Certification of Credentials and Qualifications

Certification of Credentials and Qualifications
To be completed by department chair (or other administrator initiating the recommendation) Appointing Department/Unit: __________________________________School/College: ________________________________________
Academic Department (if other than appointing department): _______________________________________________________________
Name of Candidate:_______________________________________________________________ Banner ID# 85___________________
Highest Degree, Field of Study, Awarding Institution: ___________________________________________________________________
Teaching Field(s):_______________________________________Research Field(s):___________________________________________
Check one:
__Yes, highest degree listed is the terminal degree in teaching field
______NO, highest degree listed is not terminal degree
Course(s) or grouping of courses* candidate will teach:________________________________________________________________________
Course #__________________; Course Title__________________________________________________________________________________
Course #__________________; Course Title__________________________________________________________________________________
Course #__________________; Course Title__________________________________________________________________________________
Course#__________________ ; Course Title__________________________________________________________________________________
*use grouping of courses option to indicate the candidate may be teaching a group of related courses (e.g. introductory, non-majors courses within the discipline; a specific sub-discipline within the major).
Briefly explain how the candidate’s credentials qualify him/ her to teach courses listed (e.g., “Candidate holds terminal degree in the field of these courses.”): The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the auditors for the State of North Carolina have established minimum qualifications and credential requirements for all faculty, including lecturers (full or
part-time), EPA employees in units that report to Academic Affairs and other employee’s teaching a “for credit” course. According to SACS The Principles of Accreditation, 2008, p.28. “The institution employs competent
faculty members qualified to accomplish the missions and goals of the institution. When determining acceptable qualifications of its faculty, an institution gives primary consideration to the highest earned degree in the
discipline. The institution also considers competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including, as appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experiences in the field, professional licensure and
certifications, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes.”
Check the appropriate box or boxes to identify the credentials held by the candidate/faculty member.
Supporting documents must be attached to this form, complete with signatures, and should be included with personnel paperwork
submitted for full and part-time faculty hires. In accordance with SACS Comprehensive Standard 3.7.1: Faculty teaching baccalaureate courses: doctoral or master's degree in the teaching discipline or master's degree with a concentration in the teaching
discipline (minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline) from a regionally accredited institution. Attach required documents listed in
column A below and submit this form with personnel hiring paperwork to Dean/Director or next level supervisor. PART A
Faculty teaching graduate & post-baccalaureate courses: earned doctorate/terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline from a
regionally accredited institution. Attach required documents listed in column A below and submit this form with personnel hiring paperwork to
Dean/Director or next level supervisor. PART B
Graduate teaching assistant designated as instructor of record: master's in the teaching discipline or 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching
discipline from a regionally accredited institution, direct supervision by a faculty member experienced in the teaching discipline, regular in-service training, and
planned and periodic evaluations. GTA will be supervised by (name & title):___________________________________, “who will provide regular training
and periodic evaluations.” Attach required documents in column A below. This form & all supporting documentation are to be maintained in the
office of Dean/Director of unit/area. PART C
EXCEPTIONS: An additional statement of justification is needed, to include external letters of reference and other external proof of the proposed
candidate’s credentials and competency. An explanation is inadequate; documentation is essential. Exceptions would include degrees from foreign or
non-accredited institutions, lack of a terminal degree, not meeting the minimum requirement of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline, English is
not the native language, and the unavailability of suitable transcripts. Attach required documents listed in columns A and B below and process as indicated
under option indicated above. PART D
Certified by: _____________________________________________________
Signature of Chair / Administrator
Print Name
Approved by: ____________________________________________________
Signature of Dean / Director
Print Name
AA Approval : _______________________________________________________
Signature of Academic Affairs approver / Vice Provost AA
Stephen McFarland
Print Name
*Form is now ready for submission to HR with transcripts and other required forms/paperwork*
Reviewed/approved for AARM data entry by: _______________________________________
AARM Personnel Manager
Scanned _________
Susan E. Gray
Print Name
REVISED 8/2012
Candidate’s Curriculum Vitae Copy of Official transcript for each earned degree Unit Personnel Committee Recommendation (as appropriate) Licensure (as appropriate) COLUMN B (for EXCEPTIONS)
Statement of justification from, chair, dean or other administrator approving recommendation External evidence/documentation of credentials & competency External evaluations (book reviews, teaching evaluations, language exams, external degree completion certifications, honors, awards, etc. Helpful information for completing form:
 Banner ID number should entered for all current or returning epa and epa faculty; it should only be left blank if not
yet assigned
 All blanks must be completed up to the entry for Teaching Field information for non-teaching EPA hires who are
being submitted as EXCEPTIONS.
 Terminal Degree info must be checked yes or no before form is moved forward from appointing Dept./Unit
 At least one box must be checked to identify credentials held
■ If you choose the EXCEPTION option for a teaching EPA hire who will be listed as the instructor of record,
you must include/attach one item from each bullet listed in the COLUMN B (for EXCEPTIONS) block above.
It is the responsibility of the dept./unit/area depending on its internal processes to see that signatures are completed and
that the packet, including transcripts be submitted for approval/signature to AA approver / Vice Provost AA.
Please note: if you submit the complete packet of hiring documents the Vice Provost will complete the approval and move
the packet forward to HR. If this is your intention, please indicate by attaching a note to the packet.
**if the package is not complete when sent to Vice Provost, it will be returned to the issuing department**
See the NEW HIRE CHECKLIST at this link for assistance in determining what a complete hiring packet should contain:
OR contact AARM Personnel at x2 3848 or grays@uncw.edu