2014 I1503057 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 5.00 10/06/2014 I1503058 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 5.00 10/06/2014 I1503059 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 44.32 10/06/2014 I1503060 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 8.66 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/06/2014 I1503061 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 28.48 10/06/2014 I1503062 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 12.00 10/06/2014 I1503063 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 12.00 10/06/2014 I1503064 Mansfield Oil Company Unrestricted Motor Pool Gasoline 3,757.10 10/06/2014 I1503065 Mansfield Oil Company Unrestricted Motor Pool Gasoline -10.08 10/06/2014 I1503066 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted University Relations Postage 13,765.20 10/06/2014 I1503066 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted University Relations Postage 13,765.20 10/06/2014 I1503067 Professional Printers Inc Unrestricted University Relations Printing Outside Prepared 18,889.82 10/06/2014 I1503068 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Clothing and Dry Goods 1,385.17 10/06/2014 I1503069 VWR Scientific Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Research Materials 2,783.03 10/06/2014 I1503070 Adams Outdoor Advertising Unrestricted Graduate Recruiting and M Advertising Costs 2,000.00 10/06/2014 I1503071 Apple Computer Unrestricted Music IT Minor Equipment Less T 2,031.93 10/06/2014 I1503072 Apple Computer Unrestricted Music IT Minor Equipment Less T 255.73 10/06/2014 I1503073 Apple Computer Unrestricted Music IT Minor Equipment Less T 84.53 10/06/2014 I1503074 Apple Computer Unrestricted Music IT Minor Equipment Less T 84.53 10/06/2014 I1503075 Aramark Unrestricted Human Resources Food Services 183.59 10/06/2014 I1503076 Ayers, Kenneth Unrestricted Womens Soccer Contract Services Other 154.90 10/06/2014 I1503077 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Sociology and Anthropolog Food Services 53.30 10/06/2014 I1503078 Bryant, Candice Restricted VISTA II - FY15 Non Employee Travel 68.44 10/06/2014 I1503079 Burgamy, Wayne Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Contract Services Other 10/06/2014 I1503080 Cobb, Brady Unrestricted SC Campus Compact VISTA P Non Employee Travel 10/06/2014 I1503081 Cowie, Timothy J. Unrestricted Athletics Sports Informat Contract Services Other 1,125.00 10/06/2014 I1503082 del Pino, Mario Unrestricted Womens Soccer Contract Services Other 217.00 10/06/2014 I1503083 DiModogno, Brenda Unrestricted Institutional Interviewee Employee Interview Travel 22.15 10/06/2014 I1503084 Epps, Edwin C. Restricted CERRA NBCP FY15 Non Employee Travel 92.98 10/06/2014 I1503085 Franklin, Jeremy Restricted VISTA II - FY15 Non Employee Travel 10/06/2014 I1503088 Interactive Promotions Gr Unrestricted Athletics Promotions and Contract Services Other 10/06/2014 I1503089 Interactive Promotions Gr Unrestricted Athletics Promotions and Contract Services Other 563.00 10/06/2014 I1503090 Interactive Promotions Gr Unrestricted Athletics Promotions and Contract Services Other 1,125.00 10/06/2014 I1503091 Palmetto Air & Water Bala Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Consulting 3,890.00 10/06/2014 I1503092 Seven Oaks Doors and Hard Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Miscellaneous 4,140.35 10/06/2014 I1503093 SFI Electronics Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Miscellaneous 4,809.00 10/06/2014 I1503094 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted INBRE-II Cash Match Y5 FY Student Travel 10/07/2014 I1502240 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of VP Finance and Moving Expense 1,579.66 10/07/2014 I1502876 Benton & Associates Ltd Restricted Task Order 8-II State Consultant Fees 109,250.00 10/07/2014 I1503095 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Mile Amount 70.00 191.36 67.08 563.00 253.25 26.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/07/2014 I1503095 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 160.00 10/07/2014 I1503095 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 761.30 10/07/2014 I1503096 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of VP Academic Aff Employee In State Mileage 78.00 10/07/2014 I1503096 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of VP Academic Aff Employee In State Gas Par 3.00 10/07/2014 I1503097 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted CVPA Theatre Production Employee Out of State Mil 197.60 10/07/2014 I1503098 Elrod-Bloom, Allyson Broo Restricted VISTA II - FY15 Non Employee Travel 10/07/2014 I1503099 Fire Control Systems of C Auxiliary Cafeterias Contract Services Other 1,450.00 10/07/2014 I1503100 Fire Control Systems of C Auxiliary Cafeterias Contract Services Other 300.00 10/07/2014 I1503101 The Charlotte Observer Unrestricted Roddey McMillan Newslette Student Travel 999.98 10/07/2014 I1503102 The Charlotte Observer Unrestricted Roddey McMillan Newslette Student Travel 999.98 10/07/2014 I1503103 The Charlotte Observer Unrestricted Roddey McMillan Newslette Student Travel 999.98 10/07/2014 I1503104 Thomas, Larry Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Contract Services Other 10/07/2014 I1503105 Myrtle Beach Marriott Res Unrestricted Associate VP and Budget Employee In State Lodging 10/07/2014 I1503106 STI LLC Unrestricted Womens Soccer Athletic Team Travel 1,800.00 10/07/2014 I1503107 Sunbelt Rentals Inc Unrestricted Maintenance of Grounds Rent Equip 2,954.31 10/07/2014 I1503108 Sunbelt Rentals Inc Unrestricted Maintenance of Grounds Rent Equip 2,731.70 10/07/2014 I1503109 Tanverdi, John Unrestricted Womens Soccer Contract Services Other 10/07/2014 I1503110 Time Warner Cable Inc Unrestricted ERP Infrastructure and Ma Telephone Long Dist Data 6,799.00 10/07/2014 I1503111 Watson Electrical Constru Unrestricted Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 2,552.42 10/07/2014 I1503112 Watson Electrical Constru Unrestricted Maintenance of Buildings Minor Equipment Less Than 567.35 10/07/2014 I1503113 Click, Jennifer L. Unrestricted Human Nutrition Contract Services Other 125.00 10/07/2014 I1503114 HOV Services/Lason Servic Unrestricted Dacus Library Contract Services Other 1,050.00 10/07/2014 I1503115 Ontario Investments Inc Unrestricted Office of VP Access and E Rent Equip 4,086.90 10/07/2014 I1503116 Ontario Investments Inc Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 13,601.56 10/07/2014 I1503117 Ontario Investments Inc Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 40,450.56 10/07/2014 I1503118 Ontario Investments Inc Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 10/07/2014 I1503119 Shoot-A-Way Unrestricted Womens Basketball Capital Exp Other Equipme 3,443.26 10/07/2014 I1503119 Shoot-A-Way Unrestricted Mens Basketball Capital Exp Other Equipme 3,443.26 10/07/2014 I1503120 The Southeastern Commissi Unrestricted Philosophy and Religious Membership Dues 10/07/2014 I1503121 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 368.01 10/07/2014 I1503122 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 20.62 10/07/2014 I1503123 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 55.35 10/07/2014 I1503124 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 99.03 10/07/2014 I1503125 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 10/07/2014 I1503126 Sign Techniques Auxiliary Residence Life Improvemen Advertising Costs 10/07/2014 I1503127 Walmart Community/GEMB Auxiliary RH Apartment Association Food Supplies Amount 195.52 70.00 295.68 267.90 63.93 50.00 9.65 3,602.48 42.38 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/07/2014 I1503127 Walmart Community/GEMB Auxiliary Residents Student Associa Food Supplies 20.31 10/07/2014 I1503127 Walmart Community/GEMB Auxiliary Residence Life Programmin Food Supplies 12.36 10/07/2014 I1503127 Walmart Community/GEMB Auxiliary Residence Life Programmin Other Supplies 25.52 10/07/2014 I1503127 Walmart Community/GEMB Auxiliary Residence Life General Op Office Supplies 23.21 10/07/2014 I1503127 Walmart Community/GEMB Auxiliary Residence Life General Op Other Supplies 25.37 10/07/2014 I1503127 Walmart Community/GEMB Auxiliary Residence Life Programmin Food Supplies 132.18 10/07/2014 I1503128 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Mens Basketball Clothing and Dry Goods 10/07/2014 I1503129 Coastal Carolina Universi Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Contract Services Other 10/07/2014 I1503130 Survey Sampling Internati Unrestricted Social and Behavioral Res Research Materials 10/07/2014 I1503131 Society for Case Research Agency Office of Dean Business A Contract Services Other 10/07/2014 I1503132 Buffalo Wild Wings Unrestricted Athletics Promotions and Food Supplies 10/08/2014 I1500195 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Soccer Athletic Team Travel 875.00 10/08/2014 I1502322 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Athletic Team Travel 2,800.00 10/08/2014 I1502966 Southeastern Paper Group Unrestricted Central Receiving Resale Central Supplies 6,082.84 10/08/2014 I1502998 Dade Paper Company Unrestricted Central Receiving Resale Central Supplies 2,508.08 10/08/2014 I1503008 Dade Paper Company Unrestricted Central Receiving Resale Central Supplies 931.97 10/08/2014 I1503133 Winthrop Student Restricted McNair Scholars - II Student Travel 121.63 10/08/2014 I1503134 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 132.00 10/08/2014 I1503134 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 612.54 10/08/2014 I1503135 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 125.00 10/08/2014 I1503135 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 512.59 10/08/2014 I1503136 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Golf Athletic Team Travel 10/08/2014 I1503137 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accounting Finance and Ec Employee Out of State Mil 10/08/2014 I1503137 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accounting Finance and Ec Employee Out of State Mea 57.00 10/08/2014 I1503137 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accounting Finance and Ec Employee Out of State Lod 423.94 10/08/2014 I1503138 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Employee Out of State Mil 26.83 10/08/2014 I1503138 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Employee Out of State Mea 119.00 10/08/2014 I1503138 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Employee Out of State Lod 566.28 10/08/2014 I1503139 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Meals 10/08/2014 I1503139 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Lodging 10/08/2014 I1503140 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Business A Employee In State Mileage 10/08/2014 I1503140 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Business A Employee In State Gas Par 6.25 10/08/2014 I1503141 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Meal 94.00 10/08/2014 I1503141 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Lodg 375.91 10/08/2014 I1503141 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Gas 122.94 10/08/2014 I1503141 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Regi Amount 43.82 250.00 3,343.75 11,013.29 163.48 97.58 249.60 25.00 111.10 78.00 5.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/08/2014 I1503142 Lander University Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 10/08/2014 I1503143 ACEJMC Unrestricted Mass Communication Membership Dues 10/08/2014 I1503144 Limestone College Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 983.38 10/08/2014 I1503145 Anderson University Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 3,133.46 10/08/2014 I1503146 Newberry College Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 3,316.88 10/08/2014 I1503147 Charleston Southern Unive Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 2,150.16 10/08/2014 I1503148 Clemson University Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 800.11 10/08/2014 I1503149 North Greenville Universi Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 1,000.00 10/08/2014 I1503150 Coastal Carolina Universi Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 2,483.53 10/08/2014 I1503151 Orangeburg-Calhoun Techni Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 550.04 10/08/2014 I1503152 Coker College Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 450.07 10/08/2014 I1503153 Presbyterian College Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 633.36 10/08/2014 I1503154 College of Charleston Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 1,350.15 10/08/2014 I1503155 The Citadel Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 700.04 10/08/2014 I1503156 Columbia College Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 2,150.04 10/08/2014 I1503157 Erskine College Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 466.71 10/08/2014 I1503158 University of South Carol Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 2,116.88 10/08/2014 I1503159 Francis Marion University Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 2,350.20 10/08/2014 I1503160 USC Salkehatchie Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 2,550.24 10/08/2014 I1503161 USC Upstate Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 1,900.28 10/08/2014 I1503162 Czumak, Michael James. Unrestricted Mass Communication Contract Services Other 10/08/2014 I1503163 Solstas Lab Partners Unrestricted Athletics Medical Services 10/08/2014 I1503164 Abbeville High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 10/08/2014 I1503164 Abbeville High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/08/2014 I1503165 Winthrop University Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 3,700.25 10/08/2014 I1503167 USC Columbia Agency Office of Dean College of Education and Training 3,500.00 10/08/2014 I1503168 Lander University Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 73,396.00 10/08/2014 I1503169 Newberry College Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 22,800.00 10/08/2014 I1503170 South Carolina State Univ Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 5,175.00 10/08/2014 I1503171 USC Columbia Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 194,791.50 10/08/2014 I1503172 USC Upstate Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 67,350.00 10/08/2014 I1503174 Southeast Toyota Finance Unrestricted Mens Baseball Rent Other 10/08/2014 I1503175 Verizon Wireless Unrestricted Athletics Sports Informat Telephone Long Dist Data 10/08/2014 I1503176 Parham, John Unrestricted Music Contract Services Other 65.00 10/08/2014 I1503179 Western North Carolina Wo Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Contract Services Other 1,761.00 10/08/2014 I1503180 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel Amount 750.10 2,000.00 275.00 92.50 250.00 429.02 38.01 200.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/08/2014 I1503181 Keen Sports Company Inc Unrestricted Womens Softball Other Supplies 473.47 10/08/2014 I1503181 Keen Sports Company Inc Unrestricted Womens Softball Game Equipment for Athlet 473.48 10/08/2014 I1503182 Southpaw Screenprint & Em Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Clothing and Dry Goods 260.00 10/08/2014 I1503183 STI LLC Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Athletic Team Travel 1,900.00 10/08/2014 I1503184 STI LLC Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Athletic Team Travel 1,900.00 10/08/2014 I1503187 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Curriculum and Pedagogy Research Materials 10/08/2014 I1503188 ATIS Elevator Inspections Unrestricted Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 10/08/2014 I1503188 ATIS Elevator Inspections Auxiliary Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 118.75 10/08/2014 I1503189 Baxter Hood Center Restricted Medicaid II Contract Services Other 18,351.15 10/08/2014 I1503190 Big South Conference Unrestricted Mens Soccer Contract Services Other 931.00 10/08/2014 I1503191 Big South Conference Unrestricted Womens Soccer Contract Services Other 1,660.00 10/08/2014 I1503192 Bunn-O-Matic Corporation Auxiliary Cafeterias Contract Services Other 336.25 10/08/2014 I1503193 Bunn-O-Matic Corporation Auxiliary Cafeterias Contract Services Other 55.03 10/08/2014 I1503194 Bunn-O-Matic Corporation Auxiliary Cafeterias Contract Services Other 10/08/2014 I1503195 Charleston Southern Unive Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 10/08/2014 I1503196 College of Charleston Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Athletic Team Travel 100.00 10/08/2014 I1503197 College of Charleston Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Athletic Team Travel 100.00 10/08/2014 I1503198 College of Charleston Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 117,519.00 10/08/2014 I1503199 Columbia College Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 33,622.50 10/08/2014 I1503200 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted McNair-II Match Y2 FY15-1 Employee In State Mileage 10/08/2014 I1503201 Francis Marion University Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 12,825.00 10/08/2014 I1503202 Furman University Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 10,700.00 10/08/2014 I1503203 Haley Ray Pavement Markin Unrestricted Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 6,900.00 10/08/2014 I1503204 Interstate Solutions Unrestricted Housekeeping Contract Services Other 4,170.00 10/08/2014 I1503205 Interstate Solutions Unrestricted Housekeeping Contract Services Other 2,355.00 10/08/2014 I1503207 Carter, Whitney Roseanne. Unrestricted Mens Tennis Contract Services Other 150.00 10/08/2014 I1503209 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Office of VP Access and E Rent Equip 10/08/2014 I1503210 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Mea 54.62 10/08/2014 I1503210 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Lod 465.58 10/08/2014 I1503210 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Gas 79.80 10/08/2014 I1503210 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Global Learning Initiativ Employee Out of State Air 459.70 10/08/2014 I1503210 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Global Learning Initiativ Employee Out of State Gas 10/08/2014 I1503211 Comporium Communications Unrestricted Telecommunications Cleari Telephone Long Dist Data 5,871.22 10/09/2014 I1501562 Stafford Consulting Engin Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Consulting 1,870.84 10/09/2014 I1503178 Professional Printers Inc Unrestricted Admissions Printing Outside Prepared -430.00 10/09/2014 I1503178 Professional Printers Inc Unrestricted Admissions Printing Outside Prepared 430.00 Amount 185.11 1,425.00 336.25 35,055.00 100.40 57.76 40.30 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description Amount 10/09/2014 I1503185 Dell Marketing LP Unrestricted Online Learning IT Minor Equipment Less T 1,993.32 10/09/2014 I1503186 Dell Marketing LP Unrestricted Online Learning IT Minor Equipment Less T 10/09/2014 I1503206 Carter, Whitney Roseanne. Unrestricted Womens Tennis Contract Services Other 10/09/2014 I1503208 Synergy Sports Technology Unrestricted Womens Basketball Technology Supplies and S 10/09/2014 I1503212 Aramark Unrestricted DiGs Food Services 10/09/2014 I1503213 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accreditation and Account Employee Out of State Mea 64.00 10/09/2014 I1503213 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accreditation and Account Employee Out of State Lod 282.12 10/09/2014 I1503214 Kappa Alpha Psi Unrestricted Student Allocations Student Travel 277.25 10/09/2014 I1503215 Aiken High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/09/2014 I1503216 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Non Employee Recruit In S 184.42 10/09/2014 I1503217 Airport High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503218 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Non Employee Recruit In S 10/09/2014 I1503219 Allendale Fairfax High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 116.69 10/09/2014 I1503220 Pierson, Lisa Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Non Employee Recruit Out 362.07 10/09/2014 I1503221 Andrews High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 166.70 10/09/2014 I1503222 Ashley Ridge High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 166.70 10/09/2014 I1503223 J L Mann High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503224 Aynor High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 233.38 10/09/2014 I1503225 Bamberg Ehrhardt High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 233.38 10/09/2014 I1503226 James F Byrnes High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503227 Baptist Hill High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 133.36 10/09/2014 I1503228 Barnwell High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 200.04 10/09/2014 I1503229 Battery Creek High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503230 Beaufort High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 200.04 10/09/2014 I1503231 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Employee Out of State Mil 492.96 10/09/2014 I1503232 Belton-Honea Path High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503233 Berkeley High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503234 Blacksburg High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 233.38 10/09/2014 I1503235 Blackville-Hilda High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 116.69 10/09/2014 I1503236 Bluffton High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503237 Bluffton High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 233.38 10/09/2014 I1503238 Blythewood High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503239 Boiling Springs High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503240 Brashier Middle College C Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 166.70 10/09/2014 I1503241 Brookland Cayce High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503242 Brookland Cayce High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 116.69 83.44 200.00 7,000.00 160.55 74.36 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/09/2014 I1503243 Broome High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/09/2014 I1503244 Buford High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.03 10/09/2014 I1503245 Burke High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 166.70 10/09/2014 I1503246 C A Johnson High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/09/2014 I1503247 C E Murray High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/09/2014 I1503248 Calhoun County High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/09/2014 I1503249 Calhoun County High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503250 Calhoun Falls Charter Sch Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 133.36 10/09/2014 I1503251 Camden High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503252 Cane Bay High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 10/09/2014 I1503253 Sheraton Myrtle Beach Restricted WU Initiative for STEM Ed Student Travel 2,424.64 10/09/2014 I1503254 Sheraton Myrtle Beach Restricted WU Initiative for STEM Ed Student Travel 1,889.96 10/09/2014 I1503255 South Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/09/2014 I1503256 University of South Carol Unrestricted West Center Operations Student Travel 175.00 10/09/2014 I1503257 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Public Events Food Services 947.06 10/09/2014 I1503258 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Public Events Food Services 84.80 10/09/2014 I1503259 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Public Events Food Services 1,401.34 10/09/2014 I1503260 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Public Events Food Services 6,417.10 10/09/2014 I1503261 Aramark Unrestricted International Center Food Services 587.31 10/09/2014 I1503262 B&K Pro Audio & Lighting Unrestricted Music Contract Services Other 450.00 10/09/2014 I1503263 Bonitz Flooring Group Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Clothing and Dry Goods 5,282.90 10/09/2014 I1503264 Carolina Biological Suppl Unrestricted Biology Academic Lab Supplies 10/09/2014 I1503265 Carolina Office Systems I Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 10/09/2014 I1503266 Charlotte Band Instrument Unrestricted Music Repairs Equipment and Mot 60.00 10/09/2014 I1503268 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Mea 50.00 10/09/2014 I1503268 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Lod 471.74 10/09/2014 I1503268 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Gas 70.00 10/09/2014 I1503269 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accreditation and Account Employee Out of State Mea 64.00 10/09/2014 I1503269 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accreditation and Account Employee Out of State Lod 282.12 10/09/2014 I1503271 James Island Charter High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503272 Kingstree High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.03 10/09/2014 I1503273 Lake Marion High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/09/2014 I1503274 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted English Employee Out of State Mil 10/09/2014 I1503274 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted English Employee Out of State Mea 64.00 10/09/2014 I1503274 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted English Employee Out of State Lod 177.92 10/09/2014 I1503274 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted English Employee Out of State Reg 60.00 Amount 250.00 49.27 212.27 98.80 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/09/2014 I1503274 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted English Employee Out of State Air 427.50 10/09/2014 I1503275 Lake View High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 200.04 10/09/2014 I1503276 Lakewood High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503277 Lancaster High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/09/2014 I1503278 Landrum High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 133.36 10/09/2014 I1503279 Laurens District 55 High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 10/09/2014 I1503281 3M Library Systems Contra Unrestricted Dacus Library Contract Services Other 1,498.00 10/09/2014 I1503282 Water Conditioning Inc Unrestricted Heating Plant Contract Services Other 2,375.00 10/09/2014 I1503283 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 3,196.93 10/09/2014 I1503284 Lewisville High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 200.04 10/09/2014 I1503285 Lexington High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 I1503286 Liberty High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.03 10/09/2014 I1503287 Lower Richland High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/09/2014 I1503289 Marion High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/09/2014 J0016444 JTB SC390223544 P RouterL Unrestricted Campus Police Rent Equip 112.00 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 79.83 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 561.94 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 44.58 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 394.96 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 577.22 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 3,263.86 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 6,977.56 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 39.58 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 167.79 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 3,636.67 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 87.07 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 1,423.09 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 1,045.00 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 7,316.63 10/09/2014 J0016495 GF Add CRH Util Sept pd O Unrestricted Maintenance of Grounds Contract Services Other 2,920.01 10/10/2014 I1503007 Dade Paper Company Unrestricted Central Receiving Resale Central Supplies 3,541.49 10/10/2014 I1503008 Dade Paper Company Unrestricted Central Receiving Resale Central Supplies 931.97 10/10/2014 I1503267 DuBose Web Group Restricted NETSCOPE Federal Funds Contract Services Other 297.00 10/10/2014 I1503280 Southeastern Paper Group Unrestricted Central Receiving Resale Central Supplies 702.20 10/10/2014 I1503288 Lugoff Elgin High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/10/2014 I1503290 Mauldin High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 Amount 250.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/10/2014 I1503291 Mayo High Math Science & Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/10/2014 I1503292 McBee High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.03 10/10/2014 I1503293 Midland Valley High Schoo Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/10/2014 I1503294 Mullins High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 233.38 10/10/2014 I1503295 Skin Deep Unrestricted Student Allocations Contract Services Other 500.00 10/10/2014 I1503296 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Mea 50.00 10/10/2014 I1503296 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Lod 471.74 10/10/2014 I1503296 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Gas 65.00 10/10/2014 I1503297 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 16.00 10/10/2014 I1503298 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit Out of State Mile 75.92 10/10/2014 I1503299 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit In State Mileage 98.80 10/10/2014 I1503299 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit In State Meals 26.00 10/10/2014 I1503299 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit In State Lodging 76.95 10/10/2014 I1503300 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit Out of State Mile 42.64 10/10/2014 I1503300 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Recruit Out of State Meal 16.00 10/10/2014 I1503301 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Mil 84.24 10/10/2014 I1503301 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Mea 50.00 10/10/2014 I1503301 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Lod 471.74 10/10/2014 I1503301 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Air 70.00 10/10/2014 I1503301 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Gas 10/10/2014 I1503302 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Honors Program Food Supplies 118.62 10/10/2014 I1503303 SCCTM Restricted WU Initiative for STEM Ed Student Travel 660.00 10/10/2014 I1503304 Theta Alpha Kappa Unrestricted Philosophy and Religious Membership Dues 100.00 10/10/2014 I1503305 Anderson University Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 153,708.00 10/10/2014 I1503306 Carolina Forest High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/10/2014 I1503308 Carvers Bay High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 233.38 10/10/2014 I1503309 Central High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 116.69 10/10/2014 I1503310 Chapin High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/10/2014 I1503311 Chapman High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/10/2014 I1503312 Winthrop University Found Unrestricted Diversity Student Travel 180.00 10/10/2014 I1503313 Charleston Charter School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 166.70 10/10/2014 I1503314 Charleston School of the Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 166.70 10/10/2014 I1503316 Reynolds & Reynolds Print Unrestricted Womens Basketball Other Supplies 158.36 10/10/2014 I1503317 SR&I LLC Unrestricted Athletics Contract Services Other 80.00 10/10/2014 I1503317 SR&I LLC Unrestricted Mens Baseball Contract Services Other 40.00 10/10/2014 I1503317 SR&I LLC Unrestricted Womens Golf Contract Services Other 40.00 Amount 15.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/10/2014 I1503318 Tailored Software Inc Unrestricted Athletics Contract Services Other 10/10/2014 I1503320 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 10/10/2014 I1503321 White, Dwight Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Contract Services Other 70.00 10/10/2014 I1503322 Nations Ford High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/10/2014 I1503323 Newberry High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 133.36 10/10/2014 I1503324 Ninety Six High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/10/2014 I1503325 North Augusta High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/12/2014 I1501430 Dell Marketing LP Unrestricted Social and Behavioral Res IT Minor Equipment Less T 1,499.86 10/12/2014 I1502551 Rawlings Sporting Goods C Unrestricted Mens Baseball Game Equipment for Athlet 7,752.15 10/12/2014 I1503025 Hewlett Packard Co Unrestricted Sociology and Anthropolog IT Minor Equipment Less T 215.87 10/12/2014 I1503025 Hewlett Packard Co Unrestricted Philosophy and Religious IT Minor Equipment Less T 71.96 10/12/2014 I1503177 Professional Printers Inc Unrestricted Admissions Printing Outside Prepared 1,174.86 10/12/2014 I1503178 Professional Printers Inc Unrestricted Admissions Printing Outside Prepared -430.00 10/12/2014 I1503270 The Chronicle of Higher E Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Advertising Costs 1,101.00 10/12/2014 I1503319 VWR Scientific Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Research Materials 1,457.72 10/12/2014 I1503326 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Food Services 159.42 10/12/2014 I1503327 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Food Services 151.65 10/12/2014 I1503328 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Food Services 153.88 10/12/2014 I1503329 Aramark Unrestricted Honors Program Food Services 451.33 10/12/2014 I1503330 Aramark Unrestricted Global Learning Initiativ Food Services 16.35 10/12/2014 I1503331 Aramark Unrestricted Global Learning Initiativ Food Services 81.75 10/12/2014 I1503332 Aramark Unrestricted Global Learning Initiativ Food Services 10/12/2014 I1503333 Bonitz Flooring Group Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Contract Services Other 10/12/2014 I1503334 Buchenau, Jurgen Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Non Employee Travel 10/12/2014 I1503335 Carter, Whitney Roseanne. Unrestricted Womens Golf Contract Services Other 10/12/2014 I1503337 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Design Employee In State Mileage 98.80 10/12/2014 I1503337 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Design Employee In State Meals 38.00 10/12/2014 I1503337 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Design Employee In State Lodging 40.16 10/12/2014 I1503337 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Vis and Pe Employee In State Lodging 176.97 10/12/2014 I1503338 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Meals 10/12/2014 I1503338 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Lodging 428.10 10/12/2014 I1503338 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Registr 235.00 10/12/2014 I1503338 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Gas Par 24.00 10/12/2014 I1503339 Follett Higher Education Unrestricted Office of VP Student Life Campus Services Contra 150.00 10/12/2014 I1503340 Winthrop Employee Restricted Fine Arts Employee Out of State Mil 227.76 10/12/2014 I1503340 Winthrop Employee Restricted Fine Arts Employee Out of State Mea 23.43 Amount 500.00 1,205.15 133.44 1,806.22 34.74 150.00 24.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/12/2014 I1503340 Winthrop Employee Restricted Fine Arts Employee Out of State Lod 194.81 10/12/2014 I1503341 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Business A Employee Out of State Lod 1,115.76 10/12/2014 I1503341 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Business A Employee Out of State Air 50.00 10/12/2014 I1503341 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Business A Employee Out of State Gas 236.00 10/12/2014 I1503342 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Academic Success Center Employee Out of State Mea 50.00 10/12/2014 I1503342 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Academic Success Center Employee Out of State Lod 221.49 10/12/2014 I1503342 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Academic Success Center Employee Out of State Gas 20.00 10/12/2014 I1503342 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Academic Success Center Employee Out of State Reg 10/12/2014 I1503344 Buchenau, Jurgen Unrestricted History Consultant Fees 10/12/2014 I1503345 Winthrop Student Unrestricted Internal Biomedical Resea Student Travel for Resear 80.41 10/12/2014 I1503346 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Controllers Office Employee Out of State Mil 18.72 10/12/2014 I1503346 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Controllers Office Employee Out of State Mea 10/12/2014 I1503347 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Meals 10/12/2014 I1503347 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 105.00 10/12/2014 I1503347 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Lodging 439.26 10/12/2014 I1503347 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 428.72 10/12/2014 I1503348 Chesnee High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/12/2014 I1503349 Chester High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 200.04 10/12/2014 I1503350 Chesterfield High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/12/2014 I1503351 Winthrop Employee Restricted NetLEAD Employee In State Mileage 682.66 10/12/2014 I1503352 Clinton High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 133.36 10/12/2014 I1503353 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Mile 27.87 10/12/2014 I1503353 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 144.00 10/12/2014 I1503353 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 377.89 10/12/2014 I1503354 Clover High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/12/2014 I1503355 Colleton County High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/12/2014 I1503356 Columbia High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 183.37 10/12/2014 I1503357 Conway High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 183.37 10/12/2014 I1503358 Cope Area Career Center Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 200.04 10/12/2014 I1503359 Cross High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/12/2014 I1503360 D W Daniel High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 233.38 10/12/2014 I1503361 Winthrop Student Unrestricted West Center Operations Student Travel 29.00 10/12/2014 I1503362 Winthrop Student Unrestricted West Center Operations Student Travel 29.00 10/12/2014 I1503363 Winthrop Student Unrestricted West Center Operations Student Travel 10/12/2014 I1503364 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted CVPA Special Projects Postage 440.28 10/12/2014 I1503364 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted CVPA Special Projects Contract Services Other 225.00 Amount 80.00 150.00 9.00 68.00 29.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/12/2014 I1503365 Winthrop Employee Restricted NetLEAD Employee In State Mileage 10/13/2014 I1503366 McDaniel, Quentin Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Contract Services Other 70.00 10/13/2014 I1503367 Lexington Two School Dist Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/13/2014 I1503368 Williams, Sabrina H. Restricted CERRA FY15 Non Employee Travel 227.87 10/13/2014 I1503369 Winthrop Employee Restricted NETSCOPE Federal Funds Employee In State Mileage 117.00 10/13/2014 I1503370 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Mileage 1,155.44 10/13/2014 I1503370 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Meals T 21.00 10/13/2014 I1503371 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Telephone Long Dist Data 75.00 10/13/2014 I1503372 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Office Supplies 30.80 10/13/2014 I1503373 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Lod 508.30 10/13/2014 I1503374 SCATE Unrestricted Counseling Leadership and Employee In State Registr 165.00 10/13/2014 I1503375 Ainsworth, Jennifer Restricted CERRA FY15 Non Employee Travel 241.33 10/13/2014 I1503376 Ainsworth, Jennifer Restricted CERRA FY15 Non Employee Travel 349.14 10/13/2014 I1503377 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Mileage 764.40 10/13/2014 I1503377 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Meals T 53.00 10/13/2014 I1503378 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Meal 57.00 10/13/2014 I1503378 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Lodg 88.00 10/13/2014 I1503378 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Gas 10/13/2014 I1503379 Coastal Leadership Academ Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 10/13/2014 I1503380 Winthrop Employee Restricted AIMS II FY14-FY16 Employee Out of State Mea 89.00 10/13/2014 I1503380 Winthrop Employee Restricted AIMS II FY14-FY16 Employee Out of State Lod 501.52 10/13/2014 I1503380 Winthrop Employee Restricted AIMS II FY14-FY16 Employee Out of State Air 242.33 10/13/2014 I1503380 Winthrop Employee Restricted AIMS II FY14-FY16 Employee Out of State Gas 74.33 10/13/2014 I1503381 Winthrop Employee Restricted AIMS II FY14-FY16 Employee Out of State Mea 89.00 10/13/2014 I1503381 Winthrop Employee Restricted AIMS II FY14-FY16 Employee Out of State Air 242.33 10/13/2014 I1503382 DeWitt, Peter Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Contract Services Other 10/13/2014 I1503383 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of President Employee In State Mileage 10/13/2014 I1503383 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of President Employee In State Meals 10/13/2014 I1503383 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of President Employee In State Lodging 10/13/2014 I1503383 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of President Employee In State Gas Par 2.50 10/13/2014 I1503384 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee In State Mileage 88.40 10/13/2014 I1503384 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Interdisciplinary Studies Employee In State Registr 30.00 10/13/2014 I1503385 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Mileage 213.56 10/13/2014 I1503385 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Meals 10/13/2014 I1503386 Winthrop Employee Restricted NetLEAD Employee In State Mileage 379.60 10/13/2014 I1503387 Darlington High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 Amount 812.32 40.00 183.37 2,500.00 129.19 45.00 210.56 24.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/13/2014 I1503388 Dixie High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/13/2014 I1503389 Dorman High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/13/2014 I1503390 Dorman High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 200.04 10/13/2014 I1503391 Dreher High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/13/2014 I1503392 Dutch Fork High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/13/2014 I1503393 Dutch Fork High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/13/2014 I1503394 Dutch Fork High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/13/2014 I1503395 Easley High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/13/2014 I1503396 East Clarendon High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.03 10/13/2014 I1503397 Eastside High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/13/2014 I1503398 Eau Claire High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.03 10/13/2014 I1503399 Fairfield Central High Sc Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/13/2014 I1503400 Fort Dorchester High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 133.36 10/13/2014 I1503401 Fort Mill High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/13/2014 I1503402 Long, Connie M. Restricted CERRA FY15 Non Employee Travel 268.68 10/13/2014 I1503403 Fort Mill High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/13/2014 I1503404 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Mileage 254.70 10/13/2014 I1503405 Cline Brandt Kochenower & Unrestricted Controllers Office Audit Fees 10/13/2014 I1503406 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted COE Instructional Technol Employee In State Mileage 45.76 10/13/2014 I1503407 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Human Nutrition Employee In State Mileage 74.88 10/13/2014 I1503408 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted PE Sport and Human Perfor Employee In State Registr 25.00 10/13/2014 I1503409 Mott, Joanna Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Consultant Fees 1,000.00 10/13/2014 I1503410 Uzman, Akif Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Consultant Fees 1,000.00 10/13/2014 I1503411 Reynolds & Reynolds Print Unrestricted Athletics Printing Outside Prepared 664.34 10/13/2014 I1503411 Reynolds & Reynolds Print Unrestricted Athletics Express Mail 496.32 10/13/2014 I1503412 Courtyard New Orleans Dow Restricted Task Order #3 FY2015 Employee Out of State Lod 10/13/2014 I1503413 Aramark Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 4,632.94 10/13/2014 I1503414 Aramark Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 1,811.58 10/13/2014 I1503415 Aramark Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 173.86 10/13/2014 I1503416 Big South Conference Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Contract Services Other 1,060.00 10/13/2014 J0016494 JTB 1000220568 S Tax Admi Unrestricted Athletics Facilities and Taxes and Licenses 150.53 10/13/2014 J0016518 JTB 1000220583 S Tax Prin Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Issues Print Shop 259.41 10/14/2014 I1503417 Broach Tours Unrestricted CVPA Pep Band Athletic Team Travel 366.67 10/14/2014 I1503417 Broach Tours Unrestricted Athletics Spirit Groups Athletic Team Travel 183.33 10/14/2014 I1503418 Comporium Communications Unrestricted Athletics Telephone Long Dist Data 10/14/2014 I1503419 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of President Food Supplies Amount 2,000.00 676.58 7.76 12.77 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/14/2014 I1503420 Hilton Garden Inn Anderso Restricted Task Order 8-II Federal Employee In State Lodging 273.90 10/14/2014 I1503421 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted School Psychology Courses Employee In State Mileage 85.75 10/14/2014 I1503421 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted School Psychology Courses Employee In State Meals 38.00 10/14/2014 I1503421 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted School Psychology Courses Employee In State Lodging 253.12 10/14/2014 I1503439 North Central High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 200.04 10/14/2014 I1503440 North Charleston High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 133.36 10/14/2014 I1503441 Northwestern High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503442 Fox Creek High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/14/2014 I1503443 Palmetto High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503444 Palmetto High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503445 Fox Creek High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503446 G Frank Russell Career Ce Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.03 10/14/2014 I1503447 Pendleton High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503448 Gaffney High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503449 Gaffney High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503450 Georgetown High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503451 Gilbert High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 183.37 10/14/2014 I1503452 Goose Creek High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503453 Great Falls High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/14/2014 I1503454 Greer Middle College Char Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503455 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 71.00 10/14/2014 I1503455 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Lodg 116.33 10/14/2014 I1503455 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Regi 200.00 10/14/2014 I1503455 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Gas 10/14/2014 I1503456 Hanahan High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 183.37 10/14/2014 I1503457 Hartsville High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 233.38 10/14/2014 I1503458 Hillcrest High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503459 Hilton Head High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503460 Indian Land High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.03 10/14/2014 I1503461 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 137.00 10/14/2014 I1503461 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Regi 265.00 10/14/2014 I1503461 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Gas 10/14/2014 I1503462 Irmo High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503463 Pickens High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503464 Pickens High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503465 Powdersville High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 166.70 Amount 74.58 85.52 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/14/2014 I1503466 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 16.00 10/14/2014 I1503467 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Mileage 167.54 10/14/2014 I1503467 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Meals T 7.00 10/14/2014 I1503468 Williams, Shawn Restricted CERRA NBCP FY15 Non Employee Travel 10/14/2014 I1503469 Smith, Paula R. Unrestricted Fine Arts Contract Services Other 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503470 A R Rucker Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503471 A R Rucker Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503472 A R Rucker Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503473 A R Rucker Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503474 Alcorn Middle Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503475 Alice Drive Middle Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503476 Carvers Bay Middle Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503477 Chapin Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503478 Chapin Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 10/14/2014 I1503479 Comporium Communications Unrestricted WAN and Hardware Maintena Telephone Long Dist Data 10/14/2014 I1503480 Fairfield Middle Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503481 Georgetown Middle Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503482 Gilbert Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503483 Greenville Senior High Ac Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503484 H E McCracken Middle Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503485 Hemingway Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/14/2014 I1503486 Blank, Robert Unrestricted Institutional Interviewee Employee Interview Travel 74.88 10/14/2014 I1503487 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Mil 22.88 10/14/2014 I1503487 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Mea 50.00 10/14/2014 I1503487 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Lod 471.74 10/14/2014 I1503487 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Gas 173.59 10/14/2014 I1503487 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Air 70.00 10/14/2014 I1503488 R B Stall High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 183.37 10/14/2014 I1503489 Richland Northeast High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 116.69 10/14/2014 I1503490 Richland One Middle Colle Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 116.69 10/14/2014 I1503491 Ridge View High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503492 Ridgeland - Hardeeville H Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 166.70 10/14/2014 I1503493 Riverside High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503494 Saint James High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503495 Seneca High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503496 Silver Bluff High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 233.38 Amount 78.00 150.00 9,676.72 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/14/2014 I1503497 Socastee High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503498 South Aiken High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/14/2014 I1503499 South Florence High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503499 South Florence High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503500 South Pointe High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/14/2014 I1503501 Spartanburg Sr High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 200.04 10/14/2014 I1503502 Spring Valley High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 216.71 10/14/2014 I1503503 Strom Thurmond High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503504 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 500.00 10/14/2014 I1503505 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 500.00 10/14/2014 I1503509 Rock Hill High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503510 American Honda Finance Co Unrestricted Mens Soccer Rent Other 199.75 10/14/2014 I1503511 River Bluff High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/14/2014 I1503512 Aramark Unrestricted SC Campus Compact VISTA P Food Services 553.40 10/14/2014 I1503513 Aramark Unrestricted SC Campus Compact VISTA P Food Services 212.95 10/14/2014 I1503514 Aramark Auxiliary Cafeterias Food Services 750,000.00 10/14/2014 I1503515 Ascension Behavioral Heal Auxiliary Counseling Services Contract Services Other 10/14/2014 I1503516 River Bluff High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 10/14/2014 I1503517 Cardinal Distribution Auxiliary Health Services Prescription Injection Im 10/14/2014 I1503518 Cardinal Health Auxiliary Health Services Medical Supplies 14.01 10/14/2014 I1503519 The Johnsonian Unrestricted Office of VP Academic Aff Advertising Costs 142.50 10/14/2014 I1503520 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Athletics Champs Life Ski Food Supplies 166.79 10/14/2014 I1503521 South Carolina Locksmith Unrestricted Facilities Management Membership Dues 375.00 10/14/2014 I1503522 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted CVPA Theatre Production Clothing and Dry Goods 15.95 10/14/2014 I1503523 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Biology Academic Lab Supplies 69.02 10/14/2014 I1503524 My College Guide Unrestricted Admissions Printing Outside Prepared 10/14/2014 I1503525 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 186.35 10/14/2014 I1503526 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 3,204.96 10/14/2014 I1503527 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 3,480.18 10/14/2014 I1503528 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 790.72 10/14/2014 I1503529 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 6,986.36 10/14/2014 I1503530 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 620.86 10/14/2014 I1503531 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 192.19 10/14/2014 I1503532 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 10/14/2014 I1503533 Corporation for National Unrestricted Match - VISTA II - Y15 Membership Dues 3,223.78 10/14/2014 I1503534 Corporation for National Unrestricted Match - VISTA II - Y15 Membership Dues 3,223.78 Amount 2,970.00 250.00 1,549.26 5,395.00 225.69 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description Amount 10/14/2014 I1503535 Corporation for National Unrestricted Match - VISTA II - Y15 Membership Dues 3,223.78 10/14/2014 I1503536 Corporation for National Unrestricted Match - VISTA II - Y15 Membership Dues 3,039.54 10/14/2014 I1503537 Clemson University Unrestricted West Center Operations Student Travel 10/14/2014 I1503538 Wingate by Wyndham Unrestricted SC Campus Compact VISTA P Non Employee Travel 10/14/2014 I1503539 Southeast Toyota Finance Unrestricted Womens Basketball Rent Other 10/14/2014 J0016546 GF Duke Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 810.43 10/14/2014 J0016546 GF Duke Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 203,688.83 10/14/2014 J0016546 GF Duke Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 3,073.92 10/15/2014 I1503086 Hewlett Packard Co Unrestricted Office of Dean College of IT Minor Equipment Less T 613.91 10/15/2014 I1503087 Hewlett Packard Co Unrestricted Office of Dean College of IT Minor Equipment Less T 136.10 10/15/2014 I1503540 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Mileage 10/15/2014 I1503540 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Meals 10/15/2014 I1503540 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Rental C 167.14 10/15/2014 I1503540 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Rental C 92.79 10/15/2014 I1503541 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted DSU Program Board Employee In State Meals 53.00 10/15/2014 I1503541 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted DSU Program Board Employee In State Lodging 549.72 10/15/2014 I1503541 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted DSU Program Board Employee In State Gas Par 36.00 10/15/2014 I1503542 Ameling, Carrie Restricted ABC Project FY15 Non Employee Travel 10/15/2014 I1503543 Aramark Unrestricted Office of President Emeri Food Services 10/15/2014 I1503543 Aramark Unrestricted Office of President Emeri Food Services 10/15/2014 I1503544 Brown, Michaela P. Unrestricted CVPA Galleries Contract Services Other 10/15/2014 I1503545 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Records And Registration Employee Out of State Mil 10/15/2014 I1503546 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted CVPA Prof Development Fun Employee Foreign Travel 252.50 10/15/2014 I1503547 Winthrop Employee Agency Athletics Employee In State Mileage 219.88 10/15/2014 I1503548 Fast Model Software Unrestricted Mens Basketball Subscriptions 10/15/2014 I1503549 Winthrop Employee Auxiliary Health Services Employee Out of State Mil 251.68 10/15/2014 I1503549 Winthrop Employee Auxiliary Health Services Employee Out of State Mea 41.00 10/15/2014 I1503549 Winthrop Employee Auxiliary Health Services Employee Out of State Lod 250.70 10/15/2014 I1503550 Curran Events Unrestricted Theatre and Dance Contract Services Other 750.00 10/15/2014 I1503551 Foy, Patricia S. Restricted ABC Project FY15 Non Employee Travel 105.04 10/15/2014 I1503552 Herrmann, Emily Restricted VISTA II - FY15 Non Employee Travel 65.83 10/15/2014 I1503553 Herrmann, Emily Restricted VISTA II - FY15 Non Employee Travel 98.23 10/15/2014 I1503554 Moore, Michael W. Restricted ABC Project FY15 Non Employee Travel 114.40 10/15/2014 I1503555 Gunter, Martha Susanne F. Restricted ABC Project FY15 Non Employee Travel 10/15/2014 I1503556 Lewisville Middle Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/15/2014 I1503557 Palmetto Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 150.00 98.96 247.50 51.92 62.00 106.08 14.00 40.39 1,500.00 35.93 99.99 73.20 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/15/2014 I1503558 Rosemary Middle Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/15/2014 I1503559 Sullivan Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/15/2014 I1503560 Sullivan Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/15/2014 I1503561 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Human Resources Employee In State Gas Par 10/15/2014 I1503562 Waccamaw Middle Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/15/2014 I1503563 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Employee In State Mileage 145.60 10/15/2014 I1503564 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 537.00 10/15/2014 I1503564 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 1,771.88 10/15/2014 I1503564 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Gas 10/15/2014 I1503565 Perry, David Restricted ABC Project FY15 Non Employee Travel 10/15/2014 I1503566 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Vis and Pe Employee In State Mileage 10/15/2014 I1503567 Williams Middle School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/15/2014 I1503568 Williston Elko Middle Sch Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/15/2014 I1503569 Williston Elko Middle Sch Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 150.00 10/15/2014 I1503570 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted CVPA Prof Development Fun Employee Out of State Lod 10/15/2014 I1503571 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Meals 10/15/2014 I1503572 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 1,200.00 10/15/2014 I1503573 Language Resource Center Auxiliary Disability Services Contract Services Other 1,124.60 10/15/2014 I1503574 Language Resource Center Auxiliary Disability Services Contract Services Other 1,228.60 10/15/2014 I1503575 McCluskey Chevrolet Inc Unrestricted Mens Basketball Rent Other 10/15/2014 I1503576 Mechanical Equipment Comp Unrestricted Maintenance of Buildings IT Minor Equipment Less T 10/15/2014 I1503577 Southeast Toyota Finance Unrestricted Womens Soccer Rent Other 270.14 10/15/2014 I1503578 Talley, Quentin Antonio. Unrestricted CVPA Galleries Contract Services Other 200.00 10/15/2014 I1503579 TicketReturn LLC Unrestricted Athletics Contract Services Other 207.25 10/15/2014 I1503580 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Dacus Library Rent Equip 10/15/2014 I1503581 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Student Affairs Food Supplies 21.18 10/15/2014 I1503583 Walmart Community/GEMB Unrestricted DiGs Other Supplies 278.44 10/15/2014 I1503583 Walmart Community/GEMB Unrestricted Campus Center Programming Other Supplies 172.88 10/15/2014 I1503584 Walmart Community/GEMB Unrestricted Student Allocations Other Supplies 148.15 10/15/2014 I1503585 Aramark Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 1,757.96 10/15/2014 I1503586 Aramark Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 80.25 10/15/2014 I1503587 Aramark Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 152.59 10/15/2014 I1503588 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Employee In State Mileage 193.44 10/15/2014 I1503589 Bridge Interpreting Servi Auxiliary Disability Services Contract Services Other 110.00 10/15/2014 I1503590 Bridge Interpreting Servi Auxiliary Disability Services Contract Services Other 55.00 10/15/2014 I1503591 Bloomberg Businessweek Ma Unrestricted COBA Student Prof Develop Subscriptions Amount 12.41 41.96 122.72 68.64 53.50 24.00 300.00 6,104.35 33.55 2,787.45 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/15/2014 I1503592 Bloomberg Businessweek Ma Unrestricted COBA Student Prof Develop Subscriptions 10/15/2014 I1503593 Cumulus Radio Corp Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Advertising Costs 2,100.00 10/15/2014 I1503594 Cumulus Radio Corp Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Advertising Costs 1,400.00 10/15/2014 I1503597 Wright, Kim Unrestricted Dacus Library Contract Services Other 520.00 10/15/2014 I1503598 Summerville High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/15/2014 I1503599 Summerville High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/15/2014 I1503600 Sumter High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/15/2014 I1503601 Swansea High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/15/2014 I1503602 The Academy for the Arts Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/15/2014 I1503603 Timberland High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/15/2014 I1503604 Travelers Rest High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/15/2014 J0016484 JLW Remit Indirect Cost 1 Restricted TRiO Remitted Indirect Cost 3,452.62 10/16/2014 I1503605 Union County High School Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/16/2014 I1503606 W J Keenan High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/16/2014 I1503607 Waccamaw High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/16/2014 I1503608 Wade Hampton High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 133.36 10/16/2014 I1503609 Wade Hampton High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/16/2014 I1503610 Wagener Salley High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/16/2014 I1503611 Walhalla Senior High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/16/2014 I1503612 Wando High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/16/2014 I1503613 West Ashley High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/16/2014 I1503614 West Florence Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/16/2014 I1503615 West Oak High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 233.38 10/16/2014 I1503616 Whale Branch Early Colleg Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/16/2014 I1503617 White Knoll High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/16/2014 I1503618 Williston Elko High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/16/2014 I1503619 Woodland High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 100.00 10/16/2014 I1503620 Wren High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 233.38 10/16/2014 I1503621 York Comprehensive High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 250.00 10/16/2014 I1503622 SC Department of Commerce Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Employee In State Registr 280.00 10/16/2014 I1503623 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Dacus Library Rent Equip 10/16/2014 I1503624 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Dacus Library Rent Equip 39.09 10/16/2014 I1503625 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Dacus Library Rent Equip 151.53 10/16/2014 I1503626 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Dacus Library Rent Equip 17.05 10/16/2014 I1503627 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Mileage 19.97 10/16/2014 I1503627 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Meals Amount 8.01 49.94 207.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/16/2014 I1503627 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Lodging 10/16/2014 I1503628 Winthrop Student Unrestricted DSU Program Board Student Travel 10/16/2014 I1503629 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Employee In State Mileage 10/16/2014 I1503630 Winthrop Student Unrestricted Service Learning and Clos Student Travel 10/16/2014 I1503631 Aramark Unrestricted Student Academic Services Food Services 10/16/2014 I1503632 Clemson University Resear Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Taxes and Licenses 500.00 10/16/2014 I1503633 Ally Bank Unrestricted Office of VP Finance and Contract Services Other 490.55 10/16/2014 I1503634 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted CVPA Theatre Production Non Employee Travel 12.00 10/16/2014 I1503634 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted CVPA Theatre Production Non Employee Travel 4.24 10/16/2014 I1503635 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 57.00 10/16/2014 I1503635 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Lodg 67.26 10/16/2014 I1503635 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Gas 39.22 10/16/2014 I1503636 Winthrop Student Unrestricted Service Learning and Clos Student Travel 40.56 10/16/2014 I1503637 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accreditation and Account Employee Out of State Mea 57.00 10/16/2014 I1503637 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accreditation and Account Employee Out of State Lod 498.42 10/16/2014 I1503637 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accreditation and Account Employee Out of State Gas 30.00 10/16/2014 I1503638 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Meals 63.00 10/16/2014 I1503638 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Lodging 10/16/2014 I1503639 Winthrop Student Unrestricted Service Learning and Clos Student Travel 40.56 10/16/2014 I1503640 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Mileage 75.40 10/16/2014 I1503640 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Gas Par 7.00 10/16/2014 I1503641 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Mileage 50.44 10/16/2014 I1503642 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Mileage 26.00 10/16/2014 I1503643 Winthrop Student Unrestricted DSU Program Board Student Travel 49.62 10/16/2014 I1503644 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accreditation and Account Employee Out of State Mil 18.72 10/16/2014 I1503644 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accreditation and Account Employee Out of State Mea 82.00 10/16/2014 I1503644 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accreditation and Account Employee Out of State Lod 498.42 10/16/2014 I1503644 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accreditation and Account Employee Out of State Air 328.70 10/16/2014 I1503644 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accreditation and Account Employee Out of State Gas 36.00 10/16/2014 I1503645 Winthrop Student Unrestricted CSL Student Travel 24.00 10/16/2014 I1503646 Sims, Meredith Restricted ABC Project FY15 Non Employee Travel 69.68 10/16/2014 I1503647 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Vis and Pe Employee Out of State Mil 226.72 10/16/2014 I1503647 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Vis and Pe Employee Out of State Mea 73.00 10/16/2014 I1503651 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 1,500.00 10/16/2014 I1503652 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 195.24 10/16/2014 I1503654 United States Postal Serv Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Metered Mail Amount 918.34 35.96 357.76 40.56 3,250.38 292.84 1,532.42 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/16/2014 I1503655 Westwood High Restricted CERRA FY15 Education and Training 10/16/2014 I1503657 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Global Learning Initiativ Other Supplies 10/16/2014 I1503662 Aramark Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Food Services 1,525.00 10/16/2014 I1503663 Aramark Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Food Services 11,873.60 10/16/2014 I1503664 Aramark Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Food Services 1,625.00 10/16/2014 I1503665 Aramark Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Food Services 11,873.60 10/16/2014 I1503666 Aramark Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Food Services 1,625.00 10/16/2014 I1503667 Aramark Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Food Services 11,801.20 10/16/2014 I1503668 Aramark Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Food Services 177.96 10/16/2014 I1503669 Aramark Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Food Services 11,873.60 10/16/2014 I1503670 Aramark Unrestricted Career and Civic Engageme Food Services 56.14 10/16/2014 I1503671 Aramark Unrestricted Alumni Relations Food Services 544.00 10/16/2014 I1503672 Aramark Unrestricted Macfeat Early Childhood L Food Services 5,163.53 10/16/2014 I1503673 AT&T Corp Unrestricted Campus Police Telephone WU Landlines 174.11 10/16/2014 I1503674 Botros, Anthony Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Contract Services Other 70.00 10/16/2014 I1503675 Charleston Southern Unive Unrestricted Mens Golf Athletic Team Travel 1,600.00 10/16/2014 I1503676 Hampton Inn Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Guarantee Expenses 2,237.76 10/16/2014 I1503677 The Herald Unrestricted Graduate Recruiting and M Advertising Costs 4,093.16 10/16/2014 I1503679 Laboratory Corporation of Auxiliary Health Services Medical Services 1,319.23 10/16/2014 I1503680 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Golf Athletic Team Travel 10/16/2014 I1503681 MedPro Waste Disposal LLC Auxiliary Health Services Contract Services Other 97.00 10/16/2014 I1503682 Omnimed LLC Auxiliary Health Services Contract Services Other 183.56 10/16/2014 I1503682 Omnimed LLC Auxiliary Health Services Medical Services 10/16/2014 I1503683 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Golf Medical Supplies 10/16/2014 I1503683 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Golf Other Supplies 10/17/2014 I1503653 Omnimed LLC Auxiliary Health Services Contract Services Other 1,100.00 10/17/2014 I1503684 Martin, Doug Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Contract Services Other 70.00 10/17/2014 I1503685 Thomas, Larry Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Contract Services Other 70.00 10/17/2014 I1503686 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Business A Food Supplies 77.12 10/17/2014 I1503687 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Non Employee Recruit In S 155.67 10/17/2014 I1503688 South Carolina Press Asso Unrestricted Roddey McMillan Newslette Membership Dues 160.00 10/17/2014 I1503689 South Carolina Press Asso Unrestricted The Johnsonian Membership Dues 160.00 10/17/2014 I1503691 The Lamar Companies Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Advertising Costs 7,800.00 10/17/2014 I1503692 A3 Communications Inc Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Equipment 1,228.79 10/17/2014 I1503693 Winthrop Student Unrestricted DSU Program Board Student Travel 10/17/2014 I1503694 Todd Bremer & Lawson Inc Agency Scholarships and Financia Contract Services Other Amount 150.03 52.97 248.64 16.44 8.26 15.90 51.00 172.50 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/17/2014 I1503695 Bias, Rodney Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Non Employee Recruit Out 313.47 10/17/2014 I1503696 Cribb, Tonya Michele. Unrestricted Fine Arts Contract Services Other 550.00 10/17/2014 I1503697 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Financial Aid Employee In State Mileage 64.79 10/17/2014 I1503698 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Golf Athletic Team Travel 78.63 10/17/2014 I1503699 Hilton, Codey Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Contract Services Other 70.00 10/17/2014 I1503700 Carmenates, Omar Unrestricted Music Contract Services Other 200.00 10/17/2014 I1503701 City of Rock Hill Unrestricted PE Sport and Human Perfor Contract Services Other 3,150.00 10/17/2014 I1503702 Winthrop Student Unrestricted CSL Student Travel 20.00 10/17/2014 I1503703 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Mileage 43.98 10/17/2014 I1503704 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Recruit Out of State Meal 48.00 10/17/2014 I1503704 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Recruit Out of State Lodg 75.55 10/17/2014 I1503704 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Recruit Out of State Rent 51.97 10/17/2014 I1503704 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Recruit Out of State Airl 600.70 10/17/2014 I1503704 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Recruit Out of State Gas 26.46 10/17/2014 I1503705 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Campus Police Employee In State Meals 87.00 10/17/2014 I1503705 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Campus Police Employee In State Lodging 316.32 10/17/2014 I1503706 Levoman, Jennifer Restricted Fine Arts Contract Services Other 400.00 10/17/2014 I1503707 Southeast Toyota Finance Unrestricted Womens Basketball Rent Other 398.48 10/17/2014 I1503708 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Athletic Team Travel 125.00 10/17/2014 I1503709 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Athletic Team Travel 10/17/2014 I1503710 Williams & Fudge Inc Agency Scholarships and Financia Contract Services Other 2,364.28 10/17/2014 I1503711 Winthrop University Alumn Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Campus Services Contra 50.00 10/17/2014 I1503711 Winthrop University Alumn Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Campus Services Contra 50.00 10/17/2014 I1503712 Language Resource Center Auxiliary Disability Services Contract Services Other 695.60 10/17/2014 I1503713 Language Resource Center Auxiliary Disability Services Contract Services Other 1,711.09 10/17/2014 I1503714 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted University Relations Contract Services Other 2,066.11 10/17/2014 I1503715 Reynolds & Reynolds Print Unrestricted Athletics Promotions and Printing Outside Prepared 674.10 10/17/2014 I1503717 SCDHEC - Bureau of Financ Auxiliary Health Services Medical Services 118.35 10/17/2014 I1503718 Aramark Unrestricted Graduate School Food Services 445.55 10/17/2014 I1503719 Aramark Unrestricted Graduate School Food Services 445.55 10/17/2014 I1503720 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Meal 85.00 10/17/2014 I1503720 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Lodg 303.03 10/17/2014 I1503720 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Regi 30.00 10/17/2014 I1503720 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Gas 37.00 10/17/2014 I1503721 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 25.00 10/17/2014 I1503721 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Regi 625.00 Amount 125.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/17/2014 I1503721 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Recruit Out of State Gas 86.83 10/17/2014 I1503722 Federal Express Corp Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 19.19 10/17/2014 I1503723 Federal Express Corp Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 55.24 10/17/2014 I1503724 Federal Express Corp Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 45.98 10/17/2014 I1503725 Federal Express Corp Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 39.58 10/17/2014 I1503726 Hyundai Motor Finance Co Unrestricted Athletics Rent Other 358.00 10/17/2014 I1503727 Winthrop Student Unrestricted Undergraduate Research Student Travel 310.92 10/17/2014 I1503730 Southpaw Screenprint & Em Unrestricted Mens Basketball Clothing and Dry Goods 618.00 10/17/2014 I1503731 Southpaw Screenprint & Em Unrestricted Mens Basketball Clothing and Dry Goods 118.75 10/17/2014 I1503731 Southpaw Screenprint & Em Unrestricted Mens Basketball Other Supplies 10/17/2014 I1503732 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Basketball Clothing and Dry Goods 10/17/2014 I1503732 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Basketball Other Supplies 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 283.70 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 206.89 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 8.01 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 18.24 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 8.57 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 17.18 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 11.80 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 16.09 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 5.00 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 8.58 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 61.50 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 35.59 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 5.35 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 5.35 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 11.83 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 5.35 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 5.35 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 5.35 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 172.74 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 776.38 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 7.51 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 5.35 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 17.21 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 62.57 Amount 52.25 256.82 58.85 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 6.43 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 15.07 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 11.83 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 10.75 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 73.38 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 1,547.40 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 73.38 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 836.86 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 64.75 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 5.35 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 29.10 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 33,591.48 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 10.75 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 55.02 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Natural Gas 40.98 10/17/2014 J0016589 GF YCNG Util Sept act pd Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Courtyard Natural Gas 10/20/2014 I1503659 Apple Computer Unrestricted Online Learning IT Minor Equipment Less T 10/20/2014 I1503660 Apple Computer Unrestricted Online Learning IT Minor Equipment Less T 296.39 10/20/2014 I1503661 Apple Computer Unrestricted Online Learning IT Minor Equipment Less T 1,281.86 10/20/2014 I1503733 Medco Supply Company Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 254.42 10/20/2014 I1503734 Sorinex Exercise Equipmen Unrestricted Athletics Strength Condit Other Supplies 235.40 10/20/2014 I1503735 Southpaw Screenprint & Em Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Clothing and Dry Goods 55.00 10/20/2014 I1503736 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Clothing and Dry Goods 321.01 10/20/2014 I1503737 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Clothing and Dry Goods 321.01 10/20/2014 I1503738 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Soccer Clothing and Dry Goods 171.21 10/20/2014 I1503739 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Mileage 10/20/2014 I1503740 STI LLC Unrestricted Womens Soccer Athletic Team Travel 1,150.00 10/20/2014 I1503741 STI LLC Unrestricted Womens Soccer Athletic Team Travel 1,100.00 10/20/2014 I1503742 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Mileage 71.76 10/20/2014 I1503743 Winthrop Employee Restricted ABC Project FY15 Employee In State Mileage 74.88 10/20/2014 I1503744 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 10 FY14 State Employee In State Mileage 88.92 10/20/2014 I1503745 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Basketball Clothing and Dry Goods 10/20/2014 I1503745 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Basketball Other Supplies 10/20/2014 I1503746 Stafford Consulting Engin Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Consulting 2,164.06 10/20/2014 I1503747 Ellucian Support Inc Unrestricted IT Inititative Contract Services Other 8,985.65 10/20/2014 I1503748 Ellucian Support Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 3,210.00 Amount 5.00 1,817.93 83.20 176.57 53.50 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description Amount 10/20/2014 I1503749 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted CVPA Prof Development Fun Employee Foreign Travel 1,712.40 10/20/2014 I1503750 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Graduate Recruiting and M Recruit In State Mileage 98.80 10/20/2014 I1503751 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted CVPA Prof Development Fun Employee Out of State Ren 70.60 10/20/2014 I1503752 Gallaudet University Athl Unrestricted Womens Basketball Guarantee Expenses 10/20/2014 I1503753 Stafford Consulting Engin Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Consulting 55.76 10/20/2014 I1503753 Stafford Consulting Engin Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Consulting 13,026.96 10/20/2014 I1503754 SR&I LLC Restricted Task Order 8-II Federal Contract Services Other 82.50 10/20/2014 I1503754 SR&I LLC Restricted Task Order 6 FY14-15 Fede Contract Services Other 86.50 10/20/2014 I1503755 United Parcel Service Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 27.60 10/20/2014 I1503756 United Parcel Service Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Express Mail 10/20/2014 I1503757 Veterans Cab Company Auxiliary Health Services Contract Services Other 102.00 10/20/2014 I1503759 Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Contract Services Other 20,000.00 10/20/2014 I1503760 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Dacus Library Rent Equip 10/20/2014 I1503761 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Dacus Library Rent Equip 10/20/2014 I1503762 Hilton Garden Inn Anderso Restricted Task Order #10 Federal FY Employee In State Lodging 169.40 10/20/2014 I1503763 LaQuinta Inn & Suites Restricted Task Order #10 Federal FY Employee In State Lodging 82.28 10/20/2014 I1503764 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Graduate Recruiting and M Recruit Out of State Mile 25.30 10/20/2014 I1503765 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Graduate Recruiting and M Recruit In State Mileage 10/20/2014 I1503767 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Clothing and Dry Goods 1,197.54 10/20/2014 I1503768 Piedmont Door Automation Auxiliary Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 1,100.53 10/20/2014 I1503769 RobRoy Energy Systems Inc Unrestricted Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 650.00 10/20/2014 I1503769 RobRoy Energy Systems Inc Auxiliary Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 160.00 10/20/2014 I1503770 Summit Athletic Media Unrestricted Athletics Sports Informat Other Supplies 130.00 10/20/2014 I1503771 Trane Sales and Service Unrestricted Heating Plant Contract Services Other 5,305.16 10/20/2014 I1503772 University Accounting SVC Agency Scholarships and Financia Contract Services Other 468.72 10/20/2014 I1503773 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 33.04 10/20/2014 I1503774 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 42.47 10/20/2014 I1503775 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 37.27 10/20/2014 I1503776 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 42.47 10/20/2014 I1503777 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 10.00 10/20/2014 I1503778 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 10.00 10/20/2014 I1503779 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 36.00 10/20/2014 I1503780 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 36.00 10/20/2014 I1503781 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 36.00 10/20/2014 I1503782 Adams Outdoor Advertising Unrestricted Graduate Recruiting and M Advertising Costs 4,000.00 10/20/2014 I1503783 Aviata Sports LLC Unrestricted Womens Soccer Clothing and Dry Goods 2,000.00 32.10 99.25 29.38 117.20 345.09 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/20/2014 I1503784 Aviata Sports LLC Unrestricted Mens Soccer Clothing and Dry Goods 867.24 10/20/2014 I1503785 BP Oil Company Unrestricted Athletics Gasoline 244.30 10/20/2014 I1503786 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted IT Staff Development Employee In State Mileage 10/20/2014 I1503786 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted IT Staff Development Employee In State Meals T 7.00 10/20/2014 I1503787 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Mileage 150.80 10/20/2014 I1503788 Suntrust Merchant Service Unrestricted Student Financial Service Merchant Credit Card Fees 358.41 10/20/2014 I1503788 Suntrust Merchant Service Unrestricted Office of Public Events Merchant Credit Card Fees 344.98 10/20/2014 I1503788 Suntrust Merchant Service Unrestricted Athletics Merchant Credit Card Fees 43.32 10/20/2014 I1503789 American Express TRS Unrestricted Office of Public Events Merchant Credit Card Fees 16.97 10/20/2014 I1503789 American Express TRS Unrestricted Athletics Merchant Credit Card Fees 133.95 10/21/2014 I1503162 Czumak, Michael James. Unrestricted Mass Communication Contract Services Other 275.00 10/21/2014 I1503656 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Global Learning Initiativ Food Supplies 20.90 10/21/2014 I1503766 Sawyer, Carol Unrestricted Graduate School Non Employee Travel 28.08 10/21/2014 I1503790 ADC Engineering Inc Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Consulting 10/21/2014 I1503792 Burke International Tours Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Athletic Team Travel 397.50 10/21/2014 I1503792 Burke International Tours Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Athletic Team Travel 397.50 10/21/2014 I1503793 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 Employee In State Mileage 128.64 10/21/2014 I1503793 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 Employee In State Meals T 13.00 10/21/2014 I1503794 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted CVPA Theatre Production Office Supplies 10/21/2014 I1503794 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted CVPA Theatre Production Technology Supplies and S 10/21/2014 I1503795 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Social Work Recruit Out of State Mile 10/21/2014 I1503796 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of VP Finance and Employee Interview Travel 6.51 10/21/2014 I1503796 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Institutional Interviewee Employee Interview Travel 12.00 10/21/2014 I1503798 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee In State Mileage 100.00 10/21/2014 I1503799 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Mileage 87.47 10/21/2014 I1503800 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Mileage 54.53 10/21/2014 I1503801 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mathematics Employee Out of State Mea 42.00 10/21/2014 I1503801 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Lod 74.99 10/21/2014 I1503802 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Employee Out of State Mil 31.20 10/21/2014 I1503804 Nozny, Brian Unrestricted Music Contract Services Other 10/21/2014 I1503806 Ali, Osman Atif Omer Moha Restricted VISTA II - FY15 Non Employee Travel 75.61 10/21/2014 I1503807 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Mile 26.00 10/21/2014 I1503807 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 80.00 10/21/2014 I1503807 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 384.56 10/21/2014 I1503807 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Gas 48.00 10/21/2014 I1503808 SCASFAA Unrestricted Office of Financial Aid Employee In State Registr 50.00 Amount 76.96 2,081.20 9.58 21.38 105.04 500.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/21/2014 I1503809 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Mile 26.00 10/21/2014 I1503809 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 137.00 10/21/2014 I1503809 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 624.08 10/21/2014 I1503810 SCASFAA Unrestricted Office of Financial Aid Membership Dues 30.00 10/21/2014 I1503811 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Mil 24.88 10/21/2014 I1503811 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Lod 343.00 10/21/2014 I1503811 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Gas 47.00 10/21/2014 I1503812 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted World Languages and Cultu Audio Visual 10/21/2014 I1503813 Southern Elevator Company Auxiliary Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 10/21/2014 I1503813 Southern Elevator Company Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Contract Services Other 375.00 10/21/2014 I1503813 Southern Elevator Company Unrestricted Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 1,485.39 10/21/2014 I1503814 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Dacus Library Rent Equip 67.87 10/21/2014 I1503815 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 56.83 10/21/2014 I1503816 Immedion LLC Unrestricted ERP Infrastructure and Ma Contract Services Other 2,504.00 10/21/2014 I1503817 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 3,857.00 10/21/2014 I1503818 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 1,045.00 10/21/2014 I1503819 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 1,880.00 10/21/2014 I1503820 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 300.00 10/21/2014 I1503821 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 400.00 10/21/2014 I1503822 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 4,920.00 10/21/2014 I1503823 Southeast Toyota Finance Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Rent Other 401.48 10/21/2014 I1503824 Williams, Joe D. Auxiliary Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 450.00 10/21/2014 I1503825 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Mileage 10/21/2014 I1503828 Carolina Forest High Restricted CERRA FY15 Office Supplies 10/21/2014 I1503829 Ali, Osman Atif Omer Moha Unrestricted SC Campus Compact VISTA P Non Employee Travel 14.00 10/21/2014 I1503829 Ali, Osman Atif Omer Moha Restricted VISTA II - FY15 Non Employee Travel 308.10 10/21/2014 I1503830 Blythewood High Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 10/21/2014 I1503832 Chester County School Dis Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 76.45 10/21/2014 I1503834 Fork Shoals Elementary Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 106.20 10/21/2014 I1503835 Southside Middle School Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 60.00 10/21/2014 I1503836 Spartanburg School Distri Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 85.00 10/21/2014 I1503837 Spartanburg School Distri Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 125.00 10/21/2014 J0016545 JTB SC3900224754 ABCProj Restricted ABC Project FY15 Contract Services Other 325.00 10/22/2014 I1501456 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 6 FY14-15 Fede Employee In State Meals T 7.00 10/22/2014 I1503716 Winthrop Employee Restricted Medicaid II Employee Out of State Mea 82.00 10/22/2014 I1503791 ASI Campus Laundry Soluti Auxiliary Residence Life Contract Services Other Amount 13.97 2,612.00 55.12 100.00 87.00 26,904.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/22/2014 I1503803 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Academic Success Center Employee Out of State Mea 57.00 10/22/2014 I1503803 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Academic Success Center Employee Out of State Lod 221.17 10/22/2014 I1503803 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Academic Success Center Employee Out of State Gas 66.22 10/22/2014 I1503803 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Academic Success Center Employee Out of State Air 25.00 10/22/2014 I1503805 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Global Learning Initiativ Non Employee Travel 24.00 10/22/2014 I1503805 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of VP Finance and Non Employee Travel 10/22/2014 I1503838 Winthrop Student Restricted NETSCOPE Federal Funds Student Travel 10/22/2014 I1503839 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Counseling Leadership and Employee In State Mileage 10/22/2014 I1503839 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Counseling Leadership and Employee In State Meals 10/22/2014 I1503839 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Counseling Leadership and Employee In State Lodging 1,013.02 10/22/2014 I1503840 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Management and Marketing Employee In State Mileage 175.76 10/22/2014 I1503840 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Management and Marketing Employee In State Meals 10/22/2014 I1503840 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Management and Marketing Employee In State Lodging 10/22/2014 I1503840 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Management and Marketing Employee In State Registr 10/22/2014 I1503843 Sanofi Pasteur Inc Auxiliary Health Services Prescription Injection Im 10/22/2014 I1503844 Sanofi Pasteur Inc Auxiliary Health Services Prescription Injection Im 569.34 10/22/2014 I1503845 Sanofi Pasteur Inc Auxiliary Health Services Prescription Injection Im -1,156.31 10/22/2014 I1503846 Aramark Unrestricted University Events Food Services 10/22/2014 I1503847 C.E. Bourne & Co Inc Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Repairs and Re 10/22/2014 I1503849 Crossroads Environmental Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Consulting 10/22/2014 I1503850 EXXON/GECC Unrestricted Athletics Gasoline 10/22/2014 I1503851 Curatolo, Janice Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Athletic Team Travel 3,640.00 10/22/2014 I1503852 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 20.43 10/22/2014 I1503853 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 10.00 10/22/2014 I1503854 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 9.00 10/22/2014 I1503855 K-Mart Corporation Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 10.00 10/22/2014 I1503856 Medco Supply Company Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Medical Supplies 321.76 10/22/2014 I1503856 Medco Supply Company Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Other Supplies 30.65 10/22/2014 I1503856 Medco Supply Company Unrestricted Athletics Training Room Minor Equipment Less Than 14.68 10/22/2014 I1503857 MSS Solutions LLC Unrestricted Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 4,432.75 10/22/2014 I1503858 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Athletic Team Travel 1,200.00 10/22/2014 I1503859 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Athletic Team Travel 1,200.00 10/22/2014 I1503861 The Sherwin-Williams Co Unrestricted Maintenance of Grounds Maintenance Supplies 1,538.88 10/22/2014 I1503862 The Sherwin-Williams Co Unrestricted Maintenance of Grounds Maintenance Supplies 2,283.86 10/22/2014 I1503863 The Sherwin-Williams Co Unrestricted Maintenance of Grounds Maintenance Supplies 647.50 10/22/2014 I1503864 The Sherwin-Williams Co Unrestricted Maintenance of Grounds Maintenance Supplies 52.53 Amount 4.74 60.00 1,415.44 123.00 24.58 204.24 125.00 2,252.00 1,111.42 23,490.00 4,572.75 738.23 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/22/2014 I1503865 The Sherwin-Williams Co Unrestricted Maintenance of Grounds Maintenance Supplies 11.72 10/22/2014 I1503866 The Sherwin-Williams Co Unrestricted Maintenance of Grounds Maintenance Supplies 1,024.87 10/22/2014 I1503867 The Sherwin-Williams Co Unrestricted Maintenance of Grounds Maintenance Supplies 172.16 10/23/2014 I1503758 Tag Up Unrestricted Mens Basketball Other Supplies 378.73 10/23/2014 I1503826 Apple Computer Unrestricted Records And Registration IT Minor Equipment Less T 640.93 10/23/2014 I1503827 Apple Computer Unrestricted Records And Registration IT Minor Equipment Less T 10/23/2014 I1503833 CollegeNET Unrestricted Graduate School Contract Services Other 10/23/2014 I1503868 Aramark Unrestricted College of Business Instr Food Services 284.66 10/23/2014 I1503869 Aramark Auxiliary Wellness Services Food Supplies 99.95 10/23/2014 I1503870 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Meals 10/23/2014 I1503870 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Lodging 10/23/2014 I1503871 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Master of Liberal Arts Employee Out of State Mea 82.00 10/23/2014 I1503871 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Master of Liberal Arts Employee Out of State Lod 753.81 10/23/2014 I1503871 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Master of Liberal Arts Employee Out of State Reg 440.00 10/23/2014 I1503871 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Master of Liberal Arts Employee Out of State Air 318.50 10/23/2014 I1503872 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 Employee In State Mileage 477.88 10/23/2014 I1503873 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 Employee In State Mileage 374.40 10/23/2014 I1503874 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Employee In State Mileage 170.56 10/23/2014 I1503875 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of VP Academic Aff Employee In State Gas Par 6.00 10/23/2014 I1503876 Edwards, Corintha Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Non Employee Recruit In S 10/23/2014 I1503877 Everett, Walter Unrestricted Music Contract Services Other 10/23/2014 I1503878 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee In State Mileage 88.40 10/23/2014 I1503879 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Mil 17.68 10/23/2014 I1503879 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Mea 117.00 10/23/2014 I1503879 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Air 50.00 10/23/2014 I1503879 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Gas 73.00 10/23/2014 I1503880 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Social Work Employee Out of State Mil 115.44 10/23/2014 I1503880 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Social Work Employee Out of State Mea 32.00 10/23/2014 I1503880 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Social Work Employee Out of State Lod 100.35 10/23/2014 I1503881 McGovern, Imani Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Non Employee Recruit In S 74.52 10/23/2014 I1503882 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 Employee In State Mileage 46.80 10/23/2014 I1503883 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 Employee In State Mileage 243.26 10/23/2014 I1503884 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Employee In State Mileage 88.40 10/23/2014 I1503885 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Mil 35.36 10/23/2014 I1503885 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Mea 142.00 10/23/2014 I1503885 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Air 50.00 Amount 84.53 2,975.13 57.00 185.92 60.75 200.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/23/2014 I1503885 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Gas 30.80 10/23/2014 I1503885 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Express Mail 26.96 10/23/2014 I1503887 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Mil 85.28 10/23/2014 I1503887 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Mea 94.00 10/23/2014 I1503887 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Air 50.00 10/23/2014 I1503887 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee Out of State Gas 15.00 10/23/2014 I1503888 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC CY13 Carryover to CY Employee In State Mileage 384.80 10/23/2014 I1503889 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Human Nutrition Employee In State Mileage 10/23/2014 I1503890 Walmart Community/GEMB Unrestricted Human Nutrition Food Supplies 199.24 10/23/2014 I1503891 Winthrop University Cashi Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Non Employee Recruit In S 149.84 10/23/2014 I1503892 Winthrop Employee Restricted Task Order 8-II Federal Employee In State Mileage 37.44 10/23/2014 I1503893 Deas, Tyesha Laquana. Restricted CERRA FY15 Non Employee Travel 10/23/2014 I1503894 Winthrop Student Unrestricted DSU Program Board Student Travel 10/23/2014 I1503895 Koon, Amanda Rachel. Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 Employee In State Mileage 10/23/2014 I1503896 AT&T Mobility Unrestricted Athletics Promotions and Telephone Long Dist Data 1,315.90 10/23/2014 I1503896 AT&T Mobility Unrestricted Athletics Telephone Long Dist Data 1,315.89 10/23/2014 I1503898 Carolina Biological Suppl Unrestricted Biology Academic Lab Supplies 10/23/2014 I1503899 Comporium Communications Unrestricted Athletics Telephone Long Dist Data 10/23/2014 I1503900 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 51.36 10/23/2014 I1503901 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Telephone Long Dist Data 75.00 10/23/2014 I1503902 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Clothing and Dry Goods 43.83 10/23/2014 I1503903 SR&I LLC Restricted Task Order 9 Federal FY14 Contract Services Other 75.00 10/23/2014 I1503903 SR&I LLC Restricted Task Order #10 Federal FY Contract Services Other 74.75 10/23/2014 I1503904 STI LLC Unrestricted Womens Soccer Athletic Team Travel 1,400.00 10/23/2014 I1503905 STI LLC Unrestricted Mens Soccer Athletic Team Travel 1,100.00 10/23/2014 I1503906 Wingate by Wyndham Restricted Medicaid II Contract Services Other 4,129.20 10/23/2014 J0016588 JTB SC3900224196 Postage Unrestricted Post Office Clearing Metered Mail 10/24/2014 I1503907 Deep Run High School Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Regi 10/24/2014 I1503908 Frigo, Connie Unrestricted Music Contract Services Other 10/24/2014 I1503909 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Student Travel 10/24/2014 I1503910 Hobart Service Auxiliary Cafeterias Repairs Equipment and Mot 782.36 10/24/2014 I1503911 Hobart Service Auxiliary Cafeterias Repairs Equipment and Mot 585.67 10/24/2014 I1503912 Hobart Service Auxiliary Cafeterias Repairs Equipment and Mot 170.00 10/24/2014 I1503913 Hobart Service Auxiliary Cafeterias Repairs Equipment and Mot 1,099.44 10/24/2014 I1503914 Hobart Service Auxiliary Cafeterias Repairs Equipment and Mot 233.75 10/24/2014 I1503915 Hobart Service Auxiliary Cafeterias Repairs Equipment and Mot 659.31 Amount 74.88 223.71 45.42 131.25 8.88 9.75 56.25 15.00 500.00 2,025.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description Amount 10/24/2014 I1503916 Horizon Coach Lines Unrestricted Music Student Travel 2,890.00 10/24/2014 I1503917 North Carolina Music Educ Unrestricted Music Advertising Costs 10/24/2014 I1503918 Rosalind Franklin Univers Unrestricted Dacus Library Research Materials 10/24/2014 I1503919 SS&C Technologies Inc Unrestricted Student Loan Accounting Contract Services Other 10/24/2014 I1503920 Sauder Education Unrestricted Dacus Library Minor Equipment Less Than 10/24/2014 I1503921 William G Squires Library Unrestricted Dacus Library Research Materials 188.42 10/24/2014 I1503923 York County Treasurer Unrestricted Mens Soccer Taxes and Licenses 200.00 10/24/2014 I1503924 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Mea 19.00 10/24/2014 I1503924 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Interdisciplinary Studies Employee Out of State Lod 232.08 10/24/2014 I1503924 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Reg 300.00 10/24/2014 I1503924 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee Out of State Gas 15.00 10/24/2014 I1503925 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Curriculum and Pedagogy Employee Out of State Mil 15.60 10/24/2014 I1503925 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Curriculum and Pedagogy Employee Out of State Mea 80.00 10/24/2014 I1503925 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Curriculum and Pedagogy Employee Out of State Reg 42.00 10/24/2014 I1503925 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Curriculum and Pedagogy Employee Out of State Air 397.70 10/24/2014 I1503925 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Curriculum and Pedagogy Employee Out of State Gas 20.00 10/24/2014 I1503926 Winthrop Student Restricted Chem-Stem Scholarship Student Travel 70.12 10/24/2014 I1503926 Winthrop Student Restricted Chem-Stem Scholarship Grant Participant Costs T 70.12 10/24/2014 I1503927 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Internal Biomedical Resea Employee Out of State Mea 55.00 10/24/2014 I1503927 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Internal Biomedical Resea Employee Out of State Lod 599.81 10/24/2014 I1503927 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Internal Biomedical Resea Employee Out of State Gas 145.93 10/24/2014 I1503928 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Meal 48.00 10/24/2014 I1503928 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Lodg 44.07 10/24/2014 I1503928 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Recruit Out of State Gas 44.06 10/24/2014 I1503929 Winthrop Student Unrestricted West Center Operations Student Travel 10/24/2014 I1503930 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Alumni Relations Employee In State Mileage 71.76 10/24/2014 I1503931 Winthrop Student Unrestricted DSU Program Board Student Travel 37.32 10/24/2014 I1503932 Aramark Unrestricted Board Of Trustees Food Services 751.21 10/24/2014 I1503933 Aramark Unrestricted Board Of Trustees Food Services 1,105.43 10/24/2014 I1503934 Aramark Unrestricted Career and Civic Engageme Food Services 2,078.80 10/24/2014 I1503935 Aramark Unrestricted Family Weekend Food Services 8,840.17 10/24/2014 I1503936 Aramark Unrestricted Family Weekend Food Services 10/24/2014 I1503937 Boswell, Mary John. Unrestricted Career and Civic Engageme Consultant Fees 10/24/2014 I1503938 Charleston Southern Unive Agency Office of Dean College of Education and Training 700.00 10/24/2014 I1503939 College of Charleston Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 3,600.00 10/24/2014 I1503940 Ford Credit Auxiliary Canteen Vending Contract Services Other 315.00 11.77 44.94 3,991.96 5.40 10.00 500.00 389.72 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/24/2014 I1503941 Logo Works Inc Unrestricted Mens Baseball Clothing and Dry Goods 150.00 10/24/2014 I1503945 USC Upstate Agency Scholarships and Financia Education and Training 1,800.00 10/24/2014 I1503946 Bridge Interpreting Servi Auxiliary Disability Services Contract Services Other 110.00 10/24/2014 I1503947 BLX Group LLC Unrestricted General Expenses NACUBO C Contract Services Other 1,600.00 10/24/2014 I1503948 BLX Group LLC Unrestricted General Expenses NACUBO C Contract Services Other 1,600.00 10/24/2014 I1503949 BLX Group LLC Unrestricted General Expenses NACUBO C Contract Services Other 1,600.00 10/24/2014 I1503950 Closs, Laura Auxiliary Disability Services Contract Services Other 2,750.00 10/24/2014 I1503951 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Public Events Food Services 665.06 10/24/2014 I1503952 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Public Events Food Services 926.70 10/24/2014 I1503953 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Public Events Food Services 1,506.14 10/24/2014 I1503954 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Public Events Food Services 12,669.25 10/27/2014 I1503897 Bryant Supply Unrestricted Central Receiving Resale Central Supplies 10/27/2014 I1503944 The Hall Company Inc Unrestricted Student Financial Service Printing Outside Prepared 924.27 10/27/2014 I1503944 The Hall Company Inc Unrestricted Student Financial Service Printing Outside Prepared 924.27 10/27/2014 I1503955 Alibris Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 10/27/2014 I1503956 Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Audio Visual 10/27/2014 I1503956 Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 444.80 10/27/2014 I1503957 Aramark Unrestricted Student Allocations Food Services 700.00 10/27/2014 I1503958 Baker & Taylor Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Continuations 103.55 10/27/2014 I1503959 Baker & Taylor Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 1,868.32 10/27/2014 I1503960 Baker & Taylor Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 125.84 10/27/2014 I1503961 Baker & Taylor Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 1,149.92 10/27/2014 I1503962 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit In State Meals Ta 10/27/2014 I1503962 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit In State Gas Park 10/27/2014 I1503963 Dell Marketing LP Unrestricted INBRE-II Cash Match Y5 FY IT Minor Equipment Less T 1,435.63 10/27/2014 I1503964 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Counseling Leadership and Employee Out of State Mil 195.52 10/27/2014 I1503964 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Counseling Leadership and Employee Out of State Mea 72.58 10/27/2014 I1503965 Eastern Book Company Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 24.95 10/27/2014 I1503966 Eastern Book Company Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 125.02 10/27/2014 I1503967 Eastern Book Company Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 48.05 10/27/2014 I1503968 Ebsco Information Service Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Periodicals 31.55 10/27/2014 I1503968 Ebsco Information Service Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Serials 4.21 10/27/2014 I1503969 Ebsco Information Service Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Serials 2,625.49 10/27/2014 I1503970 Ebsco Information Service Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Serials 2,032.46 10/27/2014 I1503971 Ebsco Information Service Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Serials 8,217.54 10/27/2014 I1503972 Pfeiffer College Athletic Unrestricted Mens Basketball Guarantee Expenses 3,500.00 Amount 9,846.56 39.94 69.95 22.00 57.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/27/2014 I1503973 Ebsco Information Service Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Serials 10/27/2014 I1503974 National Library Bindery Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Binding 10/27/2014 I1503975 Ebsco Information Service Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Serials 15,253.35 10/27/2014 I1503976 Ebsco Information Service Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Serials 15,195.35 10/27/2014 I1503977 Lyrasis Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Serials 20,895.00 10/27/2014 I1503978 OCLC, Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Serials 1,044.59 10/27/2014 I1503979 Ebsco Information Service Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Serials 634.98 10/27/2014 I1503980 Ebsco Information Service Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Serials 10/27/2014 I1503981 Proquest LLC Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Serials 10/27/2014 I1503982 Gale Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Serials 10/27/2014 I1503983 Proquest LLC Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Microforms 10/27/2014 I1503984 Gale Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Serials 248.62 10/27/2014 I1503985 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 48.50 10/27/2014 I1503986 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Books 6.60 10/27/2014 I1503987 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Books 341.99 10/27/2014 I1503988 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 154.49 10/27/2014 I1503989 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Dacus Library Dacus Books 38.80 10/27/2014 I1503989 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 542.77 10/27/2014 I1503990 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 920.84 10/27/2014 I1503990 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Dacus Library Dacus Books 48.12 10/27/2014 I1503991 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 178.14 10/27/2014 I1503992 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 10/27/2014 I1503993 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Books 564.84 10/27/2014 I1503994 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 373.37 10/27/2014 I1503994 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Dacus Library Dacus Books 97.76 10/27/2014 I1503995 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 70.90 10/27/2014 I1503996 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 173.95 10/27/2014 I1503997 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 44.72 10/27/2014 I1503998 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 33.40 10/27/2014 I1503999 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 136.74 10/27/2014 I1504000 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Books 395.41 10/27/2014 I1504001 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Continuations 246.00 10/27/2014 I1504002 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Books 703.73 10/27/2014 I1504003 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Dacus Library Dacus Books 120.25 10/27/2014 I1504003 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 620.26 10/27/2014 I1504004 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Books 211.25 Amount 15,253.35 416.45 -260.02 4,710.00 2,051.92 24,968.08 28.85 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description Amount 10/27/2014 I1504005 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 88.21 10/27/2014 I1504006 Yankee Book Peddler Inc Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Electronic Books 89.95 10/27/2014 I1504007 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 22.43 10/27/2014 I1504008 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 181.49 10/27/2014 I1504009 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Continuations 102.49 10/27/2014 I1504010 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 31.58 10/27/2014 I1504011 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 48.61 10/27/2014 I1504012 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 50.42 10/27/2014 I1504013 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 47.47 10/27/2014 I1504014 Ingram Library Services Unrestricted Library Acquisitions Dacus Books 61.24 10/27/2014 I1504015 Winthrop Student Unrestricted Admissions Student Travel 12.00 10/27/2014 I1504016 Winthrop Student Unrestricted Admissions Student Travel 12.00 10/27/2014 I1504017 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Student Allocations Other Supplies 71.73 10/27/2014 I1504018 Winthrop Student Restricted Chem-Stem Scholarship Grant Participant Costs T 10/27/2014 I1504019 Peoples First Insurance Unrestricted Insurance Mgmt Liability Insurance General 10/27/2014 I1504021 South Carolina Housing Of Auxiliary Residence Life General Op Employee In State Registr 210.00 10/27/2014 I1504022 Winthrop Student Restricted Chem-Stem Scholarship Grant Participant Costs T 64.65 10/27/2014 I1504023 Winthrop Student Restricted Chem-Stem Scholarship Grant Participant Costs T 55.97 10/28/2014 I1504024 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Theatre and Dance Recruit Out of State Mile 22.88 10/28/2014 I1504024 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Theatre and Dance Recruit Out of State Meal 87.00 10/28/2014 I1504024 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Theatre and Dance Recruit Out of State Lodg 402.12 10/28/2014 I1504024 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Theatre and Dance Recruit Out of State Gas 10/28/2014 I1504027 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 300.00 10/28/2014 I1504028 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Athletic Team Travel 447.69 10/28/2014 I1504029 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Food Services 375.90 10/28/2014 I1504030 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Food Services 148.99 10/28/2014 I1504031 Aramark Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Food Services 128.86 10/28/2014 I1504032 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Arts and S Employee Out of State Mil 31.20 10/28/2014 I1504033 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Mileage 76.44 10/28/2014 I1504034 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Mil 23.92 10/28/2014 I1504034 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Mea 9.00 10/28/2014 I1504035 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Meals 10/28/2014 I1504035 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Lodging 10/28/2014 I1504037 Winthrop Student Restricted McNair Scholars - II Student Travel 25.07 10/28/2014 I1504038 Aramark Unrestricted University Events Food Services 316.40 10/28/2014 I1504039 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Volleyball Other Supplies 118.45 62.29 8,650.00 3.50 75.00 300.53 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/28/2014 I1504040 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Meal 10/28/2014 I1504040 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Regi 30.00 10/28/2014 I1504040 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Gas 156.22 10/28/2014 I1504041 Charleston School of the Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 183.00 10/28/2014 I1504042 Wilson, RaShan Unrestricted Student Allocations Contract Services Other 200.00 10/28/2014 I1504043 Winthrop Student Unrestricted CVPA Theatre Production Clothing and Dry Goods 10/28/2014 I1504045 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Athletic Team Travel 10/28/2014 I1504046 Winthrop Student Unrestricted CVPA Theatre Production Other Supplies 10/28/2014 I1504046 Winthrop Student Unrestricted CVPA Theatre Production Technology Supplies and S 10/28/2014 I1504047 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Athletic Team Travel 10/28/2014 I1504048 East Aiken School of the Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 10/28/2014 I1504049 Florence-Darlington Techn Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Contract Services Other 10/28/2014 I1504049 Florence-Darlington Techn Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Printing Outside Prepared 4.53 10/28/2014 I1504049 Florence-Darlington Techn Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Office Supplies 5.66 10/28/2014 I1504049 Florence-Darlington Techn Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Postage 5.67 10/28/2014 I1504050 Winthrop Student Unrestricted CVPA Theatre Production Other Supplies 17.09 10/28/2014 I1504051 Winthrop Employee Restricted McNair Scholars - II Employee Out of State Mea 12.00 10/28/2014 I1504052 SCCEOPP Restricted TRiO Membership Dues 105.00 10/28/2014 I1504053 Interstate Fleet Services Unrestricted Athletics Facilities and Repairs Equipment and Mot 151.22 10/28/2014 I1504054 Sign Techniques Unrestricted Mens Basketball Other Supplies 10/28/2014 I1504055 W W Williams Co Unrestricted Athletics Facilities and Repairs Equipment and Mot 448.00 10/28/2014 I1504056 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Non Employee Recruit In S 169.33 10/28/2014 I1504057 Walmart Community/GEMB Unrestricted DSU Activities Food Supplies 82.29 10/28/2014 I1504057 Walmart Community/GEMB Unrestricted Diversity Food Supplies 134.94 10/28/2014 I1504058 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Employee In State Mileage 10/28/2014 I1504058 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Employee In State Meals T 7.00 10/28/2014 I1504058 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Music Employee In State Registr 15.00 10/28/2014 I1504059 Spartanburg School Distri Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 75.00 10/28/2014 I1504061 Webber, Meg Unrestricted Macfeat Early Childhood L Contract Services Other 30.00 10/28/2014 I1504062 Lexington Richland County Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 279.78 10/28/2014 I1504063 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Golf Medical Supplies 10/28/2014 I1504064 Richland School District Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 560.00 10/28/2014 I1504065 Spartanburg School Distri Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 170.00 10/28/2014 I1504066 Spartanburg District 5 Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 65.00 10/28/2014 I1504067 Spartanburg School Distri Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 65.00 10/28/2014 I1504068 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Meal 57.00 Amount 89.00 51.36 1,250.00 5.21 19.27 1,250.00 116.00 1,052.80 8.56 74.88 6.36 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/28/2014 I1504068 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Lodg 10/28/2014 I1504068 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Gas 10/28/2014 I1504069 Winthrop Student Unrestricted Student Activity Internat Student Travel 10/28/2014 I1504070 Anderson School District Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 65.00 10/28/2014 I1504071 Aramark Unrestricted DSU Activities Food Services 55.00 10/28/2014 I1504072 Winthrop Student Unrestricted CVPA Theatre Production Other Supplies 10/28/2014 I1504073 Pickens Roofing & Sheet M Plant Capital Plant Accounts NC Project Repairs and Re 10/28/2014 I1504074 Service Plus South Inc Unrestricted NetSCOPE Y5 FY14 - Match Contract Services Other 97,567.42 10/28/2014 I1504075 Service Plus South Inc Unrestricted NetSCOPE Y5 FY14 - Match Contract Services Other 90,119.89 10/28/2014 I1504076 High Point University Unrestricted West Center Operations Non Employee Registration 10/28/2014 I1504077 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Womens Basketball Clothing and Dry Goods 1,424.03 10/28/2014 I1504078 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Womens Basketball Clothing and Dry Goods 1,332.90 10/28/2014 I1504079 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Clothing and Dry Goods 94.64 10/28/2014 I1504080 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Clothing and Dry Goods 1,425.71 10/28/2014 I1504081 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Clothing and Dry Goods -535.54 10/28/2014 I1504082 Adidas America Inc Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Clothing and Dry Goods -576.73 10/28/2014 I1504088 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Mile 10/28/2014 I1504088 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 368.00 10/28/2014 I1504088 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 1,375.40 10/28/2014 J0016639 JTB SC3900225225 Auto Ins Unrestricted Athletics Promotions and Insurance Auto 10/28/2014 J0016645 TLH 3900225172 prin 11011 Unrestricted Facilities Management C Project Prin Ipp Note S 20,684.08 10/28/2014 J0016650 JTB Wire Glasgow Tuition Unrestricted International Center Contract Services Other 6,570.66 10/29/2014 I1504093 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Athletic Team Travel 10/29/2014 I1504107 Winthrop Employee Restricted SBDC - Federal CY2014 Employee In State Mileage 10/29/2014 I1504108 Broach Tours Unrestricted Womens Lacrosse Athletic Team Travel 10/29/2014 I1504110 Carolina's Pink Pots LLC Unrestricted Mens Cross Country Track Rent Other 74.90 10/29/2014 I1504110 Carolina's Pink Pots LLC Unrestricted Womens Cross Country Trac Rent Other 74.90 10/29/2014 I1504112 City of Rock Hill Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 10/29/2014 I1504114 Converse College Unrestricted Graduate Recruiting and M Recruit In State Registra 35.00 10/29/2014 I1504115 Winthrop Student Restricted Fine Arts Contract Services Other 45.00 10/29/2014 I1504116 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Mil 12.48 10/29/2014 I1504116 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Mea 32.00 10/29/2014 I1504116 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Lod 343.00 10/29/2014 I1504116 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Gas 71.88 10/29/2014 I1504116 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee Out of State Air 50.00 10/29/2014 I1504117 Holiday Inn Rock Hill Restricted Medicaid II Contract Services Other Amount 110.50 63.77 128.00 68.74 120,000.00 150.00 30.37 156.45 308.24 138.32 3,239.00 11,258.32 789.60 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/29/2014 I1504118 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Soccer Recruit Out of State Meal 25.00 10/29/2014 I1504119 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 217.00 10/29/2014 I1504119 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 650.52 10/29/2014 I1504120 Winthrop Student Unrestricted Student Activity Internat Student Travel 128.00 10/29/2014 I1504121 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Mile 27.98 10/29/2014 I1504121 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Meal 377.00 10/29/2014 I1504121 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Lodg 843.70 10/29/2014 I1504121 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit Out of State Gas 22.26 10/29/2014 I1504123 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee Out of State Mea 32.00 10/29/2014 I1504123 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee Out of State Lod 398.46 10/29/2014 I1504123 Winthrop Employee Restricted CERRA FY15 Employee Out of State Gas 132.87 10/29/2014 I1504124 Reinhardt University Athl Unrestricted Mens Basketball Guarantee Expenses 3,500.00 10/29/2014 I1504125 Savannah State University Unrestricted Mens Basketball Guarantee Expenses 5,000.00 10/29/2014 I1504126 Seneca Middle School Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 74.58 10/29/2014 I1504127 White Knoll Middle School Restricted ABC Project FY15 Education and Training 63.00 10/29/2014 I1504128 Language Resource Center Auxiliary Disability Services Contract Services Other 728.00 10/29/2014 I1504129 Outfitters4, Inc Unrestricted Office of Dean Vis and Pe Contract Services Other 1,364.00 10/29/2014 I1504130 Republic Services of Char Unrestricted Maintenance of Grounds Contract Services Other 5,624.91 10/29/2014 I1504130 Republic Services of Char Auxiliary Maintenance of Grounds Contract Services Other 2,770.48 10/29/2014 I1504131 STI LLC Unrestricted Womens Soccer Athletic Team Travel 1,680.00 10/29/2014 I1504132 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Basketball Clothing and Dry Goods 10/29/2014 I1504132 Sports Licensed Div of th Unrestricted Womens Basketball Other Supplies 10/29/2014 I1504133 Water Conditioning Inc Unrestricted Heating Plant Maintenance Supplies 1,485.59 10/29/2014 I1504134 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Office of VP Access and E Rent Equip 3,529.84 10/29/2014 I1504136 Bridge Interpreting Servi Auxiliary Disability Services Contract Services Other 110.00 10/29/2014 I1504137 Carolina Backline Unrestricted DSU Activities Contract Services Other 300.00 10/29/2014 I1504138 Department of Homeland Se Unrestricted International Center Contract Services Other 25.00 10/29/2014 I1504139 Dodson Brothers Extermina Unrestricted Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 910.00 10/29/2014 I1504139 Dodson Brothers Extermina Auxiliary Maintenance of Buildings Contract Services Other 950.00 10/29/2014 I1504139 Dodson Brothers Extermina Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Contract Services Other 180.00 10/29/2014 I1504141 Morton Amusement LLC Unrestricted Athletics Promotions and Rent Other 500.00 10/29/2014 I1504142 Southpaw Screenprint & Em Unrestricted Womens Soccer Clothing and Dry Goods 42.00 10/29/2014 I1504143 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Campus Police Employee In State Meals T 21.00 10/29/2014 I1504144 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Campus Police Employee In State Meals T 21.00 10/29/2014 I1504145 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Campus Police Employee In State Meals T 21.00 10/30/2014 I1504036 All American Poly Unrestricted Central Receiving Resale Central Supplies Amount 93.78 28.54 7,436.40 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/30/2014 I1504044 Contact Collaborations Unrestricted Theatre and Dance Advertising Costs 150.00 10/30/2014 I1504083 Dell Marketing LP Unrestricted Accreditation and Account IT Minor Equipment Less T 996.65 10/30/2014 I1504084 Dell Marketing LP Unrestricted Accreditation and Account IT Minor Equipment Less T 41.72 10/30/2014 I1504086 Apple Computer Unrestricted Accreditation and Account IT Minor Equipment Less T 459.03 10/30/2014 I1504087 Apple Computer Unrestricted Accreditation and Account IT Minor Equipment Less T 84.53 10/30/2014 I1504146 Aramark Unrestricted Institute of Management Food Services 471.96 10/30/2014 I1504147 Carolinas Asian-American Unrestricted MBA Student Travel 50.00 10/30/2014 I1504148 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted PE Sport and Human Perfor Employee In State Meals 63.00 10/30/2014 I1504149 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean College of Employee In State Mileage 45.76 10/30/2014 I1504150 Ruecker, Stan Unrestricted Office of Dean Vis and Pe Contract Services Other 1,500.00 10/30/2014 I1504153 Mars Hill College Athleti Unrestricted Mens Basketball Guarantee Expenses 3,000.00 10/30/2014 I1504154 Xerox Corporation Unrestricted Office of VP Institution Rent Equip 2,014.09 10/30/2014 I1504155 Chester County School Dis Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Contract Services Other 2,578.80 10/30/2014 I1504156 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Employee Out of State Mil 22.88 10/30/2014 I1504156 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Employee Out of State Mea 55.00 10/30/2014 I1504156 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Employee Out of State Lod 559.29 10/30/2014 I1504156 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Employee Out of State Gas 95.00 10/30/2014 I1504157 Clover School District Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Contract Services Other 923.78 10/30/2014 I1504158 Fort Mill School District Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Contract Services Other 7,065.72 10/30/2014 I1504159 Lancaster County School D Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Contract Services Other 3,695.10 10/30/2014 I1504160 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Design Employee Out of State Mil 10/30/2014 I1504160 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Design Employee Out of State Mea 50.00 10/30/2014 I1504160 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Design Employee Out of State Lod 364.16 10/30/2014 I1504161 Rock Hill School District Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Contract Services Other 10/30/2014 I1504162 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Vis and Pe Employee Out of State Mil 10/30/2014 I1504162 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Vis and Pe Employee Out of State Mea 64.00 10/30/2014 I1504162 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Vis and Pe Employee Out of State Lod 527.58 10/30/2014 I1504162 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Vis and Pe Employee Out of State Air 50.00 10/30/2014 I1504162 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Office of Dean Vis and Pe Employee Out of State Gas 66.00 10/30/2014 I1504163 Union County Schools Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Contract Services Other 923.78 10/30/2014 I1504164 York School District One Unrestricted Inst for Ed Renewal Partn Contract Services Other 4,618.88 10/30/2014 I1504165 Delta Sigma Theta Unrestricted Student Allocations Student Travel 275.00 10/30/2014 I1504167 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 166.59 10/30/2014 I1504168 Presort Plus Inc Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 580.00 10/30/2014 I1504169 Sign Techniques Unrestricted Athletics Promotions and Other Supplies 449.40 10/30/2014 I1504170 Southeast Toyota Finance Unrestricted Mens Basketball Rent Other Amount 135.20 10,069.15 27.04 80.77 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/30/2014 I1504170 Southeast Toyota Finance Unrestricted Womens Basketball Rent Other 80.79 10/30/2014 I1504170 Southeast Toyota Finance Unrestricted Mens Baseball Rent Other 80.79 10/30/2014 I1504170 Southeast Toyota Finance Unrestricted Womens Softball Rent Other 80.79 10/30/2014 I1504171 Southeast Toyota Finance Unrestricted Mens Basketball Rent Other 391.06 10/30/2014 I1504172 Stegall, Wayne Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 300.00 10/30/2014 I1504174 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Meal 128.00 10/30/2014 I1504174 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Regi 30.00 10/30/2014 I1504174 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Rent 170.16 10/30/2014 I1504174 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Baseball Recruit Out of State Gas 84.16 10/30/2014 I1504175 Aramark Unrestricted Employee Development Food Services 138.05 10/30/2014 I1504176 Aramark Unrestricted Employee Development Food Services 11,678.75 10/30/2014 I1504177 Aramark Unrestricted Employee Development Food Services 222.22 10/30/2014 I1504178 Aramark Unrestricted Employee Development Food Services 415.53 10/30/2014 I1504179 Aramark Unrestricted Employee Development Food Services 244.60 10/30/2014 I1504180 Aramark Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 20.00 10/30/2014 I1504181 Aramark Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 96.30 10/30/2014 I1504182 Aramark Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 18.28 10/30/2014 I1504183 Aramark Unrestricted Admissions Contract Services Other 484.40 10/30/2014 I1504184 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted COBA Student Prof Develop Employee In State Mileage 10/30/2014 I1504185 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Meals 10/30/2014 I1504185 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Admissions Recruit In State Lodging 10/30/2014 I1504186 Winthrop Student Unrestricted Internal Biomedical Resea Student Travel for Resear 80.41 10/30/2014 I1504187 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Arts and Sciences Profess Employee In State Mileage 75.00 10/30/2014 I1504188 Fleming, Betty Unrestricted Human Nutrition Contract Services Other 125.00 10/30/2014 I1504189 Gross, Linda Weniger. Unrestricted Human Nutrition Contract Services Other 75.00 10/30/2014 I1504190 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Computer Sci Quantitative Employee Out of State Mil 10/30/2014 I1504190 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Computer Sci Quantitative Employee Out of State Mea 10/30/2014 I1504191 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Social Work Employee In State Mileage 132.08 10/30/2014 I1504192 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Social Work Employee In State Mileage 90.48 10/31/2014 I1504193 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 400.00 10/31/2014 I1504194 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 6,900.00 10/31/2014 I1504195 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 6,669.00 10/31/2014 I1504196 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 400.00 10/31/2014 I1504197 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 1,000.00 10/31/2014 I1504198 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 400.00 10/31/2014 I1504199 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 400.00 Amount 80.08 82.00 275.56 208.00 9.34 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/31/2014 I1504200 Jostens Inc Unrestricted Commencement Printing Outside Prepared 10/31/2014 I1504201 Jostens Inc Unrestricted Commencement Printing Outside Prepared 2.17 10/31/2014 I1504202 Jostens Inc Unrestricted Commencement Printing Outside Prepared 771.10 10/31/2014 I1504203 Jostens Inc Unrestricted Commencement Printing Outside Prepared 10/31/2014 I1504205 Florida State University Unrestricted International Center Contract Services Other 10/31/2014 I1504206 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 10/31/2014 I1504207 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accounting Finance and Ec Employee Out of State Mea 48.00 10/31/2014 I1504207 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accounting Finance and Ec Employee Out of State Lod 139.65 10/31/2014 I1504207 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Accounting Finance and Ec Employee Out of State Gas 55.00 10/31/2014 I1504208 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 2,500.00 10/31/2014 I1504209 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 3,400.00 10/31/2014 I1504210 Aramark Unrestricted Management and Marketing Food Services 10/31/2014 I1504211 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 10/31/2014 I1504212 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 400.00 10/31/2014 I1504215 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 1,000.00 10/31/2014 I1504216 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 8,000.00 10/31/2014 I1504217 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 400.00 10/31/2014 I1504218 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 350.00 10/31/2014 I1504219 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Womens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 3,749.00 10/31/2014 I1504220 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 350.00 10/31/2014 I1504221 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 350.00 10/31/2014 I1504222 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 900.00 10/31/2014 I1504223 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 900.00 10/31/2014 I1504224 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 900.00 10/31/2014 I1504225 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Mens Basketball Athletic Team Travel 350.00 10/31/2014 I1504226 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Design Employee Out of State Mil 86.94 10/31/2014 I1504226 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Design Employee Out of State Mea 137.00 10/31/2014 I1504226 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Design Employee Out of State Air 25.00 10/31/2014 I1504226 Winthrop Employee Unrestricted Design Employee Out of State Gas 29.00 10/31/2014 J0016652 JTB SC3900225504 Police F Unrestricted Security Improvement Rent Other 4,480.80 10/31/2014 J0016661 JLW Remit Indirect Cost 1 Restricted SCDHHS - MOU Task Order 1 Remitted Indirect Cost 2,883.26 10/31/2014 J0016663 JTB SC3900225929 P Router Unrestricted Campus Police Rent Equip 112.00 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 193.21 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 28.32 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 5,771.18 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 2,120.68 Amount 2.17 6.52 11,507.00 1,000.00 69.74 400.00 Winthrop University Transparency Report Fiscal Year 2015 Posting Period 04 Date ID No. Description Funding Source Department Description 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 73.45 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 11,275.55 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 18,747.56 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 7,032.54 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 817.22 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 44.04 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 167.16 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 11.83 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 1,310.61 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 2,958.09 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 2,533.31 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 54.62 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 81.50 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 484.36 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 6.93 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 78.48 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Power 1,174.99 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 3.74 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Courtyard Water 2,538.73 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Winthrop Real Estate Mana Courtyard Power 15,251.97 10/31/2014 J0016693 GF CRH Utility October 20 Unrestricted Utilities Utilities Water Amount 10,251.21 3.74 62.09