Document 11983192

Frank Shushok, Jr. Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Affiliated Associate Professor of Higher Education Virginia Tech 190 West Campus Drive, Suite 160 Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 (540) 231-­‐8064 EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park (2002) Higher Education Policy (Specialization: Academic Governance) Dissertation: Educating the best and the brightest: Collegiate honors programs and the intellectual, social and psychological development of students. Robert Birnbaum, Chair Master of Arts, The Ohio State University, Columbus (1993) Higher Education & Student Affairs Administration Special Cognate: Counseling Psychology, Department of Psychology Bachelor of Science, Baylor University, Waco (1991) Specialization: History EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Institute for Educational Management, 2012 Cohort Harvard Graduate School of Education Virginia Tech Executive Development Institute, 2010-­‐2012 Mentoring Modules: Government Relations & Equity and Inclusion CURRENT ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENT Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, 2009-­‐Present Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, 2009-­‐2014 Virginia Tech Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) is a land-­‐grant college and the most comprehensive university in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virginia Tech enrolls approximately 31,000 undergraduate and graduate students and manages a research portfolio of nearly $500 million. 1
Serve as the chief deputy and principle advisor to the Vice President for Student Affairs in a division consisting of 24 departments, over 3,000 faculty, staff, wage and student employees, and an annual budget of over $150 million. Provide leadership in planning, coordination, and convening of the Athletics and Student Affairs Committee of Virginia Tech’s governing entity (Board of Visitors). Provide leadership as the University’s Deputy Title IX Officer and coordinator for all student-­‐on-­‐student sexual misconduct. Supervise student affairs functions of Virginia Tech’s Center for European Studies and Architecture in Riva San Vitale, Switzerland. Co-­‐chair (with deputy town manager) the Virginia Tech/Town of Blacksburg Town-­‐
Gown Community Relations Committee and provide leadership for collaborative efforts between university and community constituents. Provide direct oversight for Virginia Tech’s largest combined auxiliary enterprise comprising over 2,000 faculty, staff, and student employees and an operating budget exceeding $110 million. Serve as a member of the Provost’s Council, University Threat Assessment Team and Title IX Response Team. Provide leadership for Division of Student Affairs committees, including those charged with advancing the Division’s Aspirations for Student Learning (five aspirational outcomes for all students to achieve during their undergraduate experience). Supervise faculty principals leading Virginia Tech’s residential colleges. Provide direct supervision, leadership, and direction for a team consisting of five department directors, a project coordinator, chief of operations (Deputy to Senior Associate Vice President), Associate Director for Planning and Business Services, two Title IX Investigators/ Sexual Violence Prevention Specialists, as well as oversight for the following departmental areas: Career Services manages an auxiliary enterprise with an annual budget of $3 million and comprising 30 staff members, including academic college liaisons, who engage students in career exploration, experiential education, post-­‐graduation planning (job search and graduate/professional school preparation), and health professions/pre-­‐medical advising. Dining Services comprises 11 self-­‐operating dining venues (board plans, retail operations, and national brands contracts), a processing and distribution center, and catering services that serve annually over 6.3 million meals to more than 19,000 board plan holders. Dining Services employs approximately 2000 staff (the largest employer on campus), and has an annual operating budget of $60 million. Fraternity and Sorority Life directs one of the largest fraternity and sorority communities in North America with over 4,000 students participating in 27 National Interfraternity Conference affiliated organizations, 13 National Panhellenic Conference sororities, all 8 National 2
Pan-­‐Hellenic Council fraternities and sororities, and 7 Multicultural Greek Council organizations. Housing and Residence Life manages all aspects of a residence hall system comprised of 46 residence halls housing over 9,200 students and includes facilities management, maintenance, renovations and capital planning, custodial operations, room assignments and occupancy management, residence life, conference management, and assessment. Housing and Residence Life advances robust living-­‐learning programs, two faculty-­‐led residential colleges and oversees approximately 150 full-­‐time and 300 part-­‐
time staff, and an operating budget of approximately $47 million. Student Conduct provides a comprehensive learning-­‐centered approach to alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct by both individuals and organizations. Between 2,200 and 3,000 cases are resolved each year. Student Conduct also advances education related to alcohol abuse and bystander intervention. Key Accomplishments (2009-­‐Present): • Co-­‐chaired “The Virginia Tech Student Experience Task Force” and co-­‐authored comprehensive plan highlighting strategic policy recommendations for strengthening campus life. • Served on the Presidential Task Force for Strategic and Long-­‐Range Planning, including service as co-­‐chair for the Curriculum and Pedagogy Committee and co-­‐
chair for the Envisioning Excellence Committee. • Recognized by the Virginia Tech Class of 2015 as its Honoree; by ACPA—College Student Educators as 2014 Diamond Honoree; by the Noel Strengths Academy as the recipient of the 2014 Anderson Inspiration Award; and by ACUHO-­‐I as the recipient of the 2015 Research and Publication Award. • Appointed in 2014 by Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe to statewide “Task Force on Combating Campus Sexual Violence.” • Led university efforts to create an infrastructure for responding to student-­‐on-­‐
student sexual misconduct. • Supervised the successful resolution of over 100 Title IX cases and/or investigations. • Led divisional effort to create, adopt, and integrate Virginia Tech’s Aspirations for Student Learning into the work of the Division of Student Affairs. • Initiated the creation of the multidisciplinary “Innovate” Entrepreneurship Living-­‐
Learning Program with the Pamplin College of Business. • Facilitated the creation of Virginia Tech’s first two faculty-­‐led, multidisciplinary, and multi-­‐generational residential colleges. • Provided coordination for the transition of Health Professions Advising from Undergraduate Education to Career Services. 3
Established a student affairs program for the Center for European Studies and Architecture in Riva San Vitale, Switzerland. Established the residence life/police resource officer program (community policing model). Initiated a division-­‐wide “strengths-­‐based” paradigm for working with students. Managed organizational change by establishing Dining Services as an independent department and coupled Housing and Residence Life into a singular organizational area. Centralized the financial operations of departments reporting to the Senior Associate Vice President that reduced cost, increased efficiency, and strengthened service to students. Provided oversight for six major capital projects: Upper Quadrangle/Corps of Cadets Housing Project ($92M) Ambler-­‐Johnston student housing renovation ($70M); Turner Place Dining Center ($45M); Phase IV Greek housing project ($4M); and West End Market Place dining renovation ($7M). Initiated the creation of Residential Academic Resource Center that integrate satellite tutoring, transition advising, academic success workshops, and other resources to support learning in partnership with the Center for Academic Enrichment and Excellence. PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS Baylor University (2001-­‐2009) Baylor University is a private, research university in Waco, Texas enrolling 16,000 students. The Carnegie Foundation classifies Baylor as a doctorate granting university with “Very High Research Activity.” Dean for Student Learning and Engagement Division of Student Life, June, 2004-­‐August, 2009 • Served as one of four senior administrators reporting directly to the Vice President for Student Life with particular responsibility for engaging students in experiences that facilitate learning and engagement through curricular and co-­‐curricular partnerships. • Provided line supervision for three departments: Campus Living and Learning (residence life and housing), New Student Programs (orientation, student involvement, and matriculation programs), and the Academy for Leader Development and Civic Engagement (leadership education, service-­‐learning, and community engagement). • Offered direct supervision for three department directors, two assistant deans, and an assistant to the dean. • Provided overall leadership and supervision of approximately 60 professional and graduate staff. 4
Directed and provided oversight for the Baylor Faculty-­‐in-­‐Residence Program that comprised the Brooks Residential College faculty master, the Honors Residential College faculty master (in cooperation with Dean of the Honors College), and seven faculty members serving in residence. Offered leadership oversight for Imperative II (Create a Truly Residential Campus) of the university’s strategic plan that includes the facilitation of academic curricular and co-­‐curricular partnerships, a housing redevelopment initiative, and the construction of 1,800 new beds. Participated as a member of the University Crisis Response Team. Administered operating budget in excess of $25M. Advised sophomore class and “One BU,” a diversity education student organization. Co-­‐Director, Engaged Learning Group Program (Special Appointment in with role as Dean for Student Learning & Engagement) Office of the Provost, June, 2006-­‐2009 Provided co-­‐leadership and co-­‐coordination for Baylor’s interdisciplinary/disciplinary, team taught, and faculty-­‐led Engaged Learning Groups in which students explored topics for 2 years. These included: • Energy and Society (School of Engineering and Computer Science and Environmental Science); • Hispanic Families in Transition (School of Education and Department of English); • Film and Global Culture (Communication Studies and the Honors College); • Entrepreneurship and Creative Leadership (School of Business and Theatre Arts); • Global Communities (Modern Foreign Languages and Communication Studies); • Christian Narratives (Department of Religion); • Exploring Global Poverty (School of Business, School of Engineering and Computer Science); • Women in America (Department of History and School of Education); and • The Science of Society (Department of Sociology). Associate Dean & Director, Campus Living and Learning (Housing & Residence Life) Baylor University, August, 2001-­‐ May, 2004 • Served as member of the Student Life Executive Team and as chief housing officer for a department housing approximately 4,600 residential students. • Provided leadership for approximately 50 professional and graduate staff members, as well as direct supervision for the Director of Operations (facilities, budget operations, summer conferences), Associate Director (personnel, training, development and learning), Associate Director (academic initiatives and housing administration), Assistant Director (administrative services), and an administrative assistant. • Provided oversight for annual budget of approximately $20 million. 5
Established strategic plan to integrate academic life, spiritual formation, cultural diversity, and leadership development into the fabric of residential living. Key accomplishments (2001-­‐2009): • Co-­‐authored Baylor’s Southern Association of College and Schools (SACS) Quality Enhancement Plan: Strengthening Scholarly Engagement: Academically Themed Engaged Learning Groups (ELGs) and Research Initiatives for Undergraduate Education (implemented in 2007). • Authored Baylor’s ACUHO-­‐I 21st Century Project proposal, a multi-­‐phased initiative that re-­‐imagines the future of college and university housing (selected in 2009 along with Indiana University and Colorado College). • Participated in development activities resulting in 4 gifts totaling $4M. • Led effort to address unintentional systemic pattern of residence hall racial segregation. • Directed programmatic planning, design, and execution of construction for a 600 bed living-­‐learning community (School of Engineering and Computer Science Living-­‐
Learning Center)—a $33 million project that opened in the fall, 2004 and received College Planning and Management Magazine’s designation as educational facility of the year in 2005. • Directed programmatic planning, design, and execution of construction for Brooks residential college and an additional 700 student beds—a $42 million project that opened in fall, 2007 and received NASPA’s 2010 Gold Medal. • Collaborated in the creation and development of nine fully-­‐integrated living-­‐learning communities: School of Engineering and Computer Science LLC (2004), Honors Residential College (2004), Leadership LLC (2005), Outdoor Adventure LLC (2007), Brooks Residential College (2007), Global Communities LLC (2008), Entrepreneurship LLC (2009); Fine Arts LLC (2010); and Nursing LLC (2010). • Increased percentage of undergraduate students living on campus by 12 percent between the years 2001-­‐2009. • Increased student participation in faculty-­‐led living-­‐learning programs, enrolling over 1,300 students. • Established a Faculty-­‐in-­‐Residence Program in 2004 that grew to 9 faculty members living in residence. • Wrote proposal (and corresponding curriculum) for the creation of an undergraduate minor in leadership studies adopted in 2009. Other Employment: Coordinator for Rights and Responsibilities (6 month interim appointment) Department of Resident Life University of Maryland, College Park, January, 2001-­‐August, 2001 Student Conduct Hearing Officer and Coordinator, Central Student Conduct Board Office of Student Conduct and Student Ethical Development University of Maryland, College Park, August, 1997-­‐ January 2001 6
Research Associate, Center for Policy Analysis American Council on Education, Washington, DC, June, 1999-­‐July, 2001 Coordinator of Greek Life Northern Arizona University, July 1993-­‐ July 1997 Graduate Residence Hall Director, Department of Residence and Dining Halls The Ohio State University, July 1991-­‐ July 1993 Graduate Intern, Office of University Development Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, June-­‐August, 1992. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Affiliated Associate Professor of Higher Education (Approved by promotion and tenure committee, 2014) School of Education, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Virginia Tech Affiliated Assistant Professor of Higher Education (Approved by promotion and tenure committee, 2009) School of Education, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Virginia Tech • Serve as a member of the higher education graduate faculty that includes teaching courses, and participation on dissertation, comprehensive exam, and case study committees. Assistant Professor of Higher Education (tenure-­‐track) Graduate Program Director, Educational Administration Program Coordinator, Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration (50 percent Student Affairs/ 50 percent School of Education appointment). School of Education, August, 2008-­‐2009 • Served as a faculty member in the Department of Educational Administration. • Provided leadership for the master’s program in Student Affairs Administration enrolling approximately 35 full-­‐time and 5 part-­‐time graduate students. • Coordinated student admissions, orientation, faculty communication, and curriculum development. • Served as department liaison to the Graduate School and School of Education’s Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research. • Participated as a member of Baylor’s Graduate Faculty. • Provided oversight for undergraduate courses and minor in leadership studies. 7
Lecturer in Higher Education School of Education, Department of Educational Administration Baylor University, 2002-­‐2008 Visiting Faculty, Department of Higher Education and Organizational Leadership School of Behavioral and Applied Sciences Azusa Pacific University, Spring term, 2007 Affiliated Faculty in Great Texts Honors College Baylor University, 2006-­‐2009 Lecturer in Leadership Education Academy for Leader Development and Civic Engagement Baylor University, June 2004-­‐2009 GRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT EDHE 5604—Research Methods in Student Affairs (Virginia Tech) Spring, 2010 and 2011. EDHE 6064—Higher Education in the United States (Virginia Tech) Fall, 2011, 2012, and 2013. EDHE 5344—College Student and College Environment (Virginia Tech) Spring, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2105. EDA 5372—Organization and Culture in Higher Education (Baylor University) Fall 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008. EDA 5394—Higher Education Planning, Budgeting and Assessment (Baylor University) Spring 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. HED 728—Higher Education Politics and Policy (Azusa Pacific University) Spring, 2007. EDA 5194—Leaders in the Field of Higher Education (Baylor University) Summer, 2003, 2009) UNDERGRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT Honors First-­‐Year Experience Seminar, 2010 (Virginia Tech) GTX 3350—Great Texts for Leadership, 2007 (Baylor) Introduction to Leadership, 1992, 1993 (Ohio State), 1998, 1999, 2000 (Maryland), 2004 (Baylor) 8
LDS 4398—Advanced Leadership Theory, 2008 (Baylor) Honors Colloquium (Honors 3200-­‐3201) 2008: Discussion of the book: W.E.B. Du Bois: American Profit. Blum (2007). 2007: Discussion of the book: Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America. Emerson and Smith (2002). University 1000 (First-­‐Year Seminar) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 (Baylor) EDITORIAL LEADERSHIP • Executive Editor, About Campus, 2013-­‐present (About Campus is a bimonthly journal with a readership of over 15,000 subscribers for educators who want to thoughtfully examine the issues, policies, and practices that influence the learning experiences of college students and is published as a partnership of ACPA—College Student Educators International and Jossey-­‐Bass/Wiley Publishers). • Associate Editor, Journal of College and University Student Housing, 2010-­‐2014. (The Journal of College and University Student Housing is a peer-­‐reviewed research journal supported by the Association of College and University Student Housing—
International and publishes two issues a year. • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 2009-­‐
2012. PUBLICATIONS Books/Monographs: Sriram, R. & Shushok, F. (in preparation). Honors programs in American higher education: Origins, significance, and prospects. Book Chapters: Shushok, F. & Perillo, P. (forthcoming). Emerging trends in student affairs. In N. Zhang (Ed.) Rentz’s Student Affairs Practice in Higher Education. Springfield, IL: Thomas Books Shushok, F. & Perillo, P. (2015). Personal exploration and national trends: The future for students of all faith backgrounds. In J. L. Small (Ed.) Making meaning: Embracing spirituality, faith, religion, and life purpose in student affairs. Sterling, VA: Stylus. 9
Shushok, F. & Kidd, V. (2015). Millennials in higher education: As students change, much about them remains the same. In Marks, & J. Wade (Eds.), Positive Psychology on the College Campus. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Shushok, F., Arcelus, V., Finger, E., & Kidd, V. (2013). Academic initiatives: strengthening intellectual life in residential settings. In N.W. Dunkel & J. A. Bauman (Eds.), Campus Housing Management. Columbus, OH: ACUHO-­‐I. Scott, M. L., & Shushok, F., Jr. (2007). The changing face of campus life. In D. Schmeltekopf & B. Hankins (Eds.), The Baylor Project. South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’s Press. Birnbaum, R. & Shushok, F., Jr. (2001). The crisis “crisis” in higher education: Is that a wolf or a pussycat at the academy’s door? In Philip G. Altbach, Patricia Gumport, & Bruce Johnstone (Eds.). The Enduring Legacies: In Defense of American Higher Education. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 59-­‐84. Journal and Research Articles: Sriram, R., Shushok, F., Jr. & Scales, L. (Under review) Development, validity, and reliability of the campus residential experience survey. Shushok, F., Jr. (2014). Why didn’t I think of that? Dodging big ruts for big ideas for learning in higher education. About Campus. 18 (6), 30-­‐32. San Francisco, CA: Wiley. Penven, J., Stephens, R., Shushok, F., Jr. & Keith, C. (2013). The past, present and future of residential colleges: Looking back at S. Stewart Gordon’s Living and Learning in College. Journal of College and University Student Housing. 39, (2), 114-­‐127. McCarty, S.M., Mullins, T.G., Geller, E.S. & Shushok, F., Jr. (2013). The Actively Caring for People movement at Virginia Tech and beyond: Cultivating compassion and relationships in residence halls. Journal of College & Character, 5, (1). Shushok, F., Jr. and Manz, J. (2012). Rewinding forward: What James A. Wallace’s 1980 essay on “the Philosophy of University Housing” tells us about where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re heading. Journal of College and University Housing, 38, (2), pp. 100-­‐
108. Shushok, F., Jr. Sriram, R., & Scales, L. (2012). A tale of three campuses: Uncovering theories of residential life that shape the student experience. About Campus, 16 (3), 13-­‐21. San Francisco, CA: Wiley. Shushok, F., Jr. (2011). Spiritual and moral friendships: How campuses can encourage a search for learning and purpose. Journal of College and Character, 12, (4), 1-­‐8. Shushok, F., Jr. Sriram, S., & Perkins (2011). Students as teachers: What faculty learn from living on campus. Journal of College and University Student Housing, 38, (1), 40-­‐55. 10
Shushok, F., Jr. & Sriram, R. (2010). Exploring the effect of a residential academic affairs-­‐
student affairs partnership: The first-­‐year of an engineering and computer science living-­‐
learning center. Journal of College and University Student Housing, 36, (2), 68-­‐81. Shushok, F., Jr. & Moore, S. (2010). The reading, study, and discussion of the “great texts” of literature, philosophy, and politics as a complement to contemporary leadership education literature. Journal of Leadership Studies, 3 (4), 71-­‐80. Shushok, F. Jr. (2010). When good people happen to bad things: Student learning in unfortunate times. About Campus, 15 (1), 18-­‐23. San Francisco, CA: Wiley. Shushok, F., Jr., Henry, D.V., Blalock, Glenn, Sriram, R. (2009). Learning at any time: Supporting student learning wherever it happens. About Campus, 14 (1), 10-­‐15. San Francisco, CA: Wiley. Shushok, F., Jr. (2008). Learning friendship: The indispensable basis of a good society. About Campus, 13 (3), 19-­‐26. San Francisco, CA: Wiley. Shushok, F., Jr. (2007). Student outcomes and honors programs: A longitudinal study of 172 honors students 2000-­‐2004. Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, Fall/Winter, 85-­‐96. Shushok, F., Jr., & E. Hulme (2006). What’s right with you: Helping students find their extraordinary life. About Campus, 11 (4), 2-­‐8. San Francisco, CA: Wiley. Shushok, F., Jr. & Wright, J.C. (2005) Nurturing spiritual development by design. Talking Stick, 22 (4), 14-­‐16. Association for College and University Housing Officer—International. Shushok, Frank, Jr. (2001). The beginning impact of state percentage plans on college and university admissions. College & University Journal, 6, 27-­‐28. Published Interviews with Higher Education Leaders: Shushok, F. Jr. (forthcoming). Exploring innovation in higher education with Arizona State University President Michael Crow. About Campus, 21 (1). San Francisco, CA: Wiley Shushok, F., Jr. (forthcoming). A candid conversation about schools, culture, and the widening opportunity gap in America with Professor Robert D. Putnam. About Campus 20 (4), 3-­‐7. San Francisco, CA: Wiley. Shushok, F., Jr. (2015). Interview with ACPA—College Student Educators International Executive Director, Cindi Love. About Campus. 20(3). San Francisco, CA: Wiley 11
Shushok, F., Jr. (2015). Conversation between former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Executive Editor Frank Shushok, Jr. About Campus. 20(2). San Francisco, CA: Wiley. Shushok, F., Jr. (2014). Conversation between Professor Derek Bok and Executive Editor Frank Shushok, Jr. About Campus. 19(2), 12-­‐23. San Francisco, CA: Wiley. Book Reviews and Encyclopedias: Shushok, F. (forthcoming). [Review of the book Student Learning in College Residence Halls: What Works, What Doesn’t and Why]. Journal of College Student Development. Shushok, F. (2010). [Review of the book College Organization and Professional Development: Integrating Moral Reasoning and Reflective Practice]. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 47 (1). Shushok F., Jr. (2002). Honors programs in American higher education. In James Forest & Kevin Kinser, (Eds.), Higher Education in the United States: An Encyclopedia (Vol. I, pp. 335-­‐
336). Santa Barbara: ABC-­‐CLIO Publishers. Shushok, F., Jr. (2003). What college freshmen should know [Review of the book Making the most of college: Students speak their minds]. Baylor Magazine, 2 (2). Waco: Baylor University. Shushok, F., Jr. (1993). [Review of the book: Rethinking the American race problem]. Mentoring Visions, 6, 11. Columbus: The Ohio State University. Other Writing: Shushok, F., Jr. & Bratton, S. (2006). SACS Quality Enhancement Plan: Strengthening Scholarly Engagement: Academically-­‐Themed Engaged Learning Groups (ELGs) and Research Initiatives for Undergraduate Education. King, J.E. & Shushok, F., Jr. (2000). A final evaluation report on the National College Is Possible Public Education Campaign. Washington D.C.: The American Council on Education, 2000. Selected Scholarly Papers, Professional Presentations, and Talks Frank Shushok. Invited keynote address. Rethinking assessment and learning for the modern age. ACPA—College Student Educators International Assessment Institute, Louisville, KY, 2015. Frank Shushok. Invited keynote address: The road is made by walking: The “so that” of the strengths movement in higher education. The Thriving Conference, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA, 2014. 12
Frank Shushok. Invited keynote address: Accountability for student learning. New River Community College Summer Workshop, 2014. Frank Shushok. Invited keynote address: Promoting student success by remembering our humanity. Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Student Affairs Conference, Edinboro, PA, 2013. Frank Shushok (with Elisa Dunman, Eileen Hulme, Robert Kelly, and Patricia Perillo). Mid-­‐
life reflections about vocation and calling. NASPA Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 2013. Frank Shushok (with Cynthia Bonner, Martha Glass, and Edward Spencer). Igniting a paradigm shift to a learning-­‐centered organization. NASPA Annual Meeting, Phoenix Arizona, 2012. Frank Shushok (with Jonathan Manz). Reframing generational theory: A positive psychology approach. NASPA Annual Meeting, Phoenix Arizona, 2012. Frank Shushok (with Deepu George, Taris Mullins, and Shane McCarty). Cultivating a culture of compassion and dialogue to create inclusive environments. NASPA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 2012. Frank Shushok (with Rishi Sriram and Laine Scales). Whose job is it anyway? Perspectives of student affairs administrators on the educational experience of on-­‐campus residential environments. ASHE Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2011. Frank Shushok (with Shane McCarty). Actively caring for people: Engaging students in a movement. NASPA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2011. Frank Shushok (with Elisa Dunman and Trey Guinn). Learning friendship: Implementing a friendship curriculum. NASPA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2011. Frank Shushok. Reflections on why we do what we do. Invited presentation to the Department of Resident Life staff at the University of Maryland, College Park, 2010. Frank Shushok. Developing curiosity as a learning objective. Invited presentation to the Extraordinary Lives Colloquium, Ft. Worth, Texas, 2010. Frank Shushok (with Eileen Hulme and Karin Klinger). Positive student development theory: A new lens for the field. NASPA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 2010. Frank Shushok (with Karen Hall, Jennifer Perkins, Tim Powers, and Dave Rozeboom). Creating a culture of scholar-­‐practitioners: A grassroots effort. NASPA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 2010. Frank Shushok. Assessing climate and culture and managing institutional change. ACUHO-­‐I Chief Housing Officers Institute. Orlando, Florida, 2010. 13
Frank Shushok. Fraternity and sorority life: Using a gap analysis to uncover the disparity between espoused theories and theories in use. Northern Arizona University Spring Speaker. Flagstaff, Arizona, 2010. Frank Shushok. Developing an interdisciplinary minor in leadership studies on your campus. Invited national webinar of the NASPA Student Leadership Program Knowledge Community, 2009. Frank Shushok (with Scott Moore). Forging student affairs—Faculty partnerships to promote a culture of learning, NASPA Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 2009. Frank Shushok (with Glenn Blalock, Brandon Griggs, Karen Hall, Tiffany Hogue, and Rishi Sriram). Engaged learning groups: A model for faculty-­‐student affairs collaboration. NASPA Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 2009. Frank Shushok (with Tiffany Hogue and Jan Nimmo) Baylor University’s QEP: Lessons from the first two years. Annual Meeting of the Commission on Colleges, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, San Antonio, Texas, 2008. Frank Shushok. Leadership across the curriculum. Invited Presentation to the University of Richmond Jepson School Summer Institute for Leadership and the Liberal Arts, Richmond, Virginia, 2008. Frank Shushok (with Doug Henry, Scott Moore, Rishi Sriram, and Jane Wright). Brooks Residential College: Changing the essence of residential life. NASPA Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, 2008. Frank Shushok (with Jane Wright). Powerful learning through design and collaboration: Establishing a residential college within a traditional housing system. NASPA Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 2007. Frank Shushok (with Eileen Hulme, Tabatha Jones, and Dub Oliver). Discovering a calling: How colleges enable students to discover meaning and purpose. NASPA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2006. Frank Shushok (with Eileen Hulme, Shara Durham, Dub Oliver, and Michael Shonrock). [Pre-­‐Conference Workshop]. A strengths approach to student development: A new lens for the field. NASPA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2006. Frank Shushok (with Jane Wright). Enriching your community through design. SWACUHO Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, 2006. Frank Shushok (with Eileen Hulme and Dub Oliver). Helping students lead extraordinary lives: Embracing a strengths perspective. NASPA Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, 2005. 14
Frank Shushok. Does honors add value to an undergraduate education? Invited presentation to the annual meeting of the National Collegiate Honors Council, Chicago, Illinois, 2003. Frank Shushok (with Robert Kelley). What student affairs professions do when no one is looking: Values over consequences. NASPA Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, 2002. Frank Shushok. Assessing student outcomes in honors programs. Invited presentation to the annual meeting of the National Collegiate Honors Council, Washington, DC, 2000. Frank Shushok. A foundation for leadership: Exploring values and ethics on college campuses. Invited presentation to the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders, Washington, D.C., 2000. Frank Shushok (with Robert Birnbaum). The crisis in higher education. Research paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Miami, Florida, 1998. Frank Shushok. Professional insights: Challenging issues for Greek life professionals. Western Regional Greek Conference, San Francisco, California, 1997. Frank Shushok. Risk Management: Helping students take responsibility for poor choices. Western Regional Greek Conference, San Francisco, California, 1995. Frank Shushok. Building a new house on an old foundation: A new model for housing fraternities and sororities on college and university campuses. Association of Fraternity Advisors Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, 1994. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (SELECTED) • Consultation, Strategic Planning, Housing and Food Services, Purdue University, 2012. • Consultation, Student Affairs Division, St. Francis University, Loretta, Pennsylvania, 2012. • Consultation with Town and Gown of Tallahassee, Florida, 2011 • Consultation, student life programs, Eastern Nazarene University, 2010. • Consultation, residential college design, National University of Singapore, 2007. • Consultation, residential life programs, Trinity Western University, Langley, British Columbia, 2007. • Consultation, residential life design, Houston Baptist University, Houston, Texas, 2007. • Peer review of student life programs, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, 2006. • Accreditation site team review committee, Commission on Colleges, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Tennessee Tech University, 2006. • Consultation, Honors College, Albion College, 2005. • Consultation, Honors College, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2004. 15
Professional Association Service • Faculty, ACUHO-­‐I Chief Housing Officers Institute, Orlando, Florida, 2010. • Faculty, James C. Grimm National Housing Training Institute, University of Maryland, 2005, 2006. • NASPA Conference program planning committee, 2009. • NASPA National conference program reviewer, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. • NASPA Faculty coordinator/evaluator, graduate student case study competition, 2004, 2005, 2006. • NASPA Region II Advisory Board Member, 1998-­‐2000. Other Professional Service • National conference program reviewer, International Leadership Association, 2009 • Symposium Associate, National Leadership Symposium, University of Richmond, 2000. • Session Coordinator, National Interfraternity Conference Undergraduate Institute, Butler University, 1997. • Facilitator, National Interfraternity Conference Undergraduate Institute, UCLA, 1995, 1996. • Facilitator, Safe Working Environment Project, Northern Arizona University, 1995-­‐97. • Workshops Chair, National Interfraternity Conference/Association of Fraternity Advisors Annual Conference, Orlando Annual Meeting, 1996. • Budget Director, Association of Inter-­‐Mountain Housing Officers Annual Meeting, 1995. Virginia Tech • Search Committee, Vice President for Development & University Relations, 2014. • Search Committee, Associate Vice President for International Education, 2014. • Search Committee, Director of University Honors, 2014. • Department of Agricultural and Extension Education Advisory Council, 2013-­‐present. • Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management Advisory Council, 2012-­‐present. • Search Committee Chair, Associate Vice President for Facilities, 2012. • Search Committee Chair, Director of Communications, 2012. • Periodic Review Committee, Associate Vice President for Student Success, 2012. • Periodic Review Committee Chair, Dean of Students, 2012. • Search Committee, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, 2012. • Co-­‐instructor, Faculty Development Institute, Inclusive teaching and mentoring, 2012 • Search Committee, Director of Compliance and Conflict Resolution, 2012. • President’s Task Force on Strategic and Long-­‐Range Planning, 2011. • Search Committee, Deputy Chief Facilities Officer, 2011. • Executive Development Institute, 2011. • SACS-­‐QEP Faculty Innovation Team, 2010. • SACS-­‐QEP First-­‐year Experience Proposal Selection Committee, 2010. • University Unions and Student Activities Future Directions Task Force, 2010. 16
• Ambler-­‐Johnston Residential Colleges Board of Trustees, 2010-­‐present. Baylor University • National Survey for Student Engagement (NSSE) Use and Review Committee, 2007-­‐
2009. • Search Committee, Professor of Higher Education, 2008; Medical Director, Health Services, 2008. • Chair, University Chaplain and Dean for University Ministries Search Committee, 2007. • Trustee: Brooks Residential College, 2007-­‐2009; Honors Residential College, 2007-­‐
2009. • Retention Task Force, 2004-­‐07. • SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) QEP (Quality Enhancement Plan) Selection Committee, 2005. • SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) Integrated Assessment Committee, 2005. • School of Engineering and Computer Science Living-­‐Learning Center Steering Committee, 2004. • Honors College Living-­‐Learning Center Steering Committee, 2004. University of Maryland • College of Letters and Sciences Pre-­‐Medical and Dental Admissions Advisor, 2000-­‐2002. • House Co-­‐Director, Delta Delta Delta Sorority, 1997-­‐2001. GRANTS & FELLOWSHIPS • Recipient, ACUHO-­‐I Research and Assessment Grant, 2003. • NASPA Region III Research and Assessment Grant, 2003. • TACUSPA Research Development Grant, 2003. • Research Grant, National Collegiate Honors Council, 2001. • Doctoral Fellowship, National Order of Omega Foundation, 2000. • Doctoral Fellowship, Phi Kappa Tau Educational Foundation, 1999. • Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant, Graduate School, University of Maryland, 1998. • Educational Policy and Leadership Travel Grant, University of Maryland, 1998. AWARDS and HONORS • The Research and Publication Award, ACUHO-­‐I, 2015. • The Anderson Inspiration Award, Noel Strengths Academy, 2014. • ACPA College Student Educators—International Diamond Honoree, 2014. • Selected Class Honoree, Virginia Tech Class of 2015. • Inducted into the ACUHO-­‐I Foundation of Excellence, 2003. 17
Alumni Award for Potential for Significant Contribution to the Field of Higher Education, The Ohio State University Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration Graduate Program, 1998 Selected for the Study of Higher Education Graduate Policy Institute, Miami, 1998. President’s Award for Outstanding Service, Northern Arizona University, 1997. Western Region Outstanding Area Coordinator, Association of Fraternity Advisors, 1996. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: American College Personnel Administrators, 1992-­‐present Association for the Study of Higher Education, 1998-­‐present International Leadership Association, 2006-­‐present National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, 1992-­‐present September, 2015 18