Parents’ Post

Parents’ Post
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A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R
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Register for Family
Day 2011!
Letter from the
Chief of Police
Health and Counseling services
It is hard to believe that the summer has already come and gone! We are excited
about the new year and are happy that your family has joined our family! Many of
you may be fighting back tears as you adjust to your student not being home anymore. Others may have already redesigned their bedroom into the new game
room or craft room. Either way we know that September can be a tough adjustment for parents filled with mixed emotions. Please know that our office is here to
help answer questions and guide you through this experience. We enjoyed meeting you over the summer and look forward to seeing you on campus this fall during the upcoming events.
Please enjoy this edition of the Parent’s Post!
Kema Gadson
Program Director for New Student and Parent Programs
GO Eagles!
Family Day 2011…..Has your family registered?
Family Day is quickly approaching!
Have you registered? You won’t
want to miss out on this wonderful, fun-filled day. There will
be Family Olympics, inflatable's
for the kids and kids at heart, a
great picnic BBQ lunch, live music, and chats with faculty and
staff. You might even be lucky
enough to get your picture taken
with Big Stuff, our very own,
very large, Winthrop Eagle. This
is just a few examples of what
you can when you come to Family Day on Saturday, October 1.
Oh, we can’t forget the most
important part of Family Dayvisiting your student! What a
great way to see if they remember how to do laundry and clean
their room…and check out their
classrooms and meet their
friends and maybe some of their
Registration for Family Day is
online at www.
You may also view a tentative
schedule on the website. If you
have questions, don’t hesitate to
call us at 803-323-2387.
Parent’s Post
A Letter from the Chief
Eliminating the opportunity is a big
step toward preventing crime.
Please remind your
son or
that he or
she must
also play a
part in assuring campus
The 2011 – 2012 Academic year is under way
and in September Campus
Police completed the 2011
version of the Winthrop
University Annual Security/Fire Safety Report and
to Drug Free Campus Statement which can be viewed
online at http://
your students
pdfAnnualReport.pdf . This report is
required under federal law
and is created to provide
parents, students, faculty,
staff, and visitors information on campus safety including crime statistics.
You will see from our
published report and
crime statistics that Winthrop is a very safe campus. However, as a fellow
parent of a college student, I am asking each of
you to remind your son
or daughter that he or she
must also play a part in
assuring campus safety.
I ask you to remind your
children to lock their
doors, be aware of their
surroundings, and use
good judgment while out
in the campus or surrounding community. Although our campus is among the safest,
we are not immune to
real world occurrences.
Campus Police offers
safety programs including
Rape, Aggression, Defense
(RAD) training for females, we offer an online
property registration and
bicycle registration, and
we have a very extensive
safety tip web page and
various types of safety
brochures available. Ask
your student to visit the
page or better yet, please
take time as a parent to
visit the page and provide
reminders to your son or
daughter. Our safety web
page is accessible at http://
PersonalSafety.asp . Campus Police has also
launched a new program
called Operation
C.L.A.W. This program is
designed to help prevent
computer theft. Information about this program
has been sent to all the
students and we hope
they take advantage of this
free and safe software and
load it in their computers. This software will
be able to assist Campus
Police in recovering the
computer should it be
Winthrop University and
Campus Police are always
doing what is necessary to
ensure the campus community is safe. But we do
need participant assistance. I am certain you
lock your doors and take
steps to ensure you are
safe while in your home
community. This is what
we are asking our students
to do. Please assist us and
take the steps to help us
keep your children safe
while in their campus community.
When asked, “What we
can do to prevent
crime?” My answer is,
“Eliminate the Opportunity!” In order for a crime
to occur, you must have
three elements present: (1)
intent to commit the crime
(2) means to commit the
crime, and (3) opportunity
to commit the crime. As
potential victims, the only
element we can control is
the third one, opportunity. If we as potential victims eliminate the opportunity for a perpetrator to
commit the crime, the
crime will most likely not
In order to eliminate the
opportunity, developing
good safety habits and
safety awareness are required. Winthrop Police
help with eliminating opportunity by providing a
police presence, but a personal safety effort must
also be made by each of us,
especially our students.
Winthrop University Heath and Counseling has
cost effective services to meet your students needs
Allergy Shots
1st shot — $18
2nd shot — $25
1st shot — $20
2nd shot — $27
Rapid Strep
Rapid Mono
Urine Test
(For Urinary Tract
Urine Pregnancy
Rapid Flu Test (A&B)
Sexually Transmitted
Chlamydia and
$15 (each)
$110 Gonorrhea
$91 Chlamydia
One-on-One Counseling
$240 a visit
Visit with Nurse
Health and
Services Office
8:30am - 5:00pm
Monday thru
Thursday and
9:30am - 5:00pm
Health and Counseling Services -
Crawford Building,
Rock Hill, SC 29733
$130 a visit
803/323-2206 •
803/323-3332 (Fax)
A Letter from Victims Services
By Ms. Carrie Morphis
The Respect & Responsibility Programs
Fall break: Oct 17-18
Course Withdrawal
deadline: Oct 21
Stay tuned…
A new Winthrop Update is coming in
Your one stop for
any and all Winthrop
Check the next Parents Post edition for
more details.
At Winthrop University, we are taking a pro-active stance to create a community that is
free of oppressive interactions and relationships. We want all of our students to enjoy a healthy
and engaging experience during their time at our university.
To help foster this environment, Winthrop is requiring all new students to participate in
an educational course about sexual violence prevention and about the responsibilities of being part
of a diverse and welcoming community. The educational program is entitled Student Success™
Unless There’s Consent. Students were sent specific instructions on how to complete this program
through their Winthrop e-mail accounts. The educational course includes a pre-test and post-test
that take approximately 10 minutes each to complete; the video section will take approximately 90
minutes to watch.
Students who do not complete this requirement will not be able to register for the
following semester’s classes, so it is very important that your student look for e-mail updates
on this program regularly. Completion of the program will also factor into their ACAD
grade. In addition, prizes including Café Cash and Winthrop Apparel will be raffled off to students who complete the program before returning to campus.
Parents are encouraged to watch this program as it may assist you in having an open and
frank discussion with your student about healthy relationships and personal safety. We also want
to make parents and students aware of the new Office of Victims Assistance. This office provides
immediate and ongoing services to victims of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking. The office also coordinates outreach like the Unless There’s Consent program.
It is our collective responsibility to understand these issues and work together to create a
respectful climate that allows all individuals to fully develop their personal goals while achieving
academic success. It is Winthrop’s hope that student participation in this program and others like
it will help prepare them for success in the world outside the university.
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Help Make Your Freshman’s
Achievements Possible……..
With MAP-Works!
What it is: A 20-minute survey that asks your student about his/her experiences at
Winthrop University thus far and what he/she expects to achieve.
What it does: Provides a free customized report for your student with guidance for
achieving his/her personal goals; it also introduces your student to the
multitude of on-campus resources that can help make your student’s time
at Winthrop successful.
How you can help: A personalized URL will be sent to your student’s e-mail on
September 13th. Please encourage your student to take the survey so
his/her time at Winthrop can be full of achievements!
Winthrop University . Department of Residence Life . University College