Page 1 IACUC001A 04/25/2008 of 2 IACUC # To be completed by SPAR Winthrop University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Animal Study Protocol Review Schedule A: Husbandry Directions: All questions must be answered. If some questions are not applicable, please answer NA. After completing the form, print one copy and sign. Submit the original paper copy with signature to Deborah Broome, Office of Sponsored Programs and Research (Rm. 149 McLaurin Bldg.) as well as an electronic copy via email ( The electronic copy does not need to show the signature. This schedule is to be completed for all animal studies in which the animals will be housed outside of their natural habitat in either on campus or field animal facilities. Principal Investigator: Project Title: A1 Animal Species Inventory Information: (The number of species should correspond to the- Animal Use Summary on the Animal Study Protocol Review IACUC001) Animal # Animals Housed Species Strain On-Campus location Field Location Age Daily Yearly a. b. c. d. e. A2 a. b. Animal Facilities Location Address of Site: Does the site facility comply with Animal Welfare Regulations? c. Does the facility have a license or permit for operation? d. Operating License or Permit: A3 Yes; State governing regulation: No; Explain: Yes; Complete item d. No; Explain: Authorizing entity: Give name and Address: License or permit #: Are animals expected to reproduce? Yes; If so, describe rate of expected reproduction: No Page 2 IACUC001A 04/25/2008 of 2 Describe and justify below special caging, care, diet, housing, etc. A4 Describe below special animal restraints other than routine caging and handling. A5 Signature of Principal Investigator Date